
时间:2022-06-14 14:10:46 | 来源:语文通



Smoking is not resistant to rising rows, and you will be surprised to walk around the world without knowing it.


——The composition questions


The quietness in the class made me worry about it. It is likely that because of the monthly test, everyone mentioned that the bone tendons were mentioned, and I was preparing to welcome the first monthly test since I enrolled in advance. Naturally, I am not except.


The daily morning and staying up late have been until the day of the monthly exam. Because I feel that I have done well in the preparation of the exam, so I jumped into the test site and sat in the test site. I firmly believe that I can learn well.But it's not satisfactory this time.After getting the test paper, I visited a rough interview at first, and found that there was a difficult question type, but I did not have the chaos, just try to use the time to do other questions as much as possible, and use the remaining time to do my best.A column of the draft book is dense, and I think hard, but in the end, I did not write an answer. I was disappointed when I handed over the test paper.Naturally, I lost this monthly test.


In the evening, the sky in the sky was like drunk wine, and the end of the mountain stumbled to the mountain, dyed the sky with orange, which was shocking, but I didn't have time to appreciate it.I got the test paper full of red forks, and my heart was very bad.Later, the teacher called me to the company's office and reprimanded: "Looking at this test paper by himself, there are not many red forks in double hooks? What is going on in this test?You are very outstanding and bear. Your grades are not in the classroom performance. The unit test papers do not match. Your level is not only far from this. You can correct the test papers first.I nodded and walked out of the office with discouragedly. I gradually became at a loss. I have been diligent for so long. Why is my grade or the test?Is diligence useless?Did I stop here?


But after I was blank, I wanted to try again, I think maybe I am not diligent enough.I memorize English words every morning, daily exercises and test papers, daily ancient poetry appreciation and memorization, I have repeatedly done such a thing every day. If you have any questions, ask teachers or classmates immediately.Although some people have persuaded me to abandon in the long process of the whole process, I firmly believe from beginning to end -flowering time, because I will enter the flowering period that belongs to myself.I will never give up on the last moment!With such a psychological state, it has been tormented but more meaningful for a month.


The final exam arrived as scheduled, but this time I lost the discouragedness of walking out of the office, and I was at a loss, because my diligence gave me a reply.My final test ended with the number one in the year.promise!The moment my parents received a short message, I became their pride.


You have to believe: if you are full of hard work, good luck will always come unexpectedly with you.Every diligence will get benefits, and you have to maintain this love and rush to the next mountain and river!Perhaps, leaving everything you love to you is the meaning of hard work!



1、勤奋:勤奋读音为qín fèn,是指努力不懈:工作勤奋。 辛勤努力勤奋工作勤奋 qín fèn词语解释:努力不懈:工作勤奋。[diligent;industrious] 辛勤努力勤奋工作分词解释:不懈:不放松:坚持不懈|不懈的努力。努力:勉力;尽力。● 奋(奮) fèn ㄈㄣˋ◎ 鸟张开并振动翅膀:奋飞。奋翅。◎ 振作,鼓劲,振动:奋起。奋力。奋勇。奋不顾身。振奋。勤奋。兴奋。◎ 提起,举起:奋臂。奋袂(举袖,形容奋发的样子)。奋笔疾书。● 勤 qín ㄑㄧㄣˊ◎ 做事尽力,不偷懒:勤劳。勤快。勤奋。勤政(勤奋于政事)。勤谨。勤勉。勤恳。克勤克俭。◎ 经常:勤密(频繁)。来往很勤。◎ 上班,事务:勤务。勤杂。出勤。后勤。◎ 担心,忧虑:勤恤(忧虑怜惜)。◎ 帮助:勤王。◎ 姓。...勤奋怎么造句,用勤奋造句»