
时间:2022-11-17 12:49:11 | 来源:语文通



你为谁工作读后感 篇1《你在为谁工作》读后感1000字 篇2你为谁工作读后感 篇3你为谁工作读后感 篇4《你在为谁工作》读后感 篇5你为谁工作读后感 篇6《你在为谁工作》读后感 篇7

你为谁工作读后感 篇1


After reading Who Do You Work for, I felt different. This book not only aroused my vigorous fighting spirit, but also enabled me to face work more easily and happily.


The old carpenter mentioned in the book built a "tofu dregs" building with the attitude of working for the boss. When he knew that it was a retirement gift from the boss, he had words of bitterness and regret. This story tells us that the concept of "working only for others" is not only perfunctory to others, but also irresponsible to ourselves. Everyone is the sower of his own destiny. Recognizing that we work for ourselves means self motivation and self responsibility. Only when a person realizes self motivation and self responsibility can he master his own destiny, otherwise he will accomplish nothing.


This is true in life, especially in work. The old carpenter is not so much building buildings for the boss as building castles in the air for himself that may collapse at any time. What impressed me most in the book were the following two sentences: "Work is a stage to display our talents. The knowledge we have studied hard, our resilience, our decisiveness, our adaptability and our coordination ability will be displayed on this stage. No activity except work can provide such a high degree of self enrichment and opportunity to express ourselves, as well as such a strong sense of personal mission and a reason to live. The quality of work often determines life The quality of life ".


In work, a person's mentality is very important. If you keep balance, you will be happy, and naturally you will be able to do everything with ease. Whether it is positive or negative, whether it is progressive or indifferent, directly affects the quality of work. Work is a good stage for a person to display his talents. No matter what work he is doing, why not do it well when he is doing it? As long as you keep your feet on the ground and work hard, you will always get something. This is the unchanging truth!


We can't stay in a comfortable environment, not thinking about making progress, or even being a monk every day. The working environment is very unsatisfying, and we should not slack off, otherwise it will only push us to the edge of elimination, or even out of the game. After reading this book, we can be more clear about who we are working for, not others but ourselves. I am actually working for myself. I am preparing for my future. But the busy life seems to make us forget this. We forget that we are working for ourselves. We forget that dreams need hard work as the price, and we are often caught in the calculation of wages and benefits. From now on, let's realize that we are working for ourselves and start a positive and beautiful life.


When we face our dreams and work, we will encounter many problems and doubts. But as long as we face them bravely and show our courage, we will not miss opportunities and have no regrets. Don't be suspicious before taking action. In the process of suspicion, others may seize the opportunity. Action is not fear and suspicion, which can lay the foundation for your success.


Break through oneself, surpass oneself, believe in oneself, dare to challenge the impossible, often think about problems from the perspective of others, and change one's mind, because one's mind determines one's destiny, and only by paying can one be rewarded. The passion we need to stimulate in our work, change some of our bad habits, constantly pursue a higher self orientation, and become an enterprising person. I believe that today's achievements are the accumulation of yesterday, and tomorrow's success depends on today's efforts. Well, now let's regain our passion for work and work hard for our bright future!

《你在为谁工作》读后感1000字 篇2


Let me talk about my personal progress here. I have always practiced that work is to do my duty well. What is responsibility and how to do it well? What I summarized was that I did my best to complete what I should do in the 8 hours according to the requirements of the post. From the pre shift sign in, check the petty cash, check the number of cards to the ride service drivers and passengers, check and ensure the normal operation of self issued cards and ETC equipment, maintain the normal charging order on site, and finally make shift handover, payment and package, and sign off after work. Every time I go to and from work, I follow this process meticulously. Why am I like this? At first, the main purpose was to reduce the deduction of points and salaries. Later, it was to avoid delaying the class. The honor of the class has become the first element of my hard work. Serving the drivers and passengers attentively and doing a good job of civilized service at the window is no longer just to increase points and wages, but also to show the good image of the excellent group of Wudong Management Institute.


This is the progress brought about by participating in an excellent group. There is an exaggerated saying: standing on the air vent, pigs can fly! Therefore, we should treat our work and the collective with gratitude. The job is not taken for granted, because the world is material, and anyone can move away from the earth. Even if we were born and lived on the earth as a matter of course, we could not be far away from the earth. Compared with the quiet and peaceful life on the earth, we are still grateful to the earth mother! What's more, it gives us a job to prove our existence and realize our self-worth! I have experienced idleness and destitution before I realized the value of income! After experiencing the sadness of missing talents, I realized the value of a platform that can show its own value! So a job should be treated with gratitude.


Treat the world with tenderness, and the world will warm you! Work is to create value and get income. The value you create is in direct proportion to your income. "Who are you working for" does not teach you how to get more income, but it will definitely make you complain about the insufficient income.


I read from it that work is for myself. Have a grateful attitude and establish the character of loyalty and responsibility. This is not only the quality that an excellent worker should have, but also the quality that a capital "person" should have.


Gratitude can fill you with satisfaction. This kind of satisfaction is not a negative satisfaction of "having children and doing everything", but based on self-worth understanding, knowing that your harvest matches the value created, and not complaining. Satisfaction is a major element of happiness! Happy people must know how to be grateful!


Loyalty can make you feel at ease. The heart is at home! Be loyal to the work, the collective and the responsibility. Loyalty can make your heart settle in the things you are loyal to. You can do things as if you were in your hometown. You can do things as if you were in your hometown. This is the best condition for creating self value!


Responsibility is the source of progress. We work for 8 hours, which is the basis of our due diligence. As far as kung fu is concerned, in order to do the best things in the 8 hours, we must make preparations in the 8 hours. This preparation is the process of our learning. Learn policy documents, guiding ideology, interpersonal communication, etc. In the 8-hour work, we put the learning content into practice. The mutual promotion of learning and practice makes our progress!


Only by being grateful, loyal and conscientious can we realize and surpass ourselves!

你为谁工作读后感 篇3


In the book, John Rockefeller said: "Work is a stage to display our talents. Our knowledge, our resilience, our determination, our adaptability, and our coordination ability will all be displayed on such a stage. Except for work, no activity can provide such a high degree of self enrichment, opportunities to express ourselves, and such a strong sense of personal mission and a reason to live. The quality of work often determines the quality of life The quality of life. " This passage makes me understand the meaning of work. Every one of us needs to work. I think work should be a process of creation. The highest level of work is to create your own value, create with love, and find fun and meaning in creation. I remember a philosopher once said: life is meaningless unless there is work; All work is hard, unless there is knowledge; All knowledge is empty, unless there is a desire; All aspirations are blind unless there is love. Work with love is the embodiment of life!


Of course, we all hope that our work is meaningful, fun and valuable. In order to do our work well and get recognition, everyone has made the greatest effort. However, in real life, the work pressure is too great and the work is too tired. We are surrounded by complaints and helplessness, so how can we work happily? I want to tell you that yes: let's adjust our mentality, work with love, work with gratitude, and enjoy our work. A person's attitude directly determines his work behavior, determines whether he is dedicated to his work or perfunctory, content with the status quo or aggressive. You can choose to maintain a "barely passable" working state or an excellent working state, which depends on whether you love the job and have passion and enterprising spirit. "Who the hell are we working for?" This is a question that many people have in mind. Some people feel inferior, complain, and complain because of low salary, long working hours, poor working environment, multiple tasks, and disharmony of interpersonal relationships. They treat work as a very painful task and deal with it. Such a working attitude makes them unhappy. The more serious situation is that the long-term depression makes people lose their spirit, lose their confidence in life, and lose their spiritual pillar. The whole person will be depressed, let alone realize their self-worth.


Therefore, we should work with gratitude. It is our parents, teachers and the country that have given us all favors, so we should work harder. No matter what the environment is, all workers should abide by their responsibilities, be loyal to their own work and their own enterprises, not waste precious time to analyze and criticize others, but focus on how to do their own work perfectly and gain experience and fun from it, which is the most important.


In short, each of us should work hard to repay our parents, teachers, units and the country. Only by doing excellent work can we realize our ideals and realize our self-worth.

你为谁工作读后感 篇4


After reading the feedback you sent to me, I think I really should write such a paragraph. My name is - I feel after reading Who You Work for. This topic is a bit tongue twister, but it is true.


The company's staff activity in July and August is Reading Month, which introduces a book to everyone. The original intention is good, but the result is a little distorted. When initially establishing this idea, consider:


1、 July and August are the peak of movie viewing in the cinema, so employees are tired from their work. They don't want to reduce everyone's rest time by using employee activities;


2、 Since it is an employee activity, we should let everyone gain something. Our employees are young children born in the 1980s and 1990s. As an enterprise, we have the responsibility to provide learning opportunities for everyone. Let every partner working in the cinema get not only salary, but more knowledge and skills, so that we can learn what we have no chance to learn on campus;


3、 Through each activity, we can see many highlights on employees, so that we can find more excellent partners and provide them with opportunities for job transfer and promotion.


I was a little surprised by this result, and I also gained a lot.


1. I want to thank the network. It allows our employees to just press CTRL+C and CTRL+V to complete the tasks assigned to them;


2. The method is improper. The emails sent to me by everyone are various. Some people use beautiful letter paper to print, with good intentions, but I want to copy and save again; The articles sent to me have no signature, and I need to correspond to each QQ number in the QQ group; There are still many people who seem to be in a hurry. They don't even have typesetting. They send me a blank directly. It took me about two hours, so there were still two unsung heroes who didn't match the number.


3. In fact, what saddens me most is that among all the manuscripts sent to me, there is only one supervisor level employee, and there are other departments where I haven't even received a copy. I particularly want to ask you, is that how we lead the team? Is this how we set an example and tell our employees that this is the execution we emphasize every day? Why is it that many things can be implemented by employees, but not by the management team?


In fact, I have reflected a lot on this matter.


1. There is a problem with my own organization, and the time node is not well controlled;


2. Didn't tell you the template clearly;


3. No discrimination.


There are many things that we or at least some of our partners are willing to do, but I didn't tell you how. So in September, I will choose one hour to give you a training on how to regulate our daily work.


This activity has failed enough. I want to review it. I think there is still room for correction. Hehe, my consistent style is never to compromise easily and persist until I reach the goal I want. come on.

《你在为谁工作》读后感 篇5


The purpose of education at school is not to teach or accept the existing things, but to awaken the sleeping self-awareness from the depths of human life. This is also the awakening of human creativity, sense of life, sense of value as an individual. From the current social perspective, Who Are You Working For can be summarized as follows:


1、 Work hard. As long as we work hard, any mediocre enterprise name can become a brand. When you make efforts to feel that you are needed and affirmed, it is a kind of happiness and satisfaction. Junsuke Nakamura, a famous Japanese football player, said: "I only know one kind, one kind of salty, which is called sweat."


2、 Cherish. "When we were 30 years old, we would never go back when we were 20 years old. At the age of 50, we missed our 30th birthday. When we were 99 years old, we thought that the years of our life would be spent so safely, and we might be as happy as a thief who was not caught. Yesterday was an invalid check, tomorrow was a promissory note, and today is the only cash you have - so you should grasp it wisely and read the afterword《 Who are you working for.

三、敬业。当碰到问题时,不要直接说那是“不可能”的,而是投入我们的真诚,冷静地思考问题的症结,积极地寻求解决问题的办法,只要我们真诚和用心,问题就会迎刃而解。仔细分解一下“不可能”(impossible)这个词,我们从中似乎可以读出“我可能”(I’m possible)的意思。

3、 Dedication. When encountering a problem, do not directly say that it is "impossible", but invest in our sincerity, calmly think about the crux of the problem, and actively seek solutions to the problem. As long as we are sincere and attentive, the problem will be solved. Take a closer look at the word "Impossible". It seems that we can read the meaning of "I'M POSSIBLE" from it.


4、 Action. Chen Anzhi once said, "Change begins with decision, and decision comes before action." The secret of success that everyone should know: teamwork, persistence and strength. At the peak of the life climax, enjoy it; In the valley of life's ebb, bear it. Enjoying life makes me feel lucky; Enduring life makes me understand my toughness. Both of them make me happy.


5、 Excellence. I always want to spend a limited time like a bee in a busy life, but I don't want to do nothing all day like a turtle and die peacefully in a long time. The motto of a Japanese company is: "If you have wisdom, please show your wisdom; if you lack wisdom, please sweat; if you lack wisdom and are unwilling to sweat, please leave the unit."


Now we are advocating a learning society, and our unit is also engaged in the creation of excellent knowledge-based employees. It is never too late to learn. Only if we work hard, cherish the beautiful things in front of us, add our dedication, and pay our actions, we will certainly have outstanding achievements. There is no need for us to live an insightful and meticulous life, but there is no reason for us to follow the steps blindly. Without curiosity and eyes for discovery, the river of time might have been parked under the fence thousands of years ago. When we doubt and seek to reveal, do we have enough courage to face the truth?


The future is created by ourselves and sometimes forced. Someone once said that if God had closed all the doors, there would still be a window open for you; If even the window is closed, there is still a thin wall for you to chisel away. You said that coffee was originally bitter, and it would be sweet if you added some sugar and milk, but it must not be bitter, otherwise it would not be coffee - isn't it true in life?

你为谁工作读后感 篇6


Who Are You Working for? This book was bought many years ago, and I didn't read it carefully. But after browsing, many chapters are very touching, and many places have been read to students. This time, I really feel a lot.


This book describes the working attitude of an excellent employee at work, as well as his own mentality. That is, no matter what he does at work, he should return to zero, free himself, and regard each task as an opportunity with a learning attitude. He should realize psychologically that working for others is also working for himself, so that you can experience the fun that work brings to you, And realize self-worth in work.


Many of the chapters have given me a deep understanding. For example, the chapter "Ignite your passion for work". I remember that I once held a special class meeting on the theme "Ignite your passion for learning" in my class. When I told the children the story of the young man who sold socks, I was deeply affected. Think about our own work When we repeat the same work day after day, we may be consumed by trifles and troubles. However, if we lose our enthusiasm for work, we will lose a lot of fun and motivation. Therefore, we must always find an exit and a gas station for our hearts to ignite our enthusiasm for work. There are also many chapters that resonate with me. For example, don't be ordinary, but pursue excellence. I often take this sentence as my class motto and guide our students to pursue excellence. However, as teachers, do we also have a mentality and habit of pursuing excellence? Ordinary people are always submerged in the crowd. Only outstanding people can win the respect of everyone. There are also many chapters that enlighten people, such as "The pace of learning cannot stop", "Bad habits must be changed.


When we lose our passion for work, when we hate our work, when we are lost, read this book, I believe you will be enlightened.

《你在为谁工作》读后感 篇7


I've heard friends discuss this book before, but I haven't read it in advance due to various factors. This time, everyone in the unit had a copy of the book and asked to write the feeling after reading it. Some of them were depressed. They were afraid that they could not fully understand the essence of the book and write characters that were against the public opinion.


After dinner, when I turned it up for the first time, I felt uncomfortable. The book expressed its meaning directly, which was very likely to brainwash. The words between the lines strongly show the face of the capitalist boss, preaching, extremely boring, everyone knows the truth. Similar to most best sellers, it is also a kind of intolerable tone and enslavement thought, which is extremely suitable for new employees to work as a work guide. After three chapters, there will be no interest.


"The school can make you roll, but the book can't be made not to read" Sanmao quotes.


Three days later, the supervisor sent a text message, and the delivery date was reduced to. A panic and consternation occurred in my heart. I tried to bear the discomfort symptoms, read it, and silently recited the "work task" in my heart. This time, I read extensively from back to front, depending on my feelings. The transformation from excellence to excellence can only be achieved when an enterpriser works together with others in the footsteps of learning. Wang Baoqiang, the actor of Xu Santuo in Soldier Assault, "does not abandon, does not give up". Only when he is used to treating people and things with tolerance and application can he succeed.


"Even if it is not successful, it will not be blank" Sanmao quotes.


Working is not just a job, but actually a platform to realize self-worth and a commitment to the future. It is not necessary to be high and powerful, nor to have unlimited prosperity. It is enough to reach the direction of self. "What is reasonable is practice, and what is unreasonable is practice". The most important thing at work now is the change of self mentality. If the mentality adapts to the society, then you can always find a happy feeling in your heart.


The most impressive thing in the book is actually in the last section of Chapter 3. Unfortunately, there are few descriptions in the book, but I personally think "loyalty" is the most admirable work attitude. Without loyalty, the company will become a career training camp for competitors → WWW.. CN ←. Talent training is the cornerstone of the company's future, and loyalty is the manifestation of personal quality and company culture. In fact, all kinds of exceptions and excuses described in the book can break loyalty. In difficult times, loyalty is measured by understanding, self understanding of the company's choices, and the company's concern for personal confusion. Only by focusing on each other and being loyal to each other can we reach the conclusion that the company and the individual will win. Loyalty is the choice of the wise, loyalty is the assistance of experience, loyalty is the platform for communication with customers, loyalty is the motivation for work


"Who are you working for?", a small exception, accurately touched the context of the times, and analyzed the most profound realistic confusion with the simplest values: who are we working for, and to whom are our career roots? The depth of ideas makes people feel a lot! In fact, we are all working for our beliefs, but everyone's beliefs change subtly at different times and are harmed by the objective reality.


I wish everyone can realize their own direction and be loyal to their own beliefs.


When reading this book in different times, you will have different feelings. It is related to age and experience, and it is beneficial to open the book.