The middle school entrance examination is very important for everyone. Candidates must accumulate more excellent materials when writing in Chinese writing.The following is some related information about the composition of the composition of the middle school entrance examination for the composition of the composition network for your reference.
The world is not lacking beauty, but the lack of eyes to discover beauty.Living in a bustling city, countless beauty is waiting for us to explore.Numerous suffering wait for our experience.Facing life, laughing and suffering, raising the sun in your heart, letting life bloom!
Raising the sun in my heart requires respectful life.Wen Tianxiang told me that when you fell into the trough of your life, it didn't matter.Su Shi told me that when you are full of haze inside, it doesn't matter, "It will be a full moon, looking northwest, shooting Sirius."
Li Bai told me that when you were full of heart, you smiled, "The long wind breaks the waves sometimes, and hangs the clouds."On the road of life, there is always a dawn shining on you, like wind and rain, let you raise the sun in your heart, and perceive your respectable life.
The sun in his heart needs to be sailed with a smile.At the side of the Luo River, Qu Yuan said with a long smile: "The world is turbid and I am alone, I am drunk and I wake up alone."
At the foot of Yan'an, Mao Zedong sighed: "Independent cold autumn, oranges' heads, watching Wan Mountain red all over, and full of forests."The sun in Mao Zedong's heart is hundreds of millions of people.When the founding of New China was founded, he laughed because the sun in his heart rose.No one's success is smooth sailing, raising the sun in their hearts, starting with a smile, the dawn of success will surround you.
When we raise the sun in our hearts, we will find that the sun in everyone's heart is different.As far as an encouragement, a praise, a handshake, a smile, a successful, awarding, or a lifelong happiness.Therefore, find the sun that suits you, so that the vibrant sun is sown in your heart.
The trickle was able to remit into the river because of the sunlight; the rare trees were grateful to the sun because of the heart, and they were able to become a forest; the cornerstone was able to take a mountain because of the sunlight.
The sun in the heart makes the future light and infinite; the sun in the heart makes the vitality along the way; the sun in the heart makes life as bright as summer flowers, and death like autumn leaves.
Life is short, but the beauty of life is eternal.--Inscription
The rain was resting, and I walked out of the sweltering room.A flash in front of me, ah! A colorful butterfly! Blue skirt, white ribbon, butterflies flew over like a fairy.
Not far away, such gorgeous flowers showed a different kind of beauty in the washing of the rain.Butterfly stunned in the flowers, disrupting my sight.Suddenly flew again and fell on the trunk of a big tree beside me.Is it showing off its beauty to me? I stopped watching.
"Well!" Butterfly was beaten by a drop of raindrops and fell into the puddle under the tree.I stunned, I don't know if I should hold it, and my weak wings patted in the water.I suddenly found that my breathing followed.Gradually, gradually, the miracle appeared, it climbed to a small flower in the puddle little by little, raised the wet wings, and trembled slightly in the wind.
There was a joy in my heart.The tenacious life finally defeated the bad luck.Suddenly a breeze blew, and countless raindrops fell on the tree.The butterfly was unfortunately hit again and fell tragicly.
My heart hurts.The water surface rippled light ripples, this little life is still struggling, it is still alive! I seem to feel the throbbing of a strong life! I quickly carefully held it up.The trembling wing was closed slightly, and my heart followed.Fine butterflies, can you survive it?
Another gust of wind blew, it was clear, a rainbow hung in the sky.That brave butterfly, it tried it a few times, and finally jumped from me, flying to the flower ...
I stood quietly and looked at it.The respectable butterfly, for the sake of beauty, the restraint of empty silk cocoons, for the sake of beauty, to defeat the hardships of the storm, is it impossible to explain the eternal beauty of life?
Three years, the memory of friends accompanied by my friends is like a song, sadness, brightness, and warmth, which makes me reluctant to forget.--Inscription
Remember the three years in a hurry ...
The previous school uniforms were put into the wardrobe and pressed on the bottom of the box.In retrospect, I always lost three or four, those old red scarves stolen by the wind, I do n’t know which corner of the campus. It ’s been a long time ...
Some memory films are fixed in my mind and connected in series ...
When He Nan was together, the leaves on the tree had just turned blue and swaying in the wind.The ringtone of the campus just sounded, and I saw the two figures carrying a schoolbag running in a hurry, then suddenly stopped at the door of the classroom, walking into the classroom with the sharp eyes of the teacher.While the teacher didn't pay attention, he also dressed up with each other, and he stole a man with "haha".
During the rest, there are always two shadows walking in front of the teaching building.At this time, all the miscellaneous miscellaneous was gone, and only the two of us were playing with each other.Holding his hands and walking across the tree -lined road, we hurt the spring and autumn, secretly sighed, and sighed.
I laughed silently. It turned out that the memory could be so clear. It was clear that I could see every smile of her, and hearing every joke of her.I did not expect that I was so lucky. I have such a good friend to accompany me through three years of junior high school life, and accompany me through three years of obvious and secret ...
At that time, the two people knew what the other party was thinking without opening.Nan always tells me that I must write something to commemorate the friendship between us. It is said that there is only text, which can record all the past. After separating, there is something that I miss.I always shook my head and said, I do n’t write, if I write it, I really miss it, and we will separate.She would sigh, saying that I was stubborn little clever.
Although I didn't write, but three years later, we still have to separate.This is like two clouds. Once the shadow was so inseparable, as soon as the wind blown, it would float the world.
Hook up the corner of the mouth, and the salty tears slipped silently.But I really didn't expect to be so lucky to have a friend who had such a good friend.
1、中考:中考读音为zhōng kǎo,是指高中和高中程度专科学校招收新生的考试。中考 zhōng kǎo词典解释:高中和高中程度专科学校招收新生的考试。分词解释:专科学校:实施高等教育的学校之一。整个学校只设某一类学科或专业。如师范专科学校、医学专科学校。学制二至三年。程度:1.法度;标准。 2.程限;进度。 3.文化﹑教育﹑知识﹑能力等方面的水平。 4.事物发展达到的状况。中和:1.中庸之道的主要内涵。儒家认为能“致中和”,则天地万物均能各得其所,达于和谐境界。 2.中正平和。 3.道教语。指元气。 4.化学﹑物理名词。(1)指相当量的酸和碱互相作用生成盐和水。(2)指抗毒素或抗毒血清跟毒素起作用,产生其他物质,使毒素的毒性消失。(3)指物体的正电量和负电量相等而不显带电现象的状态。考试:通过书面或口头提问的方式,考查知识或技能。高中:高级中学的简称。...中考怎么造句,用中考造句»
2、作文:作文读音为zuò wén,是指1.撰写文章。 2.指学生的写作练习。作文 zuò wén词语解释:1.撰写文章。 2.指学生的写作练习。(1) [write a composition]∶撰写文章(2) [composition]∶学生的写作练习分词解释:学生:①在学校肄业或在其他教育、研究机构学习的人。②向老师或前辈学习的人。也用于弟子对老师或前辈的自称。写作:1.犹写成。指作诗文﹑绘画等。 2.书法和文章。 3.写文章;创作。文章:①单独成篇的文字作品:写文章。②文辞:文章尔雅,训辞深厚。③礼乐制度:考文章,改正朔。④花纹色彩:五色文章。⑤比喻隐含的意思:话中另有文章。⑥比喻可做的事;可用的办法:还有文章可做|抓住一点大做文章。练习:①反复学习,以求熟练:练习心算 ㄧ练习写文章。②为巩固学习效果而安排的作业等:练习题ㄧ练习本ㄧ做练习ㄧ交练习。...作文的近义词,作文的同义词是什么»
3、素材:素材读音为sù cái,是指1.文学﹑艺术创作的原始材料。即未经提炼和加工的实际生活现象。 2.指编纂书刊的第一手材料。 实际生活中未经总结提炼的形象,文学、艺术的原始材料为完整性的传记找到丰富的素材素材 sù cái词语解释:1.文学﹑艺术创作的原始材料。即未经提炼和加工的实际生活现象。 2.指编纂书刊的第一手材料。[source material of literature and art] 实际生活中未经总结提炼的形象,文学、艺术的原始材料为完整性的传记找到丰富的素材分词解释:编纂:编辑(多指资料较多、篇幅较大的著作):编纂词典ㄧ编纂百科全书。提炼:1.用化学方法或物理方法使化合物或混合物纯净,或从中提取所要的东西。 2.比喻文艺创作和语言艺术等弃芜求精的过程。第一手材料:从亲身实践或调查中直接获得的材料。材料:①能直接制成成品的物件:这辆自行车很轻,是用什么材料做的?②供学习、研究、写作等使用的资料:参考材料|统计材料。③比喻合适的人:他是当演员的材料。...素材怎么造句,用素材造句»
4、练习:练习读音为liàn xí,是指①反复学习,以求熟练:练习心算 ㄧ练习写文章。②为巩固学习效果而安排的作业等:练习题ㄧ练习本ㄧ做练习ㄧ交练习。练习 liàn xí词语解释:①反复学习,以求熟练:练习心算 ㄧ练习写文章。②为巩固学习效果而安排的作业等:练习题ㄧ练习本ㄧ做练习ㄧ交练习。分词解释:心算:1.谓筹划,筹算。 2.口算。即只凭脑子而不用纸笔﹑算盘﹑计算机等进行运算。安排:①有条理、分先后地处理(事物);安置(人员):安排工作ㄧ安排生活ㄧ安排他当统计员。②规划;改造:重新安排家乡的山河。作业:1.指所从事的工作﹑业务。 2.劳动;从事生产工作。 3.为完成生产﹑学习﹑军事训练等任务而布置的活动。 4.谓从事这种活动。 5.作孽,造孽。业,罪孽。巩固:①坚固;不易动摇(多用于抽象的事物):基础巩固ㄧ政权巩固。②使坚固:巩固国防ㄧ巩固工农联盟。反复:①一遍又一遍;多次重复:反复思考 ㄧ反复实践。②颠过来倒过去;翻悔:反复无常ㄧ说一是一,说二是二,决不反复。③重复的情况:斗争往往会有反复。...练习怎么造句,用练习造句»
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