
时间:2022-11-22 12:51:32 | 来源:语文通



羊的作文 篇1羊的作文 篇2羊的作文 篇3羊的作文 篇4羊的作文 篇5

羊的作文 篇1


After reading so many anime books, what impressed me most was Happy Sheep. He is smart, brave and good at learning. Pleasant Goat is very cute with snow-white wool and watery eyes. He also has a bell hanging on his chest. The sun shines on it, and it emits thousands of golden rays as if it is the wisdom and strength given to him by the sun father-in-law. Now, let me tell you a story, let you also see the wit and courage of Happy Sheep.


One day, Grey Wolf and Red Wolf moved to the forest and built a wolf castle. It was time for lunch. Red Wolf shouted to eat sheep. Grey Wolf could not defeat her, so he had to catch sheep. Grey Wolf climbed up the tree and looked at the Yangcun Village. It happened that Happy Yangyang was on duty that day. Grey Wolf also said, "This sheep looks ordinary, and it has a bell. Eat it!"! He came to the gate of Yangcun Village, dressed up as an old lady, and said to Happy Sheep: I have fresh grass here, let me in quickly! When Xi Yangyang saw an old lady suddenly coming, he asked, "Grandma, what are you doing here?"? I come here to sell tender grass. Grandma, can I help you? No, I can sell it myself. Pleasant Goat was about to open the door lock when he found the old lady's gray tail and different footprints. He said to Grey Wolf, "I'll go back and ask the village head. Please wait a moment.". He ran to the village head and told him about the incident. The village head affirmed that he was a wolf. Xi Yangyang was shocked and was ready to clean up Grey Wolf. He brought a fan and opened it to the highest level. Grey Wolf was exposed by the cool wind. He froze Grey Wolf with a freezing gun. Then he took a firecracker and put it on Grey Wolf's tail. He heard Grey Wolf scream. Grey Wolf was sent to the vast sky by the firecracker, which was really accurate, Firecrackers sent Grey Wolf home.


From this story, I learned the noble qualities of Xiyangyang, such as wit and bravery. I like his helpfulness, so I like Xiyangyang. what about you?

羊的作文 篇2


In my hometown, many people raise sheep. Every time I saw them eating grass, I would "baa baa" twice and say hello to them. Maybe I was a sheep, or maybe my voice was really like their language. They answered me with "baa baa".


During the summer vacation, I went to the countryside to see my grandfather. I saw a sheep in the yard, mainly black, supplemented by brown. I went to ask my grandpa what happened to the sheep. My grandpa said, "I see you like sheep so much, so I'll feed one. It doesn't eat food anyway."


The horns of the sheep are crooked, very strong, and the eyes look very calm.


The sun, like a drunken man, fell to the west. Grandpa asked me to bring back the sheep beside the road. Of course, I'm very happy. As soon as I went out, I saw a group of naughty children waving branches in their hands. One of them imitated the posture of Harry Potter, took the branch as a broom, and rode fast. Suddenly, I saw my sheep eating grass leisurely at the roadside, so I changed my posture, lifted the branches, and rushed with a babbling cry. When other children saw me, they also lifted the branches and flew over. I tried to stop it, but it was too late - they lifted the branches high and fell on the back of the sheep. The sheep looked up and baa baa shouted, meaning, "I didn't offend you. Why did you bully me?" The boys continued to wave the branches in their hands. The sheep turned and bent down to eat the grass, and the boys followed him. It retreated again and again, but the boys, who thought that the sheep would not do anything to them, still shouted and shouted to attack.


Finally, the goat was irritated, and stepped back two steps, bent down and bowed his head. The sheep's horn rushed towards a boy like an arrow. The boy was caught off guard and was kicked up in the air. When other boys saw this situation, they ran away. The boy who was being held back was also panicked. He did not care where the branches were lost. He quickly got up and ran away. But the sheep did not chase them, and stood where they were. The afterglow scattered on their horns, showing a awe inspiring and inviolable posture.


Having witnessed this battle, I cannot help but respect the sheep. In fact, most of the time, tolerance is not cowardice, but do not want to answer right and wrong.


When I went to take it, it just called, as if to say, "You finally came to take me home." The afterglow fell on its calm face, feeling it was as quiet as a painting.

羊的作文 篇3


My hometown is in Huangcai. There is a beautiful lake called Qingyang Lake. The clear lake is surrounded by mountains and green trees. The scenery is very charming!


Qingyang Lake is just below my door, with a vertical distance of no more than two or three hundred meters. When I woke up in the morning, I opened the window. The first thing I saw was the green lake, which made me feel very fresh. Look, the green water is printed with pines and cypresses on the shore, and the red roofs of the houses are dotted in it. The water sometimes floats through the mist. Oh, there are also early ducks coming to play in the water. The water ripples away in circles. Suddenly, the flat roof becomes crooked. A few water birds come leisurely and float on the water... I wish I were an immortal hand and described the beautiful scenery.


Qingyang Lake is not only charming, but also adds many beautiful memories to my childhood. When I was a child, I always looked forward to the sunset in hot summer. When the fireball like sun goes down in the west and the sky is red with burning clouds, my father will take me to swim near Qingyang Lake. We came to the shore with colorful swimming circles. At this time, there are many naked adults and children in the reservoir, playing in the water, swimming "dog paddle", "head down" (diving), and swimming with their bellies exposed on the water (backstroke)... The water is splashing all over the place. I can't wait to jump into the water before I even take off my pants... When the sun goes down to the other side of the mountain, we are tired of swimming. Adults only wear their underwear and lie on the warm stone slabs, warm bodies soaked in cold water, while our children chase and fight on the beach with bare bottoms and feet, and only turn around three times when their parents call home.


Qingyang Lake supplies water to many parts of the county. In order to prevent water from being polluted, the government has built sewage weirs around the lake. The dam is also paved with cement to prevent soil loss. Beautiful railings hundreds of meters long were made on the dam. Naturally, people are not allowed to swim in the lake again. The water is clearer and cleaner than before. Drink a sip of water in your mouth. It is cool and has a slight sweet taste.


Standing on the dam, I looked at the beautiful Qingyang Lake in my hometown. Although I felt a little sorry that I would never return to the happy childhood, I felt a sense of pride when I saw that she could benefit more people now.

羊的作文 篇4


In the summer vacation, we came to Shawo Village to spend the summer vacation. Every day, besides watching cats and dogs, we just watched sheep. After dinner, we will take the dog Huzi to walk on the grassland. In the evening, the grassland has a particularly charming scenery. Sometimes we can see the beautiful sunset and pieces of burning clouds; Sometimes the weather is gloomy, and the sky is full of dark clouds. Villagers nearby will drive their sheep to eat grass in the deep grassland every day. I am very interested in sheep. I really want to herd sheep with villagers!


Every time I observe the lambs in the distance, they will stop eating grass and watch my every move with vigilance. Their fur is white and snow-white, just like white clouds floating on the grassland. They are chatting happily with the white clouds in the blue sky face to face. Sometimes the white clouds in the sky will turn into a shepherd dog and bark at the sheep, making them line up; Sometimes the white clouds will turn into various small animals and play children's plays for the sheep! I found that not every goat has horns. In fact, only rams have horns, while ewes do not.


As soon as a villager released his sheep, I ran forward to chat with her warmly. I asked my aunt curiously: "Auntie, how many sheep do you have in your family? Will wolves eat lambs here?" The aunt replied, "There are more than 200 sheep in my flock. There are no wolves on the grassland. Sometimes foxes come to eat lambs at night." I think I can see 100000 whys in the future, because I have too many problems. Then I asked my aunt, "Did the lamb come from the flock?" The aunt smiled and said, "Well, sometimes the mother sheep may give birth to their babies on the grassland and bring them back the next day." At this time, I heard the sound of "ding ding dang" from the sheep. I asked my aunt curiously, "Auntie, what's that sound?" Auntie told me, "There is a sheep in the flock with a small bell on its neck. It will take the sheep to eat grass." She smiled and said to me, "You have so many problems, why don't you accompany me to herd sheep?" Before I could answer her question, she took the sheep into the grassland, and the bell sound was farther and farther away from me.


Through my conversation with my aunt, I learned some knowledge about sheep. If I have a chance, I will try to feel like herding sheep.

羊的作文 篇5


In the eyes of the sheep, there is a confused and nervous look. The eyes of the lamb are very beautiful, like a child under one year old, and they are surprised at everything. As soon as the sheep grew up, that kind of confused and nervous eyes began to become more obvious day by day.


This is because as long as it is a sheep, it will always see how its own kind is killed many times in the process of growing up.


People kill sheep, just as they kill chickens and ducks, and do not avoid their peers. People usually do not kill pigs near the pigsty for fear of scaring other pigs. If pigs see the bloody situation of people killing pigs, they may be abnormal for several days, too lazy to eat, too lazy to drink and sleep soundly. As soon as people approached the pigsty, it hid in the corner and stared at people with its small eyes.


Thoughtful people should not slaughter cattle. Because of that, cattle tend to raise their heads and moo around the slaughterhouse. They dig the ground with their hooves and dig it with their horns. At that time, their eyes will show hostility and anger towards people


But people often kill sheep in front of the flock. Often, when people want to kill sheep, they go to the sheep, select a fat one, drag it out of the sheep, pull its leg, turn it over, and kill it with a knife. Then, they often peel, open, bone and meat in situ


Sheep see people kill sheep more often, and they have experience in the expression and behavior before people kill sheep. Therefore, as soon as the person who wants to kill the sheep approaches the sheep, they will involuntarily crowd together and try to hide behind other sheep... The sheep gradually has something on their mind, which is - which day will it be my turn to kill me?


It is generally unnecessary to bind sheep when killing them. The sheep did not resist when they saw other sheep killed. Besides, it has no sharp teeth and claws, so it is useless to resist.


When sheep are killed, it saves people's trouble.


At that time, there was an extremely resigned look in the eyes of the sheep, as if they were silently saying to themselves: Since God has arranged this fate for me, what can I do?


At this time, the eyes of the sheep seemed to have a religious meaning


If people have four different lives, then I would like to choose horse as the second life; The third life choice is cattle; The fourth life is to choose a dog, but it must be a military dog, a hunting dog, a sled dog or a shepherd dog, and never be a pet dog. If God decides that I am a sheep, I would rather give up my life altogether.