
时间:2022-09-10 13:24:07 | 来源:语文通



《一千零一夜》读后感800字 篇1《一千零一夜》读后感 篇2《一千零一夜》读后感 篇3《一千零一夜》读后感 篇4千零一夜读后感 篇5《一千零一夜》读后感 篇6《一千零一夜》读后感 篇7《一千零一夜》读后感 篇8千零一夜读后感 篇9《一千零一夜》读后感 篇10

《一千零一夜》读后感800字 篇1


"One Thousand and One Nights" is a book full of wisdom and beautiful. This is rich in content, the plot of the story is bizarre, showing the characteristics of goodness, evil, ugly, and beauty on earth.It is not only a bright pearl in the treasure trove of the world, but also a good book with a strong life atmosphere and distinctive national characteristics.It tells the beautiful twists and turns of the Arab world.These stories are condensed by the wisdom and talents of the Arab nation. Many stories in the book are well -known, such as "Alibaba and Forty Thieves", "God Lantern", "The Adventures of the Simdard Navigation" and so on.


They are full of twists and turns and rich imaginations, mostly moving."The Adventures of Sinbard Navigation" tells that a businessman went to sea seven times and met species every time he went to sea.It is difficult to grind, and he overcome these difficulties one by one, and finally became a rich man.The story of the "Prodigy Steller Gold Case" tried the story of a case of a smart judge who could not review the case, telling us that we could not ignore the details.


However, my impression of "Alibaba and the Forty Thief" is the most impressive.The article tells the story of a young man named Alibaba.Once, he went to the mountain to cut firewood, and accidentally found the Treasure Cave of Forty Thieves, and knew the secrets.So after stolen, I installed three bags of gold and went home.However, because of his brother's greed, he not only lost his life, but also exposed Alibaba.The robbers were looking for Alibaba and vowed to get revenge.


One day, Alibaba's nephew, who did not know the inside, brought the head of the robber dressed as a businessman to home, but the robbers' head was discovered by the clever and careful maid, and she killed the robber's head when she danced to help.


Later, Alibaba came to the treasure of the treasure and took out the gold coins to the poor.


In the story, Alibaba is simple and kind, loves the poor, does not greedy money; Malkina is smart, meticulous, witty, brave, and Malkina's wisdom to admire me very much.


There are many stories in the book. The story of "Merchant and Devil" makes me understand that when I encounter difficulties, I must be diligent and courageous to overcome it."Hash Bu and the Queen of the Snake" made me understand that doing integrity and not being credible.The story of "Aladdin God Lantern" made me understand that being a person must be kind.


The fairy tales in this book let me realize that being honest, not to take advantage of others, you should strive for yourself.I also understand that when you encounter problems, don't be nervous, afraid, as long as you work hard, there are solutions to any difficulties.I think: We work hard to make our ability to fulfill their ability to make our lives full of miracles!

《一千零一夜》读后感 篇2


Speaking of "One Thousand and One Nights", everyone must be familiar with, and I believe everyone will definitely find their favorite stories.


My favorite in "One Thousand and One Nights" is the story of "Aladdin God Lantern".


When reading "Aladdin God Lantern", I was deeply attracted by the vivid storyline.Seeing that Aladdin did not do it since he was a child, he was taken to find the magic lamp when he grew up, and my curiosity was led.With the magical role of the magic lantern, I perceive the infinite charm of imagination: from Africa to China, from China to Africa is a blink of an eye; a palace is built overnight, and it is cleverly worked in the Grand Run, the US roundBeautiful, this magical scene can only appear in mythology. How can you not let readers marvel at it?


I know that this story is fictional, it just reflects the people's beautiful wishes, otherwise how can a poor boy marry a beautiful princess and live a happy life?But I still like this story.


From this story, I also understand a truth: good and evil will be reported in the end, and the magician will harm others. If he pulls Aladdin out, maybe the magic lamp belongs to him, but he is inadequate and thinks that others think others.The same is true, so he did not get the magic lamp.So we must be kind and open -minded.The story in "One Thousand and One Nights" is fun, full of imagination, bizarre plot, and thought -provoking.


Gorky once said, "Books are the stairs of human progress!" And I think "One Thousand and One Nights" will insert the wings of imagination for our progress.

《一千零一夜》读后感 篇3


Reading a good book is like talking to many noble people.The book is the ladder of human progress.These celebrity quotes described books let me experience the value of the book from it.As a result, I couldn't wait to take the money that I was hard to save to the bookstore.I only saw the bookstore with customers like the past, and a row of flowers and green books on the bookshelves made me dazzling.


After an hour of selection, I finally chose a storytelling story named "One Thousand and One Nights".It is said that "One Thousand and One Nights" is a collection of ancient Arab folk stories. It is called "Arab Night" in the West, but my country has a special name: "Tianfang Ye Tan".


Why is there this classical masterpiece "One Thousand and One Nights"?And why is it the word night?This question is well asked. The word "night" is indeed the same as small. It has a huge connection with the origin of "One Thousand and One Nights".It is said that in ancient times, after King San San was betrayed by the queen, he hated all women and became very brutal.He married a woman as a wife every day, and killed her tomorrow morning, and then married one.In order to save the innocent woman, Lu Zuode, the daughter of the prime minister, came forward and voluntarily married the king.She uses a story every night to attract the king. Those stories are so moving "The Story of Aladdin and the Lantern", "The Story of Sinbada", "The Story of Fishermen, Devils and Four Fish" ...In this way, she talked about a thousand and one night, and finally made the king regret.


A story in "One Thousand and One Nights" makes me like it very much.Jutt's elder brother in the story is overbearing and unreasonable.In order to get all the treasures obtained by his brother Jutt, he wanted to kill Jutt and his other brother.But Jutan is kind and generous, even if the brothers did to him before, he did not hate them.Fortunately, the princess did not marry Jite's brother, but killed him when he was drunk, and broke the hand drill that could make people very lucky.


I realized from it: there is warmth on earth, but at the same time ambush is cold.We will try all kinds of different lives, sweet and bitter, and in the end we will be happy.Without encountering difficulties and setbacks, how can you slowly become strong?How can there be the joy of success without failure?Without the feeling of pain, how can you experience the feeling of happiness?


"One Thousand and One Nights" made me summarize a truth: the important life is not money, as the saying goes, the money is outside.Family affection, friendship ... Only compose our colorful life, we should cherish it.

《一千零一夜》读后感 篇4


what!One thousand and one night, this name is familiar!


I firmly believe that everyone must read the book "One Thousand and One Nights"!But do you understand what a thousand and one night means?I think everyone will definitely say the meaning of one thousand and one night: one thousand and one night.So do you know what a thousand and one night refers to in the story?Let me tell you!In the story, the thumb is the story of Shan Ludozer here for a thousand and one night, and use the storytelling to let himself protect himself. Unfortunately, there is no storytelling in the book in the case.Whether Germany was telling stories or was killed.However, everyone must look forward to telling stories again in the case of 10,000 and two nights. Because Shanruzod is a beautiful, well -known talent, and full of intelligent women.


One night, she tells many stories, such as: the story of the dyeing division and the hairdresser. The story of the dyeing and hairdresser mainly tells a lazy, insidious dyee, Venn, and the hairdresser who is just right.This can be proven from "The Story of Washing Misters and Baggers": It is difficult for lazy people to get the nostalgia of God, and hard -working people can always get God's nostalgia.It can be said that integrity win the world.I think, if everyone can be as honest as a hairdresser Suier, how happy the world should be!


Naturally, other stories in the book "One Thousand and One Nights" also have a very good metaphor.

千零一夜读后感 篇5


In the summer vacation, I asked my mother to buy me a book called "One Thousand and One Nights".There are many wonderful stories in it.


According to legend, there was a king named Shan Nuya. His king betrayed him. In order to retaliate against the world, he married a woman, but he would kill her the next day.In order to save the innocent girls, Sanlu Zhuo, the prime minister's daughter, to prevent the king's cruel way.So I thought about a way to ask the king to marry her as a wife, and tell a beautiful story to the king every night. These stories make the king hear as immersive and intoxicated, but every time I talk about the wonderful place, it will light up.It's right.In order to listen to these wonderful stories, the king was always reluctant to kill her.In this way, she talked about a thousand and one night, which moved the king, so that the king stopped his brutal behavior and stood her as the queen.This is the origin of the book "One Thousand and One Nights".


The stories told by the queen are as many stars, such as "The Story of the Sea Girl and Her Son", "The Story of the Blind Old Man" and "The Story of Stupid Man, Donkeys and Liar", which not only lively and wonderful, but also bring people a lot of lifereason".But the story of "Alibaba and the Forty Thieves" is also deeply influenced.


The story mainly talks about Alibaba in the forest inadvertently discovered the Tibetan bonds of the robbers. In order to remove harm for the people, he risked his life and used the wisdom of Superman. With the help of his own nanny, he finally took forty fiercely vicious.EssenceThe robbers were all eliminated, and all the property in the treasure house was divided into poor people.His fearless spirit and love make the world admire.This story allows me to understand a truth that can really help others. It is not enough to have love alone, but also the wisdom of courage to face difficulties and solving problems.


The protagonist in the story can face the terrible enemies, and the frustrations that happened around me, but why did I not be able to do it?I usually encounter a little frustration in my life, and I am frustrated, and even stunned. If I let me face so many setbacks like Alibaba in the story, I really don't know what it will look like!


Therefore, I am determined to study like Alibaba and his nanny to be a brave, wise and caring person.

《一千零一夜》读后感 篇6


The must -read for our semester is "One Thousand and One Nights", "One Thousand and One Nights" is a general collection of folk stories in the Arab region, and it is an important book in the treasure trove of the world.


There are many stories in it, such as the king and him for a thousand and one nights, Xingbada Airlines, and so on. Among them, I like Alibaba and the forty stolen.


The story of Alibaba and the forty thief was told. After Alibaba dragged away the treasure that the robber stolen, his brother was killed by the robber because of greed. He married his sister -in -law. After a long time, the robbers knew yes.Alibaba stole their treasures. They decided to kill Alibaba. The first robber came to the door of Alibaba's house and engraved a small pair on it.He made the same mark on each door. The robbers did not succeed. The boss was dressed as a businessman and placed other people in some things to prepare for a sneak attack at night. As a result, the others were burned by Algina.Also killed by Algeina.


After reading this story, I feel deeply, and we must be brave.

《一千零一夜》读后感 篇7


I have read a lot of this book. What I like the most is "One Thousand and One Nights". What makes me feel the most deepest is the story of "Barber and Washing Maker". The main content of this story is: Gill cheated others' money through a dyeing workshop. Later, some people couldn't bear it to the court, so Gil wanted to slip with others because he would not work, and he would not work. Later, he deceived the hairdresser Shur to work with him through some words of words. The hairdresser relied on helping the guests on the boat to exchange food for food, but Gil was waiting for Shur to bring back the food in his room. Later, Shur later. When he was sick, Gil took away Shur's money and left, and then Gil opened a dyeing workshop in this city. He gave the dyed fabric to the queen to get the king's reward. After Schur arrived in Gil I didn't expect Gill to let his servant hit him. Later, Schur wanted to go to the bathhouse to take a bath, but there was no bathhouse here, so Schur opened a bathhouse with the help of the king. Then the wicked first sued the king to kill Shur, but the lucky Shur not only did not die but also helped the king, so the king gave him an opportunity to explain. Finally, the king went to Gill, and then Shur passed happiness again. Happy days.


I feel Gill's despicable and Schur's tolerance. Only honest people can live a good life, and those who are despicable and not honest will be used in retribution, just like Gill in the story story will getThe fate of death, but Shur lived a happy life because of his tolerance and honesty.Only honest and trustworthy will have a good end.

《一千零一夜》读后感 篇8


"One Thousand and One Nights" is one of the top ten masterpieces. It is a must -have for our students to grow. The fascinating story, which benefits the lifelong literary classics.


The content is mainly to say that the ancient San San, because the queen betrayed him, hated all women, and became very brutal.He married a woman as a wife every night, killed her the next morning, and then married one.In order to save the innocent woman, the prime minister's daughter, Shan Ludd, came forward and volunteered to marry the king.She uses a story every night to attract the king. Those stories are: "The Story of Fishermen, Devils, and Four Color Fish", "The Story of Merchants and Devils", "The Story of Simbas Sailing Travel", "Alibaba and Alibaba andForty Thief "," Aladdin God Lantern "," Umama "," Washing Merk and Barber "and so on.In this way, she told a total of thousands of nights, and each story was so moving, and finally made the king regret.The king said, "I am determined not to kill the woman in the future. Your story moves me. I want to record these stories and keep it forever."So there was "One Thousand and One Nights".


This book can tell us the truth and knowledge, which affects our life.

千零一夜读后感 篇9


I recently read a book called "One Thousand and One Nights". There are many twists and turns stories in this book, such as "Women's Spring", "King and Physician", "Umama", "Stealing Golden Disk""People" and so on.These stories cleverly integrated the real society and magical imagination, depicting a colorful painting of the social life of the colorful medieval Arab Empire.


One of the stories is my favorite, called "Stolen Golden Disk". This story tells that a person owes a lot of money by others.One day he came to a luxurious courtyard. This was a rich man's home. He went to the corner of the door and saw a kind dog. This dog gave him meat. After eating the meat, this one was this one.The dog also asked him to take the plate away.


Soon the poor soldiers sold the golden plate and started business, and the business became bigger and bigger.Then one day he remembered the owner of this dog who helped him, wanted to visit him, and returned the money of the gold plate.But the dog's owner has become a poor person, and the house is old and old.The rich man prepared to give him money, but he said that he could only create wealth by working hard and not accept his repayment.


From this story, I saw the beautiful virtue of the owner of this plate. Even if he was impoverished, he had to adhere to the principle of being a person. He didn't want to speculate on others, but rely on his own efforts to create wealth.I think I will know how to cherish it after hard work!

《一千零一夜》读后感 篇10


"One Thousand and One Nights" is an ancient book that tells many ancient stories.These stories are condensed by the wisdom and talents of the Arab nation, and some are well -known.Regarding "One Thousand and One Nights", there is such a legend: a king married a beautiful queen.When the king couldn't sleep, the queen told the king's story.Later, the minister wrote the story and compiled it into "One Thousand and One Nights".


Alibaba is telling the story of poor children Alibaba with smart uniforms.


Alibaba is a very upright youth. Although his brother is rich, his heart is bad. One day, Alibaba accidentally discovered the secret of a group of robber treasures. The robbers' head said "Sesame Open the door" to Dashimen, and the door opened, which was full of gold and silver treasures. It turned out that as long as the "sesame opened the door and the sesame opened the door", the door of the treasure opened. After the robbers left, Alibaba also said "Sesame Open the door" to the door, and the door opened. Alibaba went in and took some treasures. Since then he has become the richest person. On the contrary, when Alibaba's brother was very angry after listening, he knew the secrets of the treasure, because he was too greedy, he took a lot of treasures, and he forgot to say secret words when he came out. As a result, he was killed by the stolen. Later, Alibaba wiped out the forty thieves with its own courage and the wisdom of the maid. Between the story, Alibaba deal with the robber with a clever mind, and in the end Alibaba's family lives a wealthy and stable life ... In short, this story tells us that people cannot be too greedy, otherwise they will bring you a disaster. ; If you encounter danger, you must be wise, calm, and brave.


The story in "One Thousand and One Nights" is very vivid, and each story contains a reason to tell us how to be a smart, kind and righteous person.