
时间:2022-06-18 13:29:43 | 来源:语文通



The summer vacation is here, and my latest dance class is about to start.I remember that when my mother took me to the dance class at the time, I went to experience a lesson! I think dancing is very interesting, so I was very happy to let my mother formally sign up for me.So this summer, I will officially start to go to dance classes.

The summer vacation is here, and my latest dance class is about to start.I remember that when my mother took me to the dance class at the time, I went to experience a lesson! I think dancing is very interesting, so I was very happy to let my mother formally sign up for me.So this summer, I will officially start to go to dance classes.


I remember when I went to a dance class on the first day, I found that our classmates were both younger brothers and sisters who loved my little. They were much earlier than I came into contact with dance. They started practicing dance since the age of three or four.I just learned that dancing feels a bit late.However, as long as it starts, I will try to catch up with them.

I remember when I went to a dance class on the first day, I found that our classmates were both younger brothers and sisters who loved my little. They were much earlier than I came into contact with dance. They started practicing dance since the age of three or four.I just learned that dancing feels a bit late.However, as long as it starts, I will try to catch up with them.


During class, the teacher taught us carefully and explained it carefully to us.Soon, the two -hour course hurriedly passed, and we were going to go to get out of class.I am very happy in this lesson. I learned a lot of dance movements, and I also exchanged dance with my friends and dance together.very happy.After a few classes, I learned a lot of dance movements, and the teacher praised me quickly.Although I will often jump wrong. After my long -term efforts, I can now complete a dance alone, and I can dance well. I am so happy.

During class, the teacher taught us carefully and explained it carefully to us.Soon, the two -hour course hurriedly passed, and we were going to go to get out of class.I am very happy in this lesson. I learned a lot of dance movements, and I also exchanged dance with my friends and dance together.very happy.After a few classes, I learned a lot of dance movements, and the teacher praised me quickly.Although I will often jump wrong. After my long -term efforts, I can now complete a dance alone, and I can dance well. I am so happy.


Dancing is really interesting. Although it is also tired, I want to tell you that as long as you like it, try to persist in doing the best, but how difficult it is, as long as you practice hard, you will definitely complete it.

Dancing is really interesting. Although it is also tired, I want to tell you that as long as you like it, try to persist in doing the best, but how difficult it is, as long as you practice hard, you will definitely complete it.


I also met a lot of friends in the dance class. We often dance together and discuss various problems together.I am very interested in dancing, so I have gained a lot here. Not only did I learn my favorite dance, but I also got friendship.

I also met a lot of friends in the dance class. We often dance together and discuss various problems together.I am very interested in dancing, so I have gained a lot here. Not only did I learn my favorite dance, but I also got friendship.



The summer vacation is here, and my latest dance class is about to start.I remember that when my mother took me to the dance class at the time, I went to experience a lesson! I think dancing is very interesting, so I was very happy to let my mother formally sign up for me.So this summer, I will officially start to go to dance classes.

The summer vacation is here, and my latest dance class is about to start.I remember that when my mother took me to the dance class at the time, I went to experience a lesson! I think dancing is very interesting, so I was very happy to let my mother formally sign up for me.So this summer, I will officially start to go to dance classes.


I remember when I went to a dance class on the first day, I found that our classmates were both younger brothers and sisters who loved my little. They were much earlier than I came into contact with dance. They started practicing dance since the age of three or four.I just learned that dancing feels a bit late.However, as long as it starts, I will try to catch up with them.

I remember when I went to a dance class on the first day, I found that our classmates were both younger brothers and sisters who loved my little. They were much earlier than I came into contact with dance. They started practicing dance since the age of three or four.I just learned that dancing feels a bit late.However, as long as it starts, I will try to catch up with them.


During class, the teacher taught us carefully and explained it carefully to us.Soon, the two -hour course hurriedly passed, and we were going to go to get out of class.I am very happy in this lesson. I learned a lot of dance movements, and I also exchanged dance with my friends and dance together.very happy.After a few classes, I learned a lot of dance movements, and the teacher praised me quickly.Although I will often jump wrong. After my long -term efforts, I can now complete a dance alone, and I can dance well. I am so happy.

During class, the teacher taught us carefully and explained it carefully to us.Soon, the two -hour course hurriedly passed, and we were going to go to get out of class.I am very happy in this lesson. I learned a lot of dance movements, and I also exchanged dance with my friends and dance together.very happy.After a few classes, I learned a lot of dance movements, and the teacher praised me quickly.Although I will often jump wrong. After my long -term efforts, I can now complete a dance alone, and I can dance well. I am so happy.


Dancing is really interesting. Although it is also tired, I want to tell you that as long as you like it, try to persist in doing the best, but how difficult it is, as long as you practice hard, you will definitely complete it.

Dancing is really interesting. Although it is also tired, I want to tell you that as long as you like it, try to persist in doing the best, but how difficult it is, as long as you practice hard, you will definitely complete it.


I also met a lot of friends in the dance class. We often dance together and discuss various problems together.I am very interested in dancing, so I have gained a lot here. Not only did I learn my favorite dance, but I also got friendship.

I also met a lot of friends in the dance class. We often dance together and discuss various problems together.I am very interested in dancing, so I have gained a lot here. Not only did I learn my favorite dance, but I also got friendship.



1、兴趣:兴趣读音为xìng qù,是指力求认识某种事物或从事某项活动的心理倾向。它以需要为基础,由对事物的认识和获得在情绪体验上得到满足而产生。有对事物或活动本身感到兴趣的直接兴趣和对活动结果感到兴趣的间接兴趣。兴趣 xìng qù词语解释:力求认识某种事物或从事某项活动的心理倾向。它以需要为基础,由对事物的认识和获得在情绪体验上得到满足而产生。有对事物或活动本身感到兴趣的直接兴趣和对活动结果感到兴趣的间接兴趣。分词解释:力求:极力追求;尽力谋求:力求事成ㄧ力求提高单位面积产量。体验:亲自处于某种环境而产生认识:作家体验生活|演员对所饰的角色必须有所体验。产生:1.生育;分娩。 2.出产。 3.由已有的事物中生出新的事物;出现。 4.出生。从事:①做某事;参与某种事业:告养回籍,从事农耕|从事教育工作。②处置;处理:依法从事。...兴趣怎么造句,用兴趣造句»

2、舞蹈:舞蹈读音为wǔ dǎo,是指一般有音乐伴奏的、以有节奏的动作为主要表现手段的艺术形式①艺术的一种。以经过提炼、组织和艺术加工的、有规律的人体动作为主要表现手段,反映社会生活,表达人的思想感情。其基本要素是动作姿态、节奏和表情。舞蹈与音乐、诗歌等结合在一起,是人类历史上最早产生的艺术形式之一。②雕塑。法国卡尔波作于1869年。表现一群裸体青年男女狂欢跳舞的情景。男青年居中,几个少女手拉手地环绕着他。作品结构紧凑,形象生动,体态活泼。③壁画。法国马蒂斯作于1909年。描绘由五个女人围绕一圈,手拉手地跳起圆圈舞。这是马蒂斯记忆中的法国南方迦太南的圆圈舞。画面天空运用蓝色,地面是绿色,人物则呈红色,彼此交织在一起,构成了强烈的冷暖对比,达到早期野兽派绘画艺术的高潮。(1) [dance](2) 一般有音乐伴奏的、以有节奏的动作为主要表现手段的艺术形式(3) 跳舞(4) 古代臣子朝拜帝王时做出特定的舞蹈姿势,是一种礼节...舞蹈怎么造句,用舞蹈造句»