《昆虫记》好词好句摘抄 篇1《昆虫记》好词好句摘抄 篇2《昆虫记》好词好句摘抄 篇3《昆虫记》好词好句摘抄 篇4《昆虫记》好词好句摘抄 篇1
1. There used to be a dozen water beetles lurking in the water of the glass pond. Their swimming posture aroused my great interest. One day, I accidentally dropped two handfuls of stone silkworms, which were just seen by the water beetles beside the potential stones. They immediately swam to the water surface and quickly seized the small sheath of the stone silkworm. The stone silkworm inside felt that the attack was fierce and difficult to resist, so they came up with a clever plan to get the golden cicada out of its shell, slipped out of the sheath in a hurry, and escaped without a trace in the blink of an eye.
2. However, the stone silkworm is not very good at swimming as a sailor. Its turning or turning movements look clumsy. This is because it only relies on the part of its body stretched out of the sheath as the rudder paddle, and has no other auxiliary tools. When it enjoys enough sunlight, it retracts its front body, expels air, and gradually sinks down.
3. Cicadas like singing very much. It has a cymbal like instrument in the cavity behind its wings. It is not enough, but also a kind of castanet should be placed in the chest to increase the intensity of sound. Indeed, there is a kind of cicada who sacrificed a lot to satisfy his taste in music. Because of this huge castanet, there is no place for living organs, so they have to be pressed into the smallest corner of the body. Of course, if you want to devote yourself to music enthusiastically, you have to narrow the internal organs to place musical instruments.
4. When the poor locust moved to the point where the mantis could just touch it, the mantis immediately used its weapons without mercy, hit the poor locust hard with its powerful "palm", and then pressed it hard with the two saws. Therefore, no matter how tenacious the little prisoner resisted, it was of no use. Next, the brutal devil winner began to chew its booty. It must be very proud. In this way, it is the mantis's unchanging creed to treat the enemy like the autumn wind sweeping away the fallen leaves.
《昆虫记》好词好句摘抄 篇2
1 。 半透明的黄色如蜜的色彩,看来真如琥珀雕成的一般。
1 。 The translucent yellow color is like honey, which looks like amber carving.
2 。 很少有昆虫能比这个小动物更美丽,翼盘在中央,像折叠的宽阔领带,前臂位于头部之下。
2 。 Few insects are more beautiful than this small animal. The wing plate is in the center, like a wide folded tie, and the forearm is under the head.
3 。 蝉“为饥饿所驱”。“为口渴所苦”。
3 。 Cicadas are driven by hunger. "Suffering from thirst".
4 。 当我考察它们的储藏室时,我是用手斧来“开掘”的。这个开掘用在这里很生动。
4 。 When I inspected their storeroom, I used a hand axe to "dig". This excavation is very vivid here.
5 。 其实,它的举措简直像矿工或是铁路工程师一样。矿工用支柱支持隧道,铁路工程师利用砖墙使地道坚固。
5 。 In fact, its actions are almost like miners or railway engineers. The miners supported the tunnel with pillars, and the railway engineers strengthened the tunnel with brick walls.
6 。 然后,它会表演一种奇怪的体操,身体腾起在空中,只有一点固着在旧皮上,翻转身体,使头向下,花纹满布的翼,向外伸直,竭力张开。
6 。 Then, it will perform a strange kind of gymnastics. The body will rise in the air, with only one point fixed on the old leather. The body will be turned over so that the head is down. The patterned wings will stretch out and open as far as possible.
7 。 当然了,要热心“委身于”音乐,那么只有缩小内部的器官,来安置乐器了。
7 。 Of course, if you want to devote yourself to music enthusiastically, you have to shrink the internal organs to place musical instruments.
8 。 蝉与我“比邻相守”,到现在已有十五年了,每个夏天差不多有两个月之久,“它们总不离我的视线,而歌声也不离我的耳畔”。
8 。 Cicadas and I have been "close neighbors" for 15 years now, and almost two months each summer.
9 。 这样几下抖动便去掉了舍腰蜂刚刚初具规模的窠巢,就是在这个时候,在这么短暂的时间里,它的蜂巢居然已经有一个橡树果子那样大了,真让人始料不及。它们可真是一些让人惊奇的小动物。
9 。 Such a few shakes removed the nest of the wasp, which had just taken shape. It was at this time that, in such a short time, its hive was as big as an acorn. It was unexpected. They are really some amazing animals.
10 。 临近沟渠的时候,它当然就会注意到这件可喜的事情,于是就匆匆忙忙地跑过来取水边这一点点十分宝贵的泥土。它们不肯轻意放过这没有湿气的时节极为珍稀的发现。
10 。 When it is near the ditch, of course, it will notice this gratifying thing, so it hurries to fetch a little precious soil near the water. They won't let go of this extremely rare discovery in the moisture free season.
11 。 石蚕原本是生长在泥潭沼泽中的芦苇丛里的。在许多时候,它依附在芦苇的断枝上,随芦苇在水中漂泊。那小鞘就是它的活动房子,也可以说是它旅行时随身带的简易房子。
11 。 The stone silkworm originally grew in the reeds in the marsh. In many cases, it is attached to the broken branches of the reed and drifts in the water with the reed. The small scabbard is its mobile house, which can also be said to be a simple house that it takes with it when traveling.
12 。 我们大多数人对于蝉的歌声,总是不大熟悉的,因为它是住在生有洋橄榄树的地方,但是凡读过拉封敦的寓言的人,大概都记得蝉曾受过蚂蚁的嘲笑吧。虽然拉封敦并不是谈到这个故事的第一人。
12 。 Most of us are not familiar with cicadas' songs, because they live in the place where olive trees grow. But anyone who has read the fable of LaFonton probably remembers that cicadas were laughed at by ants. Although LaFonton is not the first person to talk about this story.
13 。 野蛮的水甲虫还在继续凶狠地撕扯着小鞘,直到知道早已失去了想要的食物,受了石蚕的骗,这才显出懊恼沮丧的神情,无限留恋又无可奈何地把空鞘丢下,去别处觅食了。
13 。 The wild water beetle continued to tear the small sheath fiercely until it knew that it had already lost the food it wanted and was deceived by the stone silkworm, which made it look upset and depressed. It had no choice but to leave the empty sheath and look for food elsewhere.
14 。 不过,石蚕并不是十分擅长游泳的水手,它转身或拐弯的动作看上去很笨拙。这是因为它只靠着那伸在鞘外的一段身体作为舵桨,再也没有别的辅助工具了,当它享受了足够的阳光后,它就缩回前身,排出空气,渐渐向下沉落了。
14 。 However, the stone silkworm is not very good at swimming as a sailor. Its turning or turning movements look clumsy. This is because it only relies on the part of its body stretched out of the sheath as the rudder paddle, and has no other auxiliary tools. When it enjoys enough sunlight, it retracts its front body, expels air, and gradually sinks down.
15 。 普通的蝉喜欢把卵产在干的细枝上,它选择最小的枝,粗细大都在枯草与铅笔之间。这些小枝干,垂下的很少,常常向上翘起,并且差不多已经枯死了。
15 。 Common cicadas like to lay their eggs on dry twigs. They choose the smallest branch, which is mostly between the withered grass and the pencil. These twigs, which rarely hang down, often turn up and are almost dead.
16 。 虫,与蝉一样,很能引起人的兴趣,但不怎么出名,因为它不能唱歌。如果它也有一种钹,它的声誉,应比有名的音乐家要大得多,因为它在形状上与习惯上都十分的不平常。它将是一名出色的乐手。
16 。 Insects, like cicadas, are very interesting, but they are not very famous because they cannot sing. If it also has a cymbal, its reputation should be much greater than that of a famous musician, because it is very unusual in shape and habit. It will be an excellent musician.
17 。 这些时候,它是在地底下梨形的巢穴里居住着的。它很渴望冲开硬壳的甲巢,跑到日光里来。但它能否成功,是要依靠环境而定的。
17 。 These days, it lives in a pear shaped nest under the ground. It is eager to break through the hard shell of the nest and run into the sun. But its success depends on the environment.
18 。 假使那贼安然逃走了,主人艰苦做起来的东西,只有自认倒霉。它揩揩颊部,吸点空气,飞走,重新另起炉灶。
18 。 If the thief escapes safely, the master will only admit that he is unlucky if he works hard. It wiped its cheek, sucked some air, flew away, and started anew.
19 。 梨紧贴着地板的部分,已经敷上了细沙。其余的部分,也已磨光得像玻璃一样,这表明它还没有把梨子细细的滚过,不过是塑成形状罢了。
19 。 The pear is close to the floor and has been covered with fine sand. The rest of the pear has also been polished like glass, which indicates that it has not rolled the pear carefully, but it is just shaped.
20 。 这时候它的颜色是红白色,在变成檀木的黑色之前,它是要换好几回衣服的,颜色渐黑,硬度渐强,直到披上角质的甲胄,才是完全长成的甲虫。
20 。 At this time, its color is red and white. Before it becomes black of sandalwood, it needs to change its clothes several times. Its color becomes darker and its hardness becomes stronger, until it is covered with horny armor, it is a fully grown beetle.
21 。 在我自己的工作室里,用大口玻璃瓶装满泥土,为母甲虫做成人工的地穴,并留下一个小孔以便观察它的动作,因此它工作的各项程序我都可以看得见。
21 。 In my own studio, I filled a big mouth glass bottle with soil to make an artificial burrow for the female beetle, and left a small hole to observe its movements, so I can see all the procedures it works.
22 。 我已经说过,古代埃及人以为神圣甲虫的卵,是在我刚才叙述的圆球当中的。这个已经我证明不是如此。关于甲虫被放卵的真实情形,有一天碰巧被我发现了。
22 。 As I have said, the ancient Egyptians thought that the eggs of sacred beetles were in the sphere I just described. I have proved that this is not the case. I happened to find the true situation of the beetle being released one day.
23 。 一会儿,它就要吃了。没有人教它,它也会做,像它的前辈一样,去做一个食物的球,也去掘一个储藏所,储藏食物,一点不用学习,它就完全会从事它的工作。
23 。 In a moment, it will eat. If no one teaches it, it will do the same thing. Like its predecessors, it will make a food ball and dig a storage place to store food. It will completely engage in its work without learning at all.
24 。 当然,我也曾做过这种试验,将干硬壳放在一个盒子里,保持其干燥,或早或迟,听见盒子里有一种尖锐的摩擦声,这是囚徒用它们头上和前足的耙在那里刮墙壁,过了两三天,似乎并没有什么进展。
24 。 Of course, I have also done this experiment. I put the dry hard shell in a box to keep it dry. Sooner or later, I heard a sharp friction sound in the box. This was where the prisoners scraped the wall with the rake on their head and front feet. After two or three days, it seemed that there was no progress.
25 。 它们身体鼓鼓的,像半粒豌豆,鞘翅光滑或有绒毛,通常黑色的鞘翅上有红色或黄色的斑纹,或红色、黄色的鞘翅上有黑色的斑纹,但有些瓢虫,鞘翅黄色、红色或棕色,没有斑点,这些鲜艳的颜色具有警戒的做用,可以吓退天敌。
25 。 Their bodies are bulging, like half a pea, and their coleoptera is smooth or fluffy. Usually, the black coleoptera has red or yellow stripes, or the red or yellow coleoptera has black stripes. But some ladybirds have yellow, red or brown coleoptera, and there are no spots. These bright colors have the function of warning and can scare off natural enemies.
26 。 人不能在生命的旅程中一遇到拦路的荆棘,就把生命当成笨重碍事、一文不值的东西扔掉。
26 。 One cannot throw away life as a cumbersome and worthless thing as soon as one encounters the thorns that block the way in the journey of life.
27 。 螳螂是一种美丽的昆虫,它像一位身材修长的少女。在烈日的草丛中它仪态端庄,严肃半立前爪像人的手臂一样伸向天空,活脱脱一副很诚心诚意的祷告姿势。
27 。 Mantis is a beautiful insect, which looks like a slender girl. In the scorching sun grass, it has a dignified manner. It is serious and half stands with its front paws stretched out to the sky like a human arm, showing a sincere prayer posture.
28 。 你有一处建在房子里面的小池塘吗?在那个小池塘里,你可以随时观察水中生物生活的每一个片断。
28 。 Do you have a small pond built in the house? In that small pond, you can observe every piece of life in the water at any time.
29 。 不久,又有一种突然的改变发生了。从前牺牲一切的母亲,现在对于家族的利益,已不再那么关心了。
29 。 Soon, another sudden change took place. The mother who sacrificed everything in the past is no longer so concerned about the interests of the family.
30 。 自此它们各自开始管理自己的家和自己的利益了。它们彼此之间也就不相互照应了。
30 。 Since then, they have managed their own homes and their own interests. They do not look after each other.
《昆虫记》好词好句摘抄 篇3
Come out of the cocoon, be clear, do your best, get out of the cocoon, be strong and unyielding, know nothing, be careful, be all kinds of, crystal clear, insignificant, awe inspiring, get out of the cocoon, escape, be ugly, go through hardships, don't hesitate, die, be seamless, feel inferior, warm and comfortable, white and meticulous, energetic, spare no effort, swing, sound like thunder, no doubt It is noisy, boastful, inborn, unknown, self assertive, delicious, far away, painstaking, gentle and pleasant, calm, natural, heartless, triumphant, impolite, authentic and strange.
《昆虫记》好词好句摘抄 篇4
1、 见过螳螂的人,都会十分清楚地发现,它的纤细的腰部非常的长。不光是很长,还特别的有力呢。与它的长腰相比,螳螂的大腿要更长一些。而且,它的大腿下面还生长着两排十分锋利的像锯齿一样的东西。在这两排尖利的锯齿的后面,还生长着一些大齿,一共有三个。总之,螳螂的。大腿简直就是两排刀口的锯齿。当螳螂想要把腿折叠起来的时候,它就可以把两条腿分别收放在这两排锯齿的中间,这样是很安全的,不至于自己伤到自己。
1. Anyone who has seen a mantis will clearly find that its slender waist is very long. It is not only very long, but also very powerful. Compared with its long waist, the mantis has longer legs. Moreover, there are two rows of very sharp things like serrations growing under its thighs. Behind these two rows of sharp serrations, there are also some big teeth, a total of three. In short, mantis. The thigh is just two rows of serrations. When the mantis wants to fold its legs, it can put its two legs in the middle of the two rows of serrations, which is very safe and will not hurt itself.
2、 从前埃及人想象这个圆球是地球的模型,蜣螂的动作与天上星球的运转相合。他们以为这种甲虫具有这样多的天文学知识,因而是很神圣的,所以他们叫它“神圣的甲虫”。同时他们又认为,甲虫抛在地上滚的球体,里面装的是卵子,小甲虫是从那里出来的。但是事实上,这仅是它的食物储藏室而已。里面并没有卵子。
2. Once upon a time, the Egyptians imagined that the ball was a model of the earth, and the action of the dung beetle was consistent with the movement of the stars in the sky. They thought that this kind of beetle had so much astronomical knowledge that it was very sacred, so they called it "sacred beetle". At the same time, they thought that the ball that the beetle threw on the ground was filled with eggs, and the small beetle came out from there. But in fact, this is just its food storage room. There are no eggs in it.
3、 有的时候,蜣螂好像是一个善于合作的动物,而这种事情是常常发生的。当一个甲虫的球已经做成,它离开它的同类,把收获品向后推动。一个将要开始工作的邻居,看到这种情况,会忽然抛下工作,跑到这个滚动的球边上来,帮球主人一臂之力。它的帮助当然是值得欢迎的。但它并不是真正的伙伴,而是一个强盗。要知道自己做成圆球是需要苦工和忍耐力的!而偷一个已经做成的,或者到邻居家去吃顿饭,那就容易多了。有的贼甲虫,用很狡猾的手段,有的简直施用武力呢!
3. Sometimes, the dung beetle seems to be a cooperative animal, which often happens. When a beetle's ball has been made, it leaves its kind and pushes the harvest backward. A neighbor who is about to start work, seeing this situation, will suddenly leave his work and run to the rolling ball to help the owner. Its help is certainly welcome. But it is not a true partner, but a bandit. It takes hard work and endurance to make a round ball! It is much easier to steal a finished product or go to a neighbor's house to have a meal. Some thieves and beetles use cunning means, while others simply use force!
4、 最后,它的食品才平安的储藏好了。储藏室是在软土或沙土上掘成的土穴。做的如拳头般大小,有短道通往地面,宽度恰好可以容纳圆球。食物推进去,它就坐在里面,进出口用一些废物塞起来,圆球刚好塞满一屋子,肴馔从地面上一直堆到天花板。在食物与墙壁之间留下一个很窄的小道,设筵人就坐在这里,至多两个,通常只是自己一个。神圣甲虫昼夜宴饮,差不多一个礼拜或两个礼拜,没有一刻停止过。
4. Finally, its food was safely stored. A storeroom is a hole dug in soft or sandy soil. It is as big as a fist, with a short path leading to the ground and just wide enough to hold a ball. When the food is pushed forward, it sits inside. The entrance and exit are stuffed with some waste. The ball just fills the room. The dishes are piled from the ground to the ceiling. Leave a very narrow path between the food and the wall, and the diner will sit here, at most two, usually just himself. The sacred beetles feasted day and night for almost a week or two without stopping for a moment.
5. The nest of a mantis is about an inch or two long and less than an inch wide. The nest is golden and looks like a grain of wheat.
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