
时间:2022-09-16 13:30:21 | 来源:语文通



春节大扫除的作文 篇1春节大扫除作文 篇2春节大扫除的作文 篇3过年大扫除日记 篇4过年大扫除日记 篇5过年大扫除日记 篇6过年大扫除作文 篇7春节大扫除的作文 篇8

春节大扫除的作文 篇1


Every time the New Year (New Year) is almost the New Year, the mother will always clean the entire house, which is cleaned.Cleaning is to deal with every corner of the house and every place.But this time is not easy -it has been organized for two days.


My mother's dismissal also called my grandmother. My grandmother was "young and strong."I don't know the specific situation on the first day -I and my dad and I went to my grandma's house for dinner.But I only know that my mother and my grandmother have not finished sorting out from 7 am to 9 pm.


The next day was to sort out my room, room next door, and two bathrooms.Come together in the morning, the sheets and pillow holes in my room ... all were "scraped".


After washing, I put the book in the room on the bed -my bed was tatami.In the next 120 minutes, I was rubbing the book -with wet towels squeezed with water.When I finished all the books, my mother's takeaway came.After lunch, I put the books one by one in a set one by one.When I sorted out the book, my mother "dismantled" my shelf.After I finished the book, I started to "toss" the shelf.


I moved the various "parts" of the shelf to the living room.Then I started to toss.First of all, I use the "drum repair artifact" that the teacher gave me to unscrew the 5 screws around the army drums in turn and put it in my pocket; then, I wiped the drum skin and spring ...Inside the drum, because there was a pronounce, I only used the chicken feathers to gently wipe it.After cleaning up, I settled back the drum skin, spring and other parts, locked the screws, and finally wiped the "shell", and a military drum was sorted out.Next, I used this method to sort out several other drums.After my grandmother and mother sorted out the two rooms and a bathroom, I finished the whole set of drums ... until 18 o'clock in the evening, we all finished all.


After cleaning the next day, I asked my grandmother, "Are you tired?" "Not tired." Grandma said.But I know that my grandmother is definitely tired and my mother is tired.


Although I only sorted up for a day, I felt back pain.I know that my mother and grandmother have been tiring for two days.


For two days, it seemed simple for two days, but some people paid silently in these two days.Mom, grandma, thank you!

春节大扫除作文 篇2


He first allocates the work of everyone's `work: I will mop and wipe the door, my brother to sweep the floor and wipe the glass ... We do it hot, everyone is exhausted, we finally moved a" big lazy worm "-dad.He fell asleep for a while, and got up embarrassed, and he went to work.


As for me, first of all, you have to drag the floor, pick up the mop, pick up a bucket of water, and start my task. I do it very seriously, and my father keeps boasting.After a while, I looked back at my masterpiece. I do n’t know if I do n’t see it. At first glance, how can I have footprints on the ground?I looked down at my shoes and understood it.It turned out that I started to drag from the door.I had to work hard, learn lessons, drag my footprints, and look like I do anything!The door should be wiped below.I found the rag and wiped the door carefully. I found that there were some marks left by the tape on the door, wiped it with a rag wipe, and I had to wipe it with a wire ball. I finally wiped it.


"Aoyi, come over and wash the fruit plate again!" The sound of 姥 came from the kitchen.what!I want to rest!Alas, I had to do it again."Let's go! I hurriedly said. I picked up the rag and worked again. After a busy afternoon, I finally completed my task. Well, the place I was responsible was really clean!


Our family did a clean and tidy home for an afternoon.Really!

春节大扫除的作文 篇3


"It's time for the winter vacation, it's time for the winter vacation," we shouted very excitedly, leaving the school with a small run, and went home to prepare for the Spring Festival.This winter vacation made me a little more knowledge and understanding a little truth. I feel very happy and meaningful. Therefore, this is my happiest winter vacation.


Looking back at the happy winter vacation, the most proud thing to help me is to do the "Spring Festival Cleanance" at home. Don't underestimate the scan, there are many projects: wipe the windows, mop the floor, wash the quilt, wipe the sofa ... I am confident and prepare to participate in the war. Mom looked at me with a smile and said, "The ominous sofa in our family is your" masterpiece ", let's give it to you!" Hearing here, I said disapprovingly, "a piece of small dish, it is rare Did you? "In a hurry, I took a wet towel and wiped it on the sofa for a while, but the stains on the sofa not only were not removed by me, but became more flowers. What can I do? Grandpa who looked at the war, looked at me in a hurry, and said, "Wipe the sofa, use a dedicated leather cleaner, then scrub it with a moist towel, and finally put a thin layer of care waxy to complete the cleaning work!" Listen to it After I realized, I realized that there were so many knowledge in this sofa. Under the guidance of my mother, I spent more than two hours, and finally completed the task smoothly. Through this "Spring Festival Clean" qualified acceptance. Although I toss me tired, I was sweet in my heart.


In this winter vacation, I not only learned how to "wipe the sofa", but also understand that I should pay attention to hygiene and care for the environment. No matter where they are, they must cherish the labor results of others and be a good boy who loves cleaning!

过年大扫除日记 篇4


The Spring Festival is coming. In order to welcome this new year, our family has completely cleaned up.


My mother's task was to wipe the glass. I stood upright, waved my hand, and shouted "Following", so she worked hard.

我全副武装,准备应战,举着“兵器”,向目的地“进军”。我快活得不得了!这时,“敌人”来了,那就是米粒大的黑点,我拿着抹布,使劲擦,就是擦不掉那调皮的。小黑点。我有点泄气了。小黑点可高兴了,手舞足蹈起来,好像在嘲笑我,连我都消灭不了,还做什么“花木兰” ! 谁说我消灭不了,我“喊”来了刷子,用手指甲挖,总算挖掉了那些小黑点。我不禁想起了一句话:失败乃成功之母。

I was fully armed, ready to fight, holding "weapons", and "marching" to my destination.I am so good!At this time, the "enemy" came, that was the black dots with large rice grains. I held the rag and wiped it hard. I couldn't wipe the naughty.Little black dot.I'm a little discouraged.Xiao Hei dot was happy, and it seemed to be laughing at me. I couldn't even destroy me. What else did I do "Mulan"!Who said that I couldn't get eliminated, I "shouted" the brush, dug it with my fingernails, and finally dug out those small black spots.I can't help but think of a sentence: Failure is the mother of success.

去看看妈妈,我原以为妈妈还在扫地,谁知妈妈早就躺在床上睡觉了。妈妈见了我就哈哈大笑起来,我忙跑到镜子前:“哈哈,那调皮的小黑点都爬到我脸上来了! ”

Go to see my mother, I thought my mother was still sweeping the ground.When my mother saw me, I laughed. I ran to the mirror: "Haha, the naughty little black dots climbed to my face!"


This time the Spring Festival sweeping the dust that cleaned our family, our family finally could be happy to welcome the New Year.

过年大扫除日记 篇5


In the winter vacation, I did something that made me proud, and it was to help the family to do the "New Year's Clean".


Don't underestimate the scan, there are many projects: wipe the windows, mop the floor, wash the quilt, wipe the sofa ... Grandma looked at me with a smile and said, "Our unhealthy sofa is your" masterpiece ', cleaning, cleaning, cleaning, cleaningLet's give it to you. "When I heard this, I said disapprovingly," A piece of cake, is it rare to me? "In a hurry, I took a wet towel and wiped it on the sofa for a while, but on the sofaNot only did the stains not be removed by me, but the more flowers, what can I do?The mother who watched the war, looked at me in a hurry, comforted me and said, "Wipe the sofa, use a dedicated leather cleaner, then scrub it with a moist towel, and finally put a thin layer of care waxy to complete the cleaning work."After listening, I realized that I took it for more than two hours under my mother's guidance, and finally completed the task smoothly.


Through the New Year's Eve, I learned how to "wipe the sofa", and at the same time, I also understand that we should usually pay attention to hygiene and cherish the labor results of others.

过年大扫除日记 篇6


It is about to be a holiday soon, and we decided to clean the home cleanly so that there is a good blessing in the coming year.


Mom prepared everything eliminated, besides the broom; mop; rags; and so on. She also prepared toilet; detergent of the tiles was really complete.Now start division of labor: First of all, Dad will pick all the garbage that can be seen with the naked eye, and then sweep the dust garbage that cannot be seen with the naked eye; then the mother will wipe the land, tiles, bench, tables, and toilets at home.Wipe; I am interested in my task. My task is to wipe the place where my mother has wiped it with water, and finally wipe it with a dry cloth.


After the division of labor is completed, start to act.Dad quickly swept the house with a sweeping broom, and he was not dyed.Looking at my mother's job, my mother wiped the wire ball to wipe a piece of tiles very brightly, and she could be used as a mirror.After doing this, the mother picked up the toilet cleaner and rag and wiped the toilet.The toilet is the most disgusting place, but my mother is not afraid of dirt or tiredness. I wipe the toilet very brightly. I am embarrassed to go to the toilet.Watching my mother and dad's task gradually finished, but I still couldn't get a little hand. I asked my mother in a hurry: "When can I do it?" Mom laughed: "Almost give you a little guy for you.Forgot, you can work now. "I heard it very happy, quickly picked up a large pot of water, wiped my mother through the place and wiped it carefully.This sounds simple but difficult to do.After a while, I can't stand up.My mother saw me so tired, so I let me rest for a while, but seeing my mother's hard work, she was full of strength.After one morning's efforts, I finally finished.


After this morning's efforts, I understood the hard work of my parents.Let me think about it sincerely: "Dad, mother, you have worked hard."

过年大扫除作文 篇7


Time is like an arrow, the sun and the moon are like shuttle.In a blink of an eye, 20xx passed by from us, and 20xx came to us by the spring breeze.In the New Year, I set off firecrackers with my parents, sticked the Spring Festival couplet, and prepared New Year's goods.But what makes me most happy is the sweeping of the year ago.


Mom said, "There must be a new weather in the new year, and the family should clean it cleanly and clean up the useless things." I heard that I had to clean up my heart, and I had grown up, and it was time to help my parents!Thinking of this, I asked for the task bravely."You are responsible for the floor of the living room!" Mom said.So I picked up the tool and started to live.


First of all, I picked up the broom, bent down, and cleaned the corners of the living room carefully; then, I put the mop in the water soaked in water and wrapped it. I secretly determined in my heart: Hum, I don't believe that I can't drive out all the dust elves. Today I must clean up the dusty pieces of dust, clean the floor clean, and do not dye. Then, I went all out and dragged every floor. After a while, I had already wiped it halfway. I stood up and stood up and moved my muscles. The sun shot directly through the window, and countless dust danced in this sun. I danced in the air with my hands. In the sun, the group of elf dispersed for a while, gathered, as if he was still squeezing my eyebrows. Forget it, let's continue to mop!劳 -我 —— The passion and dust of my labor fly together. Finally, after half an hour of hard work, I finally dragged all the land! Only the small elves in the room were flying. I was so angry that I could only invite the rescue. My mother came over to see the dirty mop and the footprints full of the floor, and said, "You wet the mop wet, and then drag it along the floor one by one, it will be clean." I nodded, and then Busy.


Hey, it seems difficult this time!Stop hard, carefully, and delay back, otherwise you will leave footprints.I only insisted on back pain for a while.Douda's sweat beads flowed involuntarily."It seems that the dragging floor is not easy!" I said to myself.


Although it was hard to remove the New Year's cleansing, when I saw this home that was cleaned by us, I was thrown out of the clouds from the clouds, and my heart was sweeter than eating honey.

春节大扫除的作文 篇8


Today is the twenty -fourth lunar month. I walked back in the morning and saw that the neighbors who saw the left and right were cleaned up.I ran back and asked my mother why she had to clean up. My mother said that the twenty -four popularity of the lunar month was called "sweeping dust".


Seeing that the neighbors were cleaned up, our family could not fall behind, so my mother said that it started with the sweeping floor.I picked up the broom and dustpan and cleaned it with my mother.The two of us were cleaned together, and the speed was very fast, and after a while, we cleaned the dust on the floor.Mom said that he would use a pier to drag the ground again. I wet the pier with water with water, and then dragged the room inside and outside the outside.


After cleaning the floor, it was noon. My mother made a lot of delicious food for me. I said that I would have to reward me. I would help my mother to work in the afternoon.After lunch, we need to clean it up. Next is to wipe the corners of the corners. My mother and I can do it seriously. After wiping, water the flowers and plants, organize the room, wash clothes ... After the sister returns, it will also be.Participated in the Great Sleeping.We cleaned and organized, but we were exhausted and my mother.


Through this big cleaning, I realized the hard work of my mother's daily work. I will help my mother in the future not only to help my mother, but also to help my mother do something that can be done, and share the hard work of my mother.