
时间:2022-09-17 13:22:18 | 来源:语文通



书伴我成长作文 篇1书,伴我成长作文 篇2书伴我成长作文 篇3书,伴我成长 篇4书,伴我成长 篇5书伴我成长作文 篇6书伴我成长作文 篇7书伴我成长作文 篇8书,伴我成长作文 篇9

书伴我成长作文 篇1


Book, how beautiful words, the book is a sacred germ on the civilization of civilization; I love reading, just like my child loves my mother; I love reading, just like the grass loves the rain dew;forest.The book is like a conscious friend who grows up with me.


When I was a kid, I had a soft spot for fairy tales.I laughed at the king who was deceived by the liar; I envy Aladdin's adventure; I sympathized with the farmer who saved the snake; I hated the mouse with a smooth mouth; I admired the beauty of Princess Bai Xue.That is, I only know the good people and bad people in the story.


When I grow up, I gradually understand the book. The book not only teaches us knowledge, but also teaches us the truth."Robinson Drifting" tells us: courage, hope, perseverance is a must -have quality that lives in adversity."Resurrection" tells us that goodness can wash a person's sin and resurrected his soul.


The book is my window.He took me to see the majestic pyramids in Egypt; he took me to enjoy the Norwegian Strait scenery; he took me to understand the local customs of India ... Under his leadership, I met the world, and the world seemed to be small.The book can know all corners of the world without reservation.


The book takes me into history.The introduction of the scriptures, I met the first goddess of China, Wu Zetian, and I was incredible about her talent.I knew Wang Zhaojun, who was in the same time, and his courage and selflessness were admirable.The book leads me through time and space to understand the romantic figures of ancient and modern Chinese and foreign.


The book is the seed of civilization, spreading wisdom; the book is the source of light, and the light of hope is the earth; the book is a spiritual food to cultivate the future of the motherland.


The book gives me knowledge; the book is given to me; the book gives me happiness; the book accompanies me to grow!

书,伴我成长作文 篇2


"Books are the steps of human progress." As Golki said, the book made me progress, and the book accompanied me to grow.


The first contact book was four years old. Compared to those children who had listened to my parents in my mother's belly, I was late.


It was this younger version of "Journey to the West". At that time, there was a TV series "Journey to the West" on the TV. Every time I saw the critical juncture of Tang monks being caught by the monster, the TV series stopped abruptly. So, with the unlimited fantasy of the next episode, I simply pulled my grandfather to the bookcase. After a long time, I made him understand that he wanted him to read the Journey to the West. Listening, I entered the false situation in the book: I imagined that I was Sun Wukong, there were vast magical powers, and there were 72 changes. , Protect the safety of Tang Seng, can't help dancing. But later, I misunderstood many times because Tang Seng returned to Wukong in the chapter of "The Three Dragons of the Corpse and the Monkey King" and the Holy Monk hated the monkey king. When I picked up this book, I understood the principle of "people are not sages, but they can never pass". Although Tang Seng was in the world, he did not make mistakes, just like Sun Wukong had a big trouble, just like I couldn't understand and forgive Tang Seng at the time. I often read the Journey to the West, so I have some understanding of some reality in the feudal society at that time, and then I am very interested in reading historical books. Presumably this is one of the reasons for my good historical achievements.


"Journey to the West" is my first enlightenment book. The jealous and vivid characters such as Sun Wukong and the honest and kind sand monk in the book, which aroused my interest in reading and knowledge of reading.In addition, like "If I Give me three days", they are also my favorite books.


Maybe it is the arrangement of God. When the fourth grade of my elementary school has receded seriously, it appeared on my bookcase.Xiao Helen's strength is what I can't imagine -as a disabled person, the three doom of deafness, dumbness, and blindness came to her head at the same time. She has also been inferior and desperate, but in the end she stood up., Became the master of his own destiny, and made extraordinary achievements.This spirit of struggle in adversity has made me move.This book has also become the teacher of Sally in my life, so that I can rejuvenate and re -examine my life.


Today, I have been associated with the book."Journey to the West" accompanied me through my childhood, "If I gave me three days of light" gave me the motivation to move forward, and my soul was baptized.The textbooks I are studying today have given me spiritual cultivation and knowledge of knowledge.


It is certain that there will be more books with me in the future to help me grow up and make me progress.

书伴我成长作文 篇3


In my extra -curricular life, there are paintings, skating, rope skipping, kicking puppets ... But my favorite is reading.


When I go home from school, or when I am free, I will take out a copy of Charlie 9. The plot inside is very moving, and I am often driven by the plot inside. When I read the horror part, my heart was shocked, and when I read the funny part, I laughed. When I read the movement, I moved to tears. When I read the truth, I was waiting to see. Let me have an endless aftertaste! But my favorite is the puzzle in each lens. I am very interested in each puzzle, because this can not only develop our intelligence, but also let us develop a good habit of thinking carefully and observing it carefully. It's really two -in -one, two arrows and double carvings! Of course, I will read some books about learning, such as "Friends of Chinese". This book is very rich in content. There are many works in it, which is worth reading. There are also many ancient things and ancient words. There is a lot of learning, of course, there is no less interest. On the last page of this book, there will be one or more comics for students to smile, and there are rises, riddles, and so on. It is fun to read. For example, "Give up, is also a kind of happiness", "Every day a mind perception" in each small story tells us many profound truths, which is thought -provoking.


Reading makes me happy, reading makes me happy, book is really my good partner!

书,伴我成长 篇4


The book is the ladder of human progress, let us climb into the peak.It is like a good medicine, healing our stupidity.How many sayings of ancient and modern Chinese and foreign countries have admired the benefits of the book.From ancient times to the present, how many poems have brought us a beautiful life!


Books should be selected by the best works of modern people. You can choose some ancient masterpieces, poems, and children's literature.I am a small book fan. The books in the family have accumulated like a mountain, and my mother is a little troubled.But I always shook my head and said, these books are my baby, you can't clean up!


Once I was reading the book written by Cao Wenfang, "Our President's Dad".Seeing that I was fascinated, my mother suddenly asked me to throw garbage.I didn't hear it, I was still traveling in the book.If my mother came in person, I had to finish reading it.Look at the charm of the book!


It is a book that makes my life more beautiful.It is a book that makes my heart wider.It is a book that makes the blood of China even more rushing.Four Uncle allows everyone to have progressive energy!


When we were young, we looked at some children. When we were in elementary school, we looked at children's literature.Our progress, follow the book!Chinese blood veins are longer in the long run because there are books!Let's follow the book and go to a better future, the better now!Create your own space!

书,伴我成长 篇5


Gorky once said: "Books are the stairs of human progress." Yeah!Without the companionship of books, I don't have the rich knowledge today, that excellent results.In my eyes, the book is always my silent teacher, the most interested friend.My favorite book is "Big Philosophy in the Fables".


A short, imaginative, and vivid fable for language with interesting illustrations, plus deep philosophy, a beautiful book is born!Among them, the deepest impression of me is the fox who does not eat grapes and says that grapes are sour.It saw that there were a lot of grapes at the foot of the mountain, water spirit, and delicious, so the fox decided to pick a few skewers to taste, but he couldn't pick it up.When I was leaving, it said, "Grape Qingqing is not mature, it is sour!" After reading, I knew that I couldn't be jealous of others, and I had to learn from people who really have the ability.


When I was in school one day, I saw that my classmates went out to kick the mule, but only I was sick and rest in the classroom."Go to exercise every day, so much sweat, what's good?" As soon as I wanted to exit, that story appeared in my mind.I can't make that fox!I obviously want to kick, why is it not good?... Thinking of this, the sentence finally did not exit, and it disappeared outside the clouds.


what!Book, you let me know the truth of being a man, give me rich knowledge, and bring a happy mood to my life!I love you!

书伴我成长作文 篇6


"Yeah ..." "Kill ...", what am I watching?It turns out that I watched the Three Kingdoms on the computer!I saw the computer screen tens of thousands of horses, the banner fluttered, and the scene was very spectacular.But at the time of the most beautiful and exciting time, a "snap" sounded, the mother cleared the computer and didn't let me see it.I dare to say angrily, and whispered: "Don't let me read it? I don't read it, I go to the book, huh!"


I quickly ran to the bookcase, and there were so many books in the bookcase.Finally, I found a book "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms" in the corner of the bookcase. Although the book is very old, I hold it to study.


When I was studying hard, my mother said that she was going to work in school. I took the book to my mother's bag to my mother's school. As soon as I arrived at the school, I couldn't wait to open the book.After a while, I was deeply attracted by the plot in the book, as if I saw the spectacular scenes of the thousands of horses flowing and the flag fluttered.Unconsciously, the sound from the corridor became the sound of war drums; the voice of the adults became a cheer of the soldiers; and I was like Liu Bei who watched the battle on the gate.The wise Zhuge Liang, who turned the fan, turned into the brave and fierce Guan Yu.Native


Compared with the "Three Kingdoms" on the book, the "Three Kingdoms Romance" in the book is more colorful than what they see on TV.I can not only let me understand the plot of the story, but also let me put those knowledge in my head, such as writing Guan Yu's red face in the book, making me think of loyalty and upright red on the face; although Lu Bu has the red rabbit horseWith Fang Tian painted the halberd, but the soldiers defeated the Baimenlou, the courage had insufficient strategy!


Reading brings me endless happiness. Reading makes me freely galloping in the kingdom of thought. Reading has made me grow up ... We should read more and read a good book!

书伴我成长作文 篇7


When I was a kid, whenever I came to the bookstore, I would be attracted by the colorful, graphic stories or literacy cards that were colorful, graphic and text, and my mother told me to leave. I just stood there. My mother saw me this.If you look at it, you know that I want to buy a book again.


At home, Mom and Dad also ordered me to book "Children's Pictorial". At that time, at night, I picked up the pictorial with one hand, pulled my mother to my little room with one hand, drilled into the bed, and listened to my mother to tell stories comfortably.Essence


Slowly, the "Children's Pictorial" can no longer meet my needs, and I start to be keen on some fairy tale, such as "Green Fairy", "Andersen Fairy Tale".


Once, I fancy a book in the Expo Bookstore, named "Hugging the Bear of Happiness",


One page, two pages, I watched it hungry.I really like this book. This book mainly talks about the child Xiao Nian's child from a younger family, and her mother died in the hospital. In the hospital, Xiao Nian lost confidence in life, but a surname of Lin LinThe doctor gave Xiao Nian many teddy bears, and encouraged Xiao Nian to make her confident in life ... After reading this book, I was moved by Xiao Nian's strong spirit, but I looked at the watch, bad, more than six o'clock, more than six o'clockI hurried home, although my mother said a meal, but I was still very happy, because I read another good book today.


The book is both my good teacher and my friend. I need to accompany the book throughout my life.

书伴我成长作文 篇8


When I was a kid, I loved reading. In the fourth grade, Mr. Liu in our class asked us to borrow a few books from home to return to the class.Travel in the ocean of the book.


One day, I saw a book called "Lion King" on the bookshelf, which attracted me like a magnet. The book of the lion King Muhasha was born in the book, and the magician Rud Fei raised Xiao Simba high. The wooden belt traveled to the entire animal kingdom with Xiaosunba, and instructed Xiao Simba to protect all the animals after inheriting the throne in the future. After that, Xiao Simba went home first. On the way home, Xiao Simba encountered Uncle Scar. The scar hated the future lion king Simba, wanted to kill it, and cheated it to some dangerous places. Xiao Simba was chased by the steamed dog many times. The sand was saved. On one occasion, Xiao Simba was dangerous. Mu Fasha was seriously injured after killing the hunter who was chasing Xiaominba. The evil scar pushed Mu Fasha down the cliff and died. Little Simba was hunted down by the dumplings, a cat heach and a wild boar rescued it, and then lived in the Great Forest with them. Simba grew up. It learned that its uncle scar was tortured the animal kingdom. Simba decided to leave the Great Forest to destroy the scars for the animals and the father who helped it. After returning to the kingdom, Simba and the scar started a fierce duel. In the end, Simba pushed the scar down the cliff, saved the animal kingdom, and reported revenge for its father.


After reading this book, I said that Simba finally defeated the scar and saved the kingdom. I think Simba is a very brave lion.


This book reads me with great interest. I remembered the famous saying that Chen Shou said: "There is no book a day, and Pepsi is barren." The book brought me knowledge and brought me joy.

书,伴我成长作文 篇9


Since the third grade, the pace of life and increasingly fierce competition made me depressed.More importantly, in the monotonous life of the "two points and one line" of the family and school, I don't feel happy at all in the boring life of the test questions.It is difficult to have a happy day, and the brilliant sunshine has lost its glory.The mother said, "Your heart is tightly gambled by the net woven from the endless test paper. How can happiness be squeezed in? Open your heart, find happiness, and let the mind change the air."


Yes, let the mind change the air.I came to the park and went to appreciate the beautiful flowers and listened to the joy of the birds.In October, the chrysanthemums of the Hai Rukao dyed the wind into golden.The maple forest in the distance was burning, and the blue sky was baked red.However, the realm of poetry did not attract my interest at all.In my eyes, the world is just dim, what kind of flower sea, maple forest, are the same simple, even a little tired."Well, where is happiness?" I shook my head.I went to the orchard again.There is another scene again: the red apple, the yellow pear, is mouthwatering.What a beautiful Chinese landscape painting!However, I still didn't feel happy, and even ridiculously thought that everything seemed to be boundlessly rushed over and drowned me.I had to run away in a hurry.


I feel more frustrated home.My mother looked at me and paused for a while, and said, "Help me clean the following rooms." After taking the long -lost rag, I rose a trace of my heart: Since the third grade, I became lazy.After dinner, I left the bowl and left. I never expected to brush it, but my mother also contained it; the annihilation of once a week was also turned into a parent.Family affairs are not stained, and naturally only study is left. How can life be boring?Moreover, my parents are very hard every day, and I have to be busy when I go home, but I stand by my sleeves. How can I be happy?Thinking of this, I cleaned up the house hard, and seemed to turn the ashamed Hao at this time into motivation.When I sweated the room with sweat, and faced with a clean and bright room, my mood was just as clean and bright.


My mother smiled and handed over a glass of water and asked me, "Are you finding happiness now?" I nodded embarrassedly and said, "Mom, I will do it in the future, so I am happy.", Clear in the eyes with a kind of relief and happiness.