
时间:2022-07-28 13:18:20 | 来源:语文通



Inadvertently, the annual game festival of primary and secondary schools came quietly during the period.The following is happiness and joy. Every day everyone spends in excitement.


The game industry began, and everyone couldn't wait to break through the classroom as Li Xian's arrows. Suddenly, the playground and game class were very lively.Students have left from busy work, please see many camera lenses below:


Camera lens 1: In the class of Six (3) of Tianchang Building, the "adventure delivery" game has been launched in full swing. The player must have a eyes, and the two cups of water over the heavy obstacles, send the water to a specific address to a specific addressEssenceBehind him was guided by another player.Those faster can win.


"Gradually!" With an order, the two teammates moved quickly.The person in front of him accidentally hit the hindrance -desks and chairs, and the students behind swapped their arms while jumping their feet, as if a companion could see, and I could not immediately push the companion to the end of the station.If you play this game, you must be clear if you do n’t know if you do n’t know if you do n’t understand. The language expression should be simple and clear at a glance.In the game, due to the small pavement, in order to better prevent the impact, my classmates and I asked the first -year young students to pass first.Showing the spirit of "Friendship First, the second competition".


Camera lens 2: The long line was arranged next to the classroom on the 4th (4) of the first floor of the first floor. Everyone was happy to discuss, and some people also stretched their necks and counted the number of people in the group with their fingers.Ah, here is the classic game that is most popular with the students -grab the chair.


Everyone must know the game of "grab the chair" and played it as a child.Let us recall that good time together.


As soon as the music came, everyone's hearts were hung in their throat, and they were afraid that they would be eliminated all of a sudden.Anyone's human body is tightly tightened, and the legs seem to be tied with heavy stones on their legs.After a while, a person hesitated to take a step, and quickly stood on the front table and chair.The back also hurriedly followed the past.


With the cheerful pure music, after a round of replacement, the final three -dimensional players were outstanding.The elimination of all kinds of discouraged and cold.The winner is like becoming a world competition. With proud of his proud smiles, he walked to cover 2 chapters.


In the game festival, every classmate got a lot.Not only because of many "treasure chests", they feel happy in the game, as they advocated by everyone: they have learned solidly and played the hall.



Today, as soon as I came to Xiao Orange Lantern, it was like a fairy tale world. There were witch riding a flying broom, a pumpkin monster with a jar to sugar, and a beautiful and kind Princess White Snow ...


Halloween games began, and the kit game was fun. When I went to play, long dragons were arranged outside the door, and the water was squeezed.I was so hard to get out of hardships, and I saw all kinds of gifts and dazzling on the ground.I bent my waist and aimed at a sugar, picked up the double -sided glue and flew over, but the double -sided glue was not obedient, like a naughty child, and ran to other places. For the second time, I stared at a badge shot to shoot.After finally in the past, I was happy to bloom, and my heart was sweeter than drinking honey.


I also played thousands of times and a variety of games, but it was several times that of thousands of times.It is even harder to let the marbles pass through the narrow aisle, but I still choose to challenge.I held the stick, bent down, and carefully rolled the marble through the aisle.After getting up 3 corners, it is about to succeed, ah!I accidentally rolled outside the thread.I had to start again, and finally I succeeded. I jumped happily, and I forgot to eat at noon.


It's fun and interesting today.This is the happiest Halloween.



1、开心:开心读音为kāi xīn,是指①心情快乐舒畅:同志们住在一起,说说笑笑,十分开心。②戏弄别人,使自己高兴:别拿他开心。开心 kāi xīn词语解释:①心情快乐舒畅:同志们住在一起,说说笑笑,十分开心。②戏弄别人,使自己高兴:别拿他开心。分词解释:自己:1.代词。自身﹐本身。 2.自己人。 3.知己亲近;关系密切。高兴:①愉快而兴奋:听说你要来,我们全家都很高兴。②带着愉快的情绪去做某件事;喜欢:他就是高兴看电影,对看戏不感兴趣。快乐:感到幸福或满意:快乐的微笑 ㄧ祝您生日快乐。戏弄:捉弄;开玩笑:这样戏弄人可不好|不要再戏弄了。十分:1.按十等分划分。 2.犹十成。 3.充分,十足。 4.副词。犹全部。 5.副词。非常,极,很。表示程度高。...开心怎么造句,用开心造句»

2、游戏:游戏读音为yóu xì,是指体育运动的一类。有智力游戏和活动性游戏之分。前者如下棋、积木、打牌等。后者如追逐、接力及利用球、棒、绳等器材进行的活动,多为集体活动,并有情节和规则,具有竞赛性。游戏 yóu xì词语意思:体育运动的一类。有智力游戏和活动性游戏之分。前者如下棋、积木、打牌等。后者如追逐、接力及利用球、棒、绳等器材进行的活动,多为集体活动,并有情节和规则,具有竞赛性。分词解释:打牌:用纸牌玩的游戏或赌博。如:打牌输掉了一大笔财产。接力:一个接替一个地进行:接力赛跑 ㄧ接力运输。体育运动:即广义的体育。参见“体育”。一类:1.一个种类;同一种类。 2.谓第一等。竞赛:互相比赛,争取优胜:体育竞赛ㄧ劳动竞赛。...游戏怎么造句,用游戏造句»