
时间:2022-10-15 13:25:42 | 来源:语文通



童年趣事初中作文 篇1童年趣事初中作文 篇2童年趣事初中作文 篇3童年趣事的初中作文 篇4童年趣事的初中作文 篇5童年趣事初中作文 篇6

童年趣事初中作文 篇1


Childhood, like the starry sky, is blue and beautiful; The childlike interest, like stars, illuminates the starry sky, making the originally dark starry sky shine a little bit. The charm can't blow away the warm memories; The rain can't break the happy melody.


It seems that the interesting stories of my childhood are engraved in my mind, and they cannot be erased. I remember that year when I was five or six years old, I went to my aunt's house with my mother to play hide and seek with my sister I had no choice but to close my eyes, face the wall and start counting: "1, 2, 3, 4, 5... 30 I started looking!" Look for this house, look at that house, no! I suddenly came up with a wonderful idea that will surprise you: this is not something that a five or six year old child can think of. As a result, it is conceivable that when we went there, it was winter, the sky was still snowing, the ground was slippery, and the diving turned into a real fall, and the fake wailing turned into a real wailing. My sister cried out because of my amazing cry, but it was a pity for my feet In the third round, the form changed, and I didn't become the "catcher"! Within 30 seconds, I successfully hid in the closet, and also used a mirror to look at whether I could find any flaws, NO, NO, NO. My sister searched for a long time but couldn't find it. I waited and fell asleep. My sister finally had no choice but to start a carpet search. When she approached the wardrobe, she found that there was a noise. She opened the wardrobe and found me sleeping. So I lost the game.


Time turns the present into the past and the future into the present. He is generous, he is fair, but I can never go back to my childhood. Childhood, like falling dandelion petals, flies far, far. Welcome me, is a new tomorrow!

童年趣事初中作文 篇2


A book is like a cup of hot tea, which needs to be carefully tasted and re tasted; A childhood, like a gourd bottle. Sweet, bitter, hot and salty, every taste is a memory worthy of collection... When I was young, I thought books were a kaleidoscope filled with fairy tales, and I thought books were a magnet that could attract people. When growing up with a strong fragrance of books, books are my good friends and teachers. The book Old Stories in the South of the City reminds me of my childhood.


When Lin Haiyin was a child, he used to listen to ghost stories and asked two "Damei" to go to the toilet, but secretly went to the theatre... These are the real joys of childhood. Aunt Lan with a squint smile; Song Ma, who rode a donkey back to her hometown, Xiuzhen, the "crazy woman" in Chunshu Alley, and the thief hiding in the haystack... These characters left a deep impression on me.


One snowy evening, the railway station was full of people, carrying heavy suitcases. My mother and I came to Beijing by train. Suddenly I found a hand waving forcefully to us in the crowd. Ah, those are my father's rough hands! I ran over happily and saw the familiar faces again. "Daddy!" The family met happily again. I don't know how many years have passed, but whenever I see Auntie Xiuzhen, who is called "crazy woman" in "Old Stories in the South of the City", and her own daughter meet in a hurry, I think of that scene at the railway station.


My mother, kind and capable, often teaches us through small things and is a good mother. As in the "Donkey Rolling", in order to survive, Song Ma abandoned her son and went to the city to nurse Yingzi's family. Every year, when she sees her husband's stubborn donkey parked at Yingzi's house, her life has a glimmer of hope. She was anxious to find the abandoned child, and that scene aroused my sympathy for the fate of women.


When things were presented one by one in the story, Yingzi's father's favorite chrysanthemum dropped unconsciously, and he went with it. Yingzi realized that she had grown up and had to assume the responsibility of supporting her family. Yingzi, who graduated from primary school, said goodbye to his carefree childhood and was very ambivalent: "How much we like to grow up and become adults, and how afraid we are!"


After reading this book, I will be "sad" and "happy" with the ups and downs of the story. Books are really my good teachers and helpful friends. I hope I can indulge in the fragrance of books, swim in the sea of books, and recall unique scenery in the fragrance of books!

童年趣事初中作文 篇3


Speaking of my experience with kowtow beetles, that's not much. Not much, that's really not much, only once so far.


At that time, I was still learning dance. Before class this day, a group of our little girls practicing dancing were preparing for the dance class. Suddenly, one of our classmates squatted on the ground and shouted, "Come and see! There's a kowtow bug! " With this cry, we all rushed forward. No matter how well we prepared for the "work", we squatted on the ground and surrounded the kowtow beetles three layers inside and three layers outside, eager to see its "style". In fact, it's no wonder that we are so curious, because we all live in cities, and we rarely see such strange insects. Besides, there are few kowtowing insects, no butterflies, and grasshoppers are common. If things are rare, we will not let them go.


I saw that the little guy was not big, about three centimeters long, and his whole body was black and shiny, like a layer of oil. Its head is small and round, like a small black bean; The chest is flat, like a small square, its length is half of the abdomen; Its abdomen is long and thin, and its sharp point is also suffused with dark green light. Although it looks ordinary, just touch a small "mechanism" on it gently to make it kowtow.


Just look at that classmate holding down the back of the kowtow beetle. The kowtow beetle kept raising its head and chest, and then rushed to the ground. At the same time, it made a "click" sound, as if it was kowtowing its head to us, as if it was begging us for mercy: "Help, let me go! "Seeing that kowtow beetles look so funny, we are eager to try.


I took the lead and took the lead in contacting kowtow beetles. Although I'm not afraid, I'm still afraid of this little guy. So, I tried to touch the back of it first, but unexpectedly, it suddenly arched, jumped up like a gymnast, jumped into the air, and did a forward roll in mid air. The posture was very beautiful. This surprised us. Fortunately, one of the students responded quickly and caught the kowtow bug quickly, or it would have taken the opportunity to escape.


Having learned the previous lesson, I know that when I press that "mechanism", I must master the force properly. If I press it lightly, it will run away; if I press it heavily, it may break it. If I get the "secret script", I can tame this worm easily.


Before long, we let all the students play kowtow once. Suddenly, we found a wet liquid under the kowtow beetle. It can't be that the kowtow has lasted too long. Let's see if there is bleeding. Will the kowtow bug bleed too much and die? The more we think about it, the more scared we are. We hurriedly let the little guy go. As a result, my only experience with kowtow beetles ended in discord.

童年趣事的初中作文 篇4


Childhood is like tea, fresh and elegant, shallow and traceless; Childhood is like wine, mellow, deep, leaving traces; Childhood is more like a cup of lemon juice, sweet and sour, bitter and hot, with endless aftertaste. Childhood songs are always so moving and witty. I can always remember the most interesting melody:


The blue sky is like being wiped, and the trees are like water being washed away. Flowers smile and dance in the wind; The willow leaves were drunk, shaking her delicate waist; Birds sing in the air. When I raise goldfish, any scenery is so beautiful for me


"Goldfish! Lovely little goldfish!" My father and I can't escape from walking on the road. "Qianli", I looked at the source of the sound, my eyes opened wide, and could not help but "wow". What a beautiful little goldfish! Look! They were wearing orange evening gowns that sparkled in the sun. His head was inlaid with a crown, and his eyes were round, just like colorful glass balls. The tail swings freely behind him. At dusk, I can't help losing my eyes. There are some slim little princesses! I can't help but stop. It seems that the sole of my foot is stuck by universal glue and I can't walk anymore.


"Dad, I want to!" I swaggered to the aquarium, pursed my lips, pulled my father's sleeve and said. "You little devil!" Dad smiled and scratched my nose. "OK! But you should take good care of them!" In this way, I raised several small goldfish.


When I came back, I was so happy that I could not change the water ten times a day. I moved to the stool to chat with the little goldfish. I often talked to myself or stared at the fish tank without blinking. My eyes followed the little fish wherever he went. I often feel that I have become a fish, dancing a happy waltz with them.


"Ranran! Come and take a bath, the water will be cool!" Mother cried in the bathroom. Looking at the goldfish, I suddenly became wild: goldfish also need to take a bath! At first, I immediately became a "thief". I stole a piece of soap under my mother's eyes and rubbed it in the water. There were so many bubbles! The little fish can not only have fun in it, but also have a delicious bubble bath! I thought I was smart and couldn't help laughing. I turned and ran to the bathroom to take a bath. In fact, I was thinking about the little goldfish when I washed it!


"Fish, let me come." Before I finished speaking, I saw the small fish floating on the water was still, turning their white bellies. "Wow..." I sat down on the chair and cried loudly.


The melody of childhood is getting farther and farther, and the little girl with ponytail giggling in her memory is gone. Childhood is like a finger of quicksand, drifting far and far with the wind. But there is always some quicksand left at the fingertips, just like a fish in a bath. She lowered her head, smelled the sweet taste, looked up and saw spring flowers rippling on her face.

童年趣事的初中作文 篇5


Childhood is a song that is unforgettable; Childhood is a picture that is unforgettable; Childhood is a book, which is still fresh in memory.


That afternoon, my grandma and I went to grow vegetables in the small vegetable garden in my hometown's backyard. When we got to the vegetable garden, Grandma dug a hole with a shovel. Then she took a small bag about the size of her hand and took out a black candy from it. I asked Grandma, "Grandma, is this candy?" "Hmm? Ha ha! Ziyao, this is not a candy, but a seed." Grandma said with a smile. "Oh!" I nodded, "Can Grandma grow delicious cabbage from this seed?" "Well, you reap what you sow, and you reap what you sow. I will plant this vegetable seed in the soil, and we will soon have cabbage to eat!" Grandma covered the seeds with soil and watered them. "Grow what you plant." I thought to myself.


A few days later, my aunt came to visit. He gave me a big bag of my favorite candy and said, "Eat slowly!" "Well," I promised. But, to say the truth, although I promised my aunt to eat slowly, I still couldn't resist the sweet temptation of candy. I almost finished it in a few days. I looked at the few candies in the candy can, lying on my desk and thinking. Suddenly, an interesting idea came into my mind. "Since we reap what we sow, we reap what we sow. Will we reap what we sow?" I thought to myself, and then, holding the candy can, I ran to the vegetable garden.


I buried the candy according to Grandma's steps when she was growing vegetables, and poured more water before leaving. When I slept at night, I dreamed that the candy I planted had become a towering tree, and there were candy of different flavors on the "candy tree". "Well, this is strawberry. It's delicious." I lay on the bed, turned over and said. In the following days, I went to see the vegetable garden every day. I went to see it as soon as I finished my homework. I also went to see it before school in the morning. My mother saw me go to the vegetable garden happily every day, and then ran back to the room in frustration. He walked up to me and asked why. So, I told my mother the whole story. Who knows, my mother burst into laughter. "Mom, why are you laughing?" When I saw my mother laughing out of breath, I thought she was laughing at me, so I shouted angrily. "Ha ha, not ha ha... You are so cute, ha ha!" Mother didn't mean to stop. "How can candy grow into a tree? Ha ha..." "Ah?" I looked at my mother with a masked face. After laughing, my mother told me why candy can't grow into a tree, and why seeds can.


Although this matter has passed for several years, it is still deeply imprinted in my mind and cannot be forgotten. Ah! How lovely I was as a child! be light of heart from care!

童年趣事初中作文 篇6


Childhood is happy, childhood is taboo free, childhood is pure, childhood is Everyone has his own childhood. My childhood is childish, ignorant, joyful and ridiculous. Whenever I stand in front of the window, I can't help thinking of a funny thing that happened to me in my childhood.


One sunny afternoon when I was five years old, I played with some friends of my age. Suddenly, a caterpillar on a small tree attracted our attention. Our naive mind was full of curiosity, so we took the caterpillar down from the tree and put it on a big stone to observe. I suddenly had a strange idea and said to my friends, "Why don't we help the caterpillar 'operate'?" "Good!" The little partners answered with ecstasy. Just do what we say. We picked up some "surgical tools" to help caterpillars perform "surgery" in a casual fashion. We first drilled a big hole in the caterpillar with a small branch, and then sawed the caterpillar into two sections with sharp hard leaves. Finally, we took small stones and crushed it randomly. This is the "operation" in our mind. In this way, we made the poor caterpillar miserable and bloody. However, we are not unhappy about being naughty.


We thought to ourselves: adults say that people should be buried when they die, and caterpillars should also be buried when they die. So, my friends and I dug a small hole in the land, put the caterpillar down, filled it with soil, and then you and I stepped on it. We found a brick, carved the words "Tomb of Caterpillar" on the stone, and stood on the soil. My friends and I looked and it seemed that we were missing something. Xiao Heng thought for a moment and said, "When going to the tomb, people will take some incense candles." "Well, that's right." I nodded and said. So I immediately ran home to get the candles. Of course, we can't let our family know about it. I took three incense candles and crept out of the house. Then, my friends and I put incense in front of the caterpillar's "grave" and put some delicious candies. We thought the caterpillar would forgive us, so we went home happily.


Childhood is like a joyous song, singing the story of our growth, leaving a good memory in everyone's heart.