The long-awaited special police performance can finally kick off today.
The members of the counter -terrorism brigade performed for us. The first thing to perform for us was their instructors.All of them were full of spiritual and healthy steps.Although some insignificant actions are performed, they can also reflect their orderly order.
Next is the players of the counter -terrorism brigade, and their spiritual appearance is no different from their instructors.Trying some of the enemy capture for us, each of which is fierce, accurate, and stable, and it must be very standard.If there are some terrorists who duel with them with bare hands, they will be beaten by them with blood flowing, being frightened, and flowing flowers.
Finally, the members of the counter -terrorism brigade holding the gun performed for us. Their appearance was exactly the same and lifelike as the battle.Their communication in battle is different from the public. One look and gesture communicate with teammates, and they are not elastic.Joining them found the enemy, either a sudden attack or found a high point to fire and shoot at the enemy.Fight the enemy.
The special police performance of the counter -terrorism brigade is really wonderful, and it is indeed a training -like team with training.The scenes of the special police officers of the counter -terrorism brigade were burned in my mind.
On the morning of the third day of military training, we all rest for a while after the evaluation, and three special police teams came to the base to perform for us.
When these three special police teams came, we saw that their pace was neatly planned. Except for different equipment, everything else was the same.First, the first team performed.They are the capture of the bare hands and empty boxing performances.Although there are no one in front of them, they are just like standing in front of them, with realistic movements, tricks and prestige.
The second team performing queue training.Li Zheng, a little, and stepped away, the special police shouted the performance of one, two, three, and four.Their slogans shouted very loudly, their steps were very neat, and even their bodies were very straight.
The third team performed.They are the last group, holding their hands with a gun posture.It's really like those detectives on TV.I saw that they were focusing on guns, aiming, recovering, then guns, aiming, and recovering ... it was really amazing.
I am envious of watching the performance of the special police.I hope I will grow up in the future, and I can be a special police officer.
In just half an hour away, the police officers gave us a gift-watch the special police performance.
Special police performances have begun. First of all, the third soldier came up. They came up neatly. After arriving on the stage, they did it neatly, walking around, and turning to the left. Then, the fighting soldiers came up, and as soon as they prepared, they started their good play -fighting. They first came out of punch, and the momentum seemed to break the mountains. After punching, they came with another row of mountains and the sea, just like catching the thief. Then, they made a series of capture movements, such as pulling legs, kicking, right hookcuts, etc. From time to time, he shouted a few times, indicating that he was strong. After doing these actions, they ranked all the way, reorganized the team, and returned to the stage. Finally, the anti -terrorist elite. They used to do the preparation movement like the two teams before, and then they picked up the gun and made a movement. Suddenly, they "discovered the enemy" and immediately raised the gun. It seemed to be saying, "The people in front listen, you have been surrounded, and you will not let go of the weapon, be careful that I am not polite to you!" After finishing this, the counter -terrorist elite We did a few more ways to switch formation and sign language. After doing these, they stepped down.
After watching the performance, I can't help but admire our country's defense system. This is just a few students so powerful. So what extent will the real soldiers be more powerful? I have been thinking about this problem.
This is the last day of military training. Before returning to school, we watched three different special police performances, which were surprising.
The first wave of The first wave is a special policeman wearing green coats, green hats and green pants.Sample.After watching these, my classmates clapped their hands and applauded. I was surprised when I saw it. They could be so neat.
The second wave is the soldier who took the gun. Without a mouth to speak, it can make the players know how to do it, which is very convincing.I just looked at it and patted my hand. This really made me unimaginable. It was so amazing that it was so amazing.
The third wave is empty fist, fighting against the enemy by hand, and after watching it, I want to watch it again.Left punch and right dangling, let me know how powerful the special police are.
This is really the only opportunity to see these powerful soldiers.
On the last day of our military training, we watched a wonderful special police performance. I was very unforgettable that angel.
Early in the morning, we came to the training hall for the last morning exercise.Each of us seriously tried his best to do his best to do this morning exercise. After training for several hours, his feet were sore, but we persisted.Finally, the morning exercise was over, the principal also reported our results, and then let the winning students go to the prize.
After a while, the long -awaited special police performance began. First of all, several special police uncle performed a few actions we did in our morning exercise. They did very neatly, and the report was fast and loud.Every action they do think of thunderous applause, and the captain of the special police also asked them to make some difficult movements.Then, there were several special police officers. They and the captain did a short -handed scattering action. They cheered once, and shouted, showing the military power of the Chinese man. I was eager to try below.The uncle showed the wind like that.Finally, the special police force, all holding the gun and making sign language. They used the gun to face us. I was scared by accident.The performance is really exciting. I thought that in the future, I will be a special police soldier when I grow up. I can win the glory for the country. I am thinking about the performance, but I am still reluctant.
Today, it is a wonderful and unforgettable day, and I will keep remembering in my heart.
1、特警:特警读音为tè jǐng,是指经过特殊训练,配有特殊装备,执行特殊任务的武装警察。主要任务是打击劫持、暗杀等暴力犯罪活动。特警 tè jǐng词语意思:经过特殊训练,配有特殊装备,执行特殊任务的武装警察。主要任务是打击劫持、暗杀等暴力犯罪活动。分词解释:打击:1.击;撞击。 2.加以攻击,使对方遭受失败﹑挫折。 3.犹刺激。暴力:①强制的力量;武力。②特指国家的强制力量:军队、警察、法庭对于敌对阶级是一种暴力。暗杀:暗中杀害;乘人不备进行杀害。训练:有计划有步骤地通过学习和辅导掌握某种技能:军事训练|电脑训练班。特殊:不同一般的;不平常的:特殊性|情况特殊|特殊待遇。...
2、表演:表演读音为biǎo yǎn,是指1.戏剧﹑舞蹈﹑杂技等的演出。亦指把情节或技艺表现出来。 2.指做示范性的动作。 3.谓做事不真实,好像演戏一样。表演 biǎo yǎn词语解释:1.戏剧﹑舞蹈﹑杂技等的演出。亦指把情节或技艺表现出来。 2.指做示范性的动作。 3.谓做事不真实,好像演戏一样。(1) [perform]∶在戏剧、舞蹈、杂技等演出中,把其中的各个细节或人物特性表现出来表演舞蹈(2) [act]∶演员演出 [剧本] 或扮演[角色]表演小丑这个角色(3) [performance;exhibition]∶做示范烹饪表演分词解释:技艺:富于技巧性的表演艺术或手艺:技艺高超ㄧ精湛的技艺。好像:有些像;仿佛:他们俩一见面就好像是多年的老朋友丨静悄悄的,好像屋子里没有人丨他低着头不作声,好像在想什么事。演出:1.演变而出,演变而来。 2.偷偷地出行。 3.表演。做事:1.从事某种工作或处理某项事情。 2.犹作主。 3.担任固定的职务;工作。...表演怎么造句,用表演造句»
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