When I was very young, I heard that the tropical rain forest of Xishuangbanna was a beautiful and mysterious place, and I always wanted to see it.
Occasionally, I had a good friend Xiaoli and Xiaoli's father -an experienced guide came to the tropical rain forest adventure of Xishuangbanna.
We have prepared equipment such as compass, maps, water, dry food and some medical items in the backpack, and are ready to go.When you come to the tropical rain forest, enter the gate, the lush woods are caught in the eyes.Entering the woods, a waterfall under -flowing was hung on the abrupt mountain, and the water flowed quickly. A variety of birds soared freely in the woods. The lively and clever monkeys climbed in the woods.Tomiting the aroma ... This beautiful scenery made us intoxicated.
Just as we appreciated the beautiful scenery, a crisis was slowly approaching us.The guide seemed to be aware of this and hurriedly reminded us.At this time, the surroundings became very quiet, full of murderousness, and the air solidified.Suddenly, a tiger walked out of the woods in a leisurely step.The tiger approached us step by step, we were stunned, and we were afraid to move.
At this time, the guidance of the guidance moved, and directed us to walk towards a shallow and small cave nearby, hiding in it, and running to attract tigers in front.When the tiger saw us entering the cave, he couldn't get in, and he saw the guide on the side. He went to the guidance. The situation was safe and he ran into the cave carefully.We escaped.
This adventure brought me a lot of knowledge about tropical rain forests, and also learned how to protect myself, which made me unforgettable for life.
Today, I spent a pleasant day in Xishuangbanna.
Under the leadership of the tour guide, we walked into the jungle, the air was wet, and there was a unique aroma of grass and trees.Seeing that it was a green ocean, a tall and lush trees covered the sky.A ray of sunlight is shot from the thick leaf seams, and the jungle is more beautiful.The sound of the stream of "Ding Ding Dong Dong" formed a beautiful song.The water splashed on the stream was sprinkled on the grass leaves, shining under the sun.In the green leaves, a few birds screamed "", as if greeted us!
We saw a bridge. The bottom of the bridge was connected with iron chains on both sides of the bamboo. It looked really interesting.As soon as I stepped on the bridge, the bridge shook hard, and I was afraid to sweat coldly.A child pointed at me and said to others, "Look, this sister is so small, even I am not as good as me!" My face suddenly flushed, and it was too difficult, so I gathered my courage and walked forward.
After passing the bamboo wooden bridge, a thorns blocked the road. I found a stick, which took a lot of effort to get the branches open.Along the way we see many strange trees, some are large trees gathered by small trees, and some trunks are thin and long; some trunks have gaps, like a cloud ladder, you can climb up; and there is stillThe trunk is bent down, like an arch bridge ... the trees here are more strange than one, which is more interesting than I think.
How beautiful the natural scenery of Xishuangbanna is!I love you, Xishuangbanna!
After leaving Kunming, we went to the Xishuangbanna of the Dai people of Yunnan. I felt very interesting.
It may be because I have learned the Dai splashing festival in the second grade. I am particularly interested in the place where I live in the Dai people. Although I did n’t encounter the splashing festival after I went, I played very happily and unforgettable. The names they are there are very interesting. The little boy is called Xiaolongzi, the little girl is called Xiaolongni, and the little girl is called Cat Mile. Later, I learned that their whistle there was beautiful. There are attractions everywhere in Xishuangbanna, and there are many beautiful foreign buildings. Each attraction is very interesting. In the attractions we go, the deepest impression of me is the tropical forest and wild elephant valley. The trees there are very dense and plant types. There are many, and some reminder cards also say: Please be careful, don't let the big tree eat you! In this kind of words, I scared me to walk on the side of the road near the plant and leaned straight to the middle, for fear that I would accidentally become their "American meals", and I was in a state of tension along the way, but as soon as I entered the dense forest, I went into the dense forest, so I went to the dense forest. I forgot that there is a human tree. I was attracted by the scenery inside. The scenery inside was beautiful, as if in a fairy tale, all kinds of strange trees and flowers were what I haven't seen before. There are many insects on trees and flowers. Butterflies, bees, ants, caterpillarus, etc. are available. There are still many butterflies flying in the butterfly valley and refuse to leave on me and my hands. Environmental vehicles pick up garbage everywhere, and elephants are even more powerful. They play hula circles and football. They are all running. What made me most forgotten was that the peacocks were released, and more than a hundred peacocks slipped together in my mind. Essence Essence Essence Essence Essence If you like to eat fruits, then you must come to the version. There are many delicious fresh fruits, pineapple, lychee, mango, mangosteen, dragon fruit, banana, jackfruit, etc. I know, as well as perfume pineapple, eggs fruit Wait for so many fruits I have never seen, the taste is great. Because the countries such as Laos and Laos, Vietnam, Thailand, Cambodia, Myanmar are approaching, there are many foreign fruits to taste.
You see, I think the Xishuangbanna is fun.
Related recommendation:
We came to the beautiful Xishuangbanna by the plane, where it was a tropical rain forest climate, and it grew a lot of precious plants, including longan trees, bodhi trees, papaya trees, rubber trees, etc.
Entering the villages of ethnic minorities, a bodhi tree that has grown for hundreds of years has been covered with red wish.There are also papaya trees, and papaya hangs on the tree with a big belly.The front and houses of their rooms are blooming in bloom, and birds are fragrant.
There are also beautiful Dai family girls, wearing their own textile long skirts, wearing a variety of accessories, dancing cheerful dances to welcome the guests.
The enthusiastic villagers prepared a peacock banquet for us, and a table was like a peacock, which was good -looking and delicious.
The beautiful villages, enthusiastic villagers, left a deep impression on me.
Instructor: Chen Jianqing
1、西双版纳:西双版纳读音为xī shuāng bǎn nà,是指在云南省南部西双版纳傣族自治州。包括景洪、勐海、勐腊三县市。地处滇西山地南部,澜沧江斜贯,多平谷平坝。具有热带风光,原始森林茂密,多珍禽异兽和热带经济作物。有橄榄坝、曼飞龙塔、曼阁佛寺、景真八角亭、热带植物园等名胜古迹。为全国重点风景名胜区和“世界生物圈保护区网”成员。西双版纳 xī shuāng bǎn nà词语解释:在云南省南部西双版纳傣族自治州。包括景洪、勐海、勐腊三县市。地处滇西山地南部,澜沧江斜贯,多平谷平坝。具有热带风光,原始森林茂密,多珍禽异兽和热带经济作物。有橄榄坝、曼飞龙塔、曼阁佛寺、景真八角亭、热带植物园等名胜古迹。为全国重点风景名胜区和“世界生物圈保护区网”成员。分词解释:风光:风景;景象:北国风光ㄧ风光旖旎(yǐnǐ)ㄧ青山绿水风光好。包括:包含(或列举各部分,或着重指出某一部分):语文教学应该包括听、说、读、写四项,不可偏轻偏重ㄧ我说 ‘大家’,自然包括你在内。风景:一定地域内由山水、花草、树木、建筑物以及某些自然现象(如雨、雪)形成的可供人观赏的景象:风景点ㄧ风景区ㄧ风景宜人ㄧ秋天的西山,风景格外美丽。植物园:栽培各种植物,供科学研究或观赏的园地。橄榄:①常绿 乔木,羽状复叶,小叶长椭圆形,花白色,果实长椭圆形,两端稍尖,绿色,可以吃,也可入药。②这种植物的果实。有的地区叫青果。③油橄榄的通称。...
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