
时间:2022-07-25 13:22:33 | 来源:语文通



Just a few days after arriving here, some people who were curious about everything were knocked down by boring learning and heavy homework.Because they do not use time, but I still live my ‘little day’ easily.


It's not that I don't write homework but I will use time. Thanks to the long -term theory of my elder brother -do more homework at school.It is the easiest to go home and do it.So in the eyes of others, I am extremely casual.


Come to this beautiful campus joy and frustration, naturally, remember in a political class.A man who was gone was called by the teacher to answer the question.The poor classmate couldn't answer for a while.The teacher was angry and said, ‘Is n’t it Chinese? Is n’t it Chinese?‘As soon as I said, there were people who talked about it below.At this time, a classmate stood up and said, ‘The teacher said that you are talking about Japanese!‘The words did n’t laughed at the whole class.The teacher also held back and smiled secretly.


Another time, when our physical education and music classes were canceled for special reasons, the whole class could put watermelon with large mouths and looked at their frustrated face. It was really the best picture of laughing.


There are funny things that happen almost every day, adding a little fun to our boring learning.In this collective that does not want joy, we are like a group of 'pirates'. Knowledge is our 'warship', hard -working is our 'mast', and we all run towards the same goal.Finally arrived at the other side of victory.We fly our dreams in Class 206.


Ban Chou is unswerving. Now my breaking news has caused the whole class to riot. They are going to 'flat'.Thirty -six strategies, as the best strategy.I step on my feet -slipped.



The old man in time changed, and became a "thief", stealing the students' favorite winter and summer vacation, long and leisurely two -month summer vacation and living secretly by the "Time Thief" unknowingly.Just as I changed my class, I thought that I didn't have to make the homework of life in the summer vacation, and the smile Yingying ushered in the new semester of the just -changing teacher, but I didn't expect "the third life of the robot model".Righteousness beckoned to me ...


school starts……


On the first day, ‘一’, start the robot mode ...


In the morning, when I stepped into the classroom, I put down the load -bearing schoolbags; at that moment, as if I was transformed into a robot, it was a robot that was specifically used to endorse the score. The teacher also turned into a robot and was the leader of all robots. Discipline all robots every day to study. The word 'leader' is the 'command'. The teacher said every day "the hardest year for the third year in the third year, in exchange for joy, you must remember the principle of" bitterness and then joy "! "Helpless third grade every day looks at the same book every day. Similar articles similar to similar topics, they have to read it repeatedly. Every day, there are only" Sansha "writing sounds left in the classroom. There is no rest in get out of class. Don’t, the class still quietly only heard the word "Shasha".


At noon, I came back from the cafeteria, sitting in the classroom, holding my chin with my hands, watching a string of numbers on the blackboard, English words one by one, sentences of sentences, chemical expressions, one by one, I felt inexplicable.sleepy……


Unconsciously, lying on the desk and making a beautiful daydream "Dreaming, I saw a handsome man on the basketball court, playing basketball with his brothers, and the basketball thrown out.Like an orange elf, I scratched a perfect arc in the air, and the ball entered! Standing aside, I was applauding him enthusiastically ... "I only heard someone calling 'Xue Xue', and I felt that I was being being someone.I woke up from my dream, I rubbed my eyes, and sighed in my heart and said, "Well, let me turn into a robot!‘


If it is the second year, the same table must be a girl who looks like a girl, and gently says to me, "Yeah, what kind of dreams do you have to have a dream?" At that time, I would vomit too.She smiled with a tongue, and said to her "You Guess", and then looked around. Ah, I was surprised to find that the teacher was already on the podium.Native


Today, I only tell me ‘the teacher is here in a simple and clear language at the same table.‘


After school, every time I carried a schoolbag, I walked from the fifth floor to the bicycle parking lot on the first floor, pushed a bicycle, walked out of the school gate ...


At that moment, I felt that I had returned to myself to wake up. It turned out that I was not a robot!


After returning home, sitting in the study room, watching the work full of tables, beeping his mouth, saying ‘Weare’ s ligament ‘I picked up the pen helplessly and started the brushing mode.


I'm tired, lying on the table, pick up the mobile phone for a while, ‘the non -greasy FM book talks about the ancient radio’, I always listen to it and listen to God. I forget that there are many homework to write ...


Ugly is still beautiful, that's all kinds of original smile ...


In the third grade, I would like to study hard, but I don't want to be a robot ...



A long summer vacation has passed, and it is a beautiful autumn.The new semester began again. Following the first ray of sunshine in the morning, we returned to the beautiful campus and started the journey of a new semester.


In the past journey, whether you have a laugh or not, have a sunlight, this has become an eternal memory, plus a lock to close it!Everything in front of us is new, did you see it?New life is breaking out.Due to the cruelty of reality, we will be transformed into a knight, wiped out the trauma on the chest, took our weapons, and ready to go. Are you sure of the goal of the new semester?


Maybe your goal is to get into your ideal high school. Maybe your goal is to catch up with a classmate, the goal can be different, but it must not be no. More importantly, after the goal, we must put it in action.Going all out, there is no need to apply a few times with Zhang paper, but there must be a goal in your mind. There is a full set of plans. If there is no goal, there is no end.Where will the person complete this journey? Of course, this will not be smooth. It will always make you shed tears, but it will always be sunny after cloudy, because you are a knight and have the spirit of the knight.Brave knights will not be knocked down by any difficulties!


We need to do footprints step by step, do learning, take the school rules, class rules, and resolutely do not do things that harm students.


We are about to be full of passion and embark on the journey.The future is us!I choose!I like!



1、学期:学期读音为xué qī,是指学校教学年度的分期。见“学年”。学期 xué qī分词解释:学校教学年度的分期。见“学年”。(1) [term;semester]∶小学、中学或大学的每年分出的两个学习阶段之一(2) [half year]∶学年之春季部分或秋季部分分词解释:学年:学校的教学年度。一般从秋季开始,至次年夏季为一学年。在中国,一学年分为两个学期,即第一、第二学期,也称上、下学期。分期:1.分出几个期限。 2.划分时期﹑阶段。年度:根据业务性质和需要而规定的有一定起讫日期的十二个月。学校:有计划、有组织地进行系统教育的机构。起源于奴隶社会。中国古代的学校称为庠、序、学、校。在开始产生时不都是专门的教育机构,而兼为习射、养老的场所。以后的学校一般称为学。1902年《钦定学堂章程》中称为学堂,1912年的学制中改称为学校。...学期怎么造句,用学期造句»

2、感想:感想读音为gǎn xiǎng,是指由接触外界事物引起的思想反应:看了这封信,你有何感想? 由接触外界事物引起的思想活动请问,这次春游你有什么感想?感想 gǎn xiǎng词语意思:由接触外界事物引起的思想反应:看了这封信,你有何感想?[thought;impressions] 由接触外界事物引起的思想活动请问,这次春游你有什么感想?分词解释:事物:指客观存在的一切物体和现象:任何事物都不是一成不变的。引起:1.起身。 2.一种事情﹑现象﹑活动等使另一种事情﹑现象﹑活动等出现。...感想怎么造句,用感想造句»