In the morning, the music "Ding Ling Bell, Ding Ling Bell!" A good friend in my English class called and invited me to participate in a cake party to let me let me let me let meWe bring a little cake we like to share our cake with you.
Go to the cake party and choose the cake and give me a huge problem.I thought about it, what kind of cake should I bring? "The ice cream is still cream?" "Two inches?" How many inches? "Choose three -inch ice cake cakes, the answer water came out, I ran to the cake shop with money and jumped to the cake shop to choose a favorite ice cake.
In the afternoon, I got the cake, and I kept asking myself the same question for a moment. "Do you like my cake?" When I got the courage, I ranged the doorbell and walked into her house. I saw the living room in the living room.On the table, there were many cakes, and I put the cake carefully aside, and walked in to play with them.
七点了,我们开始了派对,大家将自己的蛋糕拿出来,“哇塞!”各式各样的蛋糕,巧克力蛋糕、奶油蛋糕 、草莓蛋糕,应有尽有,五颜六色的,真艳丽。接着,我们就开始试吃了。
At seven o'clock, we started a party. Everyone took out our cakes, "Wow!" Various cakes, chocolate cakes, cream cakes, strawberry cakes, everything is colorful and beautiful.Then we started trying.
We, when we divide the cake, everyone can't wait to start eating. I also eat it. Everyone eats it with interest. Stains are left next to the mouth and eats it.The huge stone in my heart became smaller.After eating all the cakes, everyone praised and wanted to eat it after eating.
Suddenly, a classmate made a suggestion: "It is better to evaluate who's cake is the best? The owner of that cake can get a reward." I reluctantly agreed, but my heart was very nervous.Come to vote. "Kelly called," I vote for Rinna. "..." The final winner after voting is ... "Mary said loudly. At this moment, the situation was very quiet at this moment., "Lucy!" The stones in my heart completely died! My nervous mood was instantly thrown out of the clouds. I got a doll and I was very happy.
Finally, we reluctantly went home. I am really happy today ’s cake parties!
On Tuesday afternoon, at two o'clock in the afternoon of our class, we had to make a birthday cake.Our mood was very excited and class. Liu Zhaoyu's father made the cheese with a cheese machine. Then we started to make pudding. Liu Zhaoyi's father was prepared to put the cheese with white clothes for a group.Liu Zhaoyu's father made pink, green cheese, yellow cheese, etc., and began to make us a frozen snowy mountain, get all the cheese on the cake, and eat it crazy after cutting.The upper was completely covered with cheese, all on the face, and even the face of Teacher Wang was injured by the cheese.Our class laughed, and even clothes were.Most of us are red, as if they were bulging, making cakes today, making me unable to forget.
It ’s really happy to make cakes, all blushing like an apple, what is Zheng Jianuo glasses, not scaring the monster to look at the mirror.
1、派对:派对读音为pài duì,是指指小型的聚会:生日派对。派对 pài duì分词解释:指小型的聚会:生日派对。[英party]分词解释:聚会:①(人)会合;聚集:老同学聚会在一起很不容易。②指聚会的事:明天有个聚会,你参加不参加?小型:形状或规模小。● 派 pài ㄆㄞˋ◎ 水的支流:九派(指长江支流之多)。◎ 一个系统的分支:派系。派别。派性。党派。◎ 作风,风度:正派。气派。派势。派头。◎ 分配,指定:派赴。派驻。派遣。委派。◎ 指摘:派不是。◎ 量词(a.用于派别,如“两派的意见争论不休”;b.用于景色、气象、语言等,前面用“一”字,如“一派胡言”、“好一派北国风光”)。● 对(對) duì ㄉㄨㄟˋ◎ 答,答话,回答:对答如流。无言以对。◎ 朝着:对酒当歌。◎ 处于相反方向的:对面。◎ 跟,和:对他商量一下。◎ 互相,彼此相向地:对立。对流。对接。对称(chèn)。对峙。◎ 说明事物的关系:对于。对这事有意见。◎ 看待,应付:对待。◎ 照着样检查:核对。校(jiào )对。◎ 投合,适合,使相合:对应(yìng )。对劲。◎ 正确,正常,表肯定的答语:神色不对。◎ 双,成双的:配对。对偶。对仗(律诗、骈文等按照字音的平仄和字义做成对偶的语句)。◎ 平分,一半:对开。◎ 搀和(多指液体):对水。◎ 量词,双:一对鹦鹉。...派对怎么造句,用派对造句»
2、蛋糕:蛋糕读音为dàn gāo,是指鸡蛋和面粉加糖和油制成的松软的糕。品种有圆蛋糕﹑方蛋糕﹑蒸蛋糕﹑奶油蛋糕等。蛋糕 dàn gāo词语解释:鸡蛋和面粉加糖和油制成的松软的糕。品种有圆蛋糕﹑方蛋糕﹑蒸蛋糕﹑奶油蛋糕等。分词解释:品种:1.泛指产品的种类。 2.通常指经过人工选择,在生态和形态上具有共同遗传特征的生物体。松软:松散绵软。奶油:从牛奶中提取的半固体食用脂肪。面粉:搽脸的粉。...蛋糕怎么造句,用蛋糕造句»
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