
时间:2022-08-22 13:55:37 | 来源:语文通



My name is a puppy. My whole body is full of brown hair. I also have a pair of big watery eyes. The little owner said that my eyes were flexible and translucent.During the day, I opened my beautiful eyes and looked east.In the evening, I closed the big eyes and slept.


I love to eat bone and bone soup and bibimbap. Whenever the little owner brings food in front of me, I ate a meng.I also like to play wool balls. As long as the little owner threw the ball over, I would rush up and play a lot.


But the good times did not last long, I suddenly became ill, and the whole body was heated, and I vomited. My little owner's mother immediately took me and hit a taxi. I went to the veterinarian. The veterinarian said, "It's okay, a cold."The veterinarian gave me a shot, which was so painful.In this way, every day the owner and her mother hugged me to get an injection. After a few days, I slowly got better, and I started to be happy again. I found that my little owner was also happy.


I am a happy puppy!



I am loved by people, the flowers of flowers bloom, and I am still a loyal friend -puppy.


Today, I changed a new residence and a new owner -a little boy in kindergarten.This little master puts me in the cage in the morning and put me out in the afternoon.Because the owner lives in the countryside, his yard is also large, so in the afternoon, I walked around in the yard, and sometimes I ran outside the yard to walk.


The little owner likes me, and often takes me bathing.Once, the little master's sister came, and I went to the living room to play in the living room as soon as I took a shower at night.As soon as my sister looked at me, she laughed. In fact, I felt funny by myself.Because at this moment I have become a "falling dog", the hair of the whole body is wet and pulled down, and it looks very funny.I ran in the yard and wanted the hair on my body to dry at the fastest speed.At this time, the little owner picked me up and said, "Qiqi, don't run away, let me use a hair dryer to blow your hair." So I stood on the chair obediently, and the little owner grabbed me with his hands. I don't knowWhat's wrong, the whole body is controlled by magic, and it can't move when it moves.A few minutes later, I restored the style of the past, and ran around in the room.


One day, the owner's opposite household also raised a dog, and it gave birth to four puppies.After a few months, the puppies ran out of my cage and said to me, "Let's play together!" I wanted to call the host to play together, so I yelled: "Master, master, let's go out to play together."Although I was talking about the dog, the owner seemed to understand. He put me out and called the owner of the four puppies to go to the small park to take a walk.


I don't know why I am so excited every day, so I look forward to what interesting stories will happen the next day.I pray before going to bed every night: Tomorrow is another new beginning.


As a puppy, I feel extremely happy.



Puppy walks on the road and wants to find a happiness that belongs to it.


Walking, the puppy met a little monkey on a tree.The puppy asked the little monkey: "Brother Monkey, what is happiness?" "Of course it is a delicious banana!" After that, the monkey took off a string of bananas and handed it to the puppy.The puppy took a bite, so delicious! Just ate a string of bananas. After a while, the puppy's stomach suddenly hurt, and I thought: happiness is to make yourself eat banana and eat stomach pain? It seems that this is this this?It's not the happiness I want.


The puppy continued to move forward again.The puppy met the pig who was still sleeping.


The puppy asked the piglet: "Pig, what is happiness?" "Of course, find a place to sleep well!" The pig replied.The puppy also learned the piglets, lying on a lawn to sleep, but over and over, how could they sleep, and thought: Is happiness lying here to stay here? It seems that this is not the happiness I want.


The puppy encountered a little hippocampus dancing on the road.Looking at the "dancing posture" of the little hippocampus, the puppy couldn't help laughing and said, "Little hippocampus, you dancing so ugly, why do you dance?" The little hippocampus said, "Although I dance well, I am not good, but I am meI am doing what I like, I like to dance. "The puppy thought about it, and said excitedly," It's great! I finally found my happiness that belongs to me -just do what I like! "After that, heIt was not very good to use him, let alone sing this song with a nice throat. The little hippocampus laughed, the puppy laughed, and the little animals passing by laughed.


Everyone should have their own happiness and their own dreams.This happiness may not have the meaning of others. This dream may not have the greatness of others. However, as long as you have a dream in your heart, as long as you have happiness in your heart, you will definitely become the happiest person in the world.I believe you have your own happiness and your dreams.


Future puppies may still be a big singer! Let us bless him together!



Walking with a friend on the street, she suddenly stopped, scared back, just like seeing a little monster, looking along his eyes, I found two mixed colors, not too cute dogs, hairy mottled mottled mottlingIn some places, there are mud dots, and the belly has a large piece of muddy gaming. The hair rolled around the head as if there were already many parasites settled there.well!It was abandoned, so pitiful.Smile friend was afraid of dogs, and then proudly said, "My family had a big wolf dog before, called sunspots."


Seems like!At that time, my dad was very young, and loved dogs, especially the fierce big dog.So I raised a fierce wolf dog called "sunspot"


Kuroko is not beautiful nor handsome, like its name, it is dark all over its body.Just because Dad often took a bath for it, the fur was a little bright.The two pointed teeth were convexed outside, and they were definitely in line with the characteristics of wolf dogs.But its eyes were dull like babies.When it touched its head, it always stunned his head down, and enjoyed it stupidly.The expression of the nose kept on the eyebrows made people unbearable.


In the troops, a dog like it is designated as a police dog, but unfortunately at my house, I look at the door.Out of the nature of the dog's nature, it was really serious and responsible, let us gradually depend on it and give him safely to him.Its amateur task is to play juggling. "Handshake", "lying down", "picking the ball", it has always been well done. It is said that "handshake" will really lift your paws, put it on your hand, shake it a few times, and shake it a few times.This has always been a capital that my friends show off.


I thought it was so stupid, I would only stay in my house safely, where I thought, a car accident.


We went to hang out again that day we never followed it.It returned very early. I was rushing to find it to shake hands, but its irritable handle opened the tail on our white brick. I still remember that the blood on the white brick is like a red plum.Stunning and fear.Looking at its tail again, it was broken into two sections, leaving only a little leather hanging outside.When Dad rushed back, the tail was cold.Dad was stunned. At this moment I thought a lot, would Dad lose it?The strange thing was that Dad immediately asked someone to hold the dog's head, took the hoe to cut the tail of the dog, and the sound of the dog's heart was trembling in the heart of everyone.Fortunately, the dog's life was preserved, at the tail.When the dog hurt his dad for the first time, he scratched his dad's legs with three or four blood stains.Dad frowned.Looking at the broken tail he saw, his face was sad.


Since then, the dog has become a short tail, but also stays at home, watching the door, playing juggling.I think it is the happiest dog.A dog, a pet, spoils it when it can bring joy. It saves it when it is dangerous. It loves it when it becomes ugly. It raises it when it is old.This is a real happiness!


It was left a year later, and he was old.His silly face always made me smile.Take a look at the two miscellaneous puppies who carefully went to the barbecue stalls in front of them.They should want the happiness like Kuroko.



Puppy is my best friend and play with me all day.It is smart, lively and cute, with white hair and slippery, a pair of big black eyes like two black gems. It is the most loved is the smooth big nose, and the small nostrils are fun!Its tail looks like a big brush, shaking forever, I want to ask me in vain!


Whenever I got home, I opened the door and ran over in vain, jumping and jumping to me, shaking my tail around me, and then straightened up and raised my front paw to salute me, cute.I heard my words in vain. When I called it named, no matter any corner of it at home, I would quickly run to my side, crooked my head and looked at me, as if saying, "What's the matter with the little master?"If I have any deliciousness in my hand, its eyes are locked in my hand, as if saying, "Little master, please give me the delicious one? I want to eat it!".


It ’s very good, never peeing at home, just take it out for a while every morning and evening.It is still a "good child" that never picks up. The sausage is its favorite, and the meat, bones and dog food are also good. The steamed buns are fine.


It adds a lot of fun to our family, and our family likes it very much!



My family has a live treasure, my fun companion, one of my family members -puppy.It is well -behaved, tame, and very flattering!Look, its big eyes and gems looked at me blinking. The brown curls wanted a delicate dress to wear a puppy, just like a polite gentleman.The short little tail shakes, how cute!


Are you envious of such a well -exquisite puppy?Let me share my happiness and pass my happiness!


When I came home from school every day, the puppy rushed over like an arrow, raised its little paw and jumped on me.I still shake my tail, as if saying, "Welcome home! Dear little owner!" Its welcome ceremony has not ended. It licked my hand and face with a pink tongue.Intersection


It also likes to play with things the most.On one occasion, the soy milk cup that I drank at breakfast was picked out from the trash can, and its wonderful performance began.It kept the paper cup with two front paws, trying to bite the paper cup and swallow into the stomach.But no matter how it bite, grasp, or plans, there is no way!Who calls a few small deciduous teeth in that mouth?Hee hee, but it is so funny!


Oh, right!Forgot to tell you something interesting.A few days ago, after writing my homework, I held it with it. I put my face up and wanted to appreciate its beautiful eyes.However, I did not expect that it also put on my face and smelled my nose. I might be looking for food.As a result, he suddenly licked my face!I was stunned, and suddenly laughed, made a ghost face, and dealt with: "My mother!" Dirty! "Dad saw this situation, and said funnyly:" This is a gift from the puppy to youWell! "Hahahaha ... our laughter rippled throughout the living room.


Are you happy now?People often say that sharing is happy, and sharing is sweet. Only by learning to share can we find the meaning of life!I would like to share my happiness with more people, and wish everyone a happy day!Bye!



One day, puppy Wang Wang was looking for happiness on the road.


It was looking for west to find it in the east, but it could not be found.The old goat said: "As long as you help others, you will think of happiness beside you."


The puppy does not understand the meaning of the old goat, and he heard crying when he walked forward.It ran to the place where the cry came out, and looked at it recently. It turned out to be a little rabbit hanging on a big tree.


The puppy watched it, put the little rabbit down, and the little rabbit said, "Where is my mother?" The puppy said, "I'll take you to find your mother!" The little rabbit and the puppy found it in many places.Finally, I saw her good mother at the door of the house, and the little rabbit ran happily and hugged her mother.


At this time, the puppy thought of the goat said to it, and immediately thought that happiness was around.


From then on, as long as it is difficult, it will help anyone, and it wants a lot of happiness.