
时间:2022-11-12 12:56:11 | 来源:语文通



牵动我的情思作文 篇1牵动我的情思作文 篇2牵动我的情思作文 篇3牵动我的情思作文 篇4一件令我难忘的事作文日记600字 篇5牵动我的情思作文 篇6

牵动我的情思作文 篇1


Father is like white clouds in the sky, he is watching us all the time, although he is silent; Father is like the soil under our feet. He looks up to us all the time, although he is silent.


I am the only child in my family and the only hope of my parents. But I found that my father did not care about me in his study and life, at least I did not hear him ask me a word of love. Every time I go home on Sunday, my mother tells me something trivial happened at home. Every time after the exam, if I fail, my mother will criticize me. But my father seldom asks me about my study when he calls back. Because of this, I feel that my father does not love me. So I began to leave my father from my heart

那天放学,本来爽朗的天气却突然下起了大雨。放学了,别的孩子都被自己的父母带走了,我在校门口焦急地等待着母亲的到来,心里还一直不停地埋怨老天爷:“为什么这时候下雨?”突然间,我觉得身后被一 m..cn 把大伞罩住了。我高兴地回过头正要喊“妈妈”时,却看到了他——父亲。父亲什么话也没有说,就径直坐下把我背到他那宽大的背上,一路上我们什么也没有说,父亲就一直这样埋头背着我在雨中走着。我有几次想让他放我下来,却始终没有说出口。

After school that day, the originally bright weather suddenly began to rain heavily. After school, other children were taken away by their parents. I waited anxiously at the school gate for my mother's arrival, and kept complaining about God: "Why does it rain at this time?" Suddenly, I felt that I was covered by a large umbrella by M. CN behind me. I looked back happily and was about to shout "Mom" when I saw him - my father. My father didn't say anything, so he just sat down and carried me on his broad back. We didn't say anything all the way. My father always carried me in the rain. I tried to ask him to let me down several times, but he never said it.


When I got home, looking at the sweat on my father's forehead and the arms and chest of his already wet clothes, I felt a strange feeling in my heart. I immediately felt that I had never lacked the love of my father. I had always had it, but I didn't realize it. Only then did I understand that my father's love was always with me.


It is said that father is like a mountain, always carrying the burden of the family. But I want to say that my father is a cup of bitter coffee. Only when you taste it slowly can you find the sweetness.


I am glad that I have a great but silent love - fatherly love.

牵动我的情思作文 篇2


It's autumn, and the air is getting cooler


From time to time, there will be a series of coughs, which affect my heart.


I still remember that I was the first person to catch a cold at this time of the year. Little me, curled up, sat on the sofa, sneezing and coughing one after another. Whenever this happened, my mother would give me more clothes, and my father would give me cold medicine and cough tea. He always took the medicine and sat next to me. He said with a smile, "You are such a weak child. You are not like your father and me at all. Look, I am always invulnerable. Unlike you, you are knocked down by a few winds.". The tone was very relaxed, but the eyes were clearly distressed.


At night, I sometimes wake up in a daze and feel warm. I don't know when the quilt that I kicked open in my sleep returns to me now. On the corridor at home, there was a faint sound of light buttons, and Dad's heavy walking voice gradually decreased until it disappeared.


I always knew that my father had paid for me and loved me, but in this time that will never return, my father is no longer as invulnerable as before.


Unconsciously, my father is already in his early 40s. His once proud black and beautiful hair has also grown a little bit of white hair. I don't know when my father has started coughing.


This year my father coughed very badly, but I have stopped coughing. My father's cough affected his heart just as my cough affected his heart. I went to the kitchen to make him a cup of cold medicine and sent it to his room, just like he used to treat me. I half jokingly and half heartily learned the way he used to treat me, pretended to be relaxed, and said, "How about you, old uncle?"? Have you caught a cold this year? Drink this cup of medicine quickly, and you'll get better soon. He took the medicine and was stunned for two seconds. He stretched out his hand and shouldered me on the shoulder. Yo, the little broken boy can sympathize with his father. It's really good. After saying that, we looked at each other and smiled. The years were quiet and the time was not old.


There are thousands of voices in this world, but maybe only my father's cough can affect my heart. A cough affects my heart. That's my father's love and care for me.

牵动我的情思作文 篇3


There was a voice that was very harsh and loud. There was a voice that sounded in the downtown. There was a voice that called for the company of relatives. But this voice, two years ago, broke my soul. Walking in the street, I heard nothing more noisy than the "Didi" sound of car horns. I seem to be back in the past.


When I was young, my grandfather was the best one among all my relatives. He took me to see the sea, play with me, and fish with me. Because my parents were busy when I was young, I stayed at my grandfather's house. Later, my parents took me back. When parting, the tall and straight figure said to me, "It's OK. Come back then. I'll accompany you to see the sea."


Every time he came, his father would press the whistle. The voice of "Didi" was rough and loud, as if it had some magic power. Every time it sounded, he would run out to meet the grandson who always made trouble for him.


Once, when he picked me up, I grabbed his long beard and was pulled off by me. He also laughed and deliberately pricked me with his beard.


Later, when I grew up, he always did something that repelled me. There is also the habit of drinking too much. I always talk nonsense after drinking and scold my grandma and other family members one by one, but I have to recover my peace in front of me. I was getting used to it, so I quarreled with him.


But in any case, he always appeared in front of us when the car whistle sounded, and then the relationship was eased.


Another winter solstice evening, when the car whistle sounded, he came over to greet us in a thin dress and went out. He came back with two big crabs in his hands. I just knew that he knew that I had not eaten well at noon, so he rushed to buy food for me before the market closed.


Until one night two years ago, the car whistle sounded, but the old figure never came out.


The car horn sounded in my ears one after another, but my heart could not be calm for a long time.

牵动我的情思作文 篇4


I always think that heaven is the most beautiful thing.


The color of the sky will change, as it changes, so will the people who look at it. Sometimes the sky is dark blue, like a sapphire. It is not a very clear gem, but a little turbid, with white spots. It makes people feel that the sky is several layers thick and has lost its proper color, which makes people really sad for it.


I don't like that kind of day. It's not a day. It's a low sky. What's good about being low? It can only make people feel sad. The sky I like, or the sky in my heart, is the kind of light blue sky, the kind that seems to be absent. There is no large cloud, only an endless blue, like a sea hanging upside down in the sky, which makes people happy and comfortable.


I have a special feeling for God, which has not been a year or two. In my opinion, the beautiful scenery in the world is set off by the sky. Without the background of the sky, all the beautiful scenery would not exist. Therefore, it can be said that the sky is the most beautiful scenery in the world. All landscapes and forests need to be divided into three parts. This is no exaggeration.


It is also believed that the ancients had feelings for the sky. All the immortals in the myth live in the sky, not in other places. Why? Because myth is the beautiful imagination of the ancients, and the immortals are beautiful owners, they should also live in a beautiful place. This place is the sky. The sky is pure, and a pure place is a beautiful place.


I always want to use the most gorgeous pen to write about the beauty of the sky, because it always makes me fall into the vortex of reverie. Imagine the legendary Peach Blossom Garden and the mythical Penglai Fairy Island. Looking up at the light blue sky, everything in the dream can be imagined. It is my love, my soul and the root of everything.


The sky is important. It contains all kinds of people's feelings and affects my feelings. May the sky be blue forever, and may my soul protect this pure "blue" forever.

一件令我难忘的事作文日记600字 篇5


There are many things in life, including happiness, sadness, laughter and tears. Life is really colorful. Of course, I am no exception. In my life, there is one thing that I remember vividly.


"Haha, it was not easy to save 20 yuan. I can buy books." I showed off in front of my parents with money. I know the money is not worth mentioning to them. But for me, I can buy two books for teenagers that I have been looking forward to for a long time.


I took the money and walked happily on the road. Suddenly, many colorful books appeared in my mind. This makes me speed up the pace of going to the bookstore. Within a few minutes, I happily walked into the bookstore.


There are quite a few people in the bookstore, but I still crowded in. I chose two copies of The Little Tigers of Adventures and came to the payment area. After paying, I rushed home, turned on the fan, and lay in bed reading with interest. When I read, I was excited and frightened. It seems that I have joined the Little Tigers and become one of them. Looking at me, I fell asleep unconsciously. After a while, I fell asleep. Then I came to a gloomy forest. A little thing jumped from the tree and kept scratching my face. At this time, I had to escape from sleep. My younger brother kept drawing my face as a notebook. I jumped out of bed and ran to the mirror in the bathroom to look at it. Who knows my face has become a cat. I wet the towel and rubbed it back and forth on my face for a long time, but only a part of it was rubbed away, and there were still a few thick ones that I could not rub. I had to let him hang on my face for a few days.


In the afternoon, I had to go out to eat with my head down. Mom and Dad looked at it and said, "It's strange. They always quarrel when they come out. What's wrong today? Is it uncomfortable?" I looked up and talked to my parents about today's event. They couldn't keep their mouths shut after listening to it. The younger brother didn't know what was going on, but he also laughed. I couldn't help laughing at them.


Whenever I am unhappy, I always think of it, because it can restore my original happy mood.

牵动我的情思作文 篇6


Everyone has a good voice that affects his heart. It may be the sound of continuous rain, which makes people feel relaxed and happy; It may be a bright reading voice, which makes people sound bookish; It may be a tinkling bell, which makes people sound like Uyghur Americans. Which kind of "good voice" is the voice that affects your heart?


However, for me, the "good voice" that affects my heart is the sound of continuous rain. Every time you are at home by the stove, you can enjoy the sound of rain while baking and reading. The sound of the rain was like a delicate girl. The raindrops seemed to dance in the drizzle. The drizzle looked very lovely, with sharp, round and polygonal shapes.


The sound of the continuous rain is doing different things, and it will also have an unusual sound. When I am reading, I will feel that the sound of the rain is a quiet song, as if it is going to take me to sleep. I listen quietly, listening to the ups and downs of the song, and the unusual rhythm. Once, when my mother was sick, I took care of her in the hospital. I saw that my mother's body was so weak, and she told me not to call my father, I was worried. I was afraid that my mother would leave me from then on. I thought about it. I cried. Suddenly, there was thunder. It was drizzling outside. I smiled again. I was glad that it could accompany me in sorrow and share my sadness with me. The sound of rain at that time was like the cry of a newborn child. It continued. Later, my mother suddenly woke up and I ran to the window immediately, Say loudly: "Thank you, rain, you are a good voice that affects my heart, always." There are many "good voices" in the world, but everyone has a "good voice" that touches his heart. That kind of good voice is always in his heart, in his mind, and in his memory. However, I am no exception. I also have a "good voice" that affects my heart, that is, the continuous rain sound that can make people feel relaxed and happy.