
时间:2022-07-05 13:15:48 | 来源:语文通



I have a good friend named "Wang Jiejie", but she is the "iron cock" in our class.Why do you say that? Because she! But it is particularly selfless.


She has a melon seed face, a black hair, a ponytail, her eyes like two small grapes, her nose looks like a hill, and a cherry mouth.


One day, I just came to school, put down my schoolbag, and felt that the schoolbag was empty. I felt an ominous premonition in my heart. What should I do if my child is going to check! "I said to myself. Suddenly, a familiar figure appeared in front of me. It was Wang Yijie, and my heart was calm. My best friend will definitely help me. She came to me and asked, "What about your language documents?" I whispered, "At home, forget to bring it, can you help me?" This At that time, she frowned and said seriously, "You didn't bring it?" I met her with both hands and hoped that she could give me a chance and said, "Yes!" I thought she could let me go, after all, we were Friends, I did not expect that Wang Jiejie did not buy it at all, and said very much, "Then you go to the Chinese teacher yourself!" I heard her words, but I was unwilling, but I still had a hint of hope: " You can help me! "She said mercilessly," No! "" I said it was a good friend, I wouldn't help it at all! "I said angrily. The classmates on the side listened and said, "I do n’t even bring a Chinese document, what do I do!” This made me even more angry.


After a while, a classmate took a picture of my table and said, "The Chinese teacher told you to go to the office."I criticized me, I was grieving, and I burst into tears.Wang Yijie on the side saw it, and quickly came to comfort me, "Don't cry, everyone has a mistake when you make mistakes, as your friend, I must be responsible." After listening to her, I thought about it.In order to make me a habit of storage, I strictly asked me.


I am proud of my responsible, fair and strict friend.



1、铁公鸡:铁公鸡读音为tiě gōng jī,是指比喻极其吝啬的人。 比喻极其吝啬的人铁公鸡 tiě gōng jī词语解释:比喻极其吝啬的人。[iron cock;a stingy person;miser] 比喻极其吝啬的人分词解释:极其:副词,非常;极端:劳动是极其光荣的事情 ㄧ受到了极其深刻的教育。吝啬:过分爱惜财物而不用;小气。...铁公鸡怎么造句,用铁公鸡造句»