
时间:2022-11-01 12:49:53 | 来源:语文通



喜迎元旦作文 篇1喜迎元旦作文 篇2喜迎元旦作文 篇3

喜迎元旦作文 篇1


These two days, the students in the class always get together to chat and discuss, and sometimes send out "Come on!" "Work hard!" What is this discussion about? It turned out that everyone was planning various preparations for the dumplings making contest. In order to make everyone have a meaningful New Year's Day, teacher Liu, the head teacher, decided to hold a dumplings making contest in the class, and it must be the children who make their own dumplings and cook them! Do it yourself and welcome the New Year!


Well, before the day of the competition, everyone was busy. They discussed in groups who would make dumplings, who would bring what stuffing, who would roll out the dumpling skin, and whose parents had something to eat... Miss Yang also led us to cut window flowers to make our classrooms look beautiful and happy to welcome the arrival of 20XX. Of course, you are most looking forward to the arrival of December 31, 20XX! ha-ha!

上了一天的课,终于等到最后两节课了!大家和爸爸妈 妈们一起在刘老师、杨老师的带领下将教室进行了重新布置:各式各样的饺子馅放到了不同的盆里,有芹菜馅的、白菜馅的、猪肉馅的、韭菜馅的、金针菇胡萝卜馅的、豆角馅的……真是五花八门,小朋友们的眼镜都快看花了。小朋友们都咽着口水准备一会大吃特吃呢!

After a day of classes, I finally got to the last two classes! Under the guidance of teachers Liu and Yang, we and our parents rearranged the classroom: various dumpling fillings were put in different pots, including celery, cabbage, pork, leek, golden mushroom and carrot, and bean paste... It's really a variety, and the children's glasses are about to see the flowers. The children are swallowing saliva to prepare for a big meal!


With the command of Teacher Liu: "The dumpling making contest has started!" The children scrambled to pick up the dumpling skin, scoop up the dumpling filling, dip in water and stick the dumpling skin one by one. Did they practice their basic skills at home these two days! We packed one package after another, fearing that our group would be the last. When Teacher Liu said, "The competition is over!" Just then everyone looked up to see the dumplings made by everyone. Some were like flowers, some were like wonton, some were like steamed buns, and some were like meat balls. They were really different in shape. Look at me and I look at you, but I can't count them. "Ha ha ha...!" The ground laughed.


Then, each group began to cook dumplings separately. Under the protection of the mothers, everyone learned to put dumplings and cook them (three times of cold water should be added in the middle!), Sheng dumplings, of course, the last dumplings do not need to be protected by mothers, ha ha!

饺子终于煮熟了,大家一个接着一个排队到走廊上盛饺子吃,各种饺子馅都混在一起,已经分不清是什么馅的了,吃着自己包自己煮的饺子,味道真是好极了! 一转眼就到了放学的时间,可是同学们都还不想回家呢!最后,父母们只好把大家拉回家了!哈哈!自己动手,喜迎新年,老师、父母和大家一起度过了一个有意义的元旦,相信在新的一年里大家会过得更加有意义!

Finally, the dumplings were cooked. One by one, everyone queued up in the corridor to serve dumplings. All kinds of dumpling fillings were mixed together. It was hard to tell what kind of fillings they were. The dumplings they made and cooked by themselves tasted great! It was time to finish school in a twinkling of an eye, but the students didn't want to go home yet! Finally, parents had to pull everyone home! ha-ha! Do it yourself to welcome the New Year. Teachers, parents and everyone spent a meaningful New Year's Day together. I believe that we will have a more meaningful New Year!

喜迎元旦作文 篇2


When winter comes to an end and spring comes to an end, birds sing on the branches and flowers bloom in the garden. This is a new start. I will not only welcome the new year with excitement, but also carefully organize the memories of the past 365 days.


In the past year, there have been five different flavors, sweet and bitter, happy and sad. The year has slipped away in a flash. The time is so fast that people are filled with emotion. Sitting alone on the balcony, watching the little green, drinking a cup of rich hot tea. Looking back on the past year, my mind began to turn like a silhouette, and I could see many things clearly. In this year, my biggest harvest is in this real society. Despite hard irrigation, the fruit may still be bitter and difficult to swallow; Hard work may not be fruitful, but no effort will definitely lead to no good results.


Time flies like an arrow. One year has passed in a muddle. The life in the sixth grade makes me feel that I don't know where to go. Since I was in the sixth grade, I have a lot of troubles in my heart for no reason, but I don't know what to worry about. This is the most sour. I hope the new year can bring some light. I am ready to meet new challenges, and I am willing to overcome all difficulties and meet success. This year is a very important stage in my life; After graduating from primary school, it is both expected and feared to be promoted to junior high school.


I want to reflect on all my mistakes in the past, review and correct them, welcome the new year in the best condition, strive for my goals and ideals, and work tirelessly to create a bright future.


It is a new year and everything is renewed. Therefore, we not only need to clean our homes before the New Year, but also have a lot of garbage in our hearts that need to be cleaned up. So we can let the past unhappiness disappear and welcome the new year with a new mood.

喜迎元旦作文 篇3


Just yesterday (the last day of December), our class held a New Year's Day get-together in the afternoon. When I came to the class, I looked at the blackboard and was shocked. The blackboard was painted with lanterns, a door and so on. I didn't believe that it was true. I rubbed my eyes and looked again. It was the same. I repeated this action more than 20 times, but I still didn't believe it. I repeated this action several times before I believed it was the real picture on the blackboard.


Two nights before the get-together, I was preparing for the get-together. I always took some time to do some brainstorming. I always had half an hour - one hour to do my homework. By the time of the New Year's party, I certainly knew it by heart! But when I went to school, I was always nervous, for fear that I would read wrong words and cause jokes, so I kept silent on the way.


Finally, it was time for the performance. All the students came on in turn. I thought I was the last one, but I didn't achieve my goal. I was only the second from the bottom. Hey! When Chen in our class performed, I almost laughed off my big teeth, but I thought it would be better to add a little thunder split sound. When Wan was performing magic tricks, I secretly applauded and admired him. But what I didn't know was: why is the ball in my pants pocket? If you take off another layer, there is another ball? And Ye's magic also surprised me: Why did the money fall? Is there any secret in it?


It's my turn to perform. My heart is pounding and I feel dizzy. When I got to the stage, I was almost speechless, because my heart was so nervous that I only made a sudden brain turn intermittently, so I ran down quickly. The simplest thing is that my brain has turned a corner, The most difficult thing is the rabbit murder case by Zhou in our class: "When big rabbits get sick, look at two rabbits; when three rabbits buy medicine, four rabbits boil; when five rabbits die, six rabbits carry them; when seven rabbits dig holes, eight rabbits bury them; when nine rabbits sit on the ground and cry, ten rabbits ask him: 'What's the matter with you?' Nine rabbits answer: 'Five rabbits never come back.'" In fact, I have a brain teaser to test everyone: the building is on fire, Mr. A escaped to the top floor and wanted to jump to the top of the next building only 1 meter away. Why did he fall down? There are only two places to answer the question, first come, first served. As long as the two people who answer the question are all wrong, I can only publish the answer. I hope you can publish your answers as soon as possible, so that I can publish them as soon as possible.

这次联欢会举行得特别的好,因为大家都穿了自己最漂亮的衣服,各有各的特色,而且 https://m.d8qu.com/ 礼物都是老师们精心准备的,所以我们都觉得很开心。

The party was held very well, because everyone wore their most beautiful clothes, each with its own characteristics, and HTTPS://M.D8QU COM/gifts were carefully prepared by teachers, so we all felt very happy.