
时间:2022-11-08 12:57:43 | 来源:语文通



圆明园的毁灭读后感 篇1圆明园的毁灭读后感 篇2圆明园的毁灭读后感 篇3圆明园毁灭读后感 篇4圆明园的毁灭读后感 篇5圆明园的毁灭读后感 篇6圆明园的毁灭读后感 篇7圆明园的毁灭读后感 篇8

圆明园的毁灭读后感 篇1


After reading The Destruction of the Old Summer Palace, I felt extremely angry and sorry!


Due to the fatuity and incompetence of the Qing government and the cowardice of the military and the people, the shameless British and French allied forces invaded Beijing and burned down this world-famous royal garden!


The incompetent Qing government succumbed to the shameless foreigners and signed one unequal treaty after another, which brought great humiliation to our country.


The cowardly soldiers and civilians did not dare to compete with the British and French troops when they invaded Beijing. In the Ming Dynasty, the British and French allied forces only used 3000 troops, while the Qing government had 100000 troops, which could be attributed to the incompetence and backwardness of the Qing government; Cowardice of the army and the people; Let the British and French forces run amok in China, killing, burning, robbing and pillaging with impunity


The most hateful are the evil foreigners, who not only invade China at will, but also burn and destroy our scenic spots and historic sites! They did not know how many thousands of pairs of eyes looked at them with tears! How many angry eyes are looking at them!


Look at the Yuanmingyuan now: the remaining stone columns are seven upside down and eight crooked, as if crying, telling the scene at that time; The weeds on the ground swayed from side to side, as if lamenting the destruction of this royal garden!


Why did our Congress suffer such humiliation? Because at that time, European and American countries were developing rapidly, while China was still thinking that we were the most amazing in the prosperous Tang Dynasty! The national strength gradually declined and became backward, so that even the slapping Japan dared to bully us!


If you are poor, you will fall behind, and if you fall behind, you will be beaten! If we, like European and American countries, study more, learn more and innovate more! Do they dare to bully us?


"If you are young, your country will be strong!" We need to always remember: Don't forget the national humiliation and revitalize China!

圆明园的毁灭读后感 篇2


Today, after reading the "Destruction of the Old Summer Palace", I felt very angry and sorry. I was angry and proud.


Covering an area of 350 hectares, Yuanmingyuan Garden is a well-known royal garden both at home and abroad. It was built in 1850. It was only completed from the Ming Dynasty to the Qing Dynasty. The project was huge and cost a lot of human and financial resources. It was very difficult. The Old Summer Palace is also called the Three Yuanming Gardens, because it consists of the Old Summer Palace, Wanchun Garden and Changchun Garden.


In the Old Summer Palace, there are many unique sceneries in Haining, Hangzhou, Suzhou and other places, as well as the Penglai Yaotai and Wuling Spring Scenery, which are built according to the poet's poetic style, and the bronze heads of the twelve Chinese zodiac signs on the large pool, which are very lifelike.


On October 6, 1860, British and French troops invaded Beijing and went to the Old Summer Palace to burn and loot property. The original Yuanmingyuan, which was very beautiful and spectacular, became a ruin.


This indicates that we must study hard and serve our motherland.

圆明园的毁灭读后感 篇3


The 21st lesson of our textbook is "The Destruction of the Old Summer Palace". I have a deep feeling after reading it!


After reading the text, I know that the Old Summer Palace is a world-famous royal garden. There are magnificent halls and exquisite pavilions in the garden; There is a "shopping street" symbolizing a lively street market, and there are also mountain villages symbolizing pastoral scenery. Many scenes in the garden are modeled on the famous scenic spots in various places. There are also many scenes built according to the poetic and picturesque feelings of ancient poets. In the garden, there are not only national buildings, but also western landscapes. Walking in the park is like wandering around the world, enjoying the Chinese and foreign scenic spots; Wandering among them, it seems that you are in the realm of fantasy.


The Old Summer Palace is not only magnificent, but also has the most precious historical relics. From the bronze sacrificial vessels in the pre Qin era to the calligraphy and painting of celebrities in the Tang, Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties, all kinds of rare treasures are available. Therefore, it was the largest museum and art gallery in the world at that time.


However, at the end of the Qing Dynasty, due to the corruption and cowardice of the Qing government and the betrayal of Empress Dowager Cixi to protect herself, the Old Summer Palace was looted and burned by the British and French allied forces in the tenth year of Xianfeng, that is, in October 1860, becoming a humiliation in modern Chinese history. Like bandits and bandits, the British and French allied forces plundered many treasures, from bronze wares in the pre Qin period to famous calligraphies, paintings and rare treasures in the Tang, Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties, as well as the beautiful scenery in the garden. More than 3000 invaders set fire in the garden. In a moment, all the precious and beautiful garden art treasures disappeared, leaving only some ruins standing there angrily, as if telling of the past glory.


I hate those Englishmen and French! Although this is the limitation of history, I still hate these bandits! Why plunder on our territory? Why destroy the treasures that belong to the world? Later, I learned that because we are too backward, we will be beaten and bullied if we fall behind, so we should study hard, straighten our backs in front of foreigners, stop bowing our heads, stop being submissive, and proudly say "We are Chinese!" in front of the world

圆明园毁灭读后感 篇4


After reading the text "The Destruction of the Old Summer Palace", I felt extremely angry, at the same time, it made me think deeply.


The Old Summer Palace was the largest museum and art gallery in the world at that time, and it was a famous scenic spot in China. It contained the most precious historical relics, including all kinds of treasures in the Qin, Tang, Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties. It took a long time to build this great project. On October 6, 1860, the British and French allied forces invaded Beijing and broke into the Yuanmingyuan Garden. They took away the treasures in the garden and finally burned the Yuanmingyuan Garden with a fire. Now there are only a few stumps left.


These ruthless bandits are running roughshod over China's territory and doing whatever they want. Even the treasure of garden art and the essence of architectural art were destroyed by them. They not only burned our historical and cultural treasures, but also left a untouchable wound to the Chinese people. How hateful they are! What will they do if they burn their own 'cultural relics'?


This text reminds me that Hong Kong was once occupied by Britain. When I saw the scene describing the moment when Hong Kong was about to return to China, I was very excited. Because Hong Kong is ours, why should we cede it to other countries? Why is our country so easy to bully and come to occupy our territory.

圆明园的毁灭读后感 篇5


After reading the text "The Destruction of the Old Summer Palace", I felt extremely angry and very sorry.


The Old Summer Palace in China is world-famous and reputed as the "Garden of Ten Thousand Gardens". It covers an area larger than the Forbidden City. It has been built for more than 150 years and has accumulated the wisdom of many working people! However, in 1860, the British and French allied forces that invaded Beijing turned the Old Summer Palace into a ruin with only a few stumps left, which made the Chinese people feel so sorry!


Our country is a great country. How can we let the Old Summer Palace be destroyed by 3000 invaders? It was because at that time the country was in decline and could not resist the foreign invaders' strong ships and guns, that our great rivers and mountains were trampled on by the invaders. The former glory of the Old Summer Palace has been plundered by unscrupulous invaders. This is not only a huge loss of cultural and artistic treasures, but also a historical shame that the Chinese nation will never forget.


From the lesson "The Destruction of the Old Summer Palace", I learned a truth: if science and technology are backward, people will be bullied, and poverty will be beaten. So we should study hard, serve our motherland in the future, let our motherland keep moving forward step by step, become the strongest country in the world, and never be invaded by other countries.

圆明园的毁灭读后感 篇6


Today, we learned the lesson "The Destruction of the Old Summer Palace", which I think gives us an alarm.


The "Garden of Ten Thousand Gardens", the laudatory name of the Old Summer Palace, not only has halls, pavilions and other magnificent buildings, but also has precious historical relics, which witnessed the prosperity of the Qing Empire and was a place for the emperor to rest and play. The Old Summer Palace, which covers an area of more than 350 hectares and took more than 150 years, was destroyed by the British and French allied forces, which are barbaric, shameless, despicable and "civilized people". Burned down, smoke shrouded the entire city of Beijing.


I think what this fire burned was not only the Old Summer Palace, but also the self-esteem of every Chinese. The smog shrouded not only the city of Beijing, but also the heart of every Chinese. A great Qing empire with countless wealth, a great Qing empire with tens of millions of troops, a great Qing empire with many talents, but because it could not use wealth to strengthen itself, could not use the military to strengthen itself, could not use the military to strengthen itself... As a result, He who knows nothing about the world thinks he is right. However, when the enemy rushes over, they can only wait for their death. Therefore, we should work hard for our motherland and make contributions to China to make our country strong and free from being bullied. We should also ask those bandits for what we deserve, plus interest.


With this in mind, I remember that the poor Iraq was called the backstage of a terrorist organization by the United States. It was unjustifiably occupied, seized, provoked war, and wrongly killed civilians by the United States. This was all due to the weakness of its own country. Therefore, we should always remind ourselves not to forget the national humiliation and to revitalize China.


This article has sounded an alarm for us.

圆明园的毁灭读后感 篇7


Recently, we learned the text "The Destruction of the Old Summer Palace".


I also know that the Old Summer Palace is located in Haidian District in the west of Beijing, adjacent to the Summer Palace. It was founded in the 46th year of Kangxi (1707) and consists of the Old Summer Palace, Changchun Garden and Wanchun Garden. There are more than 100 gardens and landscapes with a building area of about 160,000 square meters. It is a large imperial palace created and managed by the Qing Dynasty emperors in more than 150 years. Yuanmingyuan is known as the "Garden of Ten Thousand Gardens". In October 1860, after the looting and burning of the Old Summer Palace by the British and French allied forces, only a few burning stone pillars were left isolated there. This incident became a humiliating history in modern Chinese history.


After learning this text, I feel very angry and sorry!


How many Chinese people built the Yuanmingyuan! It took 150 years to build! How much manpower and material resources are needed for such a huge project! Yuanmingyuan is the crystallization of the wisdom of our ancient Chinese people! If the Old Summer Palace still exists, it will be our priceless treasure! It is our inestimable possession. Now, the Old Summer Palace has been looted by the British and French allied forces, which is our immeasurable loss. The stone pillars in the Old Summer Palace told me: "Two pairs of British and French soldiers broke into the Old Summer Palace. They robbed our treasures, famous people's paintings and calligraphy like bandits. They also destroyed them at will. Children, you must not forget the humiliation our country has suffered, and we must revitalize China!" I hate the hateful Anglo French coalition and the former Qing government. They are weak and incompetent, and have no resistance at all. It was they who gave the Old Summer Palace to the British and French allied forces! Now our country is getting stronger and stronger, we must study hard to build our motherland stronger and stronger.

圆明园的毁灭读后感 篇8


These days, we have learned the text "The Destruction of the Old Summer Palace". After reading, I felt very angry.


The Old Summer Palace is a world-famous royal garden, which took more than 150 years to build. There are halls and pavilions in it... But on October 6, 1860, the British and French troops broke into the Old Summer Palace and set it on fire after robbing it. The fire has been burning for three days, and now the Yuanmingyuan is in ruins.


These hateful bandits are running roughshod over China's territory and doing whatever they want. However, the Chinese people are indifferent. Why? The reason is - lagging behind! If you fall behind, you will be beaten! For what? Because the Qing government was weak at that time! Not only did they not fight, but they also ran away. In this way, the aggressors became even more rampant. They rob, transport and destroy. The treasure of our country, the Old Summer Palace, was destroyed under their claws. What has been destroyed is the crystallization of the wisdom of many generations of people!


This reminds me of the humiliation of Hong Kong's forced cession. It was in 1840, when Britain launched the Opium War, and the Qing government was defeated, so in 1842 it was forced to sign the Nanjing Treaty, permanently ceding Hong Kong Island. At that time, we lost Hong Kong Island because of corruption! Although China is now rich and strong, we should not forget the national humiliation and revitalize China!


So now we should study hard and become the pillar of the country when we grow up. Let the country no longer lag behind and be humiliated! We should study for the rise of China!