
时间:2022-11-19 13:03:14 | 来源:语文通



趣事作文 篇1趣事作文 篇2趣事作文 篇3趣事作文 篇4

趣事作文 篇1


On May Day, my father and mother took my brother and me to Phoenix Ridge Ecological Park.


Enter the gate of the ecological park, and then walk a little further to officially enter the ecological park. The first thing you can see is the swimming pool of the Ecological Park. Walk along the road in front of the swimming pool. On the left is the fitness equipment field, and on the right is a grassland, where there are statues of rabbits, sika deer, elephants, and a seesaw.


Seeing so many interesting things, my brother and I rushed to the elephant and prepared to climb up. But I couldn't get up with all my efforts. I looked left and right and finally found that the trunk and ears of an elephant can be used as a "ladder". So I stepped on the elephant's nose with my left foot, and grabbed the elephant's ear with my left hand. I tried hard to climb up and down, but I didn't succeed. Finally, I summoned up my courage and jumped onto the elephant's back. After playing for a while, I couldn't get down again. My father took me down.


After playing for a while, we walked on. There was a sister lake in front of us, and we went there by boat. We asked for a pedal boat, which was driven by my parents. My brother took the direction, and I was responsible for directing the direction. At the beginning, everything was OK, but when my brother saw the pavilion in the middle of the lake, he would go to the pavilion to play, so we had to follow him. "Turn left, turn right, turn right..." I said sternly. At that time, I was like a general on the battlefield. Under my wise command, our boat slowly approached the pavilion. The younger brother jumped up happily, and after playing for a while, we returned to the boat.


At this time, it was almost noon, and we went to the nearby farmyard to eat special snacks. It's an interesting day to eat delicious food, watch the happy people and feel the tranquility of nature.

趣事作文 篇2


Today is Labor Day. My family went to Yixing to play.


We waited on the bus for two hours before we arrived in Yixing. The first thing we did was eat. After we had a rest, we drove to a mountain in Yixing. I was really shocked when everyone came to the foot of Yixing Mountain, because I have never seen such a big mountain. A small river under the mountain is surrounded by green ribbons, and the scenery is pleasant. When I climbed up the mountain, what I saw in front of me was simply more beautiful than heaven. Its natural plants grew freely on the soil, especially bamboo forests. There were countless varieties of them, ranging from short to long, from thin to thick, and they were clear and green.


When I got to the cave, when I saw the stalactites in the cave, I knew that the cave had a history of many years. The stalactites are like ice or jade, with different shapes. Under the light, they are more colorful and colorful. I feel like I have arrived at Penglai Wonderland. The cave is very cool, and the spring water there is very cold. Suddenly, an underground river appeared at my feet. At that time, a small boat just floated to me. We sat in this boat and walked slowly along the current. The boatman only supported the rock wall with his hands without using any tools on the way. He drove along the terrain for ten minutes. Suddenly, the eyes suddenly opened up. Our boat drove out of the cave, and I returned to the "world" from the fairyland.


Then, we came to the mountain and played the Tiesuo Bridge. The Tiesuo Bridge shook and swayed. Many people screamed on the bridge, but I was not afraid of it. Because I had practiced karate and had balance, it seemed that people said that "more skills do not weigh the body" really made sense!


After playing, our family went back.


Ah! How happy today!

趣事作文 篇3


On Saturday, all our dancers went to the Stone Buddha Temple in Zhenping to take pictures. In the morning, we left for the Stone Buddha Temple in Zhenping at nearly seven o'clock. When we got there, we played for a while. After playing for several hours, we went to take pictures for a while. Alas, I knew I had taken the sun hat. It was too hot there. I really thought it would be cool in the freezer. After a while, the director asked us to have lunch first, and then shoot after lunch. When we ate boxed lunch, we all ate in the small pavilion opposite the main gate of Shifo Temple. Because the wind was too strong, it was too cold when I ate half of the meal. It still hurt my stomach for a long time. Anyway, it was cold anyway. After everyone had lunch, we started shooting again. This time, we stood at the main entrance, clapping our hands and singing along with the rhythm. Unfortunately, I was moved to the side by the teacher. If it were not for me, I could still stand with the singing aunt. After we got down, the director asked us to wave our hands and run out. We could also wave to the camera, and I also waved.


Ah, I still have a lot of interesting things to tell you, ah, I had a very happy May Day!

趣事作文 篇4


Probably on the second day of the May Day holiday, we went to Lin Siyun's grandfather's office to play. That is a place for fish farming. Only the family members of employees can go fishing! It's not exactly fishing. Lin Siyun's grandfather took us to catch Tiaotiao fish!


The jumping fish is very difficult to catch, not because it is slippery all over, nor because it moves quickly, but because it lives in a beach that will sink when you step on it. When some of our little friends said they wanted to see the jumping fish, Grandpa didn't think about it. He walked quickly to the beach, reached into the dense area of some caves, and dug out the mud. Finally, he dug out a gray little thing. After Grandpa cleaned it, he looked at it carefully. It was a little crab, and its pair of pincers were particularly noticeable. When Grandpa lifted it up in the air, its little feet kicked wildly, As if to say, where is the land? Where is the land? Let me down! Let me down! How terrible! Sobbing... Its two big tongs kept waving and wanted to clamp grandpa's hand. We could not help but sweat for grandpa, but grandpa still said calmly: "Ouch... Don't be afraid, this clamp person is not painful. "Each of us took a long stick and carefully dug it up on the dry beach. Cheers, surprises and frustrations rose and fell one after another.


When we had a good time, I suddenly found those fishing enthusiasts uncles and uncles were busy. Finally, I grabbed a fishing rod. I hung a bait on the hook, took a brick and sat down to catch it. I waited left, right, and so on. Seeing that the fish had not caught the bait, I was worried and asked my grandpa, who said, "Look, the fish here have been driven to the opposite side. Let's go to the interview to catch fish! "I followed my grandfather, watching him throw the fishing line far away, watching him put the fishing rod away, until he handed it to me. He told me to wait patiently. I gradually learned to wait and be patient. Finally, I caught the first fish, and I was sure to catch the second. I waited patiently, and waited!


Both catching fish and fishing need patience. This fishing trip taught me how to wait.


This May Day, ten of our family went to Wuxi, Suzhou, where the scenery is beautiful and the trees are shady, but it is too hot. We went to four places: Hanshan Temple, Lingshan Garden, Lingshan Mountain, and Three Kingdoms City. Three Kingdoms City and Lingshan Mountain are in Wuxi, and Liuyuan Garden and Hanshan Temple are in Suzhou.


First, we crossed six bridges from Zhoushan to Suzhou: Cengang Bridge, Xiangjiaomen Bridge, Xihoumen Bridge, Jintang Bridge, Taoyaomen Bridge and Hangzhou Bay Bridge. The longest is Hangzhou Bay Bridge, and the longest is Jintang Bridge.


It took me more than four hours on the way, but I didn't feel uncomfortable at all, because my mother took care of me very much. If I wanted to sleep, my mother would hold me to sleep. If I wanted to eat, my mother would give me delicious food.


When we arrived in Suzhou, we first went to Hanshan Temple. After listening to the guide's introduction, we took pictures. Mom insisted on taking pictures for me no matter how hot it was.


After going to Hanshan Temple, I went to the Lingering Garden, where the scenery is beautiful. There are grotesque rockeries, beautiful flowers, clear water, and houses that go around. My mother took pictures for me and sweated for me.


The next day, we went to the Three Kingdoms City. The temperature on that day was 30 degrees Celsius. The Three Kingdoms City is characterized by high steps and large gates. There are also programs specially prepared for tourists. The main characters of the programs are Liu Bei and Zhang Fei. During the performance, my mother told me not to run around. After the performance, we continued to walk back. The palace behind us was tall, magnificent and magnificent. There was a lake called Taihu Lake behind the Three Kingdoms City. We took a big wooden boat to play. My mother told me not to walk around.


Finally, we came to the most beautiful and largest foot of Lingshan Buddha. There is a giant Buddha whose hand is more than ten meters high. The guide said that more than 150000 people come here to play in one day. There are about 229 strong steps. After going to Buddhism, I will go to the second Potala Palace in China.


There are thousands of people in it, and there are things, murals and lights that can not be described in thousands of words. It's very, very big. All ten of us are in groups of three, five or four.


We also saw something like a lotus lantern. It was very big and dozens of times my height. The lotus lamp slowly opened its petals, and a glittering Buddha came out. The fountain around it sprayed him, as if he was bathing Buddha. Then Buddha slowly turned around, and finally the petals closed.


This trip is over. Although it is very hot, I am very happy to have my mother "cool down" for me!