
时间:2022-10-17 13:29:46 | 来源:语文通



《活着》读后感3200字 篇1《活着》读后感2800字 篇2

《活着》读后感3200字 篇1


Being alive is a very meaningful word. If you ask me how to understand? Before reading the book Alive written by Yu Hua, I simply understood that "living" meant that my parents gave me life and let me come to the world to live a good life and know the world. This is my understanding of living.


After watching Yu Hua's Alive, I have too many sighs and feelings, but I find it difficult to say and express. On the topic of "living". Maybe you will feel that the topic of "living" is very broad and serious, and you will feel depressed when talking about it. In fact, Yu Hua's Living book teaches you how to respect life, how to keep away from death, and how to understand the meaning of living.


First of all, let me briefly introduce the events that impressed me in the story. Living mainly tells the life experience of the protagonist "Fugui", who has changed from a rich young master to a tenant farmer who has nothing. From ignorance to confusion, he ignores his wife's hardships, his parents' care and love for him, their relatives' love for him, and his responsibilities to his wife and parents. He did not fulfill the responsibility that a husband should have, nor did he fulfill the responsibility to respect, care for and love his parents. Looking further down, the story began to take a turn. The hero "Fu Gui" gradually changed from a "rich young master" who had nothing to do at the beginning into the most important "pillar" of the family. Seeing this change, I began to change the image of the hero "Fu Gui" in the story.


What impressed me most was that my father's death awakened "fortune" from life. Let him realize that he has no dependence, and urge him to start working hard for a living. Then, after his father died, his mother also left him forever. For his mother's death, "Fugui" felt deeply remorse for himself. The loss of his parents made "Fugui" feel sad and hurt. The parents who raised themselves have left one after another, and they have left themselves before they have properly respected their parents and cared for them. When "Fugui" is still immersed in the sadness of the death of both parents, everything is so calm. At this time, the news of the death of his son "Youqing" came, which once again brought a heavy blow to "Fugui". Seeing this, I sighed that "Fugui" was a very unfortunate person. After the death of his parents, he had to face the news of his son's death, which again brought a heavy blow to the family.


At that time, I felt sad when I saw this scene. The life of the hero "Fugui" is very unfortunate. Living may be a painful thing for "Fugui", who leaves one by one in the face of his relatives. Thinking of myself, I am really happy, because I am still alive. Living is no longer a simple thing. It can be said that after reading Yu Hua's Alive, I felt a spirit and a positive energy. The relatives around "Fugui" left one by one and left one by one. The hero "Fugui" is still very strong, good and optimistic, although he walked a very mediocre and difficult road after losing his lover. The departure of relatives, of course, will be a blow to "Fugui", but the important thing is to live bravely and strongly. We live not for others, but for ourselves.

《活着》这本书故事很简单同时也给人留下深刻的印象,主人公“福贵”一生的坎坷经历,还有他从一个无所事事的阔少爷变成家里的顶梁柱,这一转变过程,带给我很多感慨。同时,书里有很多话都引人深思,让我们对活着这个简单任由内涵的有了更深一层的了解。每个人的人生都是很漫长的,同时也很艰辛,也很坎坷。漫长的人生会遇到什么人会遇到什么事情,你是完全不能预测到的。但是能活着就是好的,活着需要有勇气,是勇气让我们可以勇敢面对所有的困难,所有的艰辛,我们应该时刻提醒自己,自己是幸运的,和主人公“福贵”相比起来,我们还要告诉自己,要好好的活着,珍惜自己的生命,好好珍惜父母带给我们的生命,我们的生命是属于父母的,我们没有放弃生命的权力。 所以我们要好好活着, 为了活着而活着。

The story of Alive is very simple, but it also leaves a deep impression. The protagonist "Fu Gui" has a rough life experience, and he has changed from an idle rich young master to the pillar of his family. This transformation process has brought me a lot of feelings. At the same time, many words in the book are thought-provoking, allowing us to have a deeper understanding of the simple content of living. Everyone's life is long, hard and bumpy. You can never predict what will happen to anyone in a long life. But it is good to live. It requires courage. It is courage that enables us to face all difficulties and hardships bravely. We should always remind ourselves that we are lucky. Compared with the hero "Fu Gui", we should also tell ourselves that we should live well, cherish our lives, and cherish the lives our parents bring us. Our lives belong to our parents, We have no right to give up our lives. So we should live well and live to live.


History is a little girl who can be dressed up by others. Even if she is a clown, she can make her debut. Mr. Yu Hua's "Alive" has opened the veil of history, and let us see his cruel and helpless side. The heaviness makes people feel painful, but after the pain, they find that it is not a dream.


"Fortune and honor" fell from the sky, and the goddess of luck took care of him at the beginning of his life. At that time, "Fugui" was a standard rich second generation, with a family of 100 acres of fertile land, parents still alive, and a beautiful and gentle wife as the companion. It was just like that at the peak of life. It's a pity that God will pay him back after all. When the casino fails, it is not only luck, but also our ancestors' foundation and the blessing and value that God has given us. All the wealth we have turned into nothing in a flash, and no matter who, we will feel that he can not escape a beating to solve our hatred for his impotence. However, the author is quite calm here, just writing that Fu Gui is dizzy, his mother cries into tears, and his father is angry in bed. Everything seemed to be calm and there was no big fight. This may be the author's intention to downplay this tragedy, because this tragedy is inevitable, of course, it also paved the way for a larger tragedy. From then on, fortune and honour are no longer "fortune and honour". Some people say that all wealth is empty. The most painful thing in the world is the loss of loved ones. However, fortune and honour lost their wealth first, and then witnessed the loss of loved ones. He finally lost everything. The only thing he didn't lose was his name - fortune and honour. How ironic.


Tragedies all have their origins, and Fugui's tragedy is his own. Once he was extravagant, arrogant, addicted to gambling, and neglected his relatives. With the loss of his family property and the death of his relatives, he realized how valuable his "fortune" was, but the cost of this understanding was too heavy and cruel for him. Here I do not want to elaborate on the death of each living individual in the book. Because when I read about Youqing's death, I almost collapsed. Tragedy does not hold you in high esteem because you are humble and pitiful.


Many years later, on a brilliant evening, an old man named Fugui leaned on an old cow named Fugui. The afterglow of the setting sun touched their wrinkled faces. The breeze blew, and the earth opened his strong chest to embrace the whole world. The old man talked with the stranger about the past. Looking back, the old man saw that he was twenty years old: he was riding a long-term worker on his own land, playing with his treasures in his big house, and quarreling with his elderly parents... Speaking of this, the old man seemed to have tears running across his eyes, but he did not seem too sad, but he was just infinitely sad. Yes, father and mother, Jiazhen, Fengxiang, Youqing, and Kugen all left... Fate played a big joke with him, which made Fugui black and blue, but only he is still alive. Oh, yes, and his old cow.


How could Youqing draw blood and die if he was not bullied by dignitaries? Society eats people! Times eat people! People eat people! However, Fugui is still alive, just as the book says, he lives for living itself. The life of human beings on the land of China is still continuing. Although they are struggling, they are always moving forward, because human beings themselves are thriving.


At the time of writing this article, it was more than a year since I finished reading Living. But when I wrote about Youqing, I still thought of him as a lovely and innocent person. Until he was drawn to draw blood to the end of his life, I clearly saw that his red face was slowly losing color, and his restless hands were gradually losing action... I sympathized with them. They were all living on the stage of historical tragedies, including fortune and honor, Although he is the source of tragedy that should not be forgiven and sympathized. He was originally weak, but he became tough overnight after losing all his money. He learned what responsibility is. Once today's prodigal son never dreamed that he would be reduced to the point of facing the loess and facing the sky. When the prodigal son returned, the tenacious vitality of Chinese peasants for thousands of years burst out on him. However, the transformation at this time cannot change the tragedy. For this reason, I sympathize with Fugui, and I sympathize with his helplessness in the face of tragedy.


The times are changing and the society has been reconstructed several times. What remains unchanged is the land that breeds life and the people who work hard to live on the land.


But people always want to live, we will still choose to live.


Fugui, I want to stay at the end of time as you do in the twilight years and quietly look forward to the past. I hope that I have broken through impermanence and died insipid - a short life that can not withstand too much hardship will come to an end. Living is a sincere gift from the God of Life, and I once had it. As you generally remember, I was a teenager.


Before that, Fugui, I hope you can live with me and understand life by living. Impermanence, as usual.


"To live is full of power in our Chinese language. His power does not come from shouting or attacking, but from suffering, to endure the responsibilities entrusted to us by life, to endure the boredom and mediocrity, happiness and suffering that reality gives us."


Although we don't know what the future holds, it is our inevitable choice to keep going. Sometimes making a choice means victory. Even though we have to bear many unbearable hardships, we still need to be tough and tenacious. Like Fugui, he never fell down despite the ups and downs. With the memories that have been washed into black and white by time, he can still walk leisurely and talk about the past in the sunset, holding the newly bought old scalper. I think this should be the end of persistence, the power of life.


Reading such words, let us feel the fun of words, let us know how our current living state is, let us know the true meaning of living, let us know how to adjust and start again in the future! The full text has a long aftertaste, just like tasting tea. Maybe this is the reason why the novel attracts me.


After reading Yu Hua's Alive, I suddenly realized that we are lucky all the time! What on earth do people live for? Let's follow the footsteps of history and appreciate it carefully!

《活着》读后感2800字 篇2


Recently, I read Yu Hua's novel Alive. The story takes the main line of the hero "Fu Gui" telling his life, and runs through the background of the times as a sideline. It depicts a small person who drifts with the tide, joys and sorrows in the turbulent background of the times.


When Fugui was young, he could be said to be a typical dandy young master. In his early years, he had experienced the prosperity of life and indulged in it wantonly. However, perhaps like that deformed era, prosperity was always like a mirror moon and a splash of water, which could not withstand the cruel wind and grass of reality. Fugui, who was "rich", was so weak and died in a flash. Presumably, Yu Hua also ridiculed the absurdity of that era through the strange change of fortune and honor.


When prosperity is exhausted, what follows is a dandy's unbearable fate that is difficult to adapt to the times. For the first time, Fugui's life fell like a cliff, and his life of "wealth" changed from a life of "clothes" to a life of self support. He must face a cruel and irreversible real destiny of life. Presumably, the happiness and honor at this time are not really alive, but the refusal to give up life, the fear of death, and even the unwillingness to give up and the infatuation of the past "wealth". Faced with the irreversible past and future, Fugui can be said to be "timid". He did not want to die for his next "life". He was "brave" to adapt to the change of fate, to adapt to new social roles, to meet the waves of the times. It can be said that living at this time is simple but true, just for the sake of the present family, for the sake of that breath.


The development of the story is just like what we thought. Efforts will always change. Fugui begins to feel the real taste of living in the turbulence. At this time of life, it is the beginning of real "living". It is not too late. Fugui's life begins to gradually move towards the right track. Presumably, this is the meaning of living. As long as you work hard, there will be new surprises.


But Yu Hua is very cruel. He did not give Fugui a reward for "living" as he believed, nor did he give Fugui a chance to welcome surprise and take a breath. He told us that life is a real executioner. It does not reward efforts or pity efforts. What should come is coming. The changes of the times are rapid, and the adaptability of life is not considered at all. It can be said that the times have given Fugui a heavy blow to his new life, The "muddle headed" and "inexplicable" were dragged to war. This change really reflected that in that era, everything was "muddle headed" and everything was "inexplicable".


In the face of those "inexplicable" deaths on the battlefield, and the real cheap life and death, Fugui not only began to understand what he wanted to live for, but also conveyed this spirit to the people around him. At this time, he began to understand the meaning of his life, that is, to face his relatives again, face the warmth of home, and look forward to new goals. At this time, Fugui has his own interpretation of "living". Living may also be for love. Maybe, that breath, but it is no longer so "simple".


Fugui is lucky. He wants to live with a goal, but life gives him a chance. When he comes back from the battlefield, his son can call his father. For Fugui, it is a consolation and reward for leaving in life and death in the turmoil of his "military" life.


With the arrival of a new era, the decadent things will always be eliminated, including the old "living". In the novel, Yu Hua skillfully uses the passage of shooting Long Er to make a very accurate interpretation of this. When shooting Long Er, Fugui was "scared to piss his pants", and he accurately heard the "five shots", and determined that "I am the one who died thoroughly" and "I am the one who will not die." Presumably, these five shots, It was not only a fierce attack on the decadent feudal society at that time, but also a thorough smashing of Fugui's previous extravagant desire for life. He had a new recognition of living, that is, "one common person is enough."


There are always joys and sorrows in life. The daughter-in-law suddenly fell ill due to overwork, and her daughter became seriously ill and dumb. She had no choice but to send her daughter out. It would be better if the family lived in such a poor life, but fate always gave Fu Gui no respite. His son was so young that he was bled to death in the hospital. Fugui held his cold son in his arms. He could say that he lost one reason for his life, and even said cruelly that his previous supreme belief in "living" was a complete smash and ridicule. Life "humiliated" him, "ridiculed" him, and "challenged" him. At this time, however, Fugui became extremely strong. Presumably, he no longer gave up and feared, but began to endure and resist. At this time, he understood the meaning of living again, that is, challenging life and confronting fate.


When the son is gone, the daughter must have a good end result. The fate has changed in the eyes of others, but the good times are not long. The daughter died in childbirth, and the daughter-in-law followed. There is only a little nephew and son-in-law left in her life. It can be said that we are content to live together. But God has played a big joke again. Yu Hua always "acts" and "acts affectedly", Reading Notes He continued to tell us about the final shock of reality. His son-in-law had an accident, and his son, daughter and son-in-law died in the same hospital dramatically. Destiny once again ridiculed the persistence and belief of fortune and honor, and his expectation of living became so desperate and gloomy.


However, the "damned" Fugui is still firmly alive, because he must live, no longer for anything, just to live!


In the whole process of reading, I hope that although Fugui's life is full of ups and downs, there will always be a perfect ending. At least, with a small favor, Fugui can enjoy the happiness of his family when he is old, but fortune makes people happy, and his relatives leave one after another, leaving Fugui to live in the world. The fate is too sad, and life is still worth remembering? Many people will think that Fugui may not be able to persist, and that they will be depressed in the future, and will express their attitude towards life in a better way. But Yu Hua made a summary with a simple picture. Instead, Fugui bought a "Fugui" cow and lived a normal life every day. It seemed that life had never been so cruel to him. It is only for Fugui. Living is the meaning of Fugui's life. He is no longer obsessed with any reason or belief. Presumably, plain black and white plain writing is the final settlement of the dust.


Seeing this, I can't help but be shocked by Yu Hua's attitude towards life. The essence of life is unyielding, tenacious, unyielding, unyielding, unyielding and constantly challenging. It is the best summary that he is not tired of his happiness. Presumably, no words can accurately express the extent of my shock from this work. The only thing that can better understand the content of the work is that it allows me to have a new understanding of life. I have different understanding of living in this era. No matter which era, there are different ways to live, but there is a common meaning.


In the novel, a person, from a young master to a black sheep, from a deserter in the battlefield to a father, from a father to a grandfather, is still alive despite the ups and downs of the rules in his life. So, outside of the novel, what is our purpose of "living"?


I think Zhang Yimou's later adaptation of the film of the same name based on Yu Hua's "To Live" can be regarded as an interpretation. Living is for the reason that the family can eat around the table. It can be neither rich nor expensive, and it can be neither warm nor full. Family together is the meaning of living, simple and extravagant.


To live is not selfish. To live is great. To choose to live is to choose greatness.


In the recent Reader, actor Hu Ge once again referred to his car accident in the past and the preciousness of the second life. Living at this time is to have a sense of social responsibility, a sense of mission, and a new definition and interpretation. Over the years, Hu Ge's screen career and life state have been shown to everyone in a positive way. The program Hu Ge recited Hamlet's classic dialogue, "To survive and destroy, to give lost people, surprised at the value of life." Alas, how much can a person's understanding of living again change his future.


The reason why we live is to fight against life, struggle and strive for happiness, until one day, we can be calm, live happily, be comfortable, and have a clear conscience. That must be to live.


What about my life? My life is to serve every driver and passenger in the past, adhere to the concept of serving the people, uphold a good service attitude, and make every smile spread farther and more valuable, which is the most appropriate interpretation of youth. I think that with the passage of time, I will have a more positive and healthy understanding of living at work. Every time I turn around and nod and smile sincerely, they are all fresh faces, fresh and different feelings, not only a spiritual guide, but also a spiritual forge ahead.


As Sushi once said, "Life is like a journey, I am also a pedestrian". Life is in a hurry for decades. How can we waste so much time. Living in the present, without thinking about the past and fearing the future, is to live, and living is a practice.