On August 24, our family of three came to Wuzhen-Xizha to play.Wuzhen is an antique building everywhere. It lives near the water, and a promenade runs through the beginning and end.There are many scenic spots in the scenic area. There are stories of "Plague Marshal". There are Shao Ming Academy, including silkworms, silk, weaving, and dyeing fabrics ... The most surprising thing that surprises me is the "three -inch golden lotus" museum.EssenceWhen I walked in, I found that there are hundreds of pairs of women worn from the Southern Song Dynasty to Qingming.The upper is hand -embroidered patterns. The patterns are strange and different, and they are different, including dragon and phoenixes, peony flowers, and so on.But these shoes have one thing in common, that is, the shoes are very small and amazing.They are only about 10 cm in length and are very narrow.
I thought to myself: Why do these shoes do so small, whom do you wear it? With these questions, I checked the information in the museum.It turned out that wearing this kind of shoes was a feet. It was initially in the court, and it gradually passed to the nobles of the giants, and then the green building is a prostitute.The man at the time was not married.This feet movement is usually between five and eight years old. Five stages takes five stages from the beginning to completion, which lasted three years.These five stages are divided into trial entanglement, trial tightness, tip, thin, and bending.
This foot -binding movement first appeared in the Southern Tang Dynasty. Some women wrapped their feet with their feet, dancing on the golden lotus with vegetarian socks.There was no harm to the body, and that's it, began to prevail in the court.By the Song Dynasty, the foot was used as the mainstream. There was a transparent stockings during the Liao Dynasty, which was dedicated to foot binding.With the spread of foot binding wind, at the end of the Yuan Dynasty, it appeared ashamed of not foot binding.In the Ming Dynasty, the Queen Ma of the Ming Dynasty became the laughingstock of the masses because of a pair of big feet.In the Qing Dynasty, the women had a solid identity on her foot binding. After the Manchu rulers entered the Central Plains, they repeatedly ordered the ban on women's foot binding.In the Republic of China, the foot binding people gradually decreased, and the foot binding was no longer a fashion, and the era of small feet finally passed.
In the Golden Lotus Museum, although the shoes inside are very beautiful and delicate, I have a taste that can't be said.In order to please others and help themselves, in order to pursue happiness and pursue self -expression, I do not understand or disagree.
1、三寸金莲:三寸金莲读音为sān cùn jīn lián,是指金莲:旧指女子缠过的小脚。封建时代美誉妇女小脚的用语。三寸金莲 sān cùn jīn lián词典解释:金莲:旧指女子缠过的小脚。封建时代美誉妇女小脚的用语。分词解释:女子:1.泛指女性。 2.处女。 3.女儿。妇女:成年女子的通称:妇女干部 ㄧ劳动妇女。小脚:指旧时妇女经裹缠后发育畸形的脚。用语:1.措辞。 2.某一方面专用的词语。金莲:(金莲儿)旧时指缠足妇女的脚。...
2、博物馆:博物馆读音为bó wù guǎn,是指搜集、保存、陈列和研究人类文明发展的实物以及自然标本的机构。通常分综合博物馆、专门博物馆、科学博物馆、历史博物馆和美术博物馆等类型。博物馆 bó wù guǎn词语解释:搜集、保存、陈列和研究人类文明发展的实物以及自然标本的机构。通常分综合博物馆、专门博物馆、科学博物馆、历史博物馆和美术博物馆等类型。分词解释:搜集:寻求聚集:搜集情报|搜集民歌。科学:①反映自然、社会、思维等的客观规律的分科的知识体系。②合乎科学的:科学种田ㄧ这种说法不科学ㄧ革命精神和科学态度相结合。发展:①事物由小到大、由简单到复杂、由低级到高级的变化:事态还在发展ㄧ社会发展规律。②扩大(组织、规模等):发展新会员 ㄧ发展轻纺工业。专门:1.独立门户﹐自成一家。 2.指某一门学问。 3.专从事某事或研究某门学问。 4.专长。保存:使事物、性质、意义、作风等继续存在,不受损失或不发生变化:保存古迹ㄧ保存实力ㄧ保存自己,消灭敌人。...博物馆怎么造句,用博物馆造句»
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