When the fisherman got home, he put the snipe and clam in the basket, covered them, and went to bed.
The snipe heard the fisherman's snore and said, "Let's stop quarrelling. Let's escape together, or we'll all be eaten." The clam said, "OK, but you can't eat me after you go out." The snipe said, "Between living and living, I still have to choose to live. I promise you, I won't eat you, let's run first!" Then the snipe pecked holes in the basket cover with its sharp beak, and the clam pushed the basket cover with its hard shell. With the impact of the clam, the hole on the basket cover became larger and larger, and the snipe and clam escaped from the hole.
In the morning, the fisherman found the snipe and clam missing, and regretted that he had not eaten them immediately that night.
The fisherman put the snipe and clam in the basket and went to sleep. Listening to the sweet grunt, the snipe and the clam knew that the fisherman had gone to sleep. The snipe said, "Open my mouth." The clam strongly disagreed and said, "No, if I loosen your mouth, you will peck my meat." The snipe was worried and said, "I swear, I will not peck your meat. If I peck your meat, you can clamp me again." The clam was relieved and said, "All right. Let's discuss how to escape. The gate has been locked." The snipe had an idea and said, "We will fly out of the window." The clam was worried and said, "But I can't fly." The snipe was very loyal and said, "I'll carry you out." So the clam climbed onto the snipe's back and they escaped together.
On the way, the snipe was tired and went to peck the flesh of the clam again. The clam did not show any weakness and once again clamped the snipe's mouth. In this way, none of them would give in. As a result, they were caught by fishermen again.
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