I am a member of the forest family. I live with my friends and relatives every day. This is our village.
In the early morning, when the first ray of sun was sprinkled on my body, I opened my hazy eyes, twisted my waist, and dedicated the dewdrops that had been hung on me all night to the mother who raised me. The sun rose slowly, and the golden sunlight spread on my branches and leaves, dyed a layer of gold. Ah, it's warm! I couldn't help shaking the branches again, dispersed the leaves, and exposed the bird's nest in the leaves, and also took a sunlight. After a while, the mother Bird's mother slowly pointed out from the nest, incited her wings, stayed on my branches, and looked left and right. This is whether there is danger! After the bird's mother found that she was not dangerous, she stretched her waist, screamed back at the nest, and then took the baby birds who had just flew for a long time. It didn't take long for the bird's father who went out to find food in advance, and his mouth was still holding a few fat and fat bugs in his mouth. The bird's father saw the bird's nest of the empty "bird" cigarette. He kept turning around, and his mouth made a snoring sound. Where did they go? "After a while, it suddenly flew to the tip of my treetops, yelled at the sky, and the voice was far away. Essence Essence Essence Essence Essence Soon from Yuan Zhuan, he also passed a few birds, and the bird's father hurriedly flew in that direction after hearing it.
I was relieved, I really wanted to tell it not to worry. Its family went out by myself, don't worry.Suddenly, a drop of water fell on my head. I looked up at the sky, gloomy, and the sky that was clear in the morning changed my face."Well, wow la la" the rain said.The rain of Lili fell on my leaves, with other sounds, as if a beautiful symphony was played.The water volume on the leaves was more, and the veins were slipped to the ground, taking away the dust on the leaves, and also brought me a refreshing.I played the symphony for a while, and soon I felt dry, and began to control my roots to drink sweet rain.
In the evening, the rain had stopped unknowingly. Only the leaves of our family members occasionally dripped a few drops of water droplets and gently played the hypnotic night song.The stars blinked at us, and the moon smiled at us.The surroundings were quietly quiet, and I slowly entered the sleep, looking forward to the arrival of the morning the next day.
1、村落:村落读音为cūn luò,是指村庄:远远地见一村落|村落重来野径移。村落 cūn luò词语解释:村庄:远远地见一村落|村落重来野径移。分词解释:重来:1.再来;复来。 2.汉乐曲名。村庄:农家聚居之地:每个村庄都有文化娱乐设施。野径:亦作“野迳”。村野小路。...村落怎么造句,用村落造句»
2、森林:森林读音为sēn lín,是指以乔木为主体的植物群落。是集生的乔木及与共同作用的植物、动物、微生物和土壤、气候等的总体。森林不仅提供木材和其他林产品、副产品,还具有保持水土、调节气候、防风固沙、保护农田、卫生保健和有利国防等作用。森林 sēn lín词语解释:以乔木为主体的植物群落。是集生的乔木及与共同作用的植物、动物、微生物和土壤、气候等的总体。森林不仅提供木材和其他林产品、副产品,还具有保持水土、调节气候、防风固沙、保护农田、卫生保健和有利国防等作用。分词解释:动物:生物的一大类,这一类生物多以有机物为食料,有神经,有感觉,能运动。微生:1.细小的生命;卑微的人生。 2.复姓。春秋时鲁有微生高(《汉书.古今人表》作尾生高)﹑微生亩。见《论语.公冶长》﹑《论语.宪问》。木材:树木砍伐后,经初步加工,可供建筑及制造器物用的材料。保护:尽力照顾,使不受损害:保护眼睛ㄧ保护妇女儿童的权益。...森林怎么造句,用森林造句»
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