
时间:2022-11-12 12:52:12 | 来源:语文通



庆元旦作文 篇1元旦的作文 篇2庆祝元旦的作文 篇3元旦的作文 篇4庆祝元旦的作文 篇5庆祝元旦 篇6元旦的作文 篇7元旦的作文 篇8元旦的作文 篇9庆元旦作文 篇10

庆元旦作文 篇1






元旦的作文 篇2


Today, our class held a New Year's Day celebration.


First of all, we distribute things: paper cups, melon seeds and drinks. Then, the show began. First of all, Li Ao of our class performed the cucurbit flute. Look! He looked at the book and played a song for us. However, few people like his programs, especially me. Maybe I hated Hulusi so much because of that: it was a Sunday last year. My mother took me to the street. When I saw someone blowing Hulusi, I cried and asked my mother to buy one for me. My mother couldn't stand my noise, so she bought one for me. At that time, the aunt who bought gourd silk also taught me how to blow. However, no matter how much I blow, I can't make a sound after I go home, so I hate people who can blow cucurbit flute.


Of course, the most popular among our girls is Zheng Xiangyi's Latin dance. Of course, the boys just don't like it. When Zheng Xiangyi came on the stage, the boys shouted, "If it's a boy, don't watch it." We girls were laughed to death by them.


At first, it was smooth, but after a while, no one performed. But they had already expected this. They had already written down the names of the whole class, and they would start to smoke. Whoever they drew would perform. At this time, Ruan Yuyang began to smoke and Xu Aihua. Xu Aihua did not prepare for the program, so she took out a Chinese book from her schoolbag. Everyone did not know what she was going to do. Unexpectedly, she went to the platform with a Chinese book to read the text for everyone. We really threw up for her.


In this way, the celebration of New Year's Day ended in our joy. According to Teacher Qian, our class is the only one among the 18 classes in the school that engages in this program!

庆祝元旦的作文 篇3


On Saturday morning, I came to the school in high spirits, because today we are going to celebrate New Year's Day. Soon, we came to the playground in a neat line. Although it was so cold, everyone came to the playground in high spirits and waited for the initiation ceremony. After a while, I only saw the elder brother and elder sister bring bright red scarves to the first grade students. At that time, my heart was as sweet as honey, because I was going to rise to a new grade. After a while, the entrance ceremony was over, and we returned to the classroom in a neat line.


Now we are going to play games. The students are very happy. They said to the teacher, "What games do you play?" Teacher Shi said, "Today we all play the games of Loops, Chairs, Faces and Couplets." Then the game of Loops started. The first group lost because they didn't work together. When it was our group's turn, we walked in circles hand in hand. And everyone is counting. The more I heard them counting, I felt an ominous premonition. I was thinking that when the teacher said "stop", we quickly hid in the circle. I was in the middle, but they squeezed us out of the circle, fortunately not outside the circle In the end, our group won the championship. But the good times didn't last long. We lost "Take the Chair" and "Draw a Face". We were anxious, and "Couplet" also lost. It's really "too anxious to eat hot tofu"! This time, I finally learned that we should cooperate with each other in everything we do, so that we can do great things.

元旦的作文 篇4


In the afternoon of the last day of 2019, the sky was blue and cloudless. We were excited to participate in the "Youth Dream, China Dream! Youth Travel, China Travel!" held by the school The theme meeting of the New Year's Day brigade. At this theme meeting, we gathered together, filled with passion, and smiled to welcome the new year.


Today, 20 students in my class and I wore bright red scarves for the new members of the Young Pioneers. The new and old members swore solemnly under the team flag. Then began a series of New Year's Day performances. My favorite is the sitcom "Clock Ticks" performed by Ershi Primary School. The actors are very serious and fascinating. The "Batman" mom surprised our classmates. She made a funny gesture and ran around for a whole day. As soon as the "office worker" mom came on the stage, she kept running. She changed her movements, which attracted the students to talk about, "This mom is really cool running." In fact, this is a busy day for "office worker" mom. The "superman" mother performed various flying movements. The "magician" mother held a magic wand in her hand, which was very eye-catching. They were very busy and very hard. I think we should lighten the burden for Mom and do more things within our power.


The English group's sitcom "Little Cat Fishing" was also very exciting and interesting, which drew cheers from the students. First, "Little Cat and his father" went fishing together. The little cat was distracted when she saw the little cock. She listened to the little cock playing the accordion and forgot about fishing. The kitten also learned street dance from the monkey, which is wonderful. Under the education of the cat's father, the kitten is serious about fishing. Then the three teachers led the three students to perform the English version of Where is Dad. The students watched the wonderful performance attentively and silently.


After a series of wonderful performances, we returned to the class with a very happy mood. In order to celebrate New Year's Day, teachers distributed some holiday gifts to each student, which let us go through 2019 with joy and welcome 2020 with hope.

庆祝元旦的作文 篇5


On December 31, the school will also hold a grand New Year's Day celebration. After hearing the exciting news, the students were very excited. Let me tell you something. The teacher chose me to decorate the classroom! I was so happy that I didn't sleep well all night. Day after I came to the school, Feng Xuelin and I, together with several other students, decorated the classroom beautifully. Other students came to visit the class. Zhikua class was so beautiful. I am really proud of being a member of Class 5 (4)!


On that day, the elder brothers and sisters of Grade 6 will also help the children of Grade 1 who did not join the team to wear red scarves to make a real Young Pioneer! I think, at this time, I must be very excited. As long as there is a Young Pioneer in the next day, can I not be very excited?


Tomorrow, there will be a more exciting part in the class. That "flowers for teachers" is a big secret of all the students in the class. That's a good idea from our monitor. How hard the teacher is, how much he has devoted to his growth and learning! Mr. Wang, who works in the classroom every noon, reads and writes his homework; In the process of growing up, teachers often find depressed students to talk to until they stop frowning.


Let's look forward to this grand New Year's Day!

庆祝元旦 篇6

我准备这样过元旦 转眼间,20xx年的元旦快要到来了,20xx年的元旦我准备去敬老院拜访老人家。

I'm going to spend New Year's Day like this. The New Year's Day of 20XX is coming soon. I'm going to visit the elderly home on the New Year's Day of 20XX.


First of all, several classmates and I are going to the nursing home to help the old lady put on some clean clothes and help the old lady get her hair combed. Then, let's arrange a dance program, and let's congratulate the grandma and the master on their good health. many happy returns. Have fun. Give it back to Grandpa. The old granny brought fruit. Finally, let's give it to all the grannies. Grandpa sent a bunch of flowers, which represent our gifts to Grandpa. An old granny's love. We should also speak loudly to the grandma. The old men said, "Grandpa, Grandma, I wish you a happy holiday!"


We are also going to help the grannies tidy up their rooms and clean them up. Brilliant. Let's go with Grandpa. The grannies talk about their worries. How are the lords living here? Or are they not happy.


Now, we all give it to Grandma. Grandpa sent us love gifts. Before we left the nursing home, we all followed the grandpa of the nursing home. The old granny was reluctant to part.


This New Year's Day, I'm going to live like this!

元旦的作文 篇7


I'm looking forward to the New Year's Day.


This morning, I got up. I called my father, mother, brother and grandmother up. My father took us shopping. When we got to the street, there were so many people. In one word, there were so many people. It took us a long time to get to the supermarket. Wow, it was so beautiful. There are many decorations, such as small colored lights, lanterns, balloons, etc. Dad also bought many decorations.


When I got home, I came to hang up the lanterns, my brother came to blow balloons, my father came to hang lanterns, my mother and grandma came to make dumplings, and I also came to help after hanging the lanterns, but I made them ugly, so my mother said to me‘ It's OK. It will look good gradually. ' I nodded. Wow, a miracle happened. The more I wrapped, the better it looked. Everyone kneaded the dough into a small flat circle. Sun Rui was responsible for rolling all the dough into a round crust like a small pastry. Liang Yixin and I put some filling into the "small pastry" with chopsticks, and then pressed the filling with chopsticks to prevent it from running out. Finally, I closed the mouth of the dumpling with her carefully, but I still felt uneasy, and pinched it again, so I was relieved.


In this way, our group worked together to make "Yuanbao" dumplings, "Moon" dumplings, and "Xiaolongbao" dumplings made by Miss Liang. Time is up. Although our group has only made 60 dumplings, all the teachers in our group said the dumplings were beautiful. Even the vice principal and the principal praised our beautiful dumplings.


The dumplings started to be served. My mother poured water into the pot and put them in the pot. The dumplings were like little frogs jumping into the water like 'plop, plop'. After a while, the dumplings were ripe. My mother brought them out. I served them on the table plate by plate, and my mother cooked many dishes.


Wow, let's go to see the lanterns. They are so beautiful. There are blue and white porcelain, small elephants and other lanterns. At 8 o'clock, the fireworks will open in a variety of shapes, including butterfly shaped, lily shaped, mountain shaped and so on. I


How was my New Year's Day? I was very happy.

元旦的作文 篇8


Today is New Year's Day. I got up early, stretched a bit, and braced myself up. Today is my home court, and I am the temporary leader.


The first thing is to start cooking tea, add water - put rice - and throw it into the tea bag. I learned this with my mother. I began to sweep the floor - mop the floor - wipe the house while I was boiling water. Wow, I'm so tired! Usually I just give my mother a hand, but I didn't expect to do it all. It's really enough for me.


At this time, Mom, Dad and my brother got up. I served the meat, looked at the color of the tea, took out the milk powder, and put it into the pot bit by bit. I was very satisfied with the color of the milk tea, and poured it into the pot. Breakfast started. Seeing how sweet my parents were drinking, I felt beautiful in my heart. "Sister, the tea is so delicious!" My brother's words made me more confident as a person who made tea for the first time. I was happy when I gave happiness to others.


At four o'clock in the afternoon, I started to prepare dinner on time. Because the days are long and the nights are short in winter, I am used to having a meal with tea. Today, on New Year's Day, my mother said to eat dumplings. I boiled water and poured frozen dumplings into the pot. Maybe it was too much, and the water couldn't open at once. While learning the way my mother cooked dumplings together, I stirred the dumplings for fear of sticking, but they just wouldn't stick. I was so worried that the more I stirred, the more I couldn't open them. Finally, a plate of rotten dumplings was served. I sat at the table in frustration, but my parents ate it with relish, and said frankly: "It's very fragrant, the oil is too big, and it just flows out when it breaks, so it's not greasy." I know, that's their comfort to me. I picked up a pair of dumplings and ate them in my mouth, but my tears could not help rolling in my eyes. Dad looked at me, touched my head, and said to me earnestly: "Don't deny your ability just because of a small thing. Everything is difficult at the beginning. Cooking is the same as being a man. As long as you work hard, success will surely beckon to you." Hearing this, I smiled.


At night, I lay in bed, tossing and turning. Although I was very tired for the day, I was in a very good mood. It turned out that being a master was also a kind of happiness. I exercised myself and had a happy family. With a good mood, I smiled and fell asleep. This day is extraordinary and very happy.

元旦的作文 篇9


With numerous snowflakes, we had a very interesting New Year's Day. Listen carefully, the footsteps of the New Year are approaching. Looking to the east, a bright day is coming slowly in the time tunnel. Let's gently recruit him: New Year, hello!


In the past 365 days full of wind, frost, rain and snow, we have fought successfully and failed. Our laughter, loss, confusion and confusion have become extremely beautiful memories.


New Year is the starting point of time, and New Year's Day is the first milestone of time. On this day, we are more imaginative about the future. Those projects to be completed, upcoming opportunities and bright prospects are vaguely waving to us in the front, "tempting" us with mysterious dreams and endless happiness. Therefore, confidence and hope were kindled in our hearts again. We should not worry about fatigue and pain, but also go through the storm without hesitation.


New Year always comes at the coldest time of the year. However, "When winter comes, can spring be far behind?" Yes, the innumerable poetic and picturesque feelings are waiting for us to feel and describe: the sunny morning at the lakeside, the sunset on the path full of petals, the misty rain on the bluestone path in Jiangnan Lane, and the green wheat fields in the north and the spring breeze


Yes, although the road ahead is still bumpy, and the cold wind is still howling, we still move forward for the promise we made to ourselves, the immortal hope and the beautiful hope... Standing on the white starting line of the New Year, toward tomorrow, toward the rising red sun in the east, let's release the white dove in our hearts, with a lilies like mood in full bloom, Say it sincerely;


Hello, New Year's Day!


Time is like a never - ending river, which flows through people in a hurry and quietly. Unconsciously, the year 2021, which is worth remembering, hurried away, ushered in a new era and started another journey for people.

庆元旦作文 篇10


Another year has passed,


The new year will greet us.


Time is like a train, even beyond it.


Happy time seems to be ☆ WWW.. CN ☆ yesterday,


I'm in a hurry,


It was over in a flash.


Maybe New Year's Day is spring,


Just like the spring girl,


Leaving people with many new hopes.


Even if your hope is buried in the heart,


She will also help you to release your hope!


Maybe New Year's Day is summer,


The composition about New Year's Day is cold in our campus, and the chilly wind blows on each of our faces, but our campus is very hot and active, because the New Year's bell is about to ring.


New Year's Day is also my third aunt's birthday. In the morning, I got up early. "Happy New Year, Mom!" "Happy New Year, Dad!" This is the first thing I did in the early morning. After that, I will clean up. When I was washing my face, I saw pigeons flying around in the sky, as if they were busy delivering holiday blessings to people.


Composition on New Year's Day: New Year's Day Xu Yu When the bell at the Great Bell Temple strikes at midnight for the first time, people will usher in a new year, ushering in China's Olympic Year. The year starts again, Kyushu celebrates together, the eight sides are harmonious, the four seasons are safe, and another new year begins! The New Year's Day in ancient China was not the first day of January in the Gregorian calendar.


Unconsciously, XX has passed away, but XX has quietly arrived with New Year's greetings, and everyone is immersed in the joy of New Year's Day. Of course, I am no exception. I also took advantage of the New Year's Day holiday to play.


In order to celebrate New Year's Day, the school held a dumpling making contest, requiring each class to make dumplings and go to the kindergarten to cook dumplings within the specified time, so that everyone can share. I just came to the classroom in the morning and saw all the students in high spirits. At this time, Mr. Gao began to divide the dough for us, while Mr. Liang pulled the dough for us.


Those stranded dreams have set sail to the vast sea; At that time, the brilliant fireworks were exploding all over the sky, sparking new sparks, new journeys, and happiness of the heart. They followed the footsteps of New Year's Day and sounded a happy tune month. The dim, hazy, and cool light was scattered all over the earth, but they could not shelter the beaming atmosphere.


"Yuan" is the beginning of the year, and "Dan" is the morning of the day. New Year's Day is the first day of the new year. Literally, "Dan" vividly reflects the image of the rising sun. The cross below it represents the surging sea. A red sun is emerging from the sea, radiating brilliant light.


Today is the day when our school holds the New Year's Day literary and artistic performance, and also the last day of XX. At 7 a.m., all the teachers and students of our school came to the meeting place. The first thing they saw was two large couplets, one of which said: campus flowers bloom early in spring, and fruits will be produced in autumn.