
时间:2022-07-30 13:19:04 | 来源:语文通



Whenever I think of that matter, I will involuntarily think of the cost of unbearable view of the unbearable view of you.


That's one week, and everyone rushed to Tiger British Park.My brother and I changed the skating shoes, and then everyone gradually walked the city green road.


When I walked to the top of the mountain, I looked down at the next glance.For a long eye, I found a thin and long steep slope. "Wow! Mom, mother, look at it, you see, there is a long steep slope in front?" I pulled my mother very excitedly."You don't have to slip down, it's dangerous." Mom's face wrote a strong word of concern."Mom, you don't have to worry, there is no doubt that it is not easy, I will definitely take care of myself!" I randomly adapted to my mother's two or three sentences, so I couldn't wait to let my mother hold me down.


At the beginning, everyone slipped very smoothly.But the original sense of peace was got rid of the words of my brother: "Mom, you come here! I'm so scared!" As soon as the words were finished, the mother went to the side of the younger brother.But who can think of it?As soon as I left my mother, I gradually became unstable.I felt that I flew away, and the two feet were shaking in the back and after the air, and it was drawn to a curve diagram in the air. However, only I remembered what happened below?I was so elegant in the previous second. The next second, I seemed to fall from the orgasm of my life to the trough of my life and fell a dog to eat shit.well!I can "be able to say bitterness -there is suffering"!First, I fell to the ground with my left leg and turned.Later, he kneeled out and worshiped towards the "Father -in -law".In the end, the wheels of skating shoes made me turn around on the ground again.Therefore, I fell a dog steak so "successfully".


well!It is because of my greedy irritation, forcing me to scratch the tail cricket, and I can't take physical education courses within a week!



1、代价:代价读音为dài jià,是指①购买物品所付出的钱:这件皮衣代价不小。②比喻为某种目的而付出的物力或精力。代价 dài jià词语解释:①购买物品所付出的钱:这件皮衣代价不小。②比喻为某种目的而付出的物力或精力。分词解释:物力:1.可供使用的物资。 2.辽金元时代的一种杂税。 3.指负担这种杂税的户。精力:精神和体力:精力充沛 ㄧ精力旺盛 ㄧ耗费精力。付出:交出(款项、代价等):付出现款 ㄧ付出辛勤的劳动。目的:想要达到或希望得到的预期地点或结果:他说这话的目的是想提醒大家别忘了以前同学时的友谊。皮衣:用毛皮或皮革制成的衣服。...代价怎么造句,用代价造句»

2、刺激:刺激读音为cì jī,是指与“反应”相对。作用于有机体并引起其状态变化的物质动因。有来自外界的,也有来自有机体内部的。有机体的各种感受器都有其特定的刺激,称为适宜刺激。刺激是否引起反应,取决于刺激的性质、强度和有机体本身的特性。感受刺激的能力在生物界普遍存在,但随动物的不断进化而高度发展。刺激 cì jī词语解释:与“反应”相对。作用于有机体并引起其状态变化的物质动因。有来自外界的,也有来自有机体内部的。有机体的各种感受器都有其特定的刺激,称为适宜刺激。刺激是否引起反应,取决于刺激的性质、强度和有机体本身的特性。感受刺激的能力在生物界普遍存在,但随动物的不断进化而高度发展。分词解释:各种:1.指诸多物类。 2.犹言各式各样。内部:1.指某一范围以内。 2.深层的,而不是表面的。 3.中部。特定:1.特别规定;特别指定。 2.指具体的某一种或某一个。不断:1.割不开。 2.不绝;接连。 3.不果决;不果断。引起:1.起身。 2.一种事情﹑现象﹑活动等使另一种事情﹑现象﹑活动等出现。...刺激怎么造句,用刺激造句»