
时间:2022-06-30 13:03:03 | 来源:语文通



I gradually play basketball in the first grade.At that time, I was forced to go.Finally, I understand why I consume about one -eighth a day in basketball. I can neither learn knowledge nor satisfied.At that time, I hated playing basketball, and I was lazy in the basketball class.


By the second grade, I gradually had some mental changes.I found that I had a man, and most of them contributed to basketball.I found myself long, and basketball was getting more and more healthy.In addition, I can make more pot friends during the game. I can show up in front of my classmates to watch the "hot" ball skills in them.Therefore, the black shadow of playing basketball turns into my heart.


In the third grade, boys have a wide range of basic skills of basketball.For example, "three -step layup", "dribble between legs" and "dribble behind you" are all new projects that must be practiced in class.Because I have a deep interest in basketball.Although sometimes the skin on the concrete is bleeding, and even when I stand under the basketball frame, I smashed a great basketball, but I still look forward to the place where I love the playground and its red basketball.Basketball has made daily life and the world become more and more diverse.


After the fourth grade, my physical fitness has significant landslides.Due to the high academic pressure, I must make a choice in basketball and traditional martial arts.After I was in pain, I chose basketball in pain, because I really couldn't imagine what would happen to I left the basketball.I play basketball more hard and see the only fitness time in the week.One semester, more and more my main tutoring agencies, the work and curriculum content snatched my remaining, unique and favorite basketball preference.I feel all people are empty.


Basketball has an indescribable, unspeakable style.Some people must be destined to live with it, and some people pass by.Seeing the basketball game on TV at least me, I always felt itchy, and wanted to jump to the round, heavy, and glory ball next to the bowl.


Therefore, I did not completely break the contact with basketball in the fifth and sixth grades.I love the basketball lessons of the college.I can play a game and never miss it casually.Even throwing a group of waste into the trash can, because I recall the third -year dribble and shooting posture: three -point line, dribble three -phase and five lines, jump up to hold the ball, naked in the back, to the air -shot,nice shot!


Some people think it is very likely that I am a magic, and I feel loudly responded: "You don't understand, this is a necessary sweat for a basketball lover and basketball for life!"



1、幸福:幸福读音为xìng fú,是指个人由于理想的实现或接近而引起的一种内心满足。追求幸福是人们的普遍愿望,但剥削阶级把个人幸福看得高于一切,并把个人幸福建立在被剥削阶级的痛苦之上。无产阶级则把争取广大人民的幸福和实现全人类的解放看作最大的幸福。认为幸福不仅包括物质生活,也包括精神生活;个人幸福依赖集体幸福,集体幸福高于个人幸福;幸福不仅在于享受,而主要在于劳动和创造。幸福 xìng fú词语解释:个人由于理想的实现或接近而引起的一种内心满足。追求幸福是人们的普遍愿望,但剥削阶级把个人幸福看得高于一切,并把个人幸福建立在被剥削阶级的痛苦之上。无产阶级则把争取广大人民的幸福和实现全人类的解放看作最大的幸福。认为幸福不仅包括物质生活,也包括精神生活;个人幸福依赖集体幸福,集体幸福高于个人幸福;幸福不仅在于享受,而主要在于劳动和创造。分词解释:看得:旧时审判案件公文的开头用语。认为:对人或事物确定某种看法﹐做出某种判断。创造:1.亦作“剙造”。 2.发明;制造前所未有的事物。 3.制造;建造。 4.犹创作。谓撰写文章或创作文艺作品。愿望:希望将来能达到某种目的的想法。...幸福怎么造句,用幸福造句»

2、生活:生活读音为shēng huó,是指①指人或生物的各种活动:文化生活|政治生活|蟋蟀的生活。②进行各种活动:我们生活在一个开辟人类新历史的光辉时代。③活着;保存生命:民非水火不生活。④生计;衣、食、住、行等方面的情况:生活水平不断提高。⑤方言。活儿:做生活|这生活做得灵巧。生活 shēng huó词语解释:①指人或生物的各种活动:文化生活|政治生活|蟋蟀的生活。②进行各种活动:我们生活在一个开辟人类新历史的光辉时代。③活着;保存生命:民非水火不生活。④生计;衣、食、住、行等方面的情况:生活水平不断提高。⑤方言。活儿:做生活|这生活做得灵巧。分词解释:我们:代词。称包括自己在内的若干人。蟋蟀:1.亦作“螅蟀”。 2.昆虫名。黑褐色﹐触角很长﹐后腿粗大﹐善于跳跃。雄的善鸣﹐好斗。也叫促织。 3.《诗.唐风》篇名。小序谓刺晋僖公“俭不中礼”。 4.象声词。情况:1.志趣,志向。 2.情谊,恩情。 3.情形。 4.犹体统。 5.情趣,兴致。 6.心情,情绪。 7.今亦特指军事上敌情的变化。灵巧:1.指聪慧灵敏的才思。 2.聪慧灵敏。 3.精致小巧。...生活怎么造句,用生活造句»

3、篮球:篮球读音为lán qiú,是指①球类运动项目之一,把球投入对方防守的球架铁圈中算得分,得分多的获胜。②篮球运动使用的球,用牛皮做壳,橡胶做胆,也有全用橡胶制成的。篮球 lán qiú词语解释:①球类运动项目之一,把球投入对方防守的球架铁圈中算得分,得分多的获胜。②篮球运动使用的球,用牛皮做壳,橡胶做胆,也有全用橡胶制成的。(1) [basketball](2) 赛篮球用的球,用橡胶做里面的球胆,用牛皮做外面的球皮,也有全用橡胶制成的(3) 球类运动项目之一分词解释:得分:1.游戏﹑比赛或考试时得到分数。 2.指游戏﹑比赛或考试所得的分数。获胜:取得胜利。如:甲队以五比○获胜。投入:置身其中;放进去。如:投入资金。对方:跟行为的主体处于相对地位的一方:老王结婚了,对方是幼儿园的保育员 ㄧ打球要善于抓住对方的弱点来进攻。...篮球怎么造句,用篮球造句»