
时间:2022-07-28 13:18:16 | 来源:语文通



Today, in the era of friendship, at least there is no war.However, it is actually terrible.Several of them broke the brain because of a good natural environment because of no good work.No, in fact, it is actually not sad at all.We cannot choose our own birth, but the diligence of acquired nature can change destiny and realize our dreams.


How can you think it is possible, how is it unlikely.Since ancient times, Gao Zu, he became a heavenly son, seven years of winning the world.Others can do it, why you can't do it, that is because you consume a lot of time in envy, jealous of others, you just want it and don't do it.In this world, there are quite people, so there will be poor people.Nowadays, everyone will always find that there will be some people on the streets who are begging and wandering.Who are they?Everyone knows that most of them are scammers who want to speculate.They couldn't even compare themselves to a dog. They cheated everyone's sense of responsibility according to the tragic selling.Originally, his own limbs were perfect, but he had to become a beggar and beggar.


Everyone can rely on their own hands to obtain it by work, and why there is no investment in no investment.There is almost no shortage of people all over the world, but what is lacking is diligence, dreams, and hard work for idealization.Perhaps you are the next world miracle.Everyone will always encounter unsuccessful and difficult, don't bow their heads, stand up!


Don't lie flat if you can stand!This is the secret of success.



1、不要:不要读音为bù yào,是指表示禁止和劝阻。不要 bù yào词典解释:表示禁止和劝阻。(1) [do not]∶表示禁止和劝阻不要逼我(2) [refrain from]∶制止或阻止一个倾向或一个冲动请他不要打断别人讲话分词解释:● 要 yào ㄧㄠˋ◎ 索取:要账。要价。◎ 希望,想:要强。要好。◎ 请求:她要我给她读报。◎ 重大,值得重视的:重要。要人。要领。纲要。要言不烦。◎ 应该,必须:须要。◎ 将(jiāng):将要。快要。◎ 如果,倘若:要是。◎ 表选择:要么。要不。要不然。● 要 yāo ㄧㄠˉ◎ 求,有所倚仗而强求:要求。要挟。◎ 古同“腰”。◎ 古同“邀”,中途拦截。◎ 古同“邀”,约请。◎ 姓。● 不 bù ㄅㄨˋ◎ 副词。◎ 用在动词、形容词和其它词前面表示否定或加在名词或名词性语素前面,构成形容词:不去。不多。不法。不料。不材(才能平庸,常用作自谦)。不刊(无须修改,不可磨灭)。不学无术。不速之客。◎ 单用,做否定性的回答:不,我不知道。◎ 用在句末表疑问:他现在身体好不?● 不 fǒu ㄈㄡˇ◎ 古同“否”,不如此,不然。...不要怎么造句,用不要造句»