快乐的除夕作文 篇1快乐的除夕作文 篇2欢乐的除夕夜作文 篇3快乐的除夕作文 篇4快乐的除夕夜作文700字 篇5快乐的除夕夜作文800字 篇6快乐过除夕作文 篇7快乐的除夕作文600字 篇8快乐的除夕夜作文 篇9快乐的除夕作文 篇10快乐的除夕作文 篇1
As the saying goes: adults are looking forward to planting seedlings, and children look forward to the New Year.I look forward to it, and finally I look forward to happy New Year's Eve.Because, New Year's Eve can eat a reunion meal happily, and happily watch the Spring Festival gala back. Of course, we are the happiest in the beautiful night sky.Essence
“上菜了,年夜饭在外婆的召唤声中正式的拉开了序幕,外婆和外公都像我们展示了深藏不漏的厨艺,我一看左上的菜真丰盛啊,鸡鸭鱼肉样样俱全,只看得我口水直流啊!我们全部入席后,大伯指着这只金黄的全鸡说道:这只鸡有啥寓意,你们知道吗”?大哥哥抢着回答道“我知道,我知道,鸡{吉想如意”啊!这时二伯指着这盘红烧财鱼说:我告诉你们吧,这鱼有两层意思,一是恭喜发财,而是年年有余,你们懂了吗?我们开心的笑了。这时外公又指着一盘凉拌粉丝说:“谁知道这盘菜的寓意,我奖励500元的大红包。”我们一下子全都更加兴奋起来,都在冥思苦想。“耶耶耶,有了,我知道 ,我知道”,我喊了起来,我第一个想到,哥哥他们都还在抓脑袋呢?外公笑着说:聪明的小壮,你说说看啊?我一板一眼的说:你们看嘛,粉丝是不是很长很长啊,我想他一定是代表着“长命百岁”的寓意对不对,外公?祝您长命百岁啊,红包拿来啊!我兴奋极了,同时也胸有成竹,外公也高兴地说“:长命百岁,对,对,对,还是我们小壮学问高,给,外公说话一向算话的,奖励的红包归你了,一家人都开心的大笑起来,爽朗的笑声时时传出每家每户的院落……
"It's been served, and the New Year's Eve dinner officially kicked off in the voice of grandmother. Grandma and grandfather both showed the hidden cooking skills. It looks like, just see me drooling! After we all attended the table, the uncle pointed at the golden all -chicken and said: What is the meaning of this chicken, do you know? "? The elder brother rushed to answer, "I know, I know, chicken {想 想 大"! At this time, Erbo pointed to this plate of red -roasted wealth fish and said: I tell you, this fish has two meanings. One is congratulations to getting rich, but more than every year. Do you understand? We smiled happily. At this time, the grandfather pointed at a plate of cold fans and said, "Who knows the meaning of this dish, I reward the big red envelope of 500 yuan." We all became more excited at once, and they were thinking about it. "Yeah, so, I know, I know," I shouted, I first thought, what are they still catching their heads? The grandfather smiled and said: Smart little Zhuang, do you talk about it? I said at a glance: Do you see, do you have a long and long fan? I think he must represent the meaning of "long life and hundreds of years", right? Grandpa? I wish you a hundred years old, the red envelope is brought! I was very excited, and at the same time, I also had a bamboo, and my grandfather also said happily: "Life is 100 years old, yes, yes, still our little strong knowledge, giving, grandfather's speech, and the reward red envelope belongs to you. The family laughed happily, and the hearty laugh always came out of the courtyard of each household ...
一家人在欢声笑语中结束了这 美妙的晚餐,大人们早已围坐在电视机前看中央台的春节联欢晚会,我们却早已跑到了院子外边,放起了烟花,你看那燃起的冲天炮,一跃而起,在天空中变成一朵朵美丽的五彩的牡丹,姹紫嫣红,可真美啊,那一个个美丽的花瓣真像我许下的一个个小小的新年愿望………,我仰望五彩的夜空,祈祷着在新的一年里,我的这一个个小小的愿望能慢慢的实现……。
The family ended this wonderful dinner in the laughter and laughter. Adults have already sat around the TV to watch the Central Terrace's Spring Festival Gala, but we have already ran outside the yard and set up fireworks.The artillery jumped up and became a beautiful colorful peony in the sky.I looked up in the colorful night sky and prayed that in the new year, my small wishes could be realized slowly ...
The past one minute passed, and the footsteps of the New Year came in the sound of loud firecrackers. It was really like a poem (Yuanri): The sound of firecrackers was divided by one year old, and the spring breeze sent to Tu Su.On the front door of the pupil, the new peach is always changed.
快乐的除夕作文 篇2
一个快乐而短暂的春节悄悄地从我们的身边溜走,我们即将迎来一个新的春节。不知不觉中我们又长大了一岁。发生在春节的趣事就像天空中的星星,数不胜数,每一颗星星都闪闪发亮,每一件事都刻 骨铭心,真是令我觉得趣味十足。尤其是今年的春节,更是令我记忆深刻!
A happy and short Spring Festival quietly slipped away from our side, we are about to usher in a new Spring Festival.Unconsciously we grew up one year old.The interesting thing that happened in the Spring Festival is like the stars in the sky.Especially this year's Spring Festival has made me remember!
不过真正精彩的,还是礼花。它们在空中尽情舞蹈。满天的礼花照得天空如同白昼一般。绚丽多彩的烟花在天空中一点点绽放开来,满心的欢喜在人们心底一点点荡漾开来。夜空中满天的繁星在夜幕中 闪出点点星光,真是好看。“啪!”橙色的礼花一下子绽放开来,一会儿,它便消失了。又是一朵礼花飞上天空,蓝色的“花瓣”,在天空中显得分外妖娆。满天的礼花,有红的,蓝的,黄的,绿的, 白的……它们落下的“花瓣”好像流星一样划过,消失在天空,它为偌大的天空增添了生机,献出了光和热,将夜幕点缀的如同百花园般千姿百态。原来这种烟花叫做“天女散花”,可真是名副其实 呀!“啪”,又是一朵极其美丽的礼花映入我的眼帘,绿色的点儿绽放开来,艳丽夺目。在它们消失后,一阵“哗啦啦啦”的声音进入我的耳膜,冷眼一看,刚才礼花“开放”的地方出现了耀眼的繁星 。再定睛一瞧,原来它还是礼花,真漂亮!这种奇特的礼花叫做“满天星”,可真有意思!这时候,天空已经成为礼花的舞台,任它们自由起舞,它们有的像菊花,有的像绒球,有的像海棠……看着 这满天的礼花飞舞,更让人浮想联翩。它们仿佛像清丽可人的仙女有的臂挎花篮,采摘鲜花;有的怀抱琵琶,轻拨银弦;有的倒悬身子,自天而降;有的彩带飘浮,漫天遨游;有的舒展双臂,翩翩起舞 ,有的脚踩白云,飘飘欲仙……
But the really wonderful is the flower flower. They dance in the air. The flowers in the sky are like daytime. The colorful fireworks bloom in the sky, and the joy is full of joy in people's hearts. The stars in the night sky flashed a little starlight in the night, which is really beautiful. "Pop!" The orange flower flower bloomed all at once, and for a while, it disappeared. Another flower flower flies into the sky, and the blue "petals" appear enchanting in the sky. The flowers are full of flowers, red, blue, yellow, green, white ... The "petals" they have fallen like a meteor and disappeared in the sky. Light and heat, embellish the night as a hundred gardens. It turns out that this kind of firework is called "Tian Nu Sanhua", but it is really a deputy! "Papa" is a very beautiful flower flower in my eyes, and the green point blooms, and it is gorgeous. After they disappeared, a "wow la la" entered my eardrum. At a cold eyes, there was a dazzling star in the place where the flower flower "open". Take a look at it again, it turns out that it is still a flower, so beautiful! This strange flower flower is called "full star", which is really interesting! At this time, the sky has become a stage for flowers, letting them dance freely. Some of them look like chrysanthemums, some like velvet balls, and some like begonia ... watching the flowers flying in the sky is even more imaginative. They are like a beautiful and pleasant fairy with a flower basket and picking flowers; some embrace pipa and lift silver strings; some hang upside down, fall from the sky; some ribbons float and swim in the sky; Dance, some feet step on the white clouds, fluttering ...
放完烟花后,我们一家人坐在沙发上边看春节晚会边包饺子,此时此刻,我对新年的憧憬之情已无法用语言表达,怀着一颗激动的心,等待着新年钟声的敲响。终于,那新年的钟声庄严地敲响了,我心 中许下心愿:在新的一年里,我一定会奋发向上,努力学习。
After the fireworks, our family sat on the sofa to watch the dumplings while watching the Spring Festival party. At this moment, my longing for the New Year could not be expressed in language. With a excitement, waiting for the New Year's bell.Round.Finally, the bells of the new year sounded solemnly, and my heart was in my heart: In the new year, I will definitely work hard and study hard.
就是我快乐的春节,我觉得过得真开心!节里那每一件快乐有趣的事,都像那不断涌出的清泉在我的脑海里慢慢流淌,是那么清新甘甜,那么令人难忘。它不仅让我体会到了快乐,还让 我懂得了一些道理:我们已经长大了,一定要努力学习,为了自己的理想而努力了
It's my happy Spring Festival, I feel really happy!Every happy and interesting thing in the festival is like the constant rushing Qingquan flowing slowly in my mind. It is so fresh and sweet, so unforgettable.It not only made me feel happy, but also made me understand some of the truth: we have grown up, we must study hard, and work hard for our own ideals.
欢乐的除夕夜作文 篇3
今天是除夕,到处都充满了浓浓的节日气息,家家户户忙着贴春联,做年 夜 饭,放鞭炮 ……
Today is New Year's Eve, full of strong festive atmosphere everywhere. Every family is busy sticking to the Spring Festival couplet, making New Year's Eve, setting off firecrackers ...
I heard that there is a myth about the Chinese New Year: Once upon, there was a monster named New Year's Beast. Every New Year, it always came to steal the East and West. In order to drive away the New Year's beasts, some people put firecrackers in the yard.Listen to the sound of the firecrackers and run away.In this way, every New Year is setting up firecrackers, and the year no longer dares to break in, and everyone can celebrate the Chinese New Year!
我吃完年 夜 饭开始放烟花了,我拿来“杜鹃花”小心翼翼的点燃,说时迟那时快,一眨眼空中绽开了一朵金黄的花,这朵花到处乱窜,一会儿是黄的,一会儿是白色的,像花蝴蝶在飞舞。我又点燃了“集锦”,那火星直冲到一米高的地方又落下来,既像炼钢炉里的火花,又像美丽的喷泉,令人赏心悦目。
I started to put the fireworks after eating New Year's Eve. I brought the "azalea" carefully and ignited. When I said, a golden flower bloomed in the air in the air.It was white for a while, like a flower butterfly flying.I ignited the "collection", and the Mars rushed straight to a meter -high place. It was like a spark in the steelmaking furnace and a beautiful fountain, which was pleasing.
After the fireworks were released, I was excited to fall asleep, waiting for the arrival of the New Year.
快乐的除夕作文 篇4
Looking forward, looking forward to the winter vacation, the footsteps of New Year's Eve are approaching.Everyone resigned and welcomed the new and ushered in the New Year's Eve.
On New Year's Eve, everyone is busy, and every family is hung with bright red and eye -catching lanterns. Instead of putting on a new couplet, there is the word "blessing" in the center of the door, which is very beautiful.what!There is a joyful atmosphere everywhere.
The night came unknowingly, and it was time for a reunion meal. Looking at the rich mountain and sea flavor on the table, delicious dishes, I was salivated.There are beef, which represents beef and the sky; there are mutton, which represents the coming year to raise his eyebrows; there are meatballs, representing the reunion in the coming year; and the fish that I like the most, it means more than the year ... see!We have already moved up, while eating, saying, "Mom and Dad get rich, please bring the red envelope!" Then, the two of them gave me two big red envelopes with drums.The sister on the side was also anxious to see it. He said goodbye, and his parents also gave him two big red envelopes.I was happy to jump three feet high.
Time is so fast!At twelve o'clock in a blink of an eye, as the bells of the new year sounded the sound of "crackling" and the sound of "bombardment" of the fireworks, it sounded at the same time.
We are overjoyed, wow!It turned out that the dark night was now on the fireworks and firecrackers.Suddenly, in the north, a "在" sounded, a green dragon flew into the sky; a silver rat came out in the south; a lilu was blooming on the west; a beautiful red umbrella was opened to the east,But all disappeared without a trace in an instant, and you could only see meteors passing through the sky.
I also tickled my hands, so I called the whole family to release the gun together.Dad first ignited a long cannon, "crackling! Cracking ...".This voice is full of joy, all happiness, all auspicious!But as deafening like thunder.Look!Each sparkl is like a naughty child, with the sound of firecrackers, jumping here all of a sudden, right?
Zi jumped to that, and suddenly rushed to me again, scaring me.Dad and me ignited their own fireworks.My "rotating" fireworks and Dad's fireworks rushed to the sky, and then rushed to a happy bird; a beautiful little mushroom was emerged in a while; a beautiful chrysanthemum bloomed in the air ...They are so gorgeous, so cute, so bright!The fireworks of mothers and sisters are also distinctive, each with its own charm: the sparks of the sister's firework sticks are like a golden snowflake dyed, and the mother's firework stick is like a flame jet.Swing it up like Nezha's Qiankun circle.On the night of New Year's Eve, the sky scenery made us dazzling. Seeing that, and missing this, people's laughter, the harsh of firecrackers, and the shouting of children, became a festive new year symphony.I can't help but think of Wang Anshi's "one year old in the sound of firecrackers, the spring breeze is warm and entered Tu Su ..."
what!Lunar New Year's eve!You are the end of the old year. At the beginning of the new year, with you, the people of Wugang have joy, only happiness, I love happiness New Year's Eve.
快乐的除夕夜作文700字 篇5
"The sound of firecrackers is one year old, and the spring breeze is sent to Tu Su." We ushered in the New Year's Eve of 20 ×× year in joy and joy.This year is the year of the mouse. It is full of joy of the New Year everywhere and a happy atmosphere everywhere.
Like all people, our family is also busy making dumplings, sticking to couplets, hanging lanterns, and fireworks.What is different is that the second uncle, second uncle, and brother who are far away in Heilongjiang also returned. We have a "family party party" at the grandmother's house together!
Speaking of this party, I have prepared for several weeks, because the host of this party is me, everything is organized by me, this is also a good opportunity to show myself. I have to be good.Cherish, the best for hosting!
In the evening, our gala officially started. The first appearance was the old grandfather who was strong and strong. He took out his unique survival, gourd solo, accompanied by the melodious gourd silk, and the party kicked off.The next performance is naturally my versatile host. I want to show one hand. I sang Han Hong’s "Sky Road". Under the unanimous requirements of the whole family, I jumped on them again.Indian dance, the atmosphere of the party is becoming more and more active, everyone sings and dances: the younger brother's "The Legend of Nezha" is like a rainbow;"It also expresses the care, responsibility, and hope of the parents of the children; of course, the most exciting party of the party is the female voice solo" Journey to the West "and" Daughter Love ".The daughter -in -law of the daughter -in -law, listening to the daughter's king of the king of the country, telling the feelings in her heart, and the hearts of their hearts and lingering, everyone's performance is wonderful.
The wonderful show was finished. As a host, I gave everyone a beautiful gift made by my own hands. At this time, the party also reached a climax. Everyone wished each other and sent blessings.In the blessing, we spent a joyful and unforgettable New Year's Eve!
In the new year, in the new beginning, I will bring my family to me a good blessing to me, happy and happy to live and study, so that I have more gains and joy in learning and life!
快乐的除夕夜作文800字 篇6
I love my sweet home, I love my happy home, I love my home full of warm home.
那是去年除夕夜,爸爸妈妈接来了外婆到我家吃 年 夜 饭。为了使除夕过得更欢乐,更有意义,平时计多一筹的“开心”老爸开了腔:“咱们趁春节晚会未开播前,来一个抽奖游戏,怎么样?”我双手赞成。两步并作一步走,到了小房间折腾了半天,拿着抽奖盒来到客厅,我喊了一声:“闪亮登场!”偏偏这时,我“扑通”一声摔在了地上。平时喜欢搞笑的爸爸笑着说:“我们家的小公主又到地上拾元宝了。”真是哪壶不开提哪壶。外婆和妈妈哈哈大笑,我可急了,低声说:“肃静!”然后又学起电视上的主持人,拿起话筒说:“有首诗写得好‘爆竹声中一岁除,春风送暖入屠苏。千门万户曈曈日,总把新桃换旧符’。在这辞旧迎新的美好时刻,我用抽奖的方式送给大家特殊的礼物,以表我深深的祝福。”
It was New Year's Eve last year. My parents came to my grandmother to have a New Year's Eve dinner.In order to make the New Year's Eve more joyful and more meaningful, the dad of "happiness" was usually opened: "What about a lottery game before the Spring Festival party was broadcast, how about?" I approved my hands.Two steps and took a step, tossed for a long time in the small room, and came to the living room with a lottery box. I shouted, "Shining!" At this time, I fell to the ground with a "fluttering".The funny dad who usually likes to say, "The little princess of our family went to the ground to pick up ingots again."Grandma and mother laughed, I was anxious, and whispered, "Quiet!" Then he learned the host on TV and picked up the microphone and said, "There is a good poem.Spring breeze sent to Tu Su. Thousands of households have always replaced the old runes of Xintao. At this beautiful moment of resigning the old and welcoming the new, I will give you a special gift with a lottery to show me deeply.bless."
Speaking, I took the box to my grandmother. My grandmother narrowed her eyes and stretched her hand into the box with a smile. I saw her take out a piece of white paper from the box. Everyone hurriedly opened it for her."Home Service Card"."Your grandmother is lucky, and the first one is in the top."The sweet mother said with a smile.Grandma couldn't hold her mouth with a smile, my parents met, and my heart was sweeter than eating honey.
Next is the mother draw.The mother saw the question "How about the New Year's New Year".After drinking a drink, and then speaking: "At that time, the family was poor, there were many children, the meal had to be grabbed, and the New Year was just wearing patch clothes.Sorrow and wear, like a long New Year every day. Fanfan, you must cherish this beautiful life! "
After listening to my mother's little story, Dad couldn't wait to draw a piece, the title was: in 20xx, making you the happiest thing.Dad didn't think about it, and said happily, "Because my waist is not good, I have old back pain in winter. Therefore, Fanfan bought me a hot water bag with his own money. Thank you Fanfan." Dad said that I was embarrassed.
It was me, my heart was very nervous, and the result was to tell a joke, making her mouth laugh.In our laughter and laughter, a New Year's Eve was sent away.
That's it. It has a trace of sourness in happiness. In the sourness, there is a line of hope. In hope, we have a happy New Year's Eve.
快乐过除夕作文 篇7
“乒乒乓乓”“乒乒乓乓”怎么了?那 还用说,除夕了!家家放鞭炮,好热闹!
What happened to "Ping Ping Pong" and "Ping Tie Tong Pong"?Then use it, New Year's Eve!Every family set off firecrackers, so lively!
你瞧,小孩四处跑;你瞧,大人到处串 门;你瞧,到处有说有笑,欢乐过除夕作文350字。
You see, the children run around; you see, adults are chanting everywhere; you see, there are 350 words in the New Year's Eve composition everywhere.
我与同伴们嬉戏,一会儿奔跑,一会儿 开玩笑,我跑到这个人家,又跑到那个人家。 只听见欢快地叫声,“乒乒乓乓”地巨响,只 看见漂亮地烟花,开心地笑容。
I played with my companions, ran for a while, joked for a while, I ran to this family and ran to that family again.I only heard the sound of joy, the loud noise of "Ping Tie Tong Pong", only saw beautiful fireworks, and smiled happily.
我正在这美丽的又热闹的时刻,与妹妹 玩呢!妹妹追着我,我左躲右闪,不一会儿, 就扭转形式,我追着妹妹这个小兔子跑,毫不 费劲的追上了他,小学三年级作文《欢乐过除夕作文350字》。妹妹却趁我不注意是,一溜 烟就跑了。“跑的比兔子还快。”我一边追一 边假惺惺地说,妹妹听了,有点生气了,他可 上了我的苦肉计,我像一只老虎逮到猎物了一 样,扑上去抓住了妹妹,妹妹不停地拍打我的 脸,我痛苦地说:“救命呀,我毁容了呀!” 逗得妹妹哈哈大笑。
I am playing with my sister at this beautiful and lively moment!My sister chased me, I flickered left and right, and after a while, I reversed the form. I chased my sister, the little rabbit run, and caught up with him.My sister ran away while I didn't pay attention."Run faster than the rabbit." I said aside while chasing, my sister listened, and I was a little angry. He went to my bitter plan., My sister kept patting my face, and I said in pain, "Help, I disfigured!" The younger sister laughed.
除夕之夜快乐又热闹,明天是新年了, 不知道会有什么好事呢!不管了,守岁去喽!
Happy New Year's Eve is happy and lively. Tomorrow is the New Year. I don't know what good things will be!Regardless, go on the year!
快乐的除夕作文600字 篇8
On the day of New Year's Eve, the sun was bright and the sky was blue and translucent. Our family went to the grandparents' house with a joyful mood.
It was really lively on the street. Along the way, the firecrackers of "crackling" of every family's households came one after another, deafening. Everywhere they are clean, some people are still there are bright red couplets. Everyone puts on new clothes, all of which are full of spring breeze, and they speak Ji Qing dialect at each other. The children ran around happily, and even the uncle, aunt, and even white -haired old people were laughing happily. I saw Grandpa's house with the word "blessing". Grandpa seemed to be particularly energetic today. He wore clean and tidy clothes, and his hair was neatly combed. I first New Year to Grandpa and Grandma, I wish them good health and all the best in the New Year. Then handed the results report to Grandpa, saying, "Grandpa, this is the New Year's gift I gave you." Grandpa pulled my hand with a smile and said, "The grandson is out of interest, it is good, the new year must strive for new progress." In the blink of an eye, the time of New Year's Eve is here. Although I was busy for a day, my grandma had a happy smile on her face. All kinds of delicious foods are filled with the entire dining table, with various cold dishes, delicious fried dishes, and hot chicken soup. They seem to be on the reunion festival, it's fun! The apples, pears, and lettuce in Sarahi are also colorful, making me drooling.
After eating New Year's Eve dinner, we went to the house and put fireworks outside the house.There are "full stars", "monkey", "splendid China".EssenceEssenceEssenceEssenceEssenceI carefully ignited the fireworks, and I saw a firework flying in the sky, some like sparkling pearls, some like gems that were flashing mysterious and glory, red like plums, Huang Ruqiu chrysanthemum, pink peach blossoms, white like magnolia, Green like jade, like the flickering stars in the night sky.If it is described by the verses of "Fire Tree Silver Flowers Night", it is the most appropriate.
The New Year is really lively. In my opinion, everyone gathered together, conveying joy, and conveying beautiful blessings.I look forward to the coming New Year's Eve next year!
快乐的除夕夜作文 篇9
Speaking of New Year's Eve, everyone knows that New Year's Eve is the most lively before the New Year.One night.Although I have passed many New Year's Eve, the happiest is the New Year's Eve of 20XX.Because this time it was a group of 102 people who were reunited together.
At 7:50 in the evening of the New Year, we were sitting beside the TV happily and waiting patiently for the beginning of the Spring Festival Gala. When the host announced the official start of the party, we opened our eyes one by one, and our eyes were indifferent.Staring at the fluorescent screen, when the sketch performance, the amused place made us laugh; during the dance performance, the wonderful dance posting made us continue to clap hands; when the star singing, the wonderful singing sound made us intoxicated.
At 10 o'clock at night, a burst of "crackling" firecrackers told everyone that the New Year is here.So I picked up the flower gun and my brother and sister to run downstairs, and put on the 5 -color and 6 -color flower guns.At this time, every household was lit.
From a distance, the red light hanging on the balcony is like rock sugar gourd, which is very beautiful; from the nearest point of view, the scene of fireworks and firecrackers is more exciting.Some are colorful like peacocks; some are full of stars with stars; some fly like mice in the sky.The dark sky turned into a colorful world of flower flowers.
This New Year's Eve, I played until I was almost two o'clock before going to bed. It was the latest New Year's Eve and the happiest night.
快乐的除夕作文 篇10
On New Year's Eve, we are going to eat dumplings on the last day of 20xx.No, before the sky, we started to act.After the father came back after buying vegetables and meat, the mother and I made fine processing on them. Mom was responsible for washing vegetables and cutting meat. I put the cut meat and vegetables in the pot, added some oil and seasonings, and then thenStir together and mix into stuffing.Everything is done, ready.
In the evening, Dad announced that the theme was the "Dumpling Contest", which was very simple, and it was better and better than anyone's dumplings.Alas, make dumplings competition!This is quite fresh, I also have to try it and strive to get the first."Pre -pre -preparation-", Dad's voice ordered, the game began.
My eyes were fast, I picked a piece of dumpling skin, and put it carefully on my left hand, picked up the wooden slices in my right hand, and shoved a piece of filling at the edge of the pot.Unexpectedly, it may be too nervous. I shook on the way back to the filling, and the filling bounced into the air, and then "唧", fell at my feet, and failed for the first time.
Take a look at the mom and dad next to you. Mom made the "dragonfly a little water", and quickly shoved out a piece of filling with wood slices, and went to the dumpling skin at a blink of an eye. Strangely, the mother's wood with fillingAs if listening to her, the filling was sticking to the dumpling skin, not like I couldn't put it a few times.I asked my mother any secrets, she just smiled at this.And Dad, he is as clumsy as me. He can only watch a delicate and exquisite dumplings born in his mother's hands.
I couldn't give up, and more carefully shoved a piece of stuffing in the dumpling skin, and then learned the appearance of my mother.The beautiful pattern was twisted.I was unwilling to see the dumplings "injured", so I picked up a piece of "wound" to block the "wound".This is broken here, and there are broken and over there ... Hands and feet are chaotic and tired of cope. When I see the dumplings again, I can't believe my eyes, then ... it is clearly "dumplings".IntersectionToday is not the Lantern Festival, my dad voted to me to "admire"."The dumplings are dumplings, what's wrong!" I shouted, so I made mistakes, and I put on some noodles and stuffing, so the dumplings became dumplings, dumplings turned into flowers, flowers turned into steamed buns, and steamed buns changed ... I was on the steamed buns ...I accidentally squeezed out three holes, we nicknamed the "bowling ball".
The game is over, you can imagine that I got the first place (the countdown), I smiled bitterly, and imagined the virtue of eating the bowling ball ...
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