
时间:2022-11-02 12:58:49 | 来源:语文通


2020年奋斗正当时演讲稿作文 篇1青春逢盛世奋斗正当时演讲稿 篇22020年奋斗正当时演讲稿作文 篇3青春逢盛世奋斗正当时演讲稿 篇42020年奋斗正当时演讲稿作文 篇5

2020年奋斗正当时演讲稿作文 篇1


"The beginning of his work is simple, and the end of his work will be great."


Build confidence with your original heart and let the wind blow from east to west, from north to south. When the epidemic was raging, the Party and the country faced up to the difficulties. Party organizations at all levels and the majority of Party members stepped forward, one red fortress was as solid as gold, and the party flag was flying high on one side. In the decisive year of building a moderately prosperous society in all respects, we answered the "big test" of the epidemic with tenacity and determination. Nothing can stop China from moving forward steadily. To build a moderately prosperous society in all respects by 2020 is a solemn commitment made by our Party to the people and history. Affirmation is firm and original intention is not changed. Just because there are only 300 days left this year, we will never relax, slack off, or stop fighting to win the battle against poverty. Those who are "poor in poverty, trapped in poverty" are determined to use the strength and wisdom of the whole country to hunt the battle flag.


Refine your tenacity by sharpening, and let the wind and rain fight in the sky. "If you enter the room of Zhilan, you will not smell its fragrance for a long time." Although the greenhouse is good, it can only grow delicate flowers; The warm water will only trap frogs. Party cadres should work hard to rejuvenate the country. On the way forward, the risk tests we face will only become more and more complex, and even encounter unimaginable storms. This year's epidemic test is one, and it is precisely such a test that makes Party members and cadres, especially young cadres, be tempered by fire and accelerate their growth. Just over a month ago, those childish faces on the front line of the epidemic who had taken off their masks and had blood stains seemed to be matched with a calm and mature expression; Application for joining the Party from the front line, with "red" enthusiasm and "green" youth. In the epidemic prevention and control, grass-roots cadres in poor areas have shown a strong fighting capacity. They are "poverty relief teams" and "epidemic fighting teams". They not only stabilize the people's hearts and minds in the prevention and control of the epidemic, but also ensure the people's life; When the situation of epidemic prevention and control is changing positively, we should respond to the call, seize the time node and work priorities, and focus on the most problematic and difficult jobs, such as labor migration, poverty alleviation product sales, and assistance.


With science and technology to help struggle, good wind depends on strength. At present, the reliability rate of rural power supply has reached 99%, and the proportion of broadband access to poor villages in deep poverty areas has reached 98%. There is more hardware support for poverty alleviation through science and technology. The scientific and technological achievements are organically combined with the regional natural resources, development needs and mass appeals. The vegetable gift package, which came into being as the times require, is delivered to the targeted areas on demand. WeChat helps the flower farmers sell flowers. The waiters in the restaurant are transferred to temporary delivery workers, online job fair interviews, and air student classes. The exchange of information and demand makes the cloud industry in the virtual world flourish in the real world. Compared with simple and direct approaches such as "sending rice" and "scattering money", poverty alleviation through science and technology is not limited by regions. It can more keenly and efficiently use big data to find a way out of poverty, and implement precise policies and targeted poverty alleviation. Industries, products and technologies have their destination, and external needs have been met as soon as possible. Poverty alleviation through science and technology, because of the demand for knowledge, also makes the scientific and cultural quality of farmers have been improved unprecedentedly.


With the sense of publicity, we will work together to advance and retreat. At the time of the most severe epidemic, all departments at all levels gave full play to the role of the Internet, and made use of mobile phones, televisions, LED mobile screens, word screens and other common carriers to do a good job of epidemic prevention publicity and stabilize the popular sentiment; In the stage of mobilization and redeployment of poverty alleviation, online and offline publicity should still play a role in conveying leaders' instructions and encouraging morale. Only by gaining the understanding and support of the people, meeting the people's expectations, benchmarking, unifying the pace, and returning to work, will the flowers of struggle become more and more colorful in the remaining 10 months of this year, the set goals are impartial, all visions are realized one by one, and both epidemic prevention and poverty alleviation will be achieved.


青春逢盛世奋斗正当时演讲稿 篇2


He Junlin said, "Love varies from person to person. Young people should be like this. Every generation of young people who move mountains day by day has their own love that they are desperate for. Every passionate love deserves to be treated with heart." If you love something, you should treat it with heart, not live up to your love, nor let yourself regret it.




If there is a miracle in the world, it is just another name of effort.











"The direction of the king is to forge ahead, and the more frustrated, the more brave, and make persistent efforts." Come on, the struggling teenagers.


Hua Luogengbest-known Chinese mathematician


Hua Luogengbest-known Chinese mathematician的一生也是命运多舛。他因家境贫困,所以从小就替父亲担起全家的生活重任。但他并没有因此荒废学业,他一有空,就借几本数学书来看。他用5年时间自学了高中三年和大学初年级的全部数学课程。


However, his fate was very strange. At the age of 18, he contracted typhoid fever. For this reason, everything in his family was sold out, but his condition did not improve. God envies Yingcai for saying that.


Hua Luogengbest-known Chinese mathematician有家人的精心照顾,总算保住了生命,但却成了终身残疾。后来在原就学的中学老师的关怀下,选择了到这所中学里当勤杂工。他一有空就借书看,伤残的左腿时常疼痛得钻心,但是他仍一心在数学王国的海洋里劈波斩浪,将身躯的疼痛、生活的艰辛和世道的不公统统抛在脑后,颇有一种忘我的架势。


Finally, he succeeded. He became a famous mathematician in China. He won the battle against fate, or maybe God didn't have the heart to let such a genius die young.


Who hasn't gone his own way? After getting angry, I'm afraid there's less persistence. The so-called future is the present. Let's live up to our love and fight with what people say is an invincible destiny. Even if we lose, it's better than those cowards who dare not even try. What's the right to complain about the unfair fate.


"When the world goes by, there will be tenderness and moonlight at the end of the road." Teenager, come on, run towards your light. You will succeed in the end. The fate is indeed unfair, but it is also fair. It will make your efforts and gains proportional, and it will prove whether you have tried. Someone once said: "In the time and space suitable for running, you should run heartily and never waste time." Therefore, please run towards your light, and time will give you a satisfactory answer.

2020年奋斗正当时演讲稿作文 篇3


When the red sun rises, its path is bright. The river flows in and out of the river. The hidden dragon soars into the abyss, and its scales and claws soar. The milk tiger howls in the valley, and all animals are frightened. The hawk tested its wings, and the wind and dust played. The first birth of exotic flowers is the emperor of Japan. Gan Jiang makes a speech. The sky wears its grey, the ground wears its yellow. Even though there are thousands of years, there are eight wastelands. The future is like the sea.


A colorful and vigorous spring has come, and a new journey full of promise has begun. "I am most concerned about the people in difficulty." His simple words reflected the pure heart of the people's leaders and demonstrated the responsibility of the Communists. Faced with the worldwide problem of overcoming poverty, how should the CPC and the Chinese people blow the horn to win the fight against poverty? Ding Yonghua, a poverty relief cadre from Yangji Village, Sandu Shui Nationality Autonomous County, Guizhou Province, said, "No one dares to die, but only the Communists are not afraid of death." Indeed, in the most critical period of the decisive battle to overcome poverty, Party members and cadres should dare to take on the responsibility and fight, maintain the fighting spirit and enhance their fighting skills at all times, and work hard in the decisive battle to overcome poverty.


Things are born of worry, accomplished in business, and lost in pride. The great Chinese dream and the cause of poverty alleviation that is about to come to a historic end are not something that can be waited for and called for, but that can be forged and done under the careful planning and leadership of the centennial CPC and the practical efforts of the people. Since the start of poverty alleviation, the Party has led the country and the people to overcome difficulties. Relying on the spirit of self-reliance and hard struggle, and relying on the unyielding and wisdom of "opening roads in mountains and building bridges in rivers", the Party has fulfilled every heroic pledge to lift itself out of poverty. As Huang Dafa, an old secretary of the Communist Party of China in Guizhou's remote mountains, said, "Water cannot cross, but life cannot", He led the masses to erase the memory of generations who had been hungry and hard for "eating rice soup only during the Spring Festival". The cause of poverty alleviation has gone through thousands of mountains and rivers. At present, it is in a crucial period of victory, and we still need to cross mountains and rivers and forge ahead courageously. We must not have a little bit of complacency, complacency, and complacency, nor any hesitation, and history will always selectively annihilate the losers who are complacent, complacent, indecisive, and indecisive, and always remember the fighters who stand on the tide and fight bravely, For example, Huang Wenxiu, a poverty alleviation cadre in Baise, Guangxi, and Wang Xinfa, a veteran of the army, have advanced deeds of poverty alleviation for thousands of miles and selfless dedication of "bow down and be willing to serve the young". Their actions have been quietly branded with the spirit of the new era, inspiring generations of Communists, making them fight with high morale and forge ahead, so that they can understand the great struggle, great project, great cause The significance of the great dream is to contribute our Chinese wisdom of poverty reduction to the world, so that the people can live a happy life.


The action of roc is not the lightness of a feather;


The speed of a steed is not the power of one foot. The success of any thing does not depend on individual factors or the strength of single handedness. So does the victory of poverty alleviation. We have countless heroes who have made silent contributions to the cause of poverty alleviation. They are veterans, college students, village officials, university professors, township cadres, the first secretary in the village, village doctors, ordinary party members, plain people, With their youth and blood, they played the music of victory in the cause of poverty eradication, and forged the value of Communists in the new era - "never forget the original intention and remember the mission";


It has written the Lei Feng spirit of the Communists in the new era.


No small steps can lead to thousands of miles, no small streams can lead to rivers and seas. In the face of the cause of poverty alleviation, we not only rely on selfless dedication and selfless sacrifice.


We should defeat the seeds on the way forward. We must firmly rely on the people to face risks and challenges and successfully realize the grand blueprint outlined at the 19th National Congress.


It is our time and power to meet the prosperous times;


It's a long way to go, which is our responsibility.

青春逢盛世奋斗正当时演讲稿 篇4


A nation will prosper only when its young people thrive. In the special year of the 100th anniversary of the founding of the CPC, today we welcome the May 4th Youth Day. Standing at the beginning of the 14th Five Year Plan, young people must inherit and carry forward the spirit of the May 4th Movement, strengthen their ideals and beliefs, develop their skills, devote themselves to the great cause of becoming a strong country, and fight bravely on the new long march to realize the Chinese Dream of great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.


The May 4th Movement is the "youth memory" of modern China. The May 4th Movement, which broke out in 1919, was a great patriotic revolutionary movement against imperialism and feudalism, with advanced young intellectuals as the vanguard and the broad masses of the people participating. Looking back on the centennial history, it is the May 4th Movement that has stirred up a torrent of historical changes and marked the new spiritual coordinates of the Chinese nation. From this movement, China has successively created one "miracle on earth" after another with a brave attitude. The May 4th spirit of "patriotism, progress, democracy and science" formed by the May 4th Movement has also become a major spiritual pillar on the road to national rejuvenation. It can be said that the May 4th Movement is the "youth memory" of modern China. This unforgettable memory has condensed the magnificent youth power and created a youth China that is admired by the world.


The most beautiful "youth background" is drawn by joining in the great cause of a powerful country. The river of time flows endlessly. Every generation of young people has their own opportunities and opportunities. Standing at the new starting point of building a socialist modern country in an all-round way, youth meets prosperity and struggle is at the right time. We are pleased to see that whether it is the retrograde expedition of a large number of "post-90s" and "post-00s" medical personnel when the COVID-19 hit, or the young village officials who have taken root at the grass-roots level and devoted themselves to poverty alleviation, or the express boys who walk through the streets, contemporary youth shoulder the mission of youth, regard struggle as "spiritual food" for growth, and contribute "youth power" with innovation and creation. Therefore, the majority of young people should always maintain their family and country feelings of "supporting the country with our presence", listen to the voice of the Party, follow the Party, and be brave to be the pioneers, pioneers, and devotees of the new era, so that the vigorous youth can draw the most beautiful "youth background" in the great cause of becoming a powerful country.


Cultivate excellent skills to write a gorgeous "youth picture". "Talents are superior, and learning is the way to know things." Young people are both dreamers and dreamers. If you want to pursue your dreams, you must develop excellent skills. Looking back at history, Dong Cunrui, Qiu Shaoyun, Lei Feng, Huang Wenxiu and other youth models are all examples of young people. Only by learning from the best can we create the style of today's youth. Therefore, on the one hand, as a young Chinese in the new era, we should consciously carry forward the spirit of patriotism and collectivism, always be concerned about the country and the people, love the country and the people, stand firm in the people's position, constantly cultivate noble character, and actively participate in the great practice of socialism with Chinese characteristics; On the other hand, we should raise the ideal sail and calm down to study hard. We should not only cherish time like gold, but also work tirelessly to concentrate and enjoy ourselves quietly, but also highlight the backbone and select its essence, and strive to be both knowledgeable and professional. In particular, we should increase our knowledge and temper our character in learning, increase our talents and develop our skills in work, and show our talents and serve the society in serving the people. Only in this way can we develop excellent skills to write a gorgeous "youth picture".


Pursue the dream of the times and sing the song of youth. "There is only one youth in one's life. Now, youth is used for struggle; in the future, youth is used for memory." To win a new victory in building a socialist modern country in an all-round way, the door to dreams has been opened and the pace of youth will never stop. We firmly believe that the youth responsibility of the new era will be written down with loyalty, so that the vigorous youth will resonate with the feelings of family and country, and the "Song of Youth" of the new era will become louder and louder!

2020年奋斗正当时演讲稿作文 篇5


In order to do a good job in all aspects of poverty alleviation in the rush phase of poverty alleviation, we must strengthen the business study of poverty alleviation, use spare time to repeatedly learn online courses, review the old and learn the new, draw inferences from one instance, learn to understand the policies related to poverty alleviation, and use the knowledge learned to guide work, summarize experience, apply what we have learned, and then improve the ability to help in poverty alleviation.


The year 2020 is the decisive year for poverty alleviation. Training the Psychological Ability of Grass roots Cadres and other related courses such as poverty alleviation policy theory, industrial development, poverty alleviation cases, made me feel a lot. I realized the difficulty and complexity of winning the battle against poverty, had a more comprehensive understanding of the poverty alleviation work, and pointed out the direction for the future poverty alleviation work. Here are some of my experiences in this training course:


First, we should improve our ideological understanding and prepare ourselves for decisive battle and victory. At present, the poverty alleviation has entered the final "sprint" stage. The Organization Department of the Provincial Party Committee held this special online training course on poverty alleviation, aiming to comprehensively enhance the sense of responsibility and urgency of the majority of poverty alleviation cadres to win the battle against poverty, expand new ideas and methods, and improve their practical ability. It is a timely rain for our poverty relief team and helpers. To this end, we must improve our political position, enhance our sense of responsibility and urgency to do a good job in poverty alleviation, deeply understand the great significance of poverty alleviation, soberly understand the outstanding problems and difficulties that naturally exist in the current poverty alleviation, mobilize our troops, and prepare ourselves for a decisive battle.


Second, strengthen poverty alleviation business learning and improve the ability of poverty alleviation. The online special training course for poverty alleviation covers a wide range of contents, all of which are excellent courses, including more than 20 class hours of poverty alleviation policy theory, industrial development, poverty alleviation cases and other related courses. There are not only university experts and professors who preach to solve problems, but also front-line cadres who introduce advanced experience. Through online learning, I realized that there are many weaknesses in poverty alleviation policy knowledge in my poverty alleviation work, Although I have studied hard for some days, there is still a long way to go before I can understand and understand. I need to think in learning and practice in thinking, and constantly strengthen the power and ability to do a good job in poverty alleviation.


Third, forge the spirit of meticulous care to help the local people to overcome poverty. The work of poverty alleviation must be done with great care. Whether it is the special inspection "looking back" by the central government and the rectification of the feedback problems from the 2019 national performance assessment, or the formulation of the "one family, one plan" and "one person, one measure" for poor households, it must be detailed, practical and realistic. There must be no room for carelessness. We must earnestly implement the various poverty alleviation policies of our superiors, thoroughly investigate and change the problems in the poverty alleviation in our region, We will be in good working condition to welcome the end of this year's nationwide fight against poverty.