
时间:2022-11-24 13:05:10 | 来源:语文通



清明节随想作文 篇1清明节随想作文 篇2清明节随想作文 篇3清明随想作文 篇4清明节随想作文 篇5清明随想作文 篇6清明随想作文 篇7清明节的随想作文800字 篇8清明节随想作文 篇9

清明节随想作文 篇1


"During the Tomb Sweeping Day, there was a lot of rain, and people on the road wanted to die. Ask where the restaurant is, and the shepherd boy pointed at the Apricot Blossom Village." Whenever I recite this poem, I will think of the dead people, and they bring me endless remembrance.


The Tomb Sweeping Day is coming again. I think a lot of things. I think of our village's teacher Qiao Guang, who sacrificed his life for his students. Therefore, she is great.

乔广老师对教师这份工作非常的热爱,他每天都早出晚归地工作。有一天,天山四中的老师和学生们一起去达拉湖游玩。有几个男孩子忍不住湖水的诱惑,打起了水仗。但是出乎意料的是 ,一个叫邓立法的同学却掉进了湖里,所有的人都被吓住了。当学校正在想办法救人时,忘了自己也是一个不会水的乔广老师却纵身一跃跳进了湖里,他把邓立法同学推到浅水处。而自己却向同事们、学生们,摆了摆手,在湖面上消失了,不一会儿,水面平静了。

Teacher Qiao Guang loves his job very much. He goes out early and comes back late every day. One day, the teachers and students of Tianshan No. 4 Middle School went to Dala Lake to play together. Several boys couldn't resist the temptation of the lake water and fought a water fight. But unexpectedly, a classmate named Deng Legislative fell into the lake, and everyone was frightened. When the school was trying to save people, he forgot that he was also a poor teacher, Qiao Guang, but jumped into the lake. He pushed Deng Legislative to the shallow water. But he waved his hand to his colleagues and students and disappeared on the lake. Soon, the water was calm.


At that time, Mr. Qiao Guang was only 32 years old. What a precious age!


From the moment when Mr. Qiao Guang jumped, he thought of leaving tragedy to himself and happiness to others. Within ten seconds of his passing away, he said goodbye to his colleagues, relatives and students.


At this time, I thought of the teachers who paid for us. Although our teachers did not have such great deeds as Mr. Qiao Guang. However, it is the teachers who use their hard sweat to irrigate our young plants. They are like sunshine and care us in every way. They are as great as Mr. Qiao Guang and deserve our treasure.


Here, on behalf of the people of Hanlin, I would like to express my deep yearning for Teacher Qiao Guang on this special day.


Let's remember our hometown heroes! Their deeds affect me as well as you.


The article begins with a poem, full of literary talent. Through the touching story of hometown hero Qiao Guang who sacrificed his own life to save the students, he praises the spirit of helping others to Qiao Guang, which is touching. As far as the whole article is concerned, the language is smooth and clear.

清明节随想作文 篇2


In April, the east wind blows gently and gently, touching the earth. The flowers wake up and the earth shows its beautiful face; The birds flew up to the branches and sang "twitter" to welcome the spring. The swallows came back under the eaves to give birth to children and carry on the family line, which reminded me of the Tomb Sweeping Day, April 5.


Every Tomb Sweeping Day, the crowds of people who worship ancestors and visit tombs are always crowded. When we arrived at the destination, we saw that there were many weeds. The adults and children worked together to remove all the weeds from the ancestral tombs with hoes and sickles. Everyone presented sacrifices for ancestor worship, such as chickens, ducks, fish, dried beans, fruits, etc. The elders of the family gave everyone three fragrant sticks. I held my breath and prayed, watching the cigarettes slowly rise to the sky. I didn't know the ancestors of the spirits in the sky. Did you see them? Do you hear me?


My parents told me - "The tree wants to be quiet but the wind does not stop, and the son wants to be nurtured but not loved." People always cherish their parents after they lose them. When their parents are alive, they must be filial to them. Otherwise, they will regret after a hundred years! Sacrificing to our ancestors enables us to think about the origin of drinking water and to be cautious in the end.


"Forefathers plant trees and posterity enjoy the cool." The reclamation of Lanwu on Pi Lu, our forefather, has enabled us to feed and clothe ourselves. As descendants, we must not forget our ancestors, let alone live up to their expectations and instructions.


The annual tomb sweeping reminds us of the importance of being cautious and pursuing the future. We also feel grateful for our ancestors' efforts. We know that we should work hard and honor our ancestors. Don't let our ancestors worry about us. This is the real good offspring.

清明节随想作文 篇3


Every year, April 4 is the Tomb Sweeping Day, the day of ancestor worship. On that day, our family returned to our hometown as usual to worship our ancestors.


"It rains one after another during the Qingming Festival." The poet Du Mu was right. It rained for a whole day during the Qingming Festival, but it didn't make our family happy to go back to the countryside to worship our ancestors. Because my father said, "Rain" means money, which means that our family will be rich this year. "


At noon, the rain stopped a little. After we went to the ancestral hall to worship, we went up the mountain. Because of the rain, the road is very muddy and slippery. But we still insist. When we came to the grave, we saw that there were weeds all around. Dad asked us to take a hoe and shovel away the weeds. After finishing some, they took out sacrifices and put them in front of the tomb. Then worship God. Everyone tells their ancestors about their wishes. Let me tell you, my ancestors' wishes are: I hope to be admitted to key schools this year. However, I know that it is impossible to rely on the blessings of ancestors alone. We should add strength and luck to our efforts. After the worship, he offered a toast. His brother filled three full glasses of wine and said, "Let them get drunk." Then they started to burn netherworld coins, cars, mahjong, etc. After burning the ghost paper, the firecrackers started. "Thunderclap, Thunderclap, Thunderclap." The firecrackers were very loud and deafening. My mother said, "The louder the firecrackers are, the luckier it is." After all that was done, I silently said to my ancestors, "We will come to see you today next year. Rest in peace."


Indeed, life will soon pass. Time waits for no one. We should seize the time to do everything we should.

清明随想作文 篇4


"During the Tomb Sweeping Day, there was a lot of rain, and people on the road wanted to die. Excuse me, where is the restaurant? The shepherd boy pointed at the Apricot Blossom Village." "Flowers fly everywhere in the Spring City, and the east wind blows against the willows. At dusk, candles are passed from the Han Palace, and smoke is scattered into the Five Marquis's house." "Peach and plum trees smile on the Tomb Sweeping Day. Wilderness graves are only worried about. Thunder startles the world. Dragons and snakes sting. Rain makes the countryside soft."


These are classical poems about "Qingming". The poetry and literature of a nation are often the portrayal of the spiritual world of the nation, reflecting the spiritual and spiritual life of the nation, as well as its artistic and philosophical observation of heaven and earth, nature, life and things. These poems about "Qingming" are like a mirror, which let us see our nation's cultural psychology, cultural attitude and cultural customs about "Qingming".


"Qingming" culture is reflected in how we treat natural things. Every Tomb Sweeping Festival is an important moment for Chinese people to feel the nature and the unity of heaven and man. In this season of recovery of all things, we go hiking, get close to nature, feel things and cherish spring, think quietly, and pursue the true meaning of natural laws. We talk with nature, and we realize the influence of nature on our mind. We have learned to respect nature. The change of natural rhythm makes people respect and awe. In this sacred cultural ceremony, we placed new hope of pursuing spring, cherished the dream of harmonious coexistence with heaven and earth, and completed the soul baptism of our spirit of urging and welcoming the rebirth.


The "Tomb Sweeping Culture" of the Chinese people is still a spirit characterized by thanksgiving, commemoration and caution. Qingming Festival is a common moment for Chinese people to express their respect for life collectively. We recognize our ancestors, pay homage to our ancestors, remember our ancestors, drink water to remember their origin, go back to ancient times, and enjoy life and death. Every Tomb Sweeping Day, Chinese people will try their best to return to their hometown wherever they are, to visit their relatives' tombs and pay homage to them. This cultural complex of traditional festivals has left a deep imprint in the hearts of Chinese people and turned into the common memory of the nation.


Culture is a system of historically developed social standards and rituals, which have been passed down from generation to generation and become our cultural history. Qingming Festival, as the formation of cultural festival customs, has a history of more than 2500 years. As a culture, its connotation gathers some ideological essence of Confucianism, Taoism, Mohism and Buddhism, stores the natural experience of our ancestors, and becomes the common cultural and ethical values of our nation.


Why can Qingming Festival last for thousands of years? It is because it turns our isolated experience into a common experience and a public memory, thus enhancing mutual understanding and condensing social cultural identity. In addition, it is because it has adapted to different times, linked this colorful world and achieved the passage of the times. It has come from ancient times and entered the spiritual life of every one of us, every family, every section of history and our nation. Our Qingming culture, tradition and complex will be passed down from generation to generation.

清明节随想作文 篇5


On the Tomb Sweeping Day, the continuous rain, the misty rain, reminded me of unlimited reverie


It is often said that "during the Qingming Festival, there is a lot of rain, and people on the road want to die. Yes, that thin fog, that continuous rain, can really cause our sorrow, really can make people feel sad.


In the morning, the milky fog shrouded the earth and overcame the sky. People went to sweep graves, and the mountain roads were blocked with cars. But the intermittent rain also haunted my heart all day long. Ask yourself, how many people can remember the people who died for us during the Qingming Festival? Ask yourself, how many people enjoy all the splendor and wealth during the Tomb Sweeping Day, but are indifferent to their ancestors' tombs? How many people can mourn and shed tears in the rain under the fog?


Can't the traffic jam on the mountain road symbolize our prosperity? But can we go to mourn for the martyrs when life is booming? Can they be engraved in our hearts and become models? If we achieve the prosperity of our motherland, how peaceful the world will be! Some of them rushed into battle on the battlefield, while others served the people like Lei Feng. Isn't it worth learning from them?


China has a tradition of tomb sweeping during the Tomb Sweeping Day. People respectfully present food to their ancestors, and respectfully clean up the garbage beside the tomb. I think this is a promise to our ancestors. In front of our dead ancestors, we promise to do more good, not evil, and to be happy to help others! Every time we clean the grave, we are also cleaning our hearts, and we should be responsible for our commitments!


Qingming means spring is coming. I can't forget that Li Dazhao, the revolutionary martyr, died bravely on April 28, 1927! It was also a spring day. Why was it so desolate in 1927? Because I serve the people and he is the pride of the people. We admire his spirit of looking at death as if he were going home and sticking to the Party's secrets! How can such greatness die early? How could such a great man be killed by the cruel enemy without complaint? When everyone was ready to break the prison, it was he who said the strong word "no". Why did such a great man die long ago? If the world were less smoke, if the world was full of peace and love, it would not lead to so many tragedies!


The next day I woke up, the rain stopped, the fog gradually disappeared, and the reverie slowly left

清明随想作文 篇6


The spring breeze in April has come, bringing a ray of concern. On April 4 every year, the vagrants have returned to their hometown to worship and remember their dead ancestors. I am no exception, but also followed my family back to their hometown, Shaoyang.


On that day, it was drizzling, the sky was covered with a layer of gray fog, and the road was certainly busy with people coming and going. We bought all the commonly used items about ancestor worship at the crowded small shops, and also came to the cemetery in Shaoyang. Why did we build a cemetery? It may be that later generations are afraid of the loneliness of the ancestors, so they gather all the big guys together and talk about something! We came to the bottom of the mountain with a lot of heavy sacrificial objects. We skillfully walked in the middle of the mountain forest, smelling the fragrance of the peach blossoms, walking slowly along the dirt path in the mountain forest. After a long time, we finally reached the top of the mountain. I put down the things that I hated, and began to arrogantly go to the place where the ancestors "lived", and talk to them about "whispering" by the way, But I didn't find anything when I looked around. When I turned around, the elders had already found it. They had already started to put the sacrificial objects they brought. I foolishly ran to look at it. At that time, I didn't understand why they took some fake coins to burn. I asked my mother rightfully: "Mom! Why do they burn fake coins?" Mom looked at me blankly and said jokingly, "Because the ancestors had no money in the sky, we should give them some money to go up!" Before I got over it, Grandma asked me to worship my ancestors. By the way, "Grandpa and Grandma! You should show your spirit in the heaven and earth. We must bless our granddaughter to enter a famous university! Please!" I immediately felt a "creak" in my heart, and it occurred to me that I had better not believe that this superstitious worship method can meet certain requirements. College entrance examination should be on my own. If this discovery spreads in today's society, then in their eyes, as long as such a worship does not take any effort, everyone can be admitted to Tsinghua North University! Superstition! I bowed two times to Grandma's rhythm in embarrassment and then went down the mountain.


After the worship, a faint halo appeared in the sky, the sky became clear, and the sun grandfather also showed a long lost smile. We happily embarked on the journey home. In fact, although the ancestors have passed away, their position in the hearts of later people has not changed a bit. This is a word in today's society, which is called kinship!

清明随想作文 篇7


Yesterday, I thought of my indifference to traditional festivals in recent years after talking about the Tomb Sweeping Day with netizens.


Qingming Festival is a festival to worship ancestors. I don't care about those who don't believe in ghosts and gods, but I find that many people are not enthusiastic about this festival. Perhaps it is the need of the government's Tomb Sweeping Day fire prevention task in recent years, and the reform of the traditional ancestor worship has torn the whole festival apart.


I remember that Qingming Festival was also a good festival when I was young. It is said that Qingming Festival is the day when ghosts come and go, and the important thing is to avoid evil spirits. On the first three days and the last four days of the Tomb Sweeping Festival, children should wear red flower strings. This is a kind of jewelry that uses clothing lines to string beads or tubes between small round pieces of cloth of different colors. When they are a few years old, they should also wear one piece for their parents. All children in the village should wear it. It is very beautiful. Adults bring cypresses, red and green cloth strips are tied at the door of every household, and the new daughter-in-law should bring burning moxa sticks on the way when visiting relatives and friends. There are also some precautions that I don't remember.


Sacrificing ancestors is the most important activity. The sacrifices mainly include cold fish and steamed buns, which must be packed with stuffing. The old people say that if they don't pack stuffing, they will be afraid of having children who are not familiar with it. Cold fish are all kinds of small animals made of ordinary flour. They are generally uncolored, small in size and small in quantity. They are excellent food and playthings for children. During the Tomb Sweeping Day, the farmers had started spring ploughing, and most of them chose to worship their ancestors in the morning.


Everyone should take a shovel to carry the hanging paper. The hanging paper is a white paper cut similar to a flower, which is used to insert on the tomb head. On this day, we can tell who has descendants from whether there is hanging paper on the tomb head. So we have attached great importance to ancestor worship during the Qingming Festival; The shovel is used to add soil to the grave. In the year of ancestor worship, only Tomb Sweeping Day can move earth in the grave, which can keep the tomb in its original state. This is another reason why people attach importance to Tomb Sweeping Day. Our little boy is going to follow the adults to worship ancestors. Looking at the white flags flying all over the mountains and the sparks rising from time to time, he is solemn and solemn. Listening to the stories of our ancestors told by the adults, he feels nostalgic. I was most interested in my grandfather's experience at that time. My grandfather lost his father when he was very young. He did not read books when he was young. At the age of 18, he joined the Shanxi Water Army as the artillery battalion commander.


Later, he abandoned the army and went to Tianjin, Taiyuan and other places to do business. After liberation, he returned to his hometown. Grandfather's mother is kind to others and often helps the neighbors. When the counter revolutionaries were eliminated, one grandpa himself had no blood debt, and the other two villagers safeguarded his life. He has a good constitution and a strong character. He never took any medicine until he died of serious illness. After his death, he found that there was a copy of "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" in Hang Tou that he had seen more than half of. It was probably a character he had learned in the army.


When I was a child, I didn't know my grandfather's experience. I only knew that he loved me very much. Later, when I knew his background, I admired him even more. I think this is the reason why we should be cautious and pursue the future. Let the younger generation learn from the deeds of their ancestors and encourage them to work hard.

清明节的随想作文800字 篇8


"During the Tomb Sweeping Day, it rained in succession and the passers-by died. Excuse me, where is the restaurant? The shepherd boy points to the Apricot Blossom Village." This is a poem written by Du Mu, a poet of the Tang Dynasty, which expresses how many people's thoughts and sadness about the dead.


As soon as it was clear and bright, the sky began to cry. Looking out of the window, I remembered the light sadness. I remember that when Grandma died, even the aunts and uncles who worked far away came back. At that time, I didn't know why they cried on the coffin. I didn't know until a few days later that my great grandmother had gone, gone forever, and left us forever! At that time, my late tears poured out, but my great grandmother had gone away and never came back!


Every Tomb Sweeping Day, I will definitely go to visit my grandmother's grave. This year's Tomb Sweeping Day, when I took the bus, I saw a vast expanse of white outside the window, and countless dotted lines occasionally flashed over one or two figures, gradually disappearing into bursts of sadness. Every time I come to Grandma's grave, I can't help crying because I think of the smile she gave me when I returned home, the scenes she made me play, laugh, laugh, and laugh, and the food she made for me


A gust of mountain wind blew, and pink peach flowers and golden rape flowers on the mountain came with fragrance. In my heart, Qingming is not just a solar term, nor a ceremony, but a mourning for the lost loved ones, a salute to life!


Qingming Festival is not only full of sorrow, but also a light childlike interest.


On the basketball court of my hometown, I was flying a kite. The kite is in the shape of a small swallow. Because of its ingenious workmanship, the lifelike swallow is particularly brilliant on the basketball court. A gust of mountain wind blew, and I started to run. After a while, the kite flew up, and I stopped. Looking at a few white clouds floating in the quiet sky, it adds some color to the blue sky, which is as beautiful as a picture. The beautiful kite is in this wonderful picture. "The children came back early from school. They were busy releasing paper kites in the east wind." This is the scene of flying kites. The kite flew so high that the string holding the kite suddenly broke, so we watched the kite fly away in regret


It is said that the spring scenery of Qingming is very thick, and the connotation of Qingming is very rich; The fresh wind is flying the light childlike interest, and the bright rain is reposing various sorrows; The beautiful mountains and clear water are together in this beautiful Tomb Sweeping Day.


In the sky of missing, I understand the true meaning of life and the connotation of love; In my happy childhood, I learned that the process of growth also means happiness.


The clear wind burns the warmth of life in spring and cold in autumn into the surging passion of years; The clear and bright rain turns the eternal Tang and Song poems into fresh life ink!

清明节随想作文 篇9


Qingming Festival is a traditional festival of Chinese people. In my memory, Qingming Festival is full of disturbing firecrackers and flying paper ashes. The world seems to be turbid and full of the anger of not seeing the sun. This year's Tomb Sweeping Day is no exception.


A disturbing sound of firecrackers woke me up from my sleep. I frowned and looked out of the window. Then I knew that today was Tomb Sweeping Day. I quickly washed up, took paper money, candles, firecrackers, and led my wife and children to worship the ancestors. Along the way, I saw people either in high spirits, or laughing and joking, or looking in a hurry, but there was no sadness that "it rained one after another during the Qingming Festival, and pedestrians on the road wanted to die". I think they are more like celebrating the Spring Festival, and I seem to have felt something strange in such a picture. However, once in a while, one or two people with a melancholy look will pass by, which is more or less comforting: the curling smoke is flying in the sky and earth lonely and indecisive, the rain is very humiliating, and the panicked passers-by are busy looking for shelter. The four of us came to the cemetery after the rain and burned paper money, set off firecrackers and lit candles as usual.


On the way, I could not help thinking about things. It is already the 21st century. Is it still necessary? Don't we advocate low-carbon life now? Do we have to do this on Tomb Sweeping Day? Shouldn't Tomb Sweeping Day be a day of purity and nostalgia for our ancestors? Can we have a quiet life?