
时间:2022-11-11 12:49:14 | 来源:语文通



亲情的作文 篇1初中亲情类作文 篇2亲情的作文 篇3初中亲情类作文 篇4初中亲情类作文 篇5亲情的作文 篇6写亲情的作文 篇7关于亲情的作文 篇8亲情作文 篇9写亲情的作文 篇10

亲情的作文 篇1


The dining table was silent, and only the sound of the clock was heard. I buried my head and grabbed food from my mouth without saying a word. From time to time, I stole a glance at my father. He was frowning and worried, as if he was thinking about something. I'm afraid it was because of the phone call just now


"Ling --" I picked up the phone to find my father. I handed the phone to him. My heart was full of doubts. The familiar voice on the other end of the phone was my aunt who was far away in Hunan. She rarely called. Even if she did, it was never like today. Her voice was choked with sobs


Dad took the receiver and listened. His face turned from sunny to overcast. I watched him nervously, speculating and worrying. Finally, Dad hung up. "What happened?" I hastened to greet him and asked him. Without saying a word, my father went back to the table silently. The atmosphere had been so stiff. Finally, the mother asked the reason from her father:


My father's hometown is Hunan. He is the eldest son and came to Beijing to work alone, while my uncle and aunt still stay in Hunan together. Grandma usually lives with her aunt and uncle. It is said that the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law is the most difficult, but aunts and grandmothers always get along well, perhaps because of the "complementary personality" relationship between a grumpy grandma and a virtuous aunt. However, Grandma is not very clear in her mind when she is old. Sometimes she will do something that makes her sad or impatient. Sometimes the aunt who has served Grandma for a long time will complain, and Grandma will never tolerate it. Recently, "small wars" have broken out between them from time to time. But this time, my aunt's words were too heavy. It was as heavy as a hammer, and she almost knocked Grandma down


That day, Grandma kicked the baby sitter out of the house. When she got home, she was furious at cleaning up half of the house: "The baby sitter left. What can you do with the housework? If you have the ability, you can do it. Don't you always say that the eldest son is good? Why didn't he call you on the Mid Autumn Festival? Don't you always say that girls are filial? Why don't you come to her house? Why don't you stay at my house and let us serve you when you eat and drink?"


Speaking of this, my father's face was slightly apologetic: "On the day of the Mid Autumn Festival, I was busy on business, so..."


It is said that Grandma stumbled when she heard this, almost fell down, and then sat in the sofa without saying a word. She stared straight ahead. She didn't eat dinner that day, and it was useless for others to persuade her


I was silent and surprised. My aunt always treats people warmly. My memory of her is always fixed in the hands holding a handful of candy and the smile that is brighter than the sun. How could such a kind aunt


Mother didn't seem so surprised. She shook her head. "It's not my aunt's fault. As a daughter-in-law, she's pretty good." "Can you blame Grandma?" I asked excitedly. "Of course, you can't blame Grandma. The old man is always capricious sometimes, old children and old children." "Then since both of them are right, why can't such a thing be avoided?" Mother sighed, "There is something called kinship. Your aunt and your grandmother have no kinship, so your grandmother will be sad if she says this. If she is a son, she will still be a son, she will be a bone and flesh, and she will also love. Maybe this is called kinship." I was silent for a few seconds: "But my aunt and grandma are also relatives!" Mom smiled: "This is different. After all, there is no blood relationship. Sometimes, don't be too serious about old people. Be tolerant. If you take a step back, it may be a big deal... But," Mom smiled, "it's easy to say this, but it's difficult to do it. Your grandma is irritable, and your aunt is quite tolerant!"


I went back to my room, closed the door and sat quietly on the sofa. As the saying goes, "Every family has its own difficulties." In this family dispute, I think all the family members should be hurt. "Home", what a warm word! In my opinion, as a member of the family, they are all connected by something called kinship. No matter whether it is thick or thin, I still firmly believe that it is warm enough to melt all the ice and strong enough to break all the contradictions. Perhaps, a little tolerance, a little understanding, to give everyone, is the happiness of Tianlun


Don't forget that there is always something called kinship around you

初中亲情类作文 篇2


Nowadays, our children have too many "delicacies" - fried string, hot strip, "one tendon"... many students eat with relish, but I don't like it. My favorite food is Grandma's home cooking.


Steamed buns, rolls and steamed stuffed buns are not small, white and fragrant. They are better than those bought on the street or cooked in restaurants. As for vegetables, celery and potatoes, braised eggplant, stewed vegetables... Simple home-made dishes can always produce different delicacies in Grandma's hands! Grandma also often makes fried cakes, beef noodles, and bean noodles, which are authentic! When it comes to holidays, Grandma will spend more time making dumplings, dumplings, naked oats noodles, and pies, so that my "little greedy cat" can eat my belly. Every time I go back to my grandma's house, my "top priority" is to "eat hard". While eating, I boast: "It's delicious! Grandma can open a restaurant!" Grandma always kept silent and looked at me with a smile.


One day, when I was chatting with my father, I exclaimed, "Grandma is so good at cooking. Dad, you were so happy when you were young!" Unexpectedly, Dad looked serious and said, "I couldn't have such a good meal when I was young! In winter, it's basically potatoes, cabbage, carrots. I can only eat meat or eggs once a week." I asked doubtfully: "Why? Don't Grandma hurt you?" Dad said, "Of course not. At that time, the living conditions were not good. Besides, there were raw materials. Grandma was busy working and didn't have time to do it. You don't know, Grandma couldn't cook before. She learned all her skills in recent years."


I was surprised: "However, the food cooked by Grandma is really delicious! Ordinary restaurants can't match it!" "Yes! You've always been in good health since you ate Grandma's home-made meals, so you rarely get sick. It's all Grandma's credit! But you know, in order to learn to cook, your grandma spent how much time studying recipes, and how much effort arranging food matches..." After listening to these, I deeply realized Grandma's painstaking care: she is cooking my healthy meal with all her love.


Grandma's home-made food is unusual!

亲情的作文 篇3


Kinship is the strongest chain in the world, which tightly 'locks together the hearts of a family; Kinship is a connection of soul, soul and even character; It is ordinary and great, ordinary and magical.


I remember that when I was in kindergarten, I went to school just after the New Year, and my classmates talked happily about the beauty of spring flowers, but I didn't think it was any good. Because I didn't cover the quilt last night, my teeth trembled in the morning. The classmate in the class said, "Look, his lips are blue." After a few classes, I came home very uncomfortable and fell asleep in bed.

初中亲情类作文 篇4


Kinship is mother's gentle spring breeze, giving you confidence; Kinship is my father's heroic love like the Yellow River CN] strong; Kinship, or even the moving interpretation in the natural world, makes you moved... Kinship is the little details in life, like the light winter sunshine, gently warming you, like the continuous spring breeze and rain, quietly moistening you


In a hot summer. I am catching cicadas with my friends. We are so happy to play. Not only is Grandpa Sun angry. We've been catching them! About seven or eight! We just sat under the tree to enjoy the cool. Somehow, I had a headache, my face was pale, and my head was sweating. When my friends saw me like this, they sent me home. My mother quickly carried me to the hospital without saying a word. I raised my head and said to my mother weakly, "Mom, where are we going?" "Go to the hospital!" "Mom said anxiously." But it's still far from the hospital! Let's not go! I'm fine. " I said in a good voice. "No, we must go, no matter how far away we are." My mother's words were a little harsh. I was frightened by her words and didn't dare to say anything. After a while, I fell asleep.


"Dream, dream, wake up." Mother shouted loudly. "Mom, what are you doing?" I replied. "You see the hospital is here. Let the doctor check it quickly!" Mom smiled and said to me. I looked at my mother affectionately with tears in my eyes. "Silly boy, why are you crying? Mom is not tired." Mom said gently. I went to the doctor and sat down. The doctor explained the current situation. The doctor said that I had sunstroke and would stay in the hospital for three days. My mother and I came to the ward. I sat on the bed, smiled and said, "Mom, you have worked hard, and I love you." I kissed my mother. "I love you too." Mother said lovingly. I looked at my mother's deep concave eyes and wrinkles around her eyes. Tears poured out like a flood and could not be stopped. In the next few days, my mother took care of me carefully, and I got out of the hospital.


Mom! You send me umbrellas in rainy days and cotton padded jackets in winter. Failure is your encouragement. Success is your reminder... Your love flows into my heart like a river.


Mom! What can I do to repay you?

初中亲情类作文 篇5


If I remember correctly, there was a 14-year-old girl who quarreled with her mother because of trivial matters and ran away from home in anger. She walked for a long time, and saw a noodle stand in front of her, which was fragrant and hot. Then she felt hungry. However, she felt through her pockets and didn't even have a coin.


The owner of the noodle stand was a very kind old woman. When she saw her standing there, she asked, "Son, do you want to eat noodles?" "But I have no money with me." She answered with some embarrassment. "Never mind, I'll treat you."


My wife brought me a bowl of wonton and a dish of vegetables. She was grateful, and just ate a few mouthfuls, tears suddenly fell down and fell into the bowl. "What's wrong with you?" The old woman asked with concern. "I'm fine. I'm just grateful." She wiped her tears and said to the old woman, "We don't know each other, and you are so kind to me. But how can my own mother treat me? I quarreled with her, and she threw me out and told me not to go back!"


After listening to this, the old lady said calmly, "Son, why do you think so? Think about it, I just cooked a bowl of wonton for you to eat, and you are so grateful to me. Why don't you thank your own mother for cooking for you for more than ten years? Why do you have to quarrel with her?"


The girl froze. Sometimes, we will be "grateful" for the small favors given by others, but "turn a blind eye" to the lifelong kindness of our relatives.


Calm down and think about it. How many things have we done to our parents? There is a truth in the world. It is true that in the past ten years of childhood, if they want to leave you alone, they will leave you alone. If you make a mistake, they can even abandon you. Why not? Because you are their closest person - silent love, but silence is better than voice!

亲情的作文 篇6


He is tall and a little fat, but he is not too fat at a height of more than 1.7 meters. He always likes to cheat me to his house, and then he pinches my fat face hard, until I cry in pain, and then he will let me go. I always touch my face, stamp my feet at him, and lose my temper. However, he always laughed, which was really embarrassing.


It was the summer of six years ago. He said that he was uncomfortable. He never saw a doctor easily. His family sent him to the hospital for examination. The result was a bolt from the blue. What he got was lung cancer. Since then, he has not seen his happy smile and lovely expression. What he sees is only his eyebrows are locked, his teeth are clenched, and sometimes he coughs out of breath. " Oh, my God, I vomited blood. "I saw the black blood vomited out of his mouth one by one. It seemed that the hourglass of his life was gradually coming to the end


Within half a month, he was lying in bed, unable to move, and the smell of Chinese herbal medicine pervaded the house. Looking at his thin yellow face, I could hardly recognize him. I don't remember whether it was a dream or a real night, when I helped him take a walk, he suddenly stopped and said to me, "Stinky girl, don't cry after I die." That sentence came out of his mouth so seriously, so seriously, I felt a cold current of sadness coming to me.


That day came, he left me like this, and I listened to his words, "Don't cry, don't cry, I can't let him down." I silently recited in my heart. I knew that there was a warm liquid flowing freely on my face.


Later, when I was alone, I always thought of him and wanted to say to him, "Grandpa, I'm sorry, I haven't forgotten your love. I really want you to come back and squeeze me hard on my fat face. I will not be angry with you by stamping my feet."


Time, can you go back?

写亲情的作文 篇7


Family is a song, blame is bass; Praise is a high voice; Concern and missing are the main melody of family love. Today I would like to share with you a family story that happened around me.


I remember that I only got 88 points in the last monthly math exam, which was the worst one ever. It was not easy to get through school, so I took the test paper and walked home. Looking at everything around me, I felt that the flowers were not as colorful as usual, and the grass was also dejected. At this time, a bird flew to my head and chirped, as if to say: "You are so stupid, you can't even write such a simple question!" I looked at the red forks on the paper and said to myself, "I have to eat fried shredded pork with leather belt when I go home."


Entering the house, I found my mother sitting at the table. There were several plates on the table, with milk, jelly, soda cookies, fruit, strawberry cake... When my mother saw that I was not looking well, she asked, "Yao Yao, are you sick or did you fail in the exam?" Hey! It's really hard to open a pot. I stammered and said, "Well... this time, I only got 8... 88 points." My eyes were afraid to look at my mother, for fear that she would be angry. But my mother smiled and said, "88, is it lucky to find this number? Eat the dessert quickly, and let your 'omnipotent mother' teach you!" I was amused by my mother's funny words, so I put down my schoolbag and quickly ate the dessert. Let my mother guide me to correct the wrong questions. After the correction, my mother copied my wrong questions in another book and asked me to answer them again. After writing, mother checked "all right!" My mother and I laughed happily.


Kinship is a harbor in sailing. When we hit the rocks again and again, we sailed in slowly. There were no strong winds and waves here. We can stay here for a while to repair the wounds and sail high again.

关于亲情的作文 篇8


There is a bottle of aromatherapy on my dresser, and the snow is boiled in Kunlun.


The oil is infused with dark green fir trees and brown pine nuts. The pine cone shines like a pearl. There are three vines in the bottle, giving off a delicate fragrance. The crisp fragrance floats over my nose, and I feel cool. When I walk in, I smell the fragrance of osmanthus and gardenia. Isn't it winter between autumn and spring? I can't help thinking of sitting by the heater in winter, watching the flames beating, soft and warm.


My mouth opened carelessly, and the fragrance got into my mouth very mischievously. At that moment, I felt like drinking slightly hot milk tea. It was not milk tea in a small shop, but it was boiled by my mother with milk and black tea. It was silky and tasted like boiled water. Does the boiled water taste? Of course, there is. Don't the snow in winter taste? It is cold and clear, with the fragrance of leaves.


What I like most in winter is the snow, and sleeping in the quilt on a snowy day is an unforgettable comfort in my life. However, the snow in the south is very wet. It melts when it touches your hands, and turns into water after being cold and piercing. Every time I go home after playing with snow, my body is wet, my hands are red and hard with cold, and I don't have a snowman. When I got home, my mother always blamed my shoes, socks and down jackets for being wet. Then she took me to the heater and brought out the steaming chicken soup noodles. They smelled delicious and salty. Several green onions floated on them, surrounded by oil rings of different depths. Maybe what you get from cooking snow is to be happy and relaxed, just like the cold green bean soup that grandpa brought when you came in in summer.

亲情作文 篇9


It's been a long time, but I still can't forget it. One night at 8:30, my mother came to my bed. Touch my forehead, "ah" screamed. Grandma and other people were awakened by my mother's screams. It turns out that I have a fever. So my mother dressed me. At this moment, I said to my mother, "Mom, I want to vomit!", "Wow", I vomited out. An unpleasant smell pervaded the whole room. "Wow" again and vomited all the food. Mom quickly grabbed my clothes and put them on, picked me up and rushed out. It was raining heavily outside. My mother ran in the rain with me in her arms. A few drops of rain fell on my face. I saw my mother's face full of anxiety. My mother took me to the hospital. "Doctor, doctor! My daughter has a fever, which is very severe!" The doctor comforted my mother. "Don't worry. It's OK. It's OK. Your daughter will be fine."


In this way, the night passed. Mother sat at the bedside and looked at me quietly. I hugged my mother and cried. My mother comforted me and said, "It's all right. You're all right now."


I looked at my mother, who was full of pale colors. "Mom, thank you. Mom, I love you!"

写亲情的作文 篇10


Time is changing, times are changing, and feelings are also changing.


When I was young, I didn't know anything. Adults always thought it was annoying. I really lived in my hometown as a child. My parents worked outside. I lived with my grandparents. Usually my grandparents treat me very well. But once I went to hide and seek with my neighbor's partner at night, because she hid too deeply, and I didn't find her in the evening. Until late at night, I couldn't see the way ahead. I squatted there crying for a long time, and finally the familiar voice came over. I saw many people shouting my name with lights, and I shouted loudly. They found me. Later, my grandpa thanked the villagers who were looking for me, and then everyone went home. All the way, I thought that Grandma would not scold me, and I would definitely have delicious snacks! But as soon as I got home, Grandma took me by the hand and hit me on the bottom a few times, which made me cry. Since then, I have hated her very much. I think she doesn't care about me at all. I haven't seen her for so long, but she doesn't worry about hitting me when she comes back. Hateful emotions spread quickly. I often frighten her with something. I did what she asked me to do in reverse, and once she cried angrily. She sat beside and wiped her tears with her calloused hands, which touched my heart. Until later, I left my grandmother and went to my parents. Because I didn't have much feelings for my grandmother, I quickly adapted to her here and didn't miss my home too much. Sometimes I only go home during the winter and summer holidays when festivals are coming.


After a while, my brother was almost hit by a car when he was crossing the street because he didn't listen to his mother. After returning home, my mother didn't talk with my brother kindly. As soon as I got home, I hit my brother and he cried for a long time. Later, I asked my mother why she beat him instead of telling him patiently? Mother said meaningfully that she beat him to make him remember long and patiently tell him if he can listen? Such a dangerous thing. The mother looked at the younger brother and fell into deep thought, as if the matter just appeared in front of her. That remark made me suddenly realize that hitting doesn't mean not loving, but sometimes he loves more and cares more. At that moment, my feelings for Grandma seemed to change. I didn't love going home, but I wanted to go home so badly.


In the future life, my feelings for them are getting deeper and deeper. Every time I leave home, tears will always fill my eyes.