
时间:2022-07-19 13:30:00 | 来源:语文通



It is unlikely that people's development is smooth. With endless distress, studying, work, exams, work ... can compare with this kind of comparison, the trouble I encounter can be said to be a sweet trouble.


Nowadays, the current policy of family planning policy is also common, but for me at the age of twelve years old, I never thought that I would have a younger brother who was twelve -year -old.But that accidental nature was produced on me, and since I since I have a sweet little trouble.In response to his coming, I was at a loss, but in the invisible, my shoulders also had an obligation to be a sister.


Speaking of trouble, sometimes it is really troublesome. Just when I was born, my house was restless, and I cried and made a noisy at all times. The coming of his coming asked me to change the daily life that I was so comfortable and comfortable. I want to change the temperament of the status quo. Because I am a sister; I want to discard my selfishness, because I am a sister; I want to learn tolerance and tolerance and tolerance and tolerance and tolerance. Human letters, because I am a sister. I also know that this is a change that I must make on my growth path, but for his coming, I still have some complaints. This little trouble has always been curious about everything, and he has any adverse effects regardless of his personal behavior. I think his most troublesome area is to move to my things. Seeing a pen, no matter what the book H, and which book is on the table, you will catch it back. He will continue to paint at will. When you are happy, you throw your hands and turn around. My helplessness was so annoyed in his eyes. More fatal or loud crying sounds, encountering unhappy things, not reaching his wishes, raising his head, holding his hands tightly, crying disregarding his voice, making people dumb without all his loud pain, making people dumb without mouth. Word. Despite being a sister, I think he is a real trouble, and I often feel helpless.


But thinking about it again, did he say that there is no advantage?No, in some cases, he will help me surprise me.Along with him growing day by day, of course, he was obedient every day. Before I was tolerant of him, now he also learned to pay attention to me.After taking my things, he knew that he would put me back to the original place. Although there were some chaos, it would have developed very much with the previous comparison.Every time he goes out, if he goes home, there must be a copy of my snacks, and eating snacks at home will also help me get a copy.Gradually, I think it is actually very good to be a sister, and the naughty brother can be considered my sweet trouble.


Although I complained about him and looked down on him, I had to recognize it. The change of his arrival to the road of life had an unexpected surprise.I became a sister and had a sweet trouble.