它身上黑一道,黄一道,四肢非常健硕,头有半个足球大,背上披着个红毯,这是谁?对了,这就是我的保镖——虎斑猫“大爷” 。
It is black, Huang Yidou, his limbs are very healthy, with half a football with a red carpet on your back, who is this?My bodyguard -tabby cat "uncle".
它是保镖不错,因为我干嘛它都会在我的身旁。我难过的时候它会就会过来蹭我的脚,好像在对我说:“小主人,开心点,我会陪着你的 。”它老是贴在我的身旁不肯走,有时就连我上厕所它都跟着,好像我去哪它都不放心似的。
It is a bodyguard, because why I will be by my side.When I am sad, it will come over to take my feet, as if I was saying to me, "Little master, happy, I will accompany you." It always posted beside me and refused to leave, sometimesEven I went to the toilet, as if I was not at ease.
不过它还是很威风的。特别是它披着红毯的时候,说得夸张点,它简直像个超级大宇宙皇帝呀!可这个红毯子是哪里来的呢?悄悄告诉你,这是有一天我趁它睡觉时,我从衣架上拉下来,悄悄的给它穿上的,别说,它穿上红毯还真像那么一回事 。
But it is still very prestigious.Pull off the hanger and quietly put it on it, let alone, it is really like that.
有时候我还给它穿盔甲 ,远远看上去就像一位安培拉喵星人 ,可气派了。
Sometimes I also put a helmet armor for it, and it looks like an Angella cat in the distance.
Another time, its whole body was armed, and the cat's claw fingers were inserted with a golden claw cover to fight with me. I was comparable to it. Of course, I couldn't hurt it. Finally, I took the initiative to "escape" to end.EssenceI think: it is really as powerful as Lu Bu
这就是我的“皇帝+保镖”,真想和它永远在一起 。
This is my "emperor+bodyguard", I really want to be with it forever.
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