
时间:2022-11-03 13:11:48 | 来源:语文通



中秋记事作文 篇1中秋记事作文 篇2中秋节记事作文800字 篇3中秋记事作文 篇4中秋记事作文 篇5中秋节记事作文 篇6中秋记事 篇7中秋节记事作文800字 篇8

中秋记事作文 篇1


Today is the annual Mid Autumn Festival. Early in the morning, my father and I went to the supermarket to buy moon cakes. We went to my mother's house for the annual Mid Autumn Festival. It was a hard won opportunity to get together.


The Mid Autumn Festival is one of my favorite traditional festivals. I think of the scene of a family enjoying the moon while eating moon cakes. It's really wonderful and happy!

盼望已久的中秋节到来了,为此我兴奋了一整天!我左盼右盼,终于盼到了晚上。吃好了晚饭,我们就吃起了各式各样品种的月饼,有味如嚼蜡的红豆沙,降血脂的绿豆沙还有是蛋黄火腿味的月饼,都是没有什么新花样。只有传统的五仁才让我是看一眼就想尝尝 。

The long-awaited Mid Autumn Festival has arrived, for which I have been excited all day! I looked left and right, and finally I looked forward to the evening. After dinner, we ate all kinds of moon cakes, including delicious red bean paste, blood fat reducing mung bean paste and egg yolk ham flavor moon cakes. Only the traditional five benevolences make me want to taste at a glance.


After eating the moon cake, we enjoyed the unique night sky in front of the windowsill. Today's night sky is very clear. The moon hangs in the sky like a jade plate. The whole city is covered by the faint light of the moon, and everything seems to be covered with a layer of white gauze. Looking up at the dark night sky, the stars are hidden in the clouds, leaving only a bright moon "on duty" in the night sky. The moon is also so lonely, which makes me think of those who can't go home to get together with their families for some reason. They miss their loved ones on this day, so I should cherish this reunion opportunity.

欣赏完了夜空,父亲告诉我中秋节的来历。每年农历八月十五日,是我国传统的中秋佳节。这时是一年秋季的中期,所以被称为中秋。这也 是我国仅次于春节的第二大传统节日。中秋节的传说是非常丰富的,嫦娥奔月,吴刚伐桂,玉兔捣药之类的神话故事流传甚广。在中国的农历里,一年分为四季,每季又分为孟、仲、季三个部分,因而中秋也称仲秋。八月十 五的月亮比其它几个月的满月更圆,更明亮,所以又叫做月夕、秋节、仲秋节、八月节、八月会、追月节、玩月节、拜月节、女儿节或团圆节,是 流行于全国众多民族中的传统文化节日。此夜,人们仰望天空如玉如盘的朗朗明月,自然会期盼家人团聚。远在他乡的游子,也借此寄托自己对故 乡和亲人的思念之情。所以,中秋节又称“团圆节”。

After appreciating the night sky, my father told me the origin of the Mid Autumn Festival. The 15th day of the eighth lunar month is the traditional Mid Autumn Festival in China. This is the middle of the autumn, so it is called the Mid Autumn Festival. This is also the second largest traditional festival in China after the Spring Festival. The legend of the Mid Autumn Festival is very rich. The fairy tales of Chang'e flying to the moon, Wu Gang felling the laurel, and the Jade Rabbit pounding medicine are widely spread. In the Chinese lunar calendar, a year is divided into four seasons, and each season is divided into three parts: Meng, Zhong and Ji. Therefore, the Mid Autumn Festival is also called the Mid Autumn Festival. The moon on August 15 is rounder and brighter than the full moon in other months, so it is also called the Moon Festival, the Autumn Festival, the Mid Autumn Festival, the August Festival, the August Meeting, the Moon Chasing Festival, the Moon Playing Festival, the Moon Worship Festival, the Daughter's Day or the Reunion Festival. It is a traditional cultural festival popular among many ethnic groups throughout the country. On this night, people look up to the bright moon in the sky, which is like a plate of jade. They naturally look forward to family reunion. Travelers who are far away from home also take this opportunity to express their yearning for their hometown and relatives. Therefore, the Mid Autumn Festival is also called "Reunion Festival".


Mid Autumn Festival is a family reunion festival; Is a source of happiness; It's also my favorite festival! In this joyful laughter, we spent the annual Mid Autumn Festival.

中秋记事作文 篇2


"The moon is bright on the sea, and the horizon is at this time". The annual Mid Autumn Festival is coming again. When night falls, every family begins to prepare for the Mid Autumn Festival. Our family is no exception!


As the night grew thicker, our family began to get busy. Mom was busy for the month, while Grandma was preparing a sumptuous dinner for us. What about Dad? I accompanied my sister leisurely. My sister happily tasted the pizza soft candy that my mother bought for her. I'm not idle either. I'm busy looking at my mother and grandma!


I came to the kitchen first. At this time, my grandmother was so brave. Two big carp were fighting in front of my grandmother. My grandmother washed the two fish first, and then quickly scraped the scales with a knife. The scales fell like snowflakes. When they reached the fish gill position, the carp quickly shook a few times, and escaped from her hands as smoothly as possible. "Wow! It's not dead yet! How tenacious its vitality is!" I said in surprise. Grandma "captured" it again with her hands and continued to scrape the scales. In the process, the carp broke free several times, but finally it was impossible to escape from Grandma. Then Grandma cut open the belly of the fish with scissors and took out all the internal organs. Grandma also told me to be careful when taking out the internal organs and not break the gall bladder, otherwise the whole fish would become bitter and inedible. After cleaning the internal organs, Grandma cleaned them several times. Cut the fish into three sections, pour the oil, fry the chives and ginger, and then put the fish into the pot. Just listen to the sound of Chi slip. Put the fish into the pot. Grandma stir fry it for a few times and then pour the water into the pot. In a moment, the water turns into "milk", and the aroma directly hits my nose. Hmm, delicious food is coming soon!


My mother is ready to carve a watermelon flower basket at this time. I am curious about how my mother can turn a round watermelon into a flower basket? My mother first drew the outline of the flower basket on the watermelon skin with a soft ruler and a thin bamboo stick, and then carefully carved it with a knife. Soon, the appearance of the flower basket appeared. I was secretly pleased that my mother was also a craftsman! Mother gave me and my sister the extra space of the "flower basket". We were half of each other. Hmm, the watermelon was really sweet! Mother put the carved watermelon basket on the table on the balcony, and also placed various fruits, including bananas, grapes, pomegranates, apples... It is really a fruit "supermarket", with all kinds of fruits. Finally, a plate of exquisite moon cakes was put on the table. This Mid Autumn Festival is really grand!


Everything was ready. With the rising of the moon, our family sat together, enjoying the moon and talking about the story of the Mid Autumn Festival. This Mid Autumn Festival is really beautiful! What a grand occasion!

中秋节记事作文800字 篇3


In the early morning, the dense light rain knocked on the glass window, awakening me in my sleep.


Today is the Mid Autumn Festival in 20XX. It seems that the weather forecast is very accurate. If it is cloudy and rainy, the moon will not be seen. If there is no expectation, there will be no disappointment. In the evening, we sat around and tasted moon cakes. Dad said, "I can't see the moon today. Let's talk about the moon. Ann, tell me why I can't see the moon."


"Of course, it's because the moon is covered by clouds! The moon is waxing and waning!" I thought to myself, this is not difficult for me. I have written many exercises about the moon.


Dad then asked, "Can you understand the meaning of the sentence before the moon waxes and wanes?"


"Of course, people have joys and sorrows, that is to say, people have sadness, joy, separation and reunion."


"You are right," my father nodded to me. "There are joys and sorrows in one's life, and no one will always be smooth, and no one will always face setbacks. People also have to face painful separation, just like when grandpa dies, he will leave us forever and never see us again. So we should cherish what we have now."


I nodded silently, and everyone fell into silence for a moment.


"The moon is not only sunny, but also full." Mother brought fruit and broke the silence, "There is only one full moon in a month, and the rest of the days are short of the moon. These days are all in preparation for the full moon. Just like each of us, we need to spend a long time fighting for a goal; when this goal is achieved, we will have a new ideal, a new goal, just like the moon will have another full moon. We can't give up trying because this goal is not achieved, nor can we get it because of a success The mind is out of mind. "


I nodded and said, "We should keep setting small goals for ourselves and strive to achieve them."


"Yes," Mom said, "I hope you can do that."


"Mom, does the moon itself not shine? Is it the sun that gives it light?" I asked my mother.


"Yes, you know a lot." Mom said with a smile.


"I was just thinking, from ancient times to the present, countless poems praise how beautiful the moonlight is. In fact, the moon does not shine, but the sun selflessly gives its light to the moon. The sun is like a teacher, and we are like the moon. When we make achievements and are praised by others, the teacher is actually working quietly behind us..."


"Yes! Just like the composition published by your classmates, others only see your progress and gains, but they don't know how much the teacher has paid behind your back." Dad said, "If you can think like this, it means that you have grown up and made progress again. We are really happy for you!"


It was also the Mid Autumn Night of the year. Although this night was different from the previous Mid Autumn Night, there was no bright moon, no silver moonlight, but in my heart, a round moon seemed to have risen, illuminating the road under my feet and the road in my heart.

中秋记事作文 篇4


The Mid Autumn Festival is a traditional festival in China, with the customs of appreciating the moon, eating moon cakes, and family reunion. This Mid Autumn Festival, my parents and I went back to Huxian Grandma's home and spent a happy time with them.


We got up early in the morning. We usually walked for nearly three hours because of traffic jam for an hour. As soon as we got to the downstairs of the community, we saw Grandma and Grandpa standing at the roadside looking in the direction of our home from afar, with anxious expressions on their faces. "Grandma, Grandpa, I'm back" I cried excitedly and heard my voice, Grandma and grandpa were so happy that they could not close their mouths: "Our naughty bag is back." Grandpa also happily picked me up and turned me around


As soon as I opened the corridor door, my younger brother had already got ready and jumped out from behind the door, which scared me a lot. We screamed and hugged happily. Uncle and aunt had already prepared a large table of rich dishes for our arrival


While adults were asking for help, my brother and I couldn't wait to play the "Pinball Legend" that we had already discussed on the phone - an exciting pinball game that my brother and I invented. They put their marbles into the paper tube and blew hard. They played each other's beads. When they hit them, they returned to me. I missed them several times and they ate up all of them. He danced, sang and danced happily. I pretended to be angry and gnashed my teeth. Seeing my expression, he was even more out of breath, and adults were also amused by us.


During dinner, the whole family talked and laughed around the table. Grandma and Grandpa kept asking me about my school situation, encouraged me to study hard, and asked my parents about their work. Mom and Dad told them to take good care of their health and not worry about us. The whole family was happy together. After dinner, we all gathered around and watched a wonderful football match.


The happy time always passed quickly. It was five o'clock in the afternoon. We should go home. I hugged everyone reluctantly, said goodbye to them, and told them that I would often go home to see them in the future.


Sitting in the car back home and looking out the window, the round moon did not appear in the sky. It must be that Chang E and Hou Yi had also been reunited and forgot to be on duty. I fell asleep and had a sweet dream. I dreamed that I would return to Huxian again and play happily with them, smiling

中秋记事作文 篇5


Mid Autumn Festival, a very familiar name. It is a day for us to get together with our families and share happiness with them! It is a happy day and also an exciting day. I am no exception, but also its "admirer". My love for it is endless.


The charm of the Mid Autumn Festival is so great that every family is waiting for it, hoping it will appear soon. In the evening, our family were waiting for the moon in the yard. At about 8 o'clock, the lovely moon showed its small face, wore a golden robe, and looked at people shyly. We all looked at it at the same time. Sister Moon was so gentle and shy that she refused to raise her head. When we were fascinated, my father suddenly asked, "Who knows why the moon is round only once a year?" We all shook our heads unconvinced. Mom said: "It is said that Chang'e was imprisoned in the Guanghan Palace and lived with the Jade Rabbit. One day, Guanyin disguised herself as a wounded young man and came to the Guanghan Palace. Chang'e was very happy to see someone passing by, so she quickly helped him in and left him in the palace for a period of time. When she left, Guanyin accidentally revealed her identity, so she asked Chang'e what she wanted. Chang'e replied, 'I am locked here, I am suffocating, I am not I wish I could go out, but I hope I can go out once a year. ' Guanyin agreed with her. Therefore, the moon on August 15 of the lunar calendar is particularly round. It is said that the moon of the Mid Autumn Festival is Chang'e. " Dad frowned and said, "Although you are not convinced, you are still right." We listened and laughed. While eating moon cakes and looking at the moon, I found that Sister Moon had changed from a shy girl to a 'mature girl'. It became brighter and higher, and became a big jade plate. I looked at the charming moon, silently praying in my heart, praying for my future.


Time is passing by. In a twinkling of an eye, from 8 o'clock to 10 o'clock, the moon becomes bright yellow and lovely. It seems that it is also praying for us for a better tomorrow! At this time, my father told me to go to bed. I had to go back and silently said in my heart: "Lovely Mid Autumn Festival, see you next year!"!


I love Mid Autumn Festival, but I can't say why, because I think there is no reason to like it!

中秋节记事作文 篇6


Our Mid Autumn Festival this year is different from previous years. It's a pity that my father is not at home this Mid Autumn Festival! But my mother, who loves me very much, accompanied me shopping for moon cakes, and bought some snacks and jellies that I like to eat. I am very happy! There is one thing that I find very interesting.


Towards noon, my mother took me to the street to buy bacon pancakes, and then my mother took me to the Dazhang Shengdemi Supermarket in Jianxi District to participate in the lottery. When we first got there, it was just two o'clock. My mother asked the staff there and said it was half past two.


We are an advanced supermarket, wow! There are so many people in the supermarket! The first thing I saw was all kinds of moon cake gift boxes. They were very beautiful! I came to the bulk mooncakes where one by one mooncakes gave off an attractive fragrance. I said to my mother, "I want to buy all kinds of moon cakes.". Mom said, "Don't buy anything until you finish drawing the grand prize. If you win the first prize after drawing the grand prize, you will buy everything for you. If you don't win the prize, you won't buy anything".


We came to the jelly area. The jelly with various shapes and colors was very beautiful and attractive. When I wanted to buy it, my mother said, "When I win the lottery, I will buy you all the jelly you want to eat.". I really hope my mother can win the first prize, and if she gets the prize money, she can buy me what I want to eat.


Time is coming, my mother took my hand and came to the supermarket door. There is a large glass box on the podium, which contains many tickets, including one from my mother. There were a lot of people standing under the stage, and there were beautiful classical old songs in the stereo. The atmosphere on and off the stage was very warm. The two hosts held microphones and invited people to sing. The singer got a small prize, and the host said, "Who wants to sing on the stage?" I raised my hand and shouted. I wanted to sing, but everyone was shouting. It was lottery time.


The host took a red silk ball and threw it off the stage. Whoever received it would go to the stage to draw a lottery. Later, my mother won neither the first prize nor the second prize. However, I bought all kinds of moon cakes and jellies I wanted to eat, and also bought salted duck that we had never eaten before.


Although my mother said she won the prize to buy it for me, but she didn't win the prize, she still bought me something I like to eat. Through this event, I learned that my mother is the best mother in the world and the best mother who knows me best.


I must repay my mother. I must listen to her well, study hard and become a promising person when I grow up. Let my mother be proud of me.

中秋记事 篇7


"People have joys and sorrows, and the moon has its ups and downs. It is difficult to complete this matter in ancient times. I hope people will live a long time and share the joys and sorrows of the moon." The annual Mid Autumn Festival is coming again. This is a day of reunion. On this day, families will get together to eat moon cakes and watch the moon. This year, I'm going back to my grandmother's for the Mid Autumn Festival.


After dinner, I saw my grandmother take out a big dough and a big pot of stuffing. I asked my grandmother curiously, "What are you going to do?" "Today is the Mid Autumn Festival. We are going to make moon cakes." Grandma said and began to knead the dough. I stared out at her hand. Grandma skillfully wrapped the filling in the dough, kneaded it a few times, and stuck sesame seeds on it. Then she rolled the dough flat and round with a rolling pin. Ha ha, a big and round cake like the moon was really ready! Seeing this, I was too stupid to try. I picked up a dough and rubbed it like Grandma. Grandma laughed and said, "Have you learned?" "Learn it! It's too simple. It's the same as making green clay!" I said confidently, but as soon as I finished speaking, my hand was firmly stuck by the dough. I hurriedly looked at Grandma for help. Grandma couldn't help laughing when she looked at my embarrassment. She added some dry flour to my hand and said to me, "Try again!" Sure enough, the dough was obedient. "It's not easy!" It occurred to me that with the help and encouragement of my grandmother, I successfully completed a small and round "moon". The "big moon" and the "small moon" are put together. Looking at them, I feel a sense of happiness. Isn't this a family reunion?


Grandma put the cake into the electric cake pan, and the aroma kept pouring into her nostrils. Soon, the fragrant and crispy moon cake came out of the pot. I took the cake and walked out of the lane. I looked at the moon while eating the moon cake, as if I saw Wu Gang cutting trees and Chang'e dancing


I love the Mid Autumn Festival and the round moon in the sky.

中秋节记事作文800字 篇8


"The Mid Autumn Festival is very bright.". The autumn wind is whispering and the moon cakes are fragrant. The annual Mid Autumn Festival is coming again. Every family has fun eating cakes and watching the moon!


On the morning of the Mid Autumn Festival, the streets were crowded with cars and people, and the atmosphere of the festival was everywhere. My parents and I went out to buy moon cakes. The mall is bustling with people. There are all kinds of delicious food: delicious mooncakes with different shapes and flavors, delicious snacks, fresh and lovely fruits with bright colors... It is dazzling. I ran to the moon cake area, and those exquisite moon cakes seemed to wave to me. They were five kernel, bean paste, and egg yolk. I saw "saliva dribbles three thousand feet" and caught seven or eight at once. If I hadn't paid the bill, I would have devoured them.


After buying moon cakes, I returned home and enjoyed my lunch every moment... In the twinkling of an eye, my stomach was already growling with hunger in the evening. At this time, the smell of the big meal attracted me. I ran to the table like an arrow, and suddenly saw a bright light: the table was full of liquid jade agar, delicious food, braised pork in brown sauce, kung pao chicken, and fried mutton with scallions... Seeing these, I eagerly picked up chopsticks, and kept swallowing saliva


After dinner, I went up to the roof with a plate of moon cakes and enjoyed the moon while eating. A bright moon rose, like a luminous round jade plate, embedded in the black sky. The moon opened her eyes wide and looked kindly at the cities, fields and villages. The light moonlight sprinkled on the earth like "interstellar mail". That was Chang'e's sister inviting the children to Guanghan Palace to taste the sweet scented osmanthus cake she had made herself. Sometimes a black cloud floats by, covering half of the moon, which reminds me of the legend of "the heavenly dog eats the moon".


"I wish you a long life and a thousand miles of happiness". In this beautiful festival, people enjoy the happiness of their family together, but some people have no fault to take into account the joy of the festival in this happy festival. The epidemic has not stopped since 2020. Recently, it broke out again in Fujian, and many "angels in white" rushed to the front line. They give up their homes for everyone; For the national circle and the family circle, we have built a line of life protection. When they are alone, why don't they miss their hometown and relatives? I also thought that the three astronauts' uncles had been "on business" for three months. Not long ago, they finally returned to the earth successfully, fulfilling the dream of flying from generation to generation. Once upon a time, going into space was just a fantasy, but now it has become a reality. From the myth of Chang'e flying to the moon to today's Shenzhou series of spaceships, all these are inseparable from the efforts of generations of people with lofty ideals. Therefore, as primary school students, we should study hard and work hard to shoulder the burden of building and developing China in the future and make the great motherland more prosperous and powerful!


Mid Autumn Festival night, full moon! Family circle! The country is more round!