
时间:2022-08-10 13:15:26 | 来源:语文通



Ten days are fleeting, and the short ten days is a process of bitterness for us.For ten days, we spilled our hard sweat.But in these ten days, we have also gained the joy of success.


Daily standing military posture is an important subject.During the military posture, every classmate could not move, which hone our will."A good soldier will not shrink even in front of the war." A soldier said that.


Military training, we know how to persist without shrinking.


The two -and -a -half -minute performance at the opening ceremony, our "225" shape means that we are the whole of the big family of 225 Class 225, no matter where we are, we must work together.Only to become an unparalleled big family.


Military training, we understand unity and cooperation.


The "NO.1" that can perform, which means that we will become a real NO.1 through the efforts of each member. Come on by XXX class!


Military training, we know how to work hard.


Persistence, unity and cooperation, and struggling are all the wealth of life.The short -term ten -day military training has gained this wealth.


After the military training, he officially entered the classroom to study, facing the new curriculum reform, and from a single -hopen fight to the cooperation of thousands of horses.We must play the unity and cooperation of military training and work together to adapt to this new teaching model and become an excellent middle school student.


"It is a down -to -earth, self -improvement, and work together to fight for the first time."During the military training, our slogans were loud and imposing.I believe that in the high school career in the next three years, we will definitely take out a down -to -earth attitude. In accordance with the principles of unity and mutual assistance, we will meet the goals of the Gold List, and we will welcome all the future challenges in the future.


At the same time, I want to tell myself and others: Pleasebelieveme, icando!



1、军训:军训读音为jūn xùn,是指军事训练。 对非正式军人所进行的军事训练军训 jūn xùn词语解释:军事训练。[military training] 对非正式军人所进行的军事训练分词解释:军事训练:军事理论教育、作战技能教练等活动的总称。包括部队训练、军事院校训练和预备役训练。在现代,强调通过训练提高军队的协同作战能力、快速反应能力、电子对抗能力、后勤保障能力和野战生存能力。在国家武装力量建设和战备工作中占有重要地位。● 军(軍) jūn ㄐㄩㄣˉ◎ 武装部队:军威。军服。行(xíng )军。军功。军犬。军备。军纪。军衔。军阀。军令状。异军突起。溃不成军。◎ 军队的编制单位,是“师”的上一级。◎ 泛指有组织的集体:劳动大军。● 训(訓) xùn ㄒㄩㄣˋ◎ 教导,教诲:训诫。训蒙(教育儿童)。训迪(教诲开导)。教(jiào )训。培训。◎ 可以作为法则的话:家训。◎ 典式,法则:不足为训。◎ 解释词的意义:训诂(解释古书中的字、词句的意义。亦称“训故”、“诂训”、“故训”)。训读(日文借用汉字写日语原有的词,用日语语音读汉字)。...军训怎么造句,用军训造句»

2、懂得:懂得读音为dǒng de,是指知道(意义、做法等):懂得规矩 ㄧ你懂得这句话的意思吗?懂得 dǒng dé词语解释:知道(意义、做法等):懂得规矩 ㄧ你懂得这句话的意思吗?分词解释:规矩:①一定的标准、法则或习惯:老规矩丨立规矩丨守规矩丨按规矩办事。②(行为)端正老实;合乎标准或常理:规矩人丨字写得很规矩。做法:1.处理事情或制作物品的方法。 2.指封建迷信者的装神弄鬼。意义:1.谓事物所包含的思想和道理。 2.内容。 3.美名,声誉。 4.作用,价值。知道:1.谓通晓天地之道,深明人世之理。 2.认识道路。 3.晓得,谓对事物有所了解﹑认识。 4.公文用语。犹知悉。多见于诏令。 5.犹厉害。意思:1.思想;心思。 2.意义,道理。 3.意图,用意。 4.意志。 5.神情。 6.情趣;趣味。 7.心情,情绪。 8.情意;心意。 9.引申指代表心意的宴请或礼品。 10.意见,想法。 11.迹象,苗头。 12.象征性的表示。...懂得怎么造句,用懂得造句»