
时间:2022-11-17 12:49:06 | 来源:语文通


观察日记 篇1观察日记300字 篇2观察日记植物月季花 篇3优秀观察日记 篇4观察日记 篇5观察日记 篇6写观察日记 篇7观察日记 篇8观察日记 篇9观察日记 篇10

观察日记 篇1

9月20日 星期六 晴转多云

Saturday, September 20, sunny to cloudy


Today, when I was playing in the yard, I suddenly found a large group of ants moving in the corner of the west wall, carrying their favorite food to high places. I suddenly remembered what my mother said: When ants move, it means rain. But this is just to listen to others say in the morning, as the saying goes, "Hearing is false, seeing is true". I want to see if it rains tomorrow.

9月21日 星期日 大雨

Sunday, September 21st Heavy rain


Today, when I got up to go to the bathroom, I saw that the sky was as dark as the bottom of the pot. After a while, the sky flashed and thundered, and suddenly it began to rain cats and dogs. I suddenly remembered the ant move yesterday. Mother was right: the move of ants means rain.


After observing the ants moving this time, I learned a common sense: ants moving means rain. This phenomenon is more accurate than the weather forecast!

观察日记300字 篇2


Saturday, October 13 Sunny


Today is a sunny day. The teacher asked us to observe the growth and change of plants. I am going to observe the bean sprouts. I first put half a pot of warm water in the basin, and then put a handful of mung beans in it. But after more than ten hours, the bean sprouts still had no change. I was very worried. At this time, Grandma taught me the ancestral secret recipe. I had to cover the cloth. I found a white cloth about the same size as the mouth of the basin, washed it and covered it with the bean sprouts, waiting for the change.


Monday, October 15 Sunny


Wow! Most of the bean sprouts unbuttoned the dark green "military uniform" and kept smiling at all times. And a small part of them still reluctantly wore "military uniforms". After three hours, I found that some mung beans had taken off their military uniforms and turned into a "white tadpole". It was amazing!


Wednesday, October 17 Sunny


The bean sprouts that have taken off the "military uniform" have grown to three centimeters in length, and the thin sprouts have become bent. I took a little water to wash the bean sprouts twice. The bean sprouts are tender, like a girl's long braids. I can't wait to eat them today. At dinner time, my father served a plate of fried bean sprouts, and I knew that the result was delicious.


Through this experiment, I learned that everything should be done step by step, not one step at a time.

观察日记植物月季花 篇3


Every time I walked into Grandma's house, the first thing I saw was the rose in her yard. As the name implies, roses bloom every month, so we can feast our eyes every month!


This is a very tall Chinese rose. When it was the highest, it dared to compare its height with mine. Grandpa would often trim its branches and leaves with scissors to prevent it from growing so high. Although it is only one plant, many small branches appear from its root, which looks like a large piece from a distance. Its flowers are pink, a very beautiful color. The leaves are oval with serrated edges. The stems of rose flowers are full of sharp thorns. If you want to pick flowers, you must be careful, or you will get stuck.


Some Chinese roses are in bud; Some are half open and half closed flowers, like a shy girl hiding; Some of the petals spread out like a flaming flame. The rose has a faint fragrance. As soon as you approach it, a fragrance of flowers comes to you. When the breeze blows gently, these roses are dancing like beautiful fairies. The fragrance permeates the whole yard, often attracting many butterflies and bees to gather honey. Grandpa sometimes cut some roses and put them in vases on the windowsill of the house, so that we can smell the fragrance of roses in the house.


I like my grandma's rose!

优秀观察日记 篇4

10月1日 星期一 晴

Monday, October 1st Sunny


When I came home from school in the evening, I caught a small cricket outside the shed. I took it home, put it in a small transparent plastic bottle, put some vegetable leaves, and began to observe:


It has two long and short beards. The left side is longer, about 10 cm, and the right side is shorter, about 6 cm.

它还有一双比芝麻还小的眼睛,黑乎乎的。 还有两对足和一对强有力的大钳子。最前面每个大钳子的顶端都有一个小勾子。它的每个前足的顶端都有一个小勾子。后足连接身体的地方有一块肌肉,顶端还有三个分叉。它弹跳力那么好,靠的应该是这粗壮有力的后足吧。

It also has a pair of black eyes smaller than sesame. There are also two pairs of feet and a pair of powerful pliers. There is a small hook at the top of each front big pliers. It has a small hook at the top of each forefoot. There is a muscle where the back foot connects the body, and there are three forks at the top. It's so good at jumping. It should rely on its strong hind feet.


It also has links like those on silkworm babies, and the number of links is countless.


The color of the skin is mostly brown, and a small part is black.


This is my cricket.

观察日记 篇5


September 9th Monday Sunny


Today, I went to play by the brook next to the school.


How clear the stream is! It is clear enough to see the small stones under the water. Little fish, how leisurely they are, swimming freely in the water.


There are many dragonflies on the shore! There are golden, green and red dragonflies flying up and down.


Suddenly, I saw a big dragonfly resting on the dog tail grass. I walked quietly with my right hand slowly close to it. I caught the red dragonfly suddenly.


The dragonfly's eyes are like small glass balls. They are very beautiful. After school, I took it home to my mother. Mother said: "Dragonflies are beneficial insects and can eat mosquitoes."


I heard that dragonflies are beneficial insects, so I quickly released them. The dragonfly flew to the clear sky. I wish it all the best


(Comment: This diary is about playing by the stream. During the play, the little writer observed very carefully. He looked at the clear stream, many free fish, and dragonflies of all colors carefully. Later, he caught a dragonfly and found that its eyes were like small glass balls. He went home to hear his mother say that dragonfly is a beneficial insect, so he quickly put it away. In the process of playing like this, he learned to observe and It is meaningful to think and increase knowledge.)

观察日记 篇6


Today, in Chinese class, Miss Li came into the classroom with two branches. The teacher asked, "Do you know what it is?" Some students said they knew, others said they didn't, but they couldn't say their names. I think: it should be maple leaves, which grow on campus.


The teacher asked, "Which classmate said he knew?" A boy in the class raised his hand and said, "It's a branch of maple leaf." The teacher said, "Yes, it is a branch of maple leaf."


The teacher asked us, "How many corners do you see?" Some students could not count, so the teacher sent some leaves to the students. We counted them, some were five horns, some were three horns, but we found that most of them were five horns. The teacher also told us that it was called Wujiao Feng.


The leaf I was holding was a quadrangular maple. The teacher told me that one less angle was a worm's bite. The students laughed. I looked carefully and found some pink dots on the leaves.


The maple leaves taken by the teacher are dark green and light green, indicating that they were picked from two trees. I also found that one of them is a leaf, while the other has a leaf and a fruit. I carefully looked at the fruit like wings, and we called it samara.


I said, "Do these two maple leaves look like those folded from the tree at the school gate?" The teacher said, "Yes, they were folded at the gate of the school. They grow on a dense tree."


From this observation, I learned that we should observe more in life and be little messengers of life. I also know that writing a composition requires more thinking, so as to write a good composition.

写观察日记 篇7

11月7日 星期三 晴转多云

Wednesday, November 7, sunny to cloudy


Today, I soaked mung beans in clean water. After a few hours, I went to see mung beans again. At this time, mung bean looks like a fat baby, and its body has become oval and plump.

11月8日 星期四 晴

Thursday, November 8th Sunny


This evening, I went to observe mungbeans again. They became fatter and split their mouths, like a fat baby laughing. There are also two green beans. Two thin and long sprouts, like two sharp plows, come out of my mouth. They are very lovely.

11月9日 星期五 晴转多云

Friday, November 9, sunny to cloudy


Tonight, I went to see how my mungbeans were. I saw that the mungbeans were fatter than yesterday and almost burst. The white and tender buds keep bending upward, like a sharp hook. Two "hooks" are about to grow together, which is very beautiful.

11月10日 星期六 小雨转阴

Saturday, November 10, light rain turns overcast


This afternoon, I went to see what happened to mungbeans. They took off their green coats, leaving most of their bodies exposed, like a naked doll crawling in the water.

11月11日 星期日 晴

Sunny Sunday, November 11


Tonight, I went to see how the mungbeans were doing. Five of the seven small mungbeans had sprouted, two of which had sprouted nearly one centimeter. The other three mungbeans seemed unwilling to grow up. They just took off their green "clothes" and cracked a little, like a monkey's butt, which was very funny.

观察日记 篇8


Yesterday, Mr. Liu assigned a special assignment - to choose a thing, observe it continuously and carefully, and record his observations. Today, my mother brought back a bunch of bananas and said they were prepared for my observation diary. I looked at the crescent moon like, yellow bananas and thought with disapproval: What will happen to bananas? Mother seemed to see my mind and reminded me, "As long as you observe carefully every day, you will find something."


Thursday, October 1


Today, I got up early in the morning and couldn't wait to see bananas. I was shocked when I saw that there were some yellow spots on the tender yellow banana skin, just like the yellow spots on the face. The bananas are ripe and look very attractive. I could not help but stretch out my hand, but at the thought of the daily observation task, I quickly stopped.


Friday, October 2


A day later, the "yellow spots" on the banana skin are darker, and some have become small black spots. Those small black spots are like small sesame seeds, which are stuck on the banana skin. I smell it close, and I can feel the sweet smell through the skin.


Saturday, October 3


Most of the black spots on the banana are connected into one piece, which is like "black charcoal". "Black charcoal" has occupied half of the banana body. I picked up a banana and looked at it. There was a little yellow in the black. The light yellow was covered by black, as if I was struggling desperately.


Sunday, October 4


Today, bananas are no longer black. Mother peeled the banana, and the flesh inside also turned black, especially the parts near the root had rotted. I took the banana and smelled it. The sour smell came to my nose, and the sweet smell had disappeared. I hurried to the trash can and threw the rotten bananas in.


Through this observation of bananas, I understand that the most delicious and beautiful things also have a shelf life. After the shelf life, they can't be eaten. Author: Gao Xichen

观察日记 篇9


Recently, there are many mosquitoes in our family. My brother was just writing an observation diary. I asked him, "What is this?" The younger brother replied, "This is something in our water."


I looked at the water in the vase strangely. So I asked my father curiously: "What is swimming in this water?" My father replied: "This is a mosquito." "Mosquitoes?" I doubted. "Yes, this is a mosquito cub." My brother answered my question.


I took some out with a spoon and put them in the cup. Then I picked up the cup and walked into the room, put it on the table and observed carefully.


The cub looks like a tadpole, but it's also better than a tadpole to check on the Internet. The mosquito larvae are also called "larvae" He is dark brown.


The larvae are mosquito larvae, which are hatched from mosquito eggs in water. They are long and thin, and their chests are wider than their heads and abdomens. When swimming, they bend and stretch their bodies, which is known as the calcaneus. The larvae are slender and dark brown, swimming vertically up and down in the water, feeding on bacteria and unicellular algae in the water and breathing air.


My big mystery has finally been solved. Do you have it in your family? Go and have a look!

观察日记 篇10


Saturday, March 15 Sunny


In the morning, I got up early and went to see the plum tree that my mother and I planted a month ago. When I looked at it, I found that the plum tree was sprouting flower buds. From a distance, the flower buds looked like round little white dots. From a closer look, the white and round flower buds looked like little balls with enough air, and also like lovely fat children!


Saturday, March 22 Sunny


A few days later, I saw the flowers of plum trees changed quietly. Some people seem to be shy and look at the world quietly. Some stood at the top of the tree, basking in the sun freely, and some flowers gathered in clusters, like playing games. A few flowers had already blossomed, showing brilliant smiling faces, and looked at the world confidently.


Monday, April 8th Sunny


Time is like a pony, suddenly half a month has passed. I came to the door, wow! My plum blossoms are in full bloom, like snow on a tree. From a distance, the branches of the plum tree spread out in all directions, as if they were welcoming us to see its beautiful flowers, or embracing the spring breeze. From a closer perspective, flowers are crowded by me, like chatting and laughing. A closer look shows that there are 6 petals of plum flower, and the stamens are golden, like a small person dancing in the center of the T platform.