
时间:2022-06-18 13:29:43 | 来源:语文通



Speaking of painting, I have liked painting since I was a child, and painting is like magical power, which deeply attracts me.

Speaking of painting, I have liked painting since I was a child, and painting is like magical power, which deeply attracts me.


In this hot summer, I took my brush to the art class and came to the classroom. I showed Teacher Mei to Teacher Mei. Not only was it praised by the teacher, but I also painted me on the wall for my classmates.delighted.

In this hot summer, I took my brush to the art class and came to the classroom. I showed Teacher Mei to Teacher Mei. Not only was it praised by the teacher, but I also painted me on the wall for my classmates.delighted.


Seeing that the classmates were painting, like Ma Liang in the story, "As long as you give you a pencil, you can draw the whole world."This sentence is right.Whenever I picked up the brush, there seemed to be a beautiful curve on the paper tip.I draw two large watery eyes, naturally curly hair, two cat ears, a large tail with a big bell, a cat woman drawn it, just when I immersed in "painting the sea",It was interrupted by a sound: "You can draw a lace or ribbon by the side of the skirt". It turned out to be a teacher. I did it according to the teacher's painting method. Sure enough, this painting is more vivid, and the original painting is also learned.

Seeing that the classmates were painting, like Ma Liang in the story, "As long as you give you a pencil, you can draw the whole world."This sentence is right.Whenever I picked up the brush, there seemed to be a beautiful curve on the paper tip.I draw two large watery eyes, naturally curly hair, two cat ears, a large tail with a big bell, a cat woman drawn it, just when I immersed in "painting the sea",It was interrupted by a sound: "You can draw a lace or ribbon by the side of the skirt". It turned out to be a teacher. I did it according to the teacher's painting method. Sure enough, this painting is more vivid, and the original painting is also learned.


The sun shone on the earth, knowing the singing song, and the sun was sprinkled on the back through the window, and only the rustle of the pencil was heard around.

The sun shone on the earth, knowing the singing song, and the sun was sprinkled on the back through the window, and only the rustle of the pencil was heard around.


There is no difficulty in the world. I am afraid of people with the heart. After ninety -year unremitting efforts, a perfect painting is presented in front of my eyes, "the painting is very good, come on," the teacher said with a smile.I have been on the way home, and the teacher's words are printed in my heart. I really hope that there are paintings every day.

There is no difficulty in the world. I am afraid of people with the heart. After ninety -year unremitting efforts, a perfect painting is presented in front of my eyes, "the painting is very good, come on," the teacher said with a smile.I have been on the way home, and the teacher's words are printed in my heart. I really hope that there are paintings every day.


No matter what you do, as long as you work hard, you can draw a better self.

No matter what you do, as long as you work hard, you can draw a better self.



Speaking of painting, I have liked painting since I was a child, and painting is like magical power, which deeply attracts me.

Speaking of painting, I have liked painting since I was a child, and painting is like magical power, which deeply attracts me.


In this hot summer, I took my brush to the art class and came to the classroom. I showed Teacher Mei to Teacher Mei. Not only was it praised by the teacher, but I also painted me on the wall for my classmates.delighted.

In this hot summer, I took my brush to the art class and came to the classroom. I showed Teacher Mei to Teacher Mei. Not only was it praised by the teacher, but I also painted me on the wall for my classmates.delighted.


Seeing that the classmates were painting, like Ma Liang in the story, "As long as you give you a pencil, you can draw the whole world."This sentence is right.Whenever I picked up the brush, there seemed to be a beautiful curve on the paper tip.I draw two large watery eyes, naturally curly hair, two cat ears, a large tail with a big bell, a cat woman drawn it, just when I immersed in "painting the sea",It was interrupted by a sound: "You can draw a lace or ribbon by the side of the skirt". It turned out to be a teacher. I did it according to the teacher's painting method. Sure enough, this painting is more vivid, and the original painting is also learned.

Seeing that the classmates were painting, like Ma Liang in the story, "As long as you give you a pencil, you can draw the whole world."This sentence is right.Whenever I picked up the brush, there seemed to be a beautiful curve on the paper tip.I draw two large watery eyes, naturally curly hair, two cat ears, a large tail with a big bell, a cat woman drawn it, just when I immersed in "painting the sea",It was interrupted by a sound: "You can draw a lace or ribbon by the side of the skirt". It turned out to be a teacher. I did it according to the teacher's painting method. Sure enough, this painting is more vivid, and the original painting is also learned.


The sun shone on the earth, knowing the singing song, and the sun was sprinkled on the back through the window, and only the rustle of the pencil was heard around.

The sun shone on the earth, knowing the singing song, and the sun was sprinkled on the back through the window, and only the rustle of the pencil was heard around.


There is no difficulty in the world. I am afraid of people with the heart. After ninety -year unremitting efforts, a perfect painting is presented in front of my eyes, "the painting is very good, come on," the teacher said with a smile.I have been on the way home, and the teacher's words are printed in my heart. I really hope that there are paintings every day.

There is no difficulty in the world. I am afraid of people with the heart. After ninety -year unremitting efforts, a perfect painting is presented in front of my eyes, "the painting is very good, come on," the teacher said with a smile.I have been on the way home, and the teacher's words are printed in my heart. I really hope that there are paintings every day.


No matter what you do, as long as you work hard, you can draw a better self.

No matter what you do, as long as you work hard, you can draw a better self.



I love painting.


When I was very young, I liked to use colorful crayons to draw birds, grass, flowers on the white walls ... Grandma saw that she was originally angry, but looked at her and smiled gradually ...Mowing


I paint a green willow leaves in spring; I paint pink lotus in summer; I paint the fiery red maple leaves in autumn; I paint white snowflakes in winter ...


When my parents quarreled, I drew a princess and a prince, and they held hands.I show it to my parents, they laughed ...


When my dear little white rabbit died, I painted a little white rabbit on the paper again. It blinked red eyes as if saying, "Dear little master, don’t be sad, I am again I againCome back with you "I cried ...


Every picture I paint is hidden in my secret, I like to draw.



1、画画:画画读音为huà huà,是指绘画,是指用笔、板刷、刀、墨、颜料等工具材料,在纸、纺织物、木板、墙壁等平面(二度空间)上塑造形象的艺术形式。...画画怎么造句,用画画造句»