
时间:2022-11-11 12:49:09 | 来源:语文通



我的端午节作文 篇1我们的端午节作文500字 篇2我的端午节作文 篇3我的端午节作文 篇4我的端午节作文 篇5我们的端午节作文400字 篇6日记我们的端午节作文 篇7我的端午节作文 篇8我的端午节作文 篇9

我的端午节作文 篇1


My favorite festival is the Dragon Boat Festival, because we have to eat dumplings and wear sachets. Each family should insert "five ends": calamus, wormwood, pomegranate flower, garlic and dragon boat flower. Adults will use red, yellow, blue, white and black silk threads to tie children's necks, wrists and ankles, which are called "long life strands". I remember that on the Dragon Boat Festival last year, I went to buy Zongye with my mother happily.


After returning home, I carefully observed my mother making rice dumplings. First, she washed the glutinous rice, then rolled the Zongye into a cone and put the glutinous rice in it, and stuffed a big red date in the middle of the glutinous rice. Then she wrapped it with another zong leaf. Finally, my mother tied the wrapped rice dumplings with a strong rope. I also made some dumplings like my mother, and they were boiled into the pot together.


Finally it was cooked, but when I opened the lid of the pot, I was startled: the glutinous rice in the rice dumplings I made flowed from the leaves, and the rice dumplings became porridge, so my mother had to make another pot. After cooking the rice dumplings, my mother tied the "long life thread" on my wrist and neck, and inserted the "five ends" on the doors and windows.


The Dragon Boat Festival on this day is full of mystery and technology. I really hope that every day is the Dragon Boat Festival.

我们的端午节作文500字 篇2


The fifth day of the fifth lunar month is the Dragon Boat Festival in China. On this day, people race dragon boats, fry vegetables, wrap dumplings, or hang a bunch of fragrant wormwood at the door, praying to drive away insects and get sick. This beautiful traditional festival is to commemorate a patriotic poet, Qu Yuan.


Thousands of years ago, Qu Yuan heard that his state of Chu had been conquered by Qin. He wanted to serve the country but was unable to return to heaven, so he drowned in the Miluo River. This outstanding writer and politician died for his country and will never return. People were so sad that they set the day of their death as the Dragon Boat Festival. The glutinous rice was wrapped in reed leaves, and then tied with colored ropes to make rice dumplings, which were put into the river to feed fish, so that the fish could protect Qu Yuan's body.


As time goes by, today's zongzi are no longer put into the river, but the sweet smell of zongzi and people's respect for Qu Yuan remain unchanged. The best glutinous rice can be packed into the green reed leaves. You can add dates, corn, peanuts, bean paste or diced fruit according to your preference. Then wrap them with wide leaves, wrap and fix them with colorful silk ropes, and wrap them with a rice dumpling. When eating, they were boiled, stripped of reed leaves, and left a rice ball. It was sweet and soft, just like Qu Yuan's deep and soft friendship for his motherland.


If the rice dumplings are Qu Yuan's tender feelings for the motherland, the fragrant Zongye is Qu Yuan's noble integrity. Qu Yuan once said, "Can you observe with your own body? Can you accept things?", He also said: "The Soviet Union was independent, horizontal but not flowing." Such a noble and white Qu Yuan would rather die with his motherland, the Great Chu, than live under the Qin regime. We can't help admiring: "Qu Yuan", what a great name!


The fifth day of May is our Dragon Boat Festival. The Dragon Boat Festival is an attractive scent of zongzi, a noble integrity of Qu Yuan, an elegant folk custom, and a long tradition of China

我的端午节作文 篇3


I like the bustling Spring Festival, the Mid Autumn Festival when I watch the moon and eat moon cakes, and the Lantern Festival when I eat sweet dumplings. But I like dragon boat races and the Dragon Boat Festival when I eat zongzi.


The origin of the Dragon Boat Festival is as follows: Qu Yuan was a native of Chu during the Warring States Period and a patriotic poet. When he heard that his country had perished, he was so sad that he jumped into the Miluo River with a big stone in his arms. In order to prevent fish and shrimp from gnawing Qu Yuan's body, the people threw rice balls into the river and installed bamboo rafts with faucets to scare away fish and shrimp. This day is the fifth day of May. To commemorate Qu Yuan, we celebrate the Dragon Boat Festival every year.


On the day of Dragon Boat Festival, Grandma took me with colorful thread and said: This can ward off evil spirits. It can only be untied on the seventh day of July. She also threw it into the river to take away the disease. Then she hung a heart-shaped sachet on me. Grandma said that it was filled with incense, wormwood, and had the function of expelling insects and evil spirits.


At this time, I came to the kitchen and saw my mother making zongzi. First, knead the glutinous rice into a ball, then add the stuffing, including dates, peanuts and meat. Finally, wrap it in reed leaves and steam it in the pot. My mother gave me a zongzi and said: This is your favorite jujube stuffing. I took the rice dumplings happily. While eating, I watched the dragon boat race on TV. The players rowed hard, clenched their teeth, and rowed together. There was also a drummer who directed them. All of them were sweating, but they kept on. Suddenly, they exceeded the finish line, and the audience cheered. I also cried happily.


This is really a meaningful Dragon Boat Festival. I wish our motherland prosperity and prosperity, and let Qu Yuan's heroes live forever!

我的端午节作文 篇4


Zongzi is a festival food of the Dragon Boat Festival. It is said that it was invented to sacrifice Qu Yuan who threw himself into the river. It is the traditional food with the deepest cultural accumulation in Chinese history.


In the past years, my mother always bought ready made rice dumplings in the market or supermarket. This year, I pestered my mother to learn how to make dumplings. Mother could not resist me, so she had to agree.


On the afternoon of the fourth day, I learned to make zongzi from my mother. Mother took a piece of zong leaf and rolled it with her hand. The zong leaf became a hollow cone. Like my mother, I took a piece of zong leaf and wanted to roll it into a round cone shape, but it was not good. It was still a straight tube. When the mother saw it, she pointed out: "Hold one corner of the zong leaf with her left hand, and roll the other corner of the zong leaf in with her right hand. Pull hard below and relax above." Under the guidance of my mother, I rolled the rice dumplings.


Then, mother inserted a chopstick into the hollow conical zong leaf, took a spoon to scoop some glutinous rice and put it inside, then shook the chopsticks evenly until the glutinous rice was wrapped tightly. I also put chopsticks and glutinous rice in Zongye. When you shake the chopsticks, either the leaves are punctured or the glutinous rice is not wrapped tightly. Mother said, "Shake the chopsticks gently and wrap the rice dumplings tightly. Look..." Mother said and demonstrated. I listened and learned. ha-ha! My dumplings look like something.


Then the twine. My mother squeezed the zongzi leaves with both hands, wrapped the rope around the sharp corner of the zongzi twice, tied the rope head, and wrapped a beautiful zongzi. I also tied the first rice dumplings. Then, the second, the third, and the fourth... I packed several bags in a row.


The last step is to cook rice dumplings. Put the bound rice dumplings into the pot one by one, and then put cold water over the rice dumplings for about 1cm, ignite the fire... After 15 minutes of boiling, exchange the top and bottom rice dumplings in the pot for positions, and then boil them for an hour at low heat.


The delicious rice dumplings are ready, and I can't wait to taste the fruits of my labor. Ah! Really delicious.


Through this time of making zongzi, we not only tasted delicious zongzi, but also learned a truth: to learn a skill well, we must be sincere, careful, and persistent, so that we can learn the skill well.

我的端午节作文 篇5


Today is the fifth day of May, the Dragon Boat Festival, which is often called the Double Fifth Festival. I asked my grandfather, "How did the Dragon Boat Festival come about?" Grandfather said, "The Dragon Boat Festival came to commemorate our ancient patriot Qu Yuan. At that time, Qu Yuan was still the court commander of the State of Chu, but the villains were leading the way, and the court was stupid. Qu Yuan did not want to see the country's collapse, so he embraced a stone and threw it into the Miluo River. After hearing about it, hundreds of family members of the State of Chu rowed boats to rescue it. From then on, there was a saying about the Dragon Boat Festival.


"Shijie, come here." At this time, my mother gave an order. I went into the kitchen and asked, "Mom, what are you doing?" "Make dumplings!" Mom said. "How can I do this job?" I said with embarrassment. Mother said: "Let you pack, you will pack, there is a teacher in the mother!" I promised: "All right!" I picked up the bamboo leaves and, like my mother, rolled them into a tube. Then I dug rice with a small spoon and put it into the tube. I wrapped the stuffing with bamboo leaves and tied it with colored thread. My mother and I finished the dumplings together, and then we went to the pot to steam. Soon the rice dumplings came out of the pot. Eating the rice dumplings made by myself, my heart was sweeter than honey.


I like to celebrate the Dragon Boat Festival. I prefer to make and eat zongzi.

我们的端午节作文400字 篇6


I like the bustling Spring Festival, the Lantern Festival, and the Mid Autumn Festival, but I like the Dragon Boat Festival, which is full of dumplings.


The fifth day of the fifth lunar month is the traditional Dragon Boat Festival in China. My teacher said that the Dragon Boat Festival is related to commemorating the great Chinese writer Qu Yuan. On this day, every family will eat zongzi, insert wormwood leaves and drink realgar wine. Our children will also wear colorful lines on our wrists to ward off evil spirits. On the Dragon Boat Festival, the most common custom here is that every family should eat zongzi.


Every time this time, every family has to make zongzi. Each family has its own way of making zongzi. I like watching my mother make zongzi best. First, my mother washed the green zongzi leaves clean. With her left hand, she held one corner of the zongzi leaves and rolled it into a cone. She also inserted a chopstick into the zongzi leaves. With her right hand, she scooped up some glutinous rice and put it inside. Then she added some dates and raisins. Then she shook the chopsticks evenly until the glutinous rice was tightly wrapped. The last process is twine tying. My mother clenched the rice dumplings with both hands, wrapped the rope around the sharp corner of the rice dumplings twice, tied the rope head, and wrapped a beautiful rice dumplings. My mother's dumplings are fat and big, like an old Buddha sleeping. Mother wrapped the dumplings and steamed them in a pressure cooker. Soon the smell of dumplings wafted all over the room. When the rice dumplings are out of the pot, I can't wait to take out a big rice dumplings. I gently peel off the leaves of the rice dumplings, revealing white and tender glutinous rice cakes. I can't help biting. The sweet juice of dates and the smell of glutinous rice drill into my throat. It's delicious!


Look, this is the Dragon Boat Festival in our hometown!

日记我们的端午节作文 篇7


The Dragon Boat Festival is one of the traditional festivals in China. To commemorate Qu Yuan, the patriotic minister who died when he threw himself into the river, people regard the day when Qu Yuan jumped into the river -- the fifth day of May as the Dragon Boat Festival.


Hanging wormwood, wearing sachets, eating "five red vegetables", eating zongzi, dragon boat racing and beautiful duck egg pancakes. There is a strong taste of the Dragon Boat Festival everywhere.


Today is the Dragon Boat Festival I have been looking forward to for a long time. I asked my father for money to buy wormwood. When my stingy father heard the word "buy", his facial features were misplaced. I suppressed a smile and said, "Oh, today is the Dragon Boat Festival. People have already hung wormwood, and our family should not be exceptional, right?" Dad smiled, waved his hand, and said, "Well, I have already prepared the money for you. I will buy two." I happily took the money and took my mother-in-law to the food market. Wow, there are still so many people buying wormwood! It's a long queue. Relying on my small size, I "broke the rules" and got into the crowd. I chose the greenest wormwood and presented it to my mother-in-law like a good news. The mother-in-law looked, sniffed, smiled and bent her eyebrows He gave me a thumbs up.


When I got home, I held out the fragrant wormwood in front of my father like a treasure, and asked him to hang it on both sides of the door. I immediately felt the fragrance overflowing. I asked excitedly, "Dad, do you know why people hang wormwood on the Dragon Boat Festival?" My father frowned and said, "I don't know, why?" I knew it would be like this. I was overjoyed and decided to show off the knowledge I had just learned. "According to the book, wormwood represents" Zhaobaifu "and is a kind of herbal medicine that can cure diseases. Inserting it at the door can protect a family's health. As early as ancient times, working people in China knew that wormwood is a medicinal plant. The moxibustion method in acupuncture and moxibustion uses wormwood as the main component and puts it on the acupoints to burn and cure diseases. Do you know now, Dad?" I said proudly. "I never thought that wormwood could be so useful. No wonder every household has hung it up. My daughter is smart!" Dad said jokingly.




In this way, in the fragrance of wormwood, we ate zongzi and had a sweet Dragon Boat Festival.

我的端午节作文 篇8


The Dragon Boat Festival falls on May 5 of the lunar calendar, which is my favorite festival!


In the Dragon Boat Festival, there is no shortage of zongzi. Because I can't make zongzi, I can only buy it from the supermarket, but it tastes great. Put the steamed zongzi on the plate, slowly untie the rope, and then slowly remove the zongzi leaf layer by layer. A slightly fragrant zongzi leaf just perfectly blends its aroma with the zongzi. Don't say much, and eat.


I use chopsticks to gently clip a corner of the zongzi into my mouth and taste it carefully. It is thick but not greasy. I eat sausage stuffing, as if every grain of glutinous rice has been successfully integrated with the sausage. It melts in the mouth and tastes unique. If you like sweet food, you can also put some sugar. The rice dumplings with sugar are also very delicious. It can make every taste cell full of vitality.


My second favorite of Dragon Boat Festival is wearing colorful ropes. My mother always buys a rope for me the day before the Dragon Boat Festival. She will tie the colorful rope for me on the day of the Dragon Boat Festival. The ropes are colorful, with more red. Because red means jubilant, the Chinese prefer red. Whenever it comes to the Dragon Boat Festival, I always exchange ropes with the children in the neighborhood, because we think that this can let good luck pass from everyone.


"On the fifth of May, it is the Dragon Boat Festival. The door is planted with wormwood, and the hall is filled with incense. You can eat zongzi, sprinkle sugar, and launch the dragon boat happily." This is the Dragon Boat Festival in my eyes.

我的端午节作文 篇9


During the five years of primary school, many unforgettable things happened to me. The most unforgettable thing was the Dragon Boat Festival in the fourth grade.


Today is Dragon Boat Festival. Every family is bustling. On the Dragon Boat Festival, people eat zongzi, race dragon boats, drink realgar wine, hang wormwood, sachets and write the word "king" on their children. Why? I'll check it on the Internet. It was in memory of the great patriotic poet Qu Yuan. In 278 BC, when the Qin army attacked the capital of the State of Chu, Qu Yuan and a doctor of the State of Chu heard the news, and they were bitterly indignant. Finally, they jumped into the river with a big stone in their arms. When the local people knew it, they threw zongzi into it, hoping that the fish would not eat Qu Yuan's body, but only the zongzi they threw. So there is the custom of eating rice dumplings. Every year on the Dragon Boat Festival, people will compete in dragon boats. If they win, they will go ashore and throw zongzi into the river. So there is the custom of dragon boat racing. What about hanging wormwood and calamus, hanging sachets and writing the word "king" on children at their doorstep? Because there was no mosquito repellent incense, toilet water and screen window in ancient times, people hung wormwood and sachets at the door, and hung sachets on children to prevent mosquitoes and insects from biting. Writing the word "king" on a child is the king of worms, and worms can't bite him. This is the custom of drinking realgar wine to prevent snakes from biting.


At this time, my mother told me to eat rice dumplings. Zongzi is filled with meat, egg yolk, bean paste, dates, etc. Peel off the green leaves, and you will find fragrant dumplings inside! It really looks like a zongzi spirit wearing a green cotton padded jacket! I want to start eating zongzi, I bite it down, ah, zongzi is so delicious! This sweet and fragrant taste has reached my heart, making people intoxicated. I really like rice dumplings! But when I think of Qu Yuan, I feel bitter.


This Dragon Boat Festival, I know that Qu Yuan is willing to sacrifice himself for the country. I also want to be a patriotic person like Qu Yuan! People who have not made contributions to the country in the future! What an unforgettable Dragon Boat Festival!

案,结果被我猜中。 这个端午节真令我难忘!

Case, I guessed it. This Dragon Boat Festival is really unforgettable!