Last winter, my mother took me to Hainan to play. The scenery of Hainan Island was beautiful and there were many attractions. Among them, I was most impressed by Wuzhizhou Island.
Just when you enter the island, you can see the rare beauty in the Mainland. The sky is such a blue, so clear, and the golden beach with three or two tourists playing.On the peaks of the "ribbon" not far away, the words "Welcome to Wuzhizhou Island" with big trees are full of artistic style.The cement road is not wide, but it is flat and clean, without a trace of dust.On both sides of the road are a large green lawn with a large island characteristic, which is beautiful.
My mother and I walked along the cobblestone between the green lawn.There are coconut trees and many unknown flowers on both sides of the road. The tender grass is asleep on the ground and feels like a paradise.There is a wooden chair on the open space to give tourists to rest.
Walking, my mother and I came to the peak of the "ribbon", we got on the tour bus to feel the beautiful sea scenery.The tour bus was driving on the "ribbon", and the sea breeze blowing over, with a faint salty taste, refreshing.The small crabs on the rockside of the road crawled rampantly, playful and cute.
There is a Mazu Temple at the top of the mountain. There are many people who come to pray for blessings. The red prayer belt is as red as fire ...
Of course, there are still many fun places in Wuzhizhou Island, what is it?Are you tempted, do you want to grow a pair of wings?
1、作文:作文读音为zuò wén,是指1.撰写文章。 2.指学生的写作练习。作文 zuò wén词语解释:1.撰写文章。 2.指学生的写作练习。(1) [write a composition]∶撰写文章(2) [composition]∶学生的写作练习分词解释:学生:①在学校肄业或在其他教育、研究机构学习的人。②向老师或前辈学习的人。也用于弟子对老师或前辈的自称。写作:1.犹写成。指作诗文﹑绘画等。 2.书法和文章。 3.写文章;创作。文章:①单独成篇的文字作品:写文章。②文辞:文章尔雅,训辞深厚。③礼乐制度:考文章,改正朔。④花纹色彩:五色文章。⑤比喻隐含的意思:话中另有文章。⑥比喻可做的事;可用的办法:还有文章可做|抓住一点大做文章。练习:①反复学习,以求熟练:练习心算 ㄧ练习写文章。②为巩固学习效果而安排的作业等:练习题ㄧ练习本ㄧ做练习ㄧ交练习。...作文的近义词,作文的同义词是什么»
2、游记:游记读音为yóu jì,是指文学体裁名。记述游览经历的文章。 对游历进行记录的文体游记 yóu jì词语解释:文学体裁名。记述游览经历的文章。[travel notes] 对游历进行记录的文体分词解释:记述:用文字叙述;记载:记述往事ㄧ那篇文章对此事有翔实的记述。经历:①亲身见过、做过或遭受过:他一生经历过两次世界大战。②亲身见过、做过或遭受过的事:生活经历。游览:漫步观赏:游览故宫|游览黄山。...游记怎么造句,用游记造句»
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