Shandong "Classic Reading" View [1]
Last night I watched "Classic Reading". This show is really wonderful. He has enriched the ancient knowledge, cultivated sentiment, and also let me learn honestly, trustworthy, how to deal with people, how to deal with things in trouble, etc. I have received it.A lot of inspiration.
I especially admire Yang Zhen, a 9 -year -old boy in the show. He is younger than me, but he learned so many ancient poems and poems. He dared to fight with his 17 or eight -year -old brothers and sisters.When they were talking about the poems of "Japan", they all blurted out. Most of them had never heard of it. It was really sighing.
On the issue of borrowing money on strange money, each has its own words, and they are so reasonable. They all do things that are worth learning.
Shandong "Classic Reading" View [2]
On Friday night, my mother and I watched the "Classic Reading" of the children's show. Those little brothers and sisters are amazing!
After watching this show, I learned a lot of verses with "wind, rain, and river". Finally, the second player Sun Rongyi won the victory. It can be seen that she knows the ancient poems very well. When the judge asked her method, he was not slow or slow.Said: "Surging and Surging" category, soft ".
At first, Ren Jiahao's word "changed" instead of "going to the bathroom" made everyone feel funny, but he answered the phone at will at the table, but let him drop.There are five prawns in the plate, but there are six people. This TV show must be modest.But this TV show is not difficult to fall, all of them are very good, it is worthy of my learning.
Through this show, I also understand some politeness during meals: 1. To give parents vegetables.2. Chew slowly and not to gobble.3. It is best not to speak in your mouth.4. The chopsticks and spoon cannot make a sound.5. Take your mouth to eat.6. Don't leave before eating with guests.7. Pay attention to the sleeve when you hold the vegetables 8. Do not insert a spoon vertically 9. Smoking is not allowed.10. Start dining, pay attention to civilization and politeness, and pay attention to your "eating".
Watching this show really benefited me a lot. In the future, I have to study hard and not make my mother angry.I also discovered the advantages of others and found their own shortcomings.
Shandong "Classic Reading" View [3]
After watching >, I have more ancient poems.
The verses with wind and rain: "Lake light and autumn, the moon, and two phases, no wind mirrors are not grinding." ... The verses with rivers: Three or two branches of peach blossoms in bamboo, the Prophet of Chunjiang Water Warm Duck. However, I also learned some etiquette on the dining table:You ca n’t make a loud call, you must respect the elders, and you must chew slowly and eat slowly. You ca n’t gobble. Civilized speaking. You ca n’t leave food in the bowl.
After learning the etiquette on the dining table, when you usually go out for dinner, you can still use it. Sometimes when you describe others, you can use verses to describe it.
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