
时间:2022-09-22 13:23:15 | 来源:语文通



粗心的我作文400字 篇1从此我不再粗心大意作文 篇2粗心的我作文 篇3粗心的我话题作文 篇4粗心的我作文 篇5粗心的我作文400字 篇6粗心的我作文 篇7粗心的我作文400字 篇8粗心的我作文 篇9粗心的我话题作文 篇10

粗心的我作文400字 篇1


When the head teacher is absent, some students are obedient, and some students are very troublesome.


On one occasion, Teacher Zhou, the head teacher, went to the meeting. She left us with 2 lessons to let the squad leader run by discipline.At the beginning, the classroom was very quiet, but after a while, some students who wrote began to make trouble.The squad leader walked here and walked around, criticizing those who made trouble, but the students couldn't control their mouths.


Some classmates do their homework seriously there, and are not affected by any obedient male students.A classmate said: "Classmates, the performance is very good today, and give everyone a one -person egg roll ice cream." You can make the classmates laugh and crooked.


Suddenly, when we heard a footsteps in the corridor, the students immediately quietly.Some students were pretending to be in their homework, and some students immediately picked up the book and pretended to read it there.As a result, it was the Hibiscus of Class 145. She came to our teacher Zhou to borrow the book, but it scared us.


Liu Yanjun quarreled loudly with Man Junming, and the squad leader immediately stopped them, but they still did not listen and still quarreled.


The footsteps sounded outside the classroom. We thought it was another 145 class, but I didn't expect it to be Teacher Zhou.This time, we scolded us.Alas, when the head teacher is not there, we should not be noisy or noisy!

从此我不再粗心大意作文 篇2


I used to cause many bad things because of carelessness, but every time I was careless, I had no idea and no instructions to make me determined to be changed by this problem.As far as the carelessness of this time made me completely determined to change this bad problem and write a guarantee.


On this day, in the morning, I was still sleeping on the bed, and suddenly my brother was awakened and said, "You should be late in school, and for half an hour." After hearing this sentence, I immediately sat up and opened my eyes to wear it quickly. After eating breakfast, good clothes arrived at the school at the fastest speed, but I was still late. The teacher asked me to be punished at the door of the classroom. After standing for about half an hour, the teacher walked out of the classroom and asked me: "Have you finished your homework?" I said quickly and said When I came out, the teacher said, "Take my homework to me." I put down my schoolbag and squatted on the ground and opened my schoolbag. As a result, I turned the schoolbag over and did not find my homework. At home, I stood up and whispered, "I put my homework at home." The teacher said, "You are late today, and you forget your homework at home. The teacher called me to the office and said to me: "Xiaoming, how can you forget your homework at home every day? "I said," Because of my carelessness, I forgot my homework at home, "the teacher said," You have to change your problem. "I said," The teacher, I have changed it before, but I couldn't change it. "The teacher said that it was not enough to be your determination. If you want to do one thing, you must have enough confidence and continue to encourage yourself to do better. I know that you are not confident enough. It won't happen again. "After listening to the teacher, this made me deeply remember.


After returning home this afternoon, I put my homework directly in the schoolbag. After the next day, I felt very happy."


Since the teacher's words have benefited me a lot, since then I have done everything, and I have no carelessness.

粗心的我作文 篇3


I am a big girl.In life, often because of some small things that make people cry and laugh.Now, let me talk about the "confused things" I do.


Once, I bought a book, which made me love this book.Don't forget to read this book while eating.My good friend asked me to go out to play. Of course, I did not forget to bring this "beloved book".I packed it at home, changed my shoes, and went out.We were very happy. Suddenly, I found my two hands empty, "What about the book? What about my book?" I asked loudly to my good friends.After that, we looked for this book everywhere, and after a afternoon, we couldn't find it.I got back home with a lost face.When my mother saw me, she asked, "What's wrong? I'm not happy?" I told my mother, "My book is lost!" Mom walked to my room and took out the "baby who has been lost for a long time".EssenceMom said, "You are always so careless, this book is on the shoe rack!", I really couldn't cry and laugh at myself.


This careless problem also added a lot of unhappiness to me.


"Care" is a big enemy of the exam.Whenever the exam, regardless of the big exam, it will be deducted because of it.


I remember the mid -term exam of mathematics.During the exam, I quickly answered the test paper and "carefully" checked it. Without mistakes, I started a long waiting and waiting for the end of the exam.After receiving the papers, the teacher gave us the answer, and I found that I was so wrong."This question is a negative sign, but I remember why I was looking at it at the time." Sure enough, the paper was issued, and my score was very different from my estimation score!


Until now, I will still lose three or four, or I have been deducted because of calculation errors.

粗心的我话题作文 篇4


At noon last Thursday, the teacher asked us to fill in a survey table and told us to bring it in the afternoon.


When I got home, my mother carefully filled out the form, and I told me to take it when I was in school.It may be that her mother was too tired to work in the morning. She just had a lunch, and she fell asleep.As for me, I took a book "product".


Unconsciously, the time to go to school is here, but I was still immersed in the charming book incense until I heard it: "Smile, it's time to leave, 2 o'clock!Wake up. Ah! At some point, I hurriedly dressed and went to school.


"Yeah!" Forget the investigation table!I found that I found that the teacher Qian Dingzhang asked Wan to tell the survey table to "sleep" at home! At this moment, I heard that the teacher said that he would check who did not hand over the watch, and I had to give the parents to the parents.Send text messages, hi! I am miserable now! Waiting for criticism!


After class, the mistake I made today made me keep my mind, making me not even good.But when I went to the teacher's office after class, the teacher looked at me with a smile, but did not criticize me. I was puzzled. The teacher didn't find me?Mom sent the table?Is the teacher happy?


But I have to rule out the first idea, because she is a math teacher and cannot check the mistakes, but I cannot rule out other thoughts, because I ca n’t concluding it if I do n’t get the result!Don't guess, ask your mother if you don't know!Anyway, I escaped this robbery today!Although I comfort myself like this, I still want to know the correct answer!


Finally waiting for school, when I saw my mother, I couldn't wait to ask if she sent the investigation form to the teacher. Mom said, "Yeah! Mom is going to meet in the afternoon, but found that you did not bring the investigation form.Delaying the teacher's affairs, I hurriedly sent the teacher to the teacher at the time of the meeting to see how much trouble you forgot to bring things, and how much trouble to your mother, and you will have a little memory! "


what!The mystery was revealed!I was relieved, and at the same time, I also understood that because of my "carelessness, it brought great trouble to my mother. In the future, I will no longer be careless.Good boy!

粗心的我作文 篇5


Today, I have to hold a parent meeting in the composition class. I forgot to tell my father that I said after school.Dad was very angry. After returning home, I had to read the composition I wrote. I gave him the text. Dad looked at it and asked me to use the Chinese text to pull the piano, pull, hide, pour, pour the rain, mushrooms, blessings, crazy rushing crazy, and hurry up.Trim, weapons, crutches, picking, etc., these uses pinyin instead or typos each copy three.I wrote these words very seriously.


Although I am tired of writing, I also understand a lot of truth.Because I have not only learned these Chinese characters, I also understand that I will read the third grade soon. In the future, I can no longer use pinyin instead of Chinese characters. I can check the dictionary.

粗心的我作文400字 篇6


"Get up! Hurry up, lazy worm, get up!" In the hazy, I heard my mother cry, "I wo n’t get up, so I will be late!" There was no way, rubbing my sleepy eyes, and dressed in dresses and got out of bed.


"Mom, where is the socks?"


"In the cabinet of your own room, take it yourself."


So I opened the door of the cabinet.Before I was sleepy, I leaned people on a open cabinet door and took socks.I just chose the socks and prepare to wear it, and then I tingled, and then my body was sloped. Ah, the door I was leaning was poured down."What do you do?" I suddenly disappeared!Looking at the door of the counter, I was panicked, and I didn't know what to do for a while.At this time, the mother who made breakfast in the kitchen asked: "What are you doing?" I quickly replied, "No, nothing." I always thought of what my mother knew, and I had to scold.Yes, put it back in place, my mother couldn't find it for the time being, and there was nothing wrong with me.I quickly entrusted the door, then the upper and lower magnetic confrontation was fastened, and I buckled it up.In this way, it is invisible to see it on the surface.It is considered to "escape the robbery" first.But all day, I worried about this, worried that my mother would suffer after knowing it.


Sure enough, after returning home in the evening, the mother of "Holmes" found this incident.Although my mother blamed me, she said that I was careless.But a big stone in my heart finally let go and became much easier.

粗心的我作文 篇7


Carefulness is my biggest problem. Every time I take the exam is careless, in order to defeat my fault -carelessness, I have made great efforts.


The mid -term exams came, and I entered the examination room and prepared for the exam.After the mathematics, I thought I was very good, and the test papers came down. A 89 -point paper appeared in front of my eyes.When I looked at it, I was all careless points. I think of the multiplication as a division and see 6 as 9. These are my carelessness.The teacher explained that the sixth unit was examined. In the evening, I did a mathematical accountant and a math papers. The next day, I worked hard, took good results, and changed my carelessness.


Carefulness is not invincible, as long as we are confident, we can definitely overcome care.

粗心的我作文400字 篇8


It's ridiculous, I still want to laugh when I think of it.However, the taste after laughing was uncomfortable, because this ridiculous thing made me suffer.


When I went home this afternoon, there was no one at home, because my father and mother went out, and we could come back very late.I was used to touching the key from my neck to open the door.Huh?Did not touch.Oh!Probably in the pants pocket!I picked up in my pants pocket again, but for a long time, I didn't even have the shadow of the keys.Is it in my small bag?But there is no "clue".I was in a hurry. If I couldn't enter the door, I would drink the northwest wind at night.I thought about it, by the way, didn't I play in the court in the court for a while?There was a surprise in my heart, and I ran into the court's yard.


When I arrived in the court's yard, I stared at my eyes before I breathed out and started a tense carpet search. I have seen any small things, and I still haven't found my key.It's over, it's over!In order to find the key, I sweated straight on my forehead, and my clothes were soaked. I felt itchy on my back. I was annoyed to scratch my back with my hands. Suddenly, I touched a thing, eh?Isn't this my key?It turned out that the key was still hanging around my neck, but it was thrown behind.


Why!This is really "riding a donkey to find a donkey", and he is careless to kill people!From this incident, I understand that you must not be careless to do anything, otherwise the last who suffers always suffer.

粗心的我作文 篇9


Hey, I'm so careless.


This morning, my mother and I went shopping with my mother.Let's look at the cross for a while, eat cakes, buy shoes, and go to the restaurant for dinner.When I jumped with my mother to buy food, I suddenly found that my little backpack was gone!This is how to do?It is all homework inside. If I lose it, I will definitely be beaten by the teacher.I was so anxious that the ants on the hot pot turned in a hurry.My mother seemed to see my mind, so she stepped forward and asked me, "What's wrong?" "My bag lost!" I anxiously answered.Mom blame: "I ask you to keep it well, you do n’t listen, I lost it now, go back and get it!" Hey, who told me so careless?No way, go back and get it.


Along the way, I overturned the book of the newspapers and bumped into many pedestrians on the roadside.When I arrived at the restaurant, I was so tired, but I didn't have time to control these now. I immediately rushed to ask: "Uncle, have you seen a pink bag?" "What pink bag? I haven't seen it.Suddenly, my energy was gone just now, and I left the restaurant down and went to my mother.When my mother saw me like this, she started scolding again: "Now regret it? Hurry up and find it!"


So, my mother and I recruited a taxi and hurried up.We first came to the shoe store. I didn't open my mouth yet, and my mother said, "Have you ever seen a pink pocket?" "No." At this moment, my mother was anxious and asked me where the bag was?I was annoyed by my mother. Suddenly, I thought of when buying the cross -stitch, I seemed to put the bag on the counter, so I said excitedly to my mother, "I think of it, as if in the cross stitch shop. "Mom suddenly opened her mouth and hurriedly recruited a taxi to carry us to the cross -stitch.When I got out of the car, I couldn't wait to run into the store, but found that the door was closed.Hey, my heart suddenly broke, and I almost cried.My mother estimates that my aunt may go for lunch, so my mother and I are waiting on the street.


Half an hour later, the aunt came and opened the door of the store. I ran over and asked, and the bag was suddenly in the shop."Haha!" I was very happy, almost turning the sky "shocked"!


After this incident, I decided to change my carelessness and not to add chaos to my mother.

粗心的我话题作文 篇10


After a day of nervous and pleasant study, I returned home from the school, and then I quickly slipped into the room to complete what I had to do and did my homework.


ended!I was confused, because the knowledge of the previous unit was not very comprehensive, careless during the exam, and did not get very good results.The more nervous my heart is, the slower I do my homework.My mother seemed to realize the changes in my mentality and came in and asked me what happened.I worry that my mother knows that my unit test will be disappointed.


So I pretended not to hear my mother's problem and continued to do today's homework.When my mother saw that I didn't say anything, I thought I didn't hear, so I walked away.I couldn't help but feel relieved.


When I finish my homework and requires my parents to sign, I feel uneasy.How to do?Then what should I do?After thinking about it, after a period of thought struggle.I decided to go to my mother to sign.My mother took me home to school, and I also checked my homework like this.


Seeing the unit test paper, my mother pointed out the wrong question in the test paper composition and asked me, "Why did I do something wrong?" Is it wrong with the wrong knowledge, or is it usually not serious?"I told my mother impatiently:" I understand, I will do it."


At this time, my mother looked at my eyes and said to me very seriously: "Since you understand everything, then review each test paper, find out the reason why you have wrong questions in the exam, and correct it.. Mom will not sign it for you first. When you realize the reason why you are wrong and learn to correct it, you will sign it for you. "


At this time, I realized that my mother was really angry, stood in front of the window uneasily, looking up at the city's starry sky.I saw the night empty as clear as ink, and the stars were flashing.The stars blinked naughtyly, as if saying to me: "Ji Xiajun, you are usually too careless, you must change your bad habits, learn to treat everything you do wholeheartedly, and then you will have good things.As a result, can you do it? "Slowly, my heart gradually became clearer and understood a lot.Easy, I came to my mother and told her that I promised to strive for good results in the future!My mother just signed me.


From today, I told myself: I must change my careless habit!Stay away from this bad habit!