秋天到了,银杏树的落叶可真美呀!我一步一步地走着,也一片一片地数着,我穿着一双棕红色的小雨靴,就像两只小鸟走向美丽的银杏林……我走啊走啊,我看见了一棵美丽的银杏树,它枝头的叶片薄薄,金灿灿的,既像一个小巴掌,也像一只小蝴蝶,在阳光下的照射下更加灿烂无比了,我似乎看见了一棵金色的大树 ……
autumn is here, the deciduous leaves of ginkgo trees are so beautiful! I walk step by step, and I count it one by one.Only the bird walks towards the beautiful ginkgo forest ... I go and leave, I saw a beautiful ginkgo tree, the leaves of its branches were thin and golden, but also like a small slap and a small butterfly.It is even more brilliant under the sun, and I seem to see a golden tree ...
突然,下起了大雨,哗啦啦的雨声可真大呀!我打起雨伞,走到了终点,刚好雨停了,一道彩虹像一座弯弯的七彩桥,横跨在天空,美丽极了!有红色、蓝色、粉色、还有淡黄色颜色…… 多得都快数不清了,这可是最美丽的银杏树和彩虹呀 !
Suddenly, there was a heavy rain, and the sound of rain was so big! I raised the umbrella and reached the end. It just stopped. A rainbow was like a curved colorful bridge across the sky, beautiful!There are red, blue, pink, and pale yellow colors ... It is almost impossible to count, but this is the most beautiful ginkgo tree and rainbow!
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