
时间:2022-11-04 13:16:44 | 来源:语文通



草房子读后感 篇1《草房子》读后感 篇2《草房子》读后感 篇3《草房子》读后感 篇4草房子读后感 篇5草房子的读后感500字 篇6

草房子读后感 篇1


The book mainly describes five children's unforgettable six-year primary school life.


Every story and character in the work is closely related to Yau Ma Tei. What impressed me most was the hero, Sang Sang, a clever, witty, mischievous little boy. In the six years of primary school life, he did countless good deeds. When Zhiyue was bullied, Sangsang bravely stood up to protect her. I admire his courage; When Granny Qin was alone, Sangsang accompanied her. I thought he was very caring. However, he made many troubles. He transformed the cupboard into a "pigeon villa"; The mosquito net was used as a fishing net to catch fish and shrimp, but my mother scolded me. Reading this, I can't help giggling.


But in the last chapter, Sang Sang was diagnosed with a terminal disease, and I felt sorry for him. His father ran around looking for a famous doctor for him. Teacher Wen Youju invited him to her medicine shop to make medicine for him. Finally, Dad found the famous doctor and Sangsang was saved. From then on, he became clever and sensible. Seeing this, my tears could not help rolling in my eyes.


In this rural life in Yau Ma Tei, I carefully learned the rich and colorful life of the hero and all kinds of tastes in it. I seem to feel my shadow on Sang Sang. Like Sang Sang, I used to be a naughty boy when I was in grade one or two. I always bullied and clashed with my classmates. My teachers and parents often taught me to live in harmony with my classmates, integrate into the class family, cherish every bit of primary school life, and show more of my good side. Now I am in the fifth grade, and I have become more sensible. The teachers praise me more and more.


Perhaps, everyone is from ignorant to sensible, just like me and Sangsang. But our hearts always have a simple and beautiful heart. No matter how time flows, we will keep this "original heart" and strive to make progress, and we will fly in the wind.

《草房子》读后感 篇2


Some time ago, my son's class began to read the book "Grass House" together. Today, I went to listen to their class's reading exchange class, and was deeply moved by the language and characters in it and the distinctive characters. In the evening, I borrowed this book from my son and sat under the lamp to savor it.


After opening the book, I was touched by a sentence on the title page of the book: Maybe none of us can get out of our childhood... Yes, childhood is a precious and indelible memory in everyone's life.


This book mainly describes the boy Sangsang's childhood life - the unforgettable six years of primary school life. He witnessed or directly participated in a series of seemingly ordinary but tear jerking stories: the flawless purity between young men and girls, the elegance of unlucky teenagers and misfortunes, the persistence of disabled boys in dignity, the personality brilliance of the elderly in the last moment, the profound and beautiful understanding of life in the death experience, and the complicated and poetic emotional entanglements among adults All this is clearly and hazily displayed in the world of young Sangsang. These six years are the six years he received life education. As I read, it seemed that I also came to the grass house and shared happiness and sorrow with Sangsang and his little partners.


Read "Straw House" reminds me of my childhood life -- full of fun: enjoying the benefits of nature freely: catching cicadas, pulling grass, cutting pig grass, playing hide and seek, picking up rice ears, running in the fields... Let me go back to the small mountain village of my childhood -- beautiful scenery: clear river, flocks of ducks playing games, bright green eyes, fresh air... Let me see the smile of my childhood partners -- pure and innocent : Laugh together, make trouble together, make trouble together, play truant together

《草房子》读后感 篇3


I love reading because it allows me to make more friends and learn more knowledge. Cao Wenxuan's Grass House is such a good book. Sang Sang, the hero in the book, is a naughty and lovely child. Although Sangsang's father is a respected headmaster, he is a famous naughty boy. One day, Sang Sang wanted to make a house for his pigeons, but there were no boards at home, so he took down the cabinet and used it as a board to make a house for pigeons. He saw someone in the river fishing with a net. He wanted to fish too. Seeing the mosquito net on the bed, he took it off and used it as a fishing net. When the family was eating fish in the evening, his mother asked Sangsang how he caught the fish? Sang Sang said he caught it with a net. Mom found that the mosquito net was gone, so she punished Sang Sang to sleep in the bed without the mosquito net. At night, Sang Sang was bitten all over by mosquitoes. Sangsang is really cute and naughty.


One thing that impressed me most was that when Sangsang was diagnosed and could not live long, in order to fulfill his sister's wish, Sangsang carried her sister on the wall on more than 100 steps and was too tired to stand up. Just as Sang Sang's life was coming to an end, a miracle doctor said that he only had "rat sores". With the help of Wen Youju's teacher, Sangsang finally recovered from his illness, survived and was able to continue playing with his friends. In this campus, there are not only lovely Sangsang, but also allowed to love children, bald cranes without hair; The gentle paper moon; Persistent Du Xiaokang


After reading this book, I thought of our campus, which is also such a big court. How happy and happy we were playing together with our classmates every day. Thinking of this, I recalled that when we were in the first grade, we were not familiar with each other. But now we are playing in a sunny place, helping each other and learning together. Maybe Mom and Dad, including when we grow up, none of us can get out of our childhood.


Childhood is happy. After reading the book "Grass House", I told myself that when encountering difficulties and failures, as long as we persevere in fighting against difficulties, we believe that we will be able to get out of difficulties.

《草房子》读后感 篇4


This month, I read Cao Wenxuan's work "Grass House". Two of the novels in this book moved me very much.


These are two novellas that tell stories of troubled teenagers. They describe the experiences of two different characters.


The bald crane is a physically handicapped child, and such a person is very striking among classmates. In the memory of each of us, among our classmates, there is a person who likes to have a runny nose, or shake his head, or has poor hearing, or has some defects. Their situation is not very good, because many people like to make fun of them. The bald crane is such a person. We should not discriminate against these vulnerable groups, but should help them to think that they have strength, wisdom, courage and the ability to share for adults.


In another article, Uncle Qiu and Aunt Qiu are not the main characters. The main characters are Xima. They are the prerequisites for Xima to appear. The context of each character's appearance must be clear, otherwise, it will bring us confusion and confusion in reading.


It seems that the thin horse is somewhat similar to the bald crane, and the similarities are so striking. The bald crane is bald, and the thin horse can't communicate with people. It is painful, lonely and lonely when one is unable to communicate and communicate with the same kind of people. The main problem is a person's psychological feelings, a person's sense of fatigue and vulnerability.


These two stories tell us that when we meet people who are different from others in life, we should be tolerant and understanding, and not discriminate against them. Only in this way can we cheer them up in life!

草房子读后感 篇5


The Grass House is a juvenile novel that stresses taste. The work describes the boy Sangsang's unforgettable six-year primary school life. In the past six years, he witnessed or directly participated in a series of seemingly ordinary but tear jerking and heart stirring stories: the flawless innocence between young boys and girls, the sadness and elegance of unfortunate teenagers when they are struggling with bad luck, the persistence of disabled boys in dignity ≤ WWW.. CN ≥, the personality brilliance of the elderly in the last moment, and the profound and beautiful understanding of life in the death experience, The complicated and poetic emotional entanglements among adults are clearly and hazily displayed in the world of young Sangsang. These six years were the six years when he received life enlightenment education.


The work is elegant and full of beauty from beginning to end. The narrative style is humorous and solemn, the overall structure is unique and novel, and the plot design is tortuous and intelligent. The compassion that ripples in all works is also precious and particularly touching in today's world, where the relationship between people is increasingly alienated and the emotion is increasingly indifferent. The whole narrative is clear and clear, and has a certain depth. It is the kind of children's literature that children love and adults can read.


He did not know whether all people grew up in this series of experiences accompanied by lightness and heaviness, joy and bitterness, hope and disappointment.


The power of beauty is no less than that of thought. No matter how profound a thought is, it can become common sense. There is only one thing that never grows old, and that is beauty.


Sangsang is a half child king, very similar to me when I was a child. I have also been a child king among girls for several years. I feel very powerful and courageous. Perhaps none of us can leave our childhood, because the marks that childhood has left on us are indelible and enduring, and guide us to move in this direction. How many decisions and ideas are the echoes of childhood.

草房子的读后感500字 篇6


The style of "The House of Grass" is extremely beautiful. It describes the primary school life that the author has gone away. This seemingly ordinary but actually not simple life is difficult for us to experience in the present era, but we can all understand that there are many accidental, but also inevitable, innocent stories between young men and girls who have not yet grown up but yearn to grow up. When I was reading, I seemed to cross Sang Sang's side. Together with him, I changed the cupboard into a "senior villa" for pigeons, and made mosquito nets into fishing nets; When he fell ill and was diagnosed as an incurable disease, I was almost desperate. Finally, with the treatment of a famous doctor, Sangsang recovered, and I shed tears of joy. We went through that unforgettable experience together, saw the sadness of the unfortunate youth fighting against misfortune, and witnessed the disabled youth's adherence to dignity... In this small grass house, every story was performed, moving, and every experience was tear jerking.


The description of the characters in the book is very characteristic and enlightening. In the behavior of "bald cranes", we have experienced what is true and what is pure. In the body of "Xima", we have experienced what is beauty and what is good. In Du Xiaokang's life full of dramatic changes, we experienced what is sadness and what is courage. Even though there are all kinds of injuries among students, the children's heart is still pure. This kind of emotion is also the most precious thing of our age, and it is the emotion most worthy of our treasure.


After reading the Grass House, I immersed myself in it for a long time and recalled every plot and character in the book for a long time. All these things radiate the brilliance of the beauty of human nature and constantly impact my mind. Please also walk into the Grass House, into the world of Yau Ma Tei, and see how you feel.