
时间:2022-08-03 13:38:31 | 来源:语文通



My parents are the same as all parents in the world.Their love accompanied me gradually growing up.Whenever I encounter difficulties and setbacks, they always encourage me and support me; when I make a little progress, they appreciate me, praise me, and encourage meCare me in meticulous, they are happy for me, sad for me, worrying for me, and even more.

My parents are the same as all parents in the world.Their love accompanied me gradually growing up.Whenever I encounter difficulties and setbacks, they always encourage me and support me; when I make a little progress, they appreciate me, praise me, and encourage meCare me in meticulous, they are happy for me, sad for me, worrying for me, and even more.


I remember when I was a kid, I was naughty, and I often didn't say hello to a person to go outside to play.Once it was dark, the family thought it was abducted by the trafficker. When I got home, my mother pulled me to cry, and my father choked to me, "Just go home.Remember: if you go out, you have to tell your family, don't let your family worry too much. "At that time, I saw this scene, and I was afraid of it. I also knew that because my own fun was too heavy, I was worried about my parents.Never running again.

I remember when I was a kid, I was naughty, and I often didn't say hello to a person to go outside to play.Once it was dark, the family thought it was abducted by the trafficker. When I got home, my mother pulled me to cry, and my father choked to me, "Just go home.Remember: if you go out, you have to tell your family, don't let your family worry too much. "At that time, I saw this scene, and I was afraid of it. I also knew that because my own fun was too heavy, I was worried about my parents.Never running again.


When I was young, I was often sick. Whenever I was sick, my dad was anxious to turn around. My mother seemed to be calm. I quickly commanded my father to bring hot water, wet the towel, wipe my back, rub the armpits, and all night.Apply a hot towel for me.Slowly, I found the sweat on my body, and I didn't know when I ran to my parents' forehead.

When I was young, I was often sick. Whenever I was sick, my dad was anxious to turn around. My mother seemed to be calm. I quickly commanded my father to bring hot water, wet the towel, wipe my back, rub the armpits, and all night.Apply a hot towel for me.Slowly, I found the sweat on my body, and I didn't know when I ran to my parents' forehead.


Now, I have gradually grown up and understand more truths to understand that my parents' love for me is the most selfless and sincere.Parents are children's umbrellas.I have lived in my parents' arms like a flower since I was a child.Since childhood, he has not been aggrieved at all.When I grow up, I want to learn to stand on their own and strengthen myself.It is necessary to make parents feel warm.I think the child is sensible.They will feel extremely warm and happy.I thank my parents and my parents for this love for me!

Now, I have gradually grown up and understand more truths to understand that my parents' love for me is the most selfless and sincere.Parents are children's umbrellas.I have lived in my parents' arms like a flower since I was a child.Since childhood, he has not been aggrieved at all.When I grow up, I want to learn to stand on their own and strengthen myself.It is necessary to make parents feel warm.I think the child is sensible.They will feel extremely warm and happy.I thank my parents and my parents for this love for me!



My parents are the same as all parents in the world.Their love accompanied me gradually growing up.Whenever I encounter difficulties and setbacks, they always encourage me and support me; when I make a little progress, they appreciate me, praise me, and encourage meCare me in meticulous, they are happy for me, sad for me, worrying for me, and even more.

My parents are the same as all parents in the world.Their love accompanied me gradually growing up.Whenever I encounter difficulties and setbacks, they always encourage me and support me; when I make a little progress, they appreciate me, praise me, and encourage meCare me in meticulous, they are happy for me, sad for me, worrying for me, and even more.


I remember when I was a kid, I was naughty, and I often didn't say hello to a person to go outside to play.Once it was dark, the family thought it was abducted by the trafficker. When I got home, my mother pulled me to cry, and my father choked to me, "Just go home.Remember: if you go out, you have to tell your family, don't let your family worry too much. "At that time, I saw this scene, and I was afraid of it. I also knew that because my own fun was too heavy, I was worried about my parents.Never running again.

I remember when I was a kid, I was naughty, and I often didn't say hello to a person to go outside to play.Once it was dark, the family thought it was abducted by the trafficker. When I got home, my mother pulled me to cry, and my father choked to me, "Just go home.Remember: if you go out, you have to tell your family, don't let your family worry too much. "At that time, I saw this scene, and I was afraid of it. I also knew that because my own fun was too heavy, I was worried about my parents.Never running again.


When I was young, I was often sick. Whenever I was sick, my dad was anxious to turn around. My mother seemed to be calm. I quickly commanded my father to bring hot water, wet the towel, wipe my back, rub the armpits, and all night.Apply a hot towel for me.Slowly, I found the sweat on my body, and I didn't know when I ran to my parents' forehead.

When I was young, I was often sick. Whenever I was sick, my dad was anxious to turn around. My mother seemed to be calm. I quickly commanded my father to bring hot water, wet the towel, wipe my back, rub the armpits, and all night.Apply a hot towel for me.Slowly, I found the sweat on my body, and I didn't know when I ran to my parents' forehead.


Now, I have gradually grown up and understand more truths to understand that my parents' love for me is the most selfless and sincere.Parents are children's umbrellas.I have lived in my parents' arms like a flower since I was a child.Since childhood, he has not been aggrieved at all.When I grow up, I want to learn to stand on their own and strengthen myself.It is necessary to make parents feel warm.I think the child is sensible.They will feel extremely warm and happy.I thank my parents and my parents for this love for me!

Now, I have gradually grown up and understand more truths to understand that my parents' love for me is the most selfless and sincere.Parents are children's umbrellas.I have lived in my parents' arms like a flower since I was a child.Since childhood, he has not been aggrieved at all.When I grow up, I want to learn to stand on their own and strengthen myself.It is necessary to make parents feel warm.I think the child is sensible.They will feel extremely warm and happy.I thank my parents and my parents for this love for me!



"There is only a mother in the world, and the mother who has a mother is like a treasure ..." I believe everyone is no stranger to this lyrics.Of course, there are dads in addition to mothers.Who broke our hearts on our growth path?Who paved the way forward for us?It's a parent!When we are still living a fulfilling life, our parents have already planned for our future; when we are still talking to our parents' troubles, we have thought that our parents will have trouble, andAs much as us, who should they talk to?


On the road of growth, we are so happy that we only take care of the current, only running.But I don't know where to start, how to set off, and what the end point is.It is the direction of our parents guiding us. It is our parents standing behind us and becoming our strong backing.Let us keep up with courage, accumulate experience, and launch a impact on our goals again and again.


Parents are also my economic source.In our lives, we spent all the time.But where do these money come from?Is it my own?The answer tells us very accurately, no!It was given by parents, and it was the hard -earned money of parents to maintain our huge expenses and raised us for adults.The sadness and exhaustion of this cannot be described in words.But parents have never told us, nor did they complain to us.Instead, we hope that we have a carefree and happy growth. This is their greatest grasy.


I am a only child, which means that my parents have only me in my life, and they put all hope on me.It can be said that parents are undergoing a very risky investment. If I fail, it means that they will be destroyed for most of my life because of me.So I can't lose, and I can't afford it.If I lose, I am sorry for my parents, sorry for their raising grace on me, sorry for their meticulous care and care, and sorry for how many of them worked hard since the day and night.Essence


Thanks to parents and everything for our parents to pay for us.I want to say to my parents, "I love you, with you, it's good!"



Looking at the daily calendar, I calculate the time I grew up, or it is slow; I write down the subtle wrinkles on my mother's face, more or less;The birds flying in front of my window suddenly fell and fell ... every year, it was so peaceful without a trace of noisy passing. What did I know?


In March, there was no flowering aroma, but I clearly saw the more warm love and concern than the flowers.It's warm, I want to get used to a person walking on the way home from school, watching the long shadow supported by the street lights, as if there is such a satisfaction in my heart.The smell and light of tobacco, when he looked up, his father was already at the end of the road, and the smoke in his mouth was almost finished, which was such a faint light, accompanied by the road of night, accompanied by my life journey.I never afraid that when I wanted to express my love, I was wrapped up by my father's care.I am grateful to my father who is not good at words. What he can give me is not only those who can do it, but also a courage to face the "darkness".


Perhaps it is the name, so warming, maybe, the driver of the instinct, let her never complain, although her child is not so popular, although she is tired of business every day and still takes into account my busy business busy.Existence, but thanks for a gratitude.But the mother who can't help it, I love you.I still remember that when my father was not at home, you hugged me crying at night. My daughter knew your suffering, and I still remember that you were patient patiently when I was irritable. It seemed to be all of my world.I am grateful for everything of you, I ca n’t open the greetings, you are my favorite person.


After walking out of the haze of winter, after white snow, we have a wider sky, and our parents always stand behind us, because when they want to be tired when we are frustrated, when we are tired, we see them, see them, see theirThat smile.Then we continue to run.


My parents, my most grateful person.



My grandma is a kind person, but it looks very old. It is like an old man in his 80s. In fact, she is not yet 70 years old! She has endless love for me. I am very grateful to her for giving me to me.Everything.


I remember once, I caught a cold, I prescribed the prescription at the uncle's clinic, and a fever needle was taken, and my condition improved.After watching the disease, the time of meal is here.So Dad called her grandmother and asked her to cook more. We had to go to her house to eat. Grandma asked me what I wanted to eat. I said that I wanted noodles.After a while, at her grandma's house, she cooked early and waited for us to eat.I opened the meal! Watching my grandmother cooked the "Shanzhen and Sea Flavor", I immediately gobbled, but my grandmother sat aside and gave me the vegetables.Eat some! "Grandma said in the proficient Wenzhou dialect.There are many wrinkles on her face, and this smile has become more obvious.


After a few weeks, I learned that the grandmother was not comfortable that month. I cough all day and rest in bed. When I heard that I was coming, I pretended to be okay. I tried to bear it.EssenceI was in a hurry to go out to buy vegetables, and cook it in person, cook deliciously for me, otherwise she should lie in bed and rest! I know that I was very moved in the future.Get out of bed.If it weren't for my meal, maybe grandma's illness might be a few days earlier!


I love my grandma, how much she loves me!



From the beginning of elementary school to now I have learned a lot of ancient poems. From Li Bai’s "Static Night Simpling" to the current Bai Pu's "Tianjing Sha · Autumn", I have appreciated the wonderfulness of classical, but I am a song for Meng Jiao."You Ziyin" never forgets.


"Mother Ci Mu's hand, Youzi is in his top. The dense seams are densely seams, and I am afraid to return late.


This poem in Meng Jiao made me think of the eternal famous sayings of "Dripping the Water Destiny Spring Report", yeah!Flowers are grateful to Yu Lu because of the nourishment of Yulu; the eagle is grateful to the blue sky because the blue sky allows himself to fly freely; the student is grateful to the teacher because the teacher taught himself to be human, and I am grateful to my parents because ...


Mother, you gave birth to me and raised me. I was the one I loved the most in my life. In the process of my growth, you gave me a great care. I did n’t forget to ask, "Can I learn everything today?" "Are you full? The clothes you wear today are cold? "Although the mother's cultural level is not high, he always gives me spiritual support and encouragement, and always tells me how many in the joke.The truth of being a man.I am very grateful to my mother. I grew up every day my mother's love for the tolerance of my mother. My eternal love for my mother also saved it every day ...


Father, you are also the favorite person in my life. You are like a big tree, and I am like a small grass under the big tree.The protection of love and every second will thrive every day.Now, whenever I encounter trouble, you will frown, and then say, "You have grown up, many things should be solved by yourself!" Whenever this time, the mother always says you are lazy, butYou can run from the 6th floor to school because of my words, just to get me the tone of the tone, and will not criticize the teacher because of no piano ...


Yes, "Whoever speaks grass, reports Sanchunhui." I am the grass that was protected by the big tree and tolerance, and my parents are like nourishing my sun every day.I can't repay the great kindness of this day!



In my dreamy childhood, I once dreamed that I was lying on the grass to look up the kite flying in the sky, and I thought naively that if I can fly freely in the sky like a kite, accompany the breeze, with the white clouds, with the white cloudsTalking, flying with birds, so how good is it!


I thought the kite was free. I knew when I was a teenager that it was also led by a thin line; when I was young, I thought that the kite could be free to fly.When I was a teenager, I knew that there was a layer of diaphragm between it and the wind. Maybe the kite wanted to fly by itself, but the line on it did not allow it to do that.Therefore, when I was a teenager, I was ridiculous that the line was the restraint of the kite.


Now, every time I see the kite, I find that it is the guidance of the kite to give the kite goodwill. Thank you, the line, when the kite is lost, you guide it to take a bright road.


I am a kite. My parents are the line of the kite. When I was confused, I gave me a correct choice. Now I am eight years old and become an older child. I understand the painstaking efforts of my parents.Therefore, in the new semester, in order to live up to the expectations of parents, Chen Yishuo, you must study hard and return to your parents.Thank you, the line of the kite ...



Everyone needs to be cared for.In this world, because there is love, they sing and laugh; because there is love, it is warm and sweet; because there is love, the sky is blue; because there is love, we can depend on each other; because there is love, we have our existence.


Father loves like a mountain, everyone needs mountains to rely on tough.You use your shoulders to carry all the burdens of me.On the path of my life, you are my strength, making me happy and strong.Thank you for giving me love and let me fly freely.I am no longer afraid of the blows of the wind and waves, because you are my shelter, blocking the wind and rain for me.Your warm arms are the wings I imagine, flying to the place where I yearn for.


Mother love is like water, and everyone needs water care.You use love to accompany me to grow. When I was injured, I carefully cared for the fragile me; when I encountered setbacks, encouraged me and comforted me.You are like a deep ocean, carrying every hope of me with tolerance.On the path of my life, guidance for me, let go and let me go.Thank you for your love, I will definitely treasure it.With your company, my future will be full of sunshine.Your gentle eyes are my little paradise, which makes me intoxicated in the rivers of happiness.


Love!What a simple word.But it contains the meaning of a bottomless abyss, and it is inexhaustible.Love!Why not the greatest and happiest embodiment of the world!


Thank you for your love!This will be the most surprising and most precious gift I got in my life!


Love is everywhere!



Who is it, leading us into this strange world, and educating us into people who can be considerate to help others?It's a parent!Who is the gentle spring breeze that warms our hearts?It's a parent!Who is it, let's grow up in the sun of love, let us nourish the true feelings of the world?Still parents!How many times I entered the dreamland with a sense of happiness, how many times I thought about the future with tears, how many times I thought about it with a gratitude: it is because of my parents that I have me, so I have the opportunity to have the opportunity to be in these five brilliantIn the world to appreciate the warmth of life and enjoy the happiness and happiness of life, they have given me life and give me meticulous care!


I have heard such a story. After a few years of hard work, a young man finally had a house and home in the city.One year, he received the father in the country to live in the city for a few days.When I was sleeping at night, the young people knew that they had a snoring sound when they slept. They were afraid of noisy to his father, so he pretended to close his eyes and decided to wait for his father to sleep after sleeping.After half an hour, he fell asleep safely after his father was asleep.The next day, his wife asked his father to sleep well last night?His father nodded with a smile, and the young people couldn't help proud of their filial piety in their hearts.He went to work in the morning, folded back halfway to get things, pushed the door, and heard a burst of snoring in the room. His father was sleeping in bed.He suddenly understood that it was his father who did not sleep all night!


In our lives, the parents' care is not reflected all the time. Under the bright and warm light when I go home on weekends, the parents are still busy in the kitchen.The true meaning of love.Father loves like a mountain, motherly love is like water, and the mountains and rivers are warm but get the harbor. We are fortunate to walk on the avenue of love.But in many cases, we treat our parents 'love for granted. Our willfulness, extremeness, and coquettishness hurt our parents' hearts.But love for them is so embarrassing: Do we have a cup of hot milk for our parents?Have you said a warm heart to your parents?We strive to pursue our dreams and yearn for a higher and farther sky. Maybe you will complain about your parents' restraints and rebellion.But remember:


Children are happy, the most happy is parents!Children are distressed, and their parents are the most concerned!


Licking the calf deep, the love of parents is as deep as the sea.Therefore, regardless of the social status, knowledge level, and other literacy of parents, they are the biggest benefactors in our lives and people worthy of our love.


We must have a grateful heart!We should learn to be grateful, and we should learn to be grateful to our parents!


We don't forget to be moved, forgot to say thank you.The love from parents is like a cup of strong tea, which requires us to taste it carefully.Let us live a happy life, let us grow up without worry, it is the wish of all parents!If motherly love is a boat, we are moving from teenagers to mature; then parental love is a sea, giving us a happy harbor.If the mother's true feelings have ignited the hope in our hearts; then the father's love will be the sail that we can voyage!


My mother's wrinkles were deep because she gave me the beautiful youth!


His father's hand was thicker because he gave me the warm sunshine!


Her mother's waist was bent because she gave me the straight back!


His father was dazzling because he gave me the bright eyes!


What do you want to thank you, my parents!



Essay about maternal love 650 words_ Thanksgiving mother


What makes the fish swim happily, it is the sea; what makes the birds fly freely, it is the sky; what makes the grass thrive, it is the earth.So, what makes us human beings happily, happily, and healthy in this world. It is a mother and a great mother.I read the book and saw the clip describing my mother in the book, and I couldn't help thinking: my mother.Today, I want to dedicate the results of my efforts to the unprecedented love of my unprecedented love to my mother who has been concerned about me over the past 11 years.


As the saying goes: parents are the first teacher of the child. Yes, the parents brought their children to this world. The parents asked their children to see the first ray of sunlight. It was the parents who gave their children a good education. It was not until the child went to school that he solemnly gave the child to the school. In fact, the teacher taught us the knowledge in books, and the parents taught us the wisdom of eternal life! From 咿咿 学 话 话 to talk to serious homework, which moment does not condense the parents 'efforts, which moment does not tell our parents' love for us! My dear mother, although not Mother's Day today, I still give you a beautiful flower to show my gratitude to you. Mom, you are not ugly. I send you orange lily and elegant and charming carnations to bring your smile extraordinarily beautiful. Everyone knows that carnations represent motherly love. Maternal love is boundless and cannot be bought with money. If a person abandon motherly love for money at first, no matter how dedication he is in the future, but in fact, he is selfish because he can't stand the temptation of money and abandon his motherly love for money. There is a filial piety, even if there is only a little bit, then that scene will always be branded in his heart, and you can't wipe it ...


When I was a child, I disagreed with my mother's love and superficially believed that my mother caring for her child was justified.But now, I understand that I understand the wrong understanding. My mother is a beautiful incarnation, the embodiment of the angel, and the role model of the child.Let the fragrant flowers accompany the mother with a happy life!Mom is very happy today!Although there is no sunshine today, I have a fiery sun in my heart, that is -heart!


Essay about maternal love 650 words 2_ Thanksgiving mother


Mother, like a wall, covering the wind and rain, blocking the scorching sun, so that the small tree seedlings that do not pass through the storm can thrive; the mother, like a kind bird mother, touched us with a loving hand every day.The chick's feathers encouraged us to fight the sky.


My mother also looks like a wall, like a bird mother who cares about me, and encourages me. What makes me especially grateful is that my mother often guides and encourage the loss of me, so that the deep truth is rooted in my heart. She is she.My first teacher.


I clearly remember what I was going to surge.It was when I was reading the kindergarten, when I fell down the stairs at that time, (probably caused by the disease.) After a few weeks, I started to hurt alone.The doctor "went to see the doctor and did not take me to the people's hospital.(It should be for the first time to encounter these things. So take off guard. Our family is not without money.) After seeing a few "three -centered medical institutions", it still did not improve.Later, I did n’t know who said that we would go to the people's hospital to see it before we went to the people's hospital.After taking the B -ultrasound, the doctor said that I had a stomach and needed a surgery.After a while, I was going to surge.Before entering the operating room, I saw my mother regret and worry.Seeing the worries of Dad and Sister.After opening the knife, I don't know if I slept for a few hours, maybe I slept for dozens of hours.After waking up, I saw my father and mother happy.When I was hospitalized, my mother had been with me in the hospital, and I was grateful to them!


It is my mother who often knocked on the alarm in my ear; I often educate me to be honest, trustworthy, and brave, and my mother; I often guide me to learn, and my mother is still my mother!


Maternal love is deep, motherly love is delicate, and mother love is also selfless and great.I have to experience it with my heart and feel it to be eligible to accept this love, this priceless love.And this year's Mother's Day reminds me of what a philosopher said: Mother is an endless book.yes!My mother gave me the love that made me never forget, and I couldn't forget it all my life!



Parents' love is always an indelible mark of our lives, and it is also an eternal topic of eternal. We walk on our own long roads.It will be full of sunshine.


For a long time, I have a word to say to my parents: Thank you.From the moment my mother spared no effort to give birth to me, my gratitude was already rooted in my heart.It is my parents who gave me a valuable life, so that I can have the opportunity to see this colorful world, so I want to thank them; also my parents, when I was sad and bullied, I took care of it like my Saint Seiya.In front of me, use their strong arms to rely on me, so I want to thank them; even my parents, when I live in the severe time of my life in the intensive care unit, I refuse to give up me, but tightly tightly tightly.Grasp the line of my life and don't let go.So I want to thank them.


In the face of a serious child like me, in the voice of the doctor's countless advice of "giving up" countless times, my parents have never given up on me.Just save me -their only daughter!


Even after several years, the scene where the scene happened in the ward seemed to happen yesterday. All the pictures were so clear that I touched me.Until now, my parents accidentally talked about these unforgettable pasts, and I couldn't help crying.Those memories that contain blood and tears in memory will not be obliterated by the hammer of time, but will only become clearer.


That year may be the darkest year in my life, and at the same time, the warmest Spring Festival I spent.


On the night of the New Year's Day, I still had a child hospital in Chongqing because of the recurrence of an old disease. At night, when everyone sat around for a reunion meal, I could only lie in the hospital bed.Laughing, you ca n’t even drink a sip of water, the whole is a puppet doll without anger.The claws of death attacked me in a hoe.


In the early morning, I was transferred to the ICU ward, walking away from my mother step by step, watching her uncomfortable face with tears, and I didn't even have the strength to tears for her.So tired!It was the first time in my lifetime, and I collapsed as if I had fallen into a 10,000 -meter ice cave.Meng Meng's liquid in my ear, a confused sound in my ears, one after another, pierced my ears like a needle.


"Give up, she is also very painful now. There is no great hope. After all, it has been drowsy for eight days. There is no great hope ..." When I heard the two words giving up, I was afraid of tears and wet the pillow.How ridiculous, the situation that should have appeared on TV even happened on me.But I heard my parents' voice firmly came: "Impossible! I will never give up my child, doctor, you listen to me," Xiaoying is very strong, she will get better soon ... "This is the sound of my mother with crying, making me heartbreak.


"Yes, doctor, you can do your best to save my baby daughter, no matter how much money I spend, I can sell the house, we can go back to my hometown to live, I just hope my daughter can get better soon ..."Dad who has always been a tough guy also cried.


At that moment, how much I wanted to sit up and surprised them, hug them!


Later, the piety of Mom and Dad moved God, and I finally broke free from the hands of death.Lying on the bed, I found that my parents lost a lot.My aunt couldn't help telling me about the things when I lived in the ICU, listening to me crying again, as if her mother's helpless face appeared in front of her, watching her dragging her sick legs in the rain, running wildly, forI went to prescribe the medicine and watched my dad call to raise money for me ...



Everything, I want to let me say it sincerely: Thank you, Mom and Dad, you are the concern of your daughter for a lifetime!

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Once, I was writing homework. There was a nail next to the study table. I didn't see it. I accidentally screamed. My parents hurried over and looked at them.The ants on the pot, but I kept crying, my parents comforted me, I still cried, my parents couldn't help it, from this side to there, I couldn't think of a way. After 5 minutes, it took 5 minutes.My father found a bottle of medicine from the medicine cabinet and wiped me on my fingers. It hurt me like going to heaven. My mother held me and held me strongly, but I struggled hard, ah!The potion was finally wiped out, I didn't cry, and my parents went to do what they loved.


This incident made me unforgettable, and eventually flowed back and forth in my mind ...


Thank you for your parents, thank you for taking care of my life, thank you.


Love, everywhere in our lives, it makes the sky blue, it makes the grass greener, it makes people more pure, it makes the city more beautiful ...


Love in life is actually surrounded by us at any time.The love of parents, the love of the teacher, the love of classmates, the love of friends and the love of some strangers ... These loves care about us at all times, make our hearts pure, and make us emotional sublimation.Among them, I believe that the most inseparable love for everyone!


Yes, parents' love is always warming our hearts. It is a cup of hot tea at home. It is an instructions in school and a phone call in the field.It nourishes my heart silently like a drizzle; like a thunderous sound, every time the earth shakes my soul; if living water, I will never stop washing my stains;Wave my trauma.



In this colorful world, who teaches us to learn the first sentence, who teaches us to learn the first step, and who has taken us into the paradise of knowledge, let us climb to the peak of science.EssenceThey dedicate themselves selflessly, and they nurture us with sweet milk and nourish us with loving nectar. They are the first teacher in our minds.In my childhood story, there are many memories that make me unforgettable.


I remember when I went to kindergarten, every night, I was lying in a warm quilt. My mother told me the interesting story in her gentle voice, which made me intoxicated in the story and slowly entered.Sweet dream hometown.


Time is rolling around me, and I have changed from naive children to a primary school student who is about to graduate. I remember the first math test in the sixth grade, I think high scores are like catching fish in the washbasin — ten -nine stability, but things do not like a naughty child, because of carelessness, I only tested eight Eighteen points, at that time, I really looked like I overturned the five -flavored bottle, which was very uncomfortable. I really did not know how to explain to my parents. When I got home, when my father asked the score, I vomited, and the two tears couldn't help flowing out of my eyes. When my mother saw it, I asked, "Is it mixed?" I said, "I only take the test Eighty points. Dad heard it, so I comforted me, "Don't be sad. It doesn't matter if you fail. As long as you learn lessons, you will be able to get good results. "Mom pulled my hand and said kindly," Failure and even successful mother, come, mother analyzes with you. "After listening to my parents' encouragement, the" sad plum "in my heart flew. As my mother helped me analyze the cause of the error, I taught me to be careful about doing things. I also listened to it.


"Nine -year -old, can warm the seat, filial piety to relatives, and take care of it." In addition to the incompetent parents' dedication to me, I would like to express my gratitude to my parents. In the future, I must study hard and repay.My parents' raising for me.



The greatest love in the world is the love of our parents for us. My father is the most suitable for his "Yan Father" to replace it. His requirements for my life and learning are very strict.Typical, because she is very concerned about my life and study.

记得我上四年级的时候,有一次英语考试,我满怀信心地对爸爸妈妈说:“这次英语考试的题目很简单,肯定能得100分。”爸爸妈妈听后很高兴,给我做了很多 好吃的,我心里美滋滋地等待着成绩的公布。让人迫不及待的日子总算到了,我拿到试卷一看傻了眼,看到那红红的分数89分,我浑身冒冷汗,心想着如何向爸爸 妈妈交待。

I remember when I was in the fourth grade, I had an English test. I said to my parents with confidence: "The question of this English test is very simple, and I can definitely get 100 points." Mom and Dad were very happy after listening, and made me for me.Many delicious, I am waiting for the announcement of the results.The day when people couldn't wait, I got the test paper and looked stupid. When I saw the red score of 89 points, I was sweating cold, thinking about how to explain to my parents.

放学了,我怀着忐忑不安的心情回到家,我把试卷拿给爸爸看,爸爸一看试卷,顿时火冒三丈说:“你看你的试卷,又是马虎做错的,跟你说过多少次了,要认真要 检查,你就是不听。”我听后,心里十分难过,眼泪在眼眶里打转。这时,妈妈走过来摸着我的脑袋温和地说:“爸爸对你要求严格是为你好,虽然你这次没考好, 但你以后要认真,改掉坏毛病,就一定能取得好成绩。”我的心里得到了安慰。

After school, I returned home with an uneasy mood. I took the test paper to my dad. When my father looked at the test paper, he suddenly said, "You see your test paper, and it is a little bit wrong. How many times have you told you?To check it seriously, you just don't listen. "After listening, I felt very sad, and tears rotated in my eyes.At this time, my mother came over and touched my head and said gently: "Dad's requirements for you are strictly for you. Although you have not taken the test this time, you must be serious in the future.Gets. "I was comforted in my heart.


In the future learning process, I have more carefully and after persistent efforts, I have achieved excellent results in subsequent English exams.


"Father loves like a mountain, and mother loves like the sea." No matter how severe the father's love, how kindly the mother's love is, but their common points are for their children.Every parent's love is like a fingertips, guiding us forward.Thanks for our parents.



I know that I shouldn't be, because I often talk to my mother, sometimes speaking without thinking, and it is difficult to hear when I rush out. Looking at my mother’s sad expression, I don’t know how to brake it, but ""Top mouth" has become a habit, it is difficult to change.


I often doubt whether my mother wants to communicate with me through this special method of discipline, but we have been arguing endlessly.Every time we are very angry, think about why we are so arguing afterwards. In fact, the "mother" is not wrong.


It's just that my mouth is hard, but I refuse to bow my head first. The reason that my mother told me is very helpful to my schoolwork and doing things. I have to talk about it.I hope my child will not be so evil in the future.


Dad's way is to be more gentle, at most, to talk to me in a more "fierce" way, unless he is angry, he will punish me.Because of this, I was even more afraid of his anger, because even if he had a good temper, he was caused by me. It must be a serious mistake.


I think my parents must not intentionally want me to be murderer.


I think I must communicate with my parents. Everyone understands each other's ideas and communicates well. Only then will there be a beautiful family. Mom and dad "I love you"!



All the glorious and pride in the world comes from mother.--Inscription


The theme of the recent texts is the love of parents. Children have written their understanding of their parents.Children know how to love, instead of blindly asking for love.What a big progress this is, I can't help but want to write a gratitude to my parents.


I heard such a story: Every mother used to be a beautiful fairy, with a beautiful clothes.When they decide to be the mother of a child and take care of a certain life, they will fade this dress and become an ordinary woman, bland, and a lifetime.


My mother cares for me for a lifetime, becoming the most ordinary among millions of mothers.Mom, I love you, thank you for giving me life, thank you for giving me all your love, thank you for your mother in this life, and make me the happiest person in the world.Mom, the wrinkles in your eyes are just because I am waiting day and night, and the white hair on your horns is only because I work day and night.Mom, I want everyone to know that I have such a great mother, let everyone know how happy I am! Mom, daughter, I want you to be happy and healthy! Mom I want to tell you, long road, long road,My daughter will accompany you, accompany you, silently bless you, bless you, 10,000 wishes say that you love me, bless your mother, happy and happy! May parents in the world happy! Parents are for their children for their children.Growing up and worried, parents have paid all their own happiness for their children. Parents can abandon everything for their children. As children, how can we repay this kind of kindness?


Dad, mom, let me sing a song for you: Detoral learning, you traction me, those gentle and silent pushes, each needle is attached to each line tolerance, weave the beautiful rainbow for me, you always leave the best one to keep the best ones.Give me, wait for me all the love, spend every pass with me, and chase the dream of the future together.The staggered sweat and tears are engraved into the outline of the years. Giving my hand to me like a child, walking forward step by step, you always leave the best to me, and wait for me to wait for me.Accompany me through every pass and chase the dreams of the future. I want to leave the best to you, wait for you all the love, walk through every cold winter, accompany you to realize the unfinished dream, I will I will beGo to the end with you ...


Dad, mom, daughter will remember every word of you and be a good daughter who is filial and obedient.I will work harder, be the best self, and make you the happiest parents in the world!



1、感谢:感谢读音为gǎn xiè,是指感激或用言语行动表示感激:再三感谢ㄧ我很感谢他的热情帮助。感谢 gǎn xiè词语意思:感激或用言语行动表示感激:再三感谢ㄧ我很感谢他的热情帮助。分词解释:感激:因对方的好意或帮助而对他产生好感:感激涕零 ㄧ非常感激你给我的帮助。言语:1.说话﹔说。 2.吩咐﹔命令。 3.禀报。 4.争执。 5.善于辞令。亦指善于辞令者。 6.言辞﹔话。 7.指闲话﹐不满意的话。 8.指词章﹐文辞著作。 9.喻虫鸟鸣叫。 10.指口头语言。再三:1.第二次第三次;一次又一次;一遍又一遍。 2.犹言非常,极其。行动:①走路;走动:行动不便|可以行动了,别误了时间。②指为某种目的而进行的有意识的活动:时机来得不易,快行动。③行为;举行:老人的行为深受人们的赞叹。...感谢怎么造句,用感谢造句»

2、父母:父母读音为fù mǔ,是指父亲和母亲。父母 fù mǔ词语意思:父亲和母亲。(1) [parents](2) 父亲和母亲的总称父母者,人之本也。——《史记.屈原贾生列传》(3) 具有父亲和母亲作用的人分词解释:亲和:亲爱和睦。母亲:1.子女对生养自己的女子的称谓。俗称妈妈。 2.比喻养育人的某一群体或事物。 3.泛指生儿育女的妇女。● 母 mǔ ㄇㄨˇ◎ 妈妈,娘:母亲。母性。母系。慈母。母忧(称母亲去世)。◎ 对女性长辈的称呼:姑母。舅母。◎ 雌性的,与“公”相对:母鸡。◎ 事物据以产生出来的:母国。母校。母音(元音)。◎ 一套东西中间可以包含其他部分的:螺丝母。子母扣。◎ 姓。● 父 fù ㄈㄨˋ◎ 爸爸,母亲的丈夫:父母。父辈。父子。父兄。◎ 对男性长辈的称呼:父老(一国或一乡的长者,亦指古代乡里中管理公共事物的人)。伯父。舅父。● 父 fǔ ㄈㄨˇ◎ 老年人:田父。渔父。◎ 同“甫”。...父母怎么造句,用父母造句»