
时间:2022-08-11 13:24:41 | 来源:语文通



This year's summer in Qingdao compared with previous years, so our family came to the dreamed of summer summer resort. The first stop was Harbin.After the plane passed through Dalian, we saw a small boat on the Songhua River, the rolling mountains, the lush forests, and the fertility of the black land raised the endless crops, allowing me to appreciate the richness and vastness of the Northeast land!


On the third day, we came to Changbai Mountain.Walking on Changbai Mountain, the fresh air comes, making us refreshing.Walking, the forest became lush, and the sun was sprinkled with a grain of golden beans through the woods.It is really cute to travel through the woods!We came to the first beauty of Changbai Mountain --- Ice Water Spring, the spring water was cold, everyone lifted her trousers, ran to the spring eyes and took the water to drink, and there were fruits of fruits next to them.Quan, Gegequan, I washed a few faces with Gegequan's water.Because the brand introduced it on the brand, washing the face with Gegequan would become beautiful. After a few days after returning home, my grandparents really said that I was beautiful!yeah!


We took the car to the foot of Tianchi and got on the environmental protection car. Tianchi Hai dialed more than 2,000 meters. The driver used his skilled driving technology to turn left and right to quickly drive to the top of the mountain.We watched the beautiful scenery on both sides in the car, while turning at the driver's 360 -degree turn "ah--" screaming, laughing, when looking down from the mountainside, the mountains are undulating and the mountains.The green trees and red flowers reflected each other.After a while, I went into a foggy mountain road. Looking at the green mountains in the distance, it was like a little girl's shyness.After ten minutes, the car drove to the top of the mountain, wow!The blue sky was cloudless, making people feel refreshed, and I felt like you could touch the sky as soon as you reached out.Flying along the way, I finally ran to Tianchi.


I saw the water surface of Tianchi, the mountain ring hugged the beautiful Tianchi, and Tianchi attached to the tall mountain peak.On the left of the Tianchi, there is a blue green, and the right side is blue, but there is a silver white water line in the middle.After a while, the color of the green water surface became deeper, and the white silver thread was also expanding, like a silk ribbon slowly drifting towards the south.I seem to be in a dreamy world.Later, the weather turned from sunny to overcast, and the color of Tianchi water began to change again. From dark green to dark blue, the color gradually deepened, and the mist gradually drifted up.The spectacular Tianchi, I will come back again!


In the return of the return car, there was a heavy rain. When we arrived at the gate of the scenic area two minutes later, the rain gradually stopped. A beautiful rainbow hung in front of us, surprising us!


On the way back, accompanied by the setting sun, the dense forests standing like a green barrier standing on the side of the road. Listening to the driver's master said that the tents on the roadside are all nostalgic tourists, and they are envious of them!I was reluctant to leave. Looking at these tents, I couldn't help thinking of many scholars in ancient times to live in the mountains and forests. Could it be found a tranquility in this mountain show?



One day, I went to Tiger Beach, and the scenery there was beautiful.


I went to the Sea Beast Pavilion first, there were many sea lions inside. They were lively and cute, round eyes, fat body, flexible limbs.I found that all the babies were sleeping in groups. I saw a mother of a sea lion launching the water, but the baby did not dare to go to the water and only walked on the shore, but I didn't want to separate from my mother. I had to try it down.The posture is very mom, and it is cute when you walk away.


I went to the Happy Theater again. The referee first selected three judges. The performance began. The red team first appeared. The Red Team was a group of clowns. The blue team was two sea lions and a sea elephant.The competition starts, and it is required to win.The clown team has made a lot of posture we can't do. The Blue team's walrus made a empty clown and said, "No, because it is not a posture."The referee asked: "Who sprayed the water?" Water elephant used tails to the clown meaning to the clown.The clown said; "It's not me, it's the work of the walrus." Both the clown and the walrus said that the other party did it, so it was pushed, but this responsibility must be borne.I walked out of the Happy Theater, and I said to my mother, "It's so fun here! Because I can get the corresponding knowledge in each museum."


I went to the Coral Pavilion, where the coral monsters were strange, some like plum blossoms, some like antlers, some coral thorns, some corals were not thorny, and some were fleshy.There are also beautiful fish next to it, with colorful fish such as clown fish, knife, and blade.


When you come to the Permanent Pavilion, there are many kinds of penguins.The highest is the height of the emperor penguin, wearing black tailiffs, silver -white shirts and pants, and the chest is golden yellow.There are many kinds of penguins that can't remember the name. My feet are black, some are feathers like crown, and some feet are ugly.They swam quickly in the water, like a small black plane.I also saw the White Whale and Dolphin. The most exciting thing was the moment when the dolphin danced out of the water surface to the air, there was applause at the scene.I also saw a lot of big fish. What I remember most was the shark. The shark was called the hunter in the sea. Because it was fierce, it called its hunter in the sea.


In the end, we went to Bird Language to watch the bird performances.In everyone's "嗷" sound, the peacock flew from the east and fell on the ground to play with tourists.


We ended a day of play. I think the scenery of the tiger beach is beautiful and the show is fun.The most important thing is to let me know a lot of knowledge.



This morning, my father drove and took me and my mother to go to Shennong Mountain.


After half an hour of schedule, we successfully arrived at Shennong Mountain's parking lot. I got out of the car and saw the colorful flags in front of Shennong Mountain Gate fluttering and flowers.Dad said to me, "There are many monkeys in Monkey Mountain, you can't see it?", I jumped up happily and said, "Zhong! Mom, we go inside to see the monkey."


After we passed the Shennong Plaza, we saw the monkey wearing a brown -gray "sweater" on the side of the road walking around leisurely. The red face small nose, deep eyes long eyelashes, raw mouth small white teeth, especially the small mouth, especially the small mouth, especially the small white teeth, especially the small mouth, especially The little red buttock was twisted, like a little red lantern swinging with the wind. I thought to my heart, "Should I be about to the Monkey Mountain that Dad said?". Passing through Qinglongkou and took a step in the steps, I suddenly heard the rushing in the trees. We saw a group of monkeys jumping around the tree, you chased me, played, and played, just like when we were resting in school in school lively. The bold monkey grabbed the food brought by the tourists, and a few monkeys came to grab the food immediately. Sitting on the roadside and drinking mineral water. Some big monkeys are very selfish, and they don't let the little monkeys eat anything. The cutest thing is the female monkey carrying the little monkey. She first ate the little monkey on the back. I said to Dad, "Let's catch a monkey home to feed it?" "This kind of monkey is called a macaque, which is a national second -level protective animal." Dad said. "Oh, then you need to take me to see the little monkey often in the future", "Well, okay".


We spent a day happily. On the way back, I was thinking: When can my dad take me to see these lively and cute little monkeys!



1、旅游:旅游读音为lǚ yóu,是指1.旅行游览。 2.谓长期寄居他乡。 外出旅行游览一次花钱不多的欧洲旅游旅游 lǚ yóu词语意思:1.旅行游览。 2.谓长期寄居他乡。[tour;tourism] 外出旅行游览一次花钱不多的欧洲旅游分词解释:旅行:1.群行;结伴而行。 2.远行;去外地办事﹑谋生或游览。 3.远行的人。寄居:住在他乡或别人家里:寄居青岛ㄧ她从小就寄居在外祖父家里。游览:漫步观赏:游览故宫|游览黄山。...旅游怎么造句,用旅游造句»