
时间:2022-11-23 13:06:49 | 来源:语文通



岁月神偷观后感 篇1岁月神偷观后感 篇2岁月神偷观后感 篇3岁月神偷观后感 篇4岁月神偷观后感 篇5

岁月神偷观后感 篇1


In the course of sociological investigation methods, the teacher showed us a small literary film named "Time Thieves" from Hong Kong. Although it is not the first time to watch this film, when you calm down and taste this film for the second time, you will feel another layer and taste a different flavor.


The film is set in Hong Kong in the 1960s. The whole film takes the little boy Luo Jin'er as the perspective to watch the family changes, and reflects the stubborn and optimistic life attitude of the grassroots under the simultaneous suppression of the Hong Kong and British governments at that time.


Luo Jin'er, a little boy, lives in a happy family although he is poor. My father is a shoemaker in a dilapidated alley. Although his craftsmanship is good, he can only live from hand to mouth in such a chaotic social environment. The old shoemaker is not good at words, but he is hardworking and does his best to support his family silently. Mother is a person who is diametrically opposite to her father. She is eloquent and straightforward, but all her efforts are also to seek more benefits for the family. The little boy also has a brother, Luo Jinyi, who is tall, handsome, sensible and kind. He is the pride of his family and even the whole alley. But Luo Jin'er, a little boy, was a naughty boy. He didn't like learning and ran around. He even took away the things he liked and carefully collected them. This is a typical grass-roots family. Although there are occasionally foreign policemen who take the opportunity to make a fortune when life is tight, everyone is also stable and happy.


However, a life that is too perfect always has a deadline. A sudden typhoon swept over Hong Kong, which is still in chaos. During the typhoon, Luo Jin'er and his family were in a panic to take remedial measures, but they could not make up for the fact that the roof of the previously weak house was almost removed. The shoes that the old shoemaker used to make to support his family for many days were all blown away, making the previously poor family even poorer. However, things are far from simple as imagined. Luo Jinyi, the eldest brother who fainted in the typhoon, was found to have blood cancer after being taken to the hospital. You should understand that Jinyi is the expectation of the whole family, and the whole family's expenses are all for Jinyi to study in the best school! Overnight, this ordinary family suffered a series of misfortunes, almost to the point that it can no longer support. Of course, Luo Jin'er, who is still young, can't understand what happened. He only thinks that his father's frown is deeper, and his mother's eye socket is red many times


However, even under such circumstances, the indomitable character of the old shoemaker family has never been eliminated. Although the boy's mother didn't read much, she often encouraged her father to be optimistic. I still remember that while her eyes were red, she said to the old shoemaker, "Life is a hard step, a good step, a hard step, a good step...". However, life was not touched by this. Brother Jinyi's illness became more and more serious, and his family finally had no money at all. As a last resort, the old shoemaker had to go to the pawnshop late at night to pawn his only valuable wedding ring. When the boy's mother found in the hospital that the old shoemaker's rough hands, which had been making shoes for years, had no ring, leaving only a ring pattern that was deeply depressed, the seemingly strong woman finally choked.


After all, the elder brother Luo Jin has left. He is in the prime of his life, leaving behind his budding feelings and an infinitely bright future. He left, bringing endless pain to the family. After a few years, the boy's father also died, leaving only the little boy Luo Jin'er and his mother to live together, and life finally returned to a simple and peaceful life. Luo Jin'er also finally grew up, no longer naughty, but as good as his brother who had left.


Just like the film name "Time Thief", in life, time is the biggest thief. It steals our favorite, most valued, incomprehensible, incomprehensible, our feelings, precious time and beloved heartache memories. In the eyes of the little boy Luo Jin'er, the joy of his childhood, the happiness of having a family together and his beloved relatives also passed away from him in the course of time. And he, also in the years slowly sensible, slowly mature.


There is no grand scene in the film. It just describes the experiences of an inconspicuous family. However, as we all know, the simpler the thing, the more deeply rooted in people's hearts. It makes you feel lost in the insipid, and makes you cry uncontrollably.


I hope that everyone in difficult times can find their own happiness in hardship!

岁月神偷观后感 篇2


With simple plot and plain narration, The Age Thieves deduces family affection and juvenile ignorant love to be true and kind. It makes people believe that even in the ordinary reality, there must be a great possibility of beauty.


People should always believe that the future is beautiful. In the 1960s, Hong Kong had to endure the oppression of the British government in Hong Kong, the influence of the mainland movement, and the typhoon and rainstorm that landed from time to time. However, Mr. and Mrs. Luo seemed particularly calm. Even though the road ahead is extremely dark and the social sentiment is extremely indifferent, they still maintain a hot and sincere heart and face all the difficulties of life with hope. In the face of social cruelty and injustice, they always believe that the future is beautiful. That's why Mr. Luo said optimistically in the big storm, "Keep this top, everything will be fine." When Mrs. Luo learned that Jin Yi was in critical condition, she remained firm in her belief of "being a man, always believe", so that she would be open-minded to "take a hard step, take a good step".


People should always believe that happiness is eternal. Luo Jinyi said: "The goldfish is happy because its memory is only three seconds... But some things will be remembered for a lifetime." Even in the fickle life, time is the biggest thief, stealing the innocent childhood, the lives of relatives, and those things that were once regarded as the most precious by us. But some people, some things have been deeply imprinted in our minds, even time can not erase. Just like the eternity may not exist, but if there is an infinite universe in a grain of sand, there must be an immutable time there in a moment. In the play, Luo Jinyi's life is short, but he leaves with sweetness, because he believes that happiness is eternal, and even goldfish will remember the beautiful time of first love all their lives.


People should always believe that the world is fair. Everyone has his own way to go. Maybe some people will complain about the unfairness of God, why they were not born with a golden spoon; Maybe some people will scold the unfairness of God, why some people lose their young lives prematurely; Maybe... Look at Luo Jinyi's family. In the face of poverty, they live a very interesting life. They love each other very much; In front of the god of death, they fought tenaciously and would never admit defeat even if they lost their fortune! They have no complaints. If you ask them what happiness is, they will tell you: happiness is to enjoy every day.


People should always believe that the world is full of love!

岁月神偷观后感 篇3


Most tender films are simple and not wordy enough, but this film is good in this respect, but later I died and later I remembered my brother's two paragraphs a little too late, and 90% of the rhythm is relatively normal.


This film, also known as 1969 Space Odyssey, should be said purely from the perspective of a child. The film uses the perspective of a child wearing a fish tank to sketch the Hong Kong street scene in 1969, making the city in turmoil look less bleak and difficult, and leaving more space for the audience to imagine. The director Luo Qirui was once an assistant director of Xu Anhua. It seems that they also have a relatively consistent educational background. Therefore, the films they made show the same tone, nostalgia, and warmth in details. They also like to use slightly yellowed pictures, with the intention of reflecting the state of the whole society from a small perspective. Hong Kong in 1969 was oppressed by Britain, officials were corrupt, and the occasional typhoon hit. These events are reflected in the film, and these events fully portray the strong will of a man struggling at the bottom.


Ren Dahua said when he was having a haircut in Qin Pei's shop that it would be better to care about one's head and one's feet at the beginning. Why is it like this now.


What I fear most is this kind of story. A person has the ability to bear hardships, but no effort can improve his living condition. In the final analysis, the social change is too fast, and many people can not keep up with the pace of change, so they have to be left behind by the tide of the times. Who can blame this? There are many things that don't make sense. Craft doesn't mean there will always be food. As my brother said to my brother, "Nothing in the world is always effective." People live in this era like ants, but they must have tough nerves and an elephant's vision. Sometimes they don't know whether to thank this era or sigh about it.

或许我们也该相信那个坚强乐观的女人所说的话:一步佳一步难,一步难一步佳。“做人总要信!”这是那个女人的信念。听起来就像是空洞盲目的迷信,但谁又能说这种宗教式的信仰不能支撑你度过一场又一场台风呢?我一直觉得坚强啊毅力啊这种东西,在绝望和底层的人民当中体现的最深刻又最体现不出来,因为你无路可逃,只能选择坚强。与其说这是一种精神,倒不如说是人求生的本能。所以很多时候,我们并不用选择坚强,只需要选择to be or not to be。

Maybe we should also believe what the strong and optimistic woman said: One step is better than another, and one step is more difficult than another. "A man should always believe!" This is the woman's belief. It sounds like an empty blind superstition, but who can say that this religious belief can not support you through one typhoon after another? I have always felt that such things as strength and perseverance are the most profound and invisible among the desperate and bottom people, because you have no way to escape and can only choose to be strong. This is not so much a spirit as an instinct for survival. So in many cases, we don't have to choose to be strong, we just need to choose TO BE OR NOT TO BE.


Life is not a director, the director is trying to make people desperate, and life will always leave a gap for you. The scattered houses hit by the typhoon and the death of my brother, who is the hope of the whole family, are always hit relentlessly. If I choose to live, I will always live. When the daughter-in-law becomes a grandmother, the whole life will pass like this. The living people are great.


In addition, many scenes in this film are handled beautifully. This kind of beauty not only brings great sensory enjoyment to the audience, but also reflects the director's romantic feelings. It is said that this film is an autobiographical film, so we can also see the director's open-minded attitude from this approach. In this way, the theme of this film can be summarized as follows: Despair and hardship are all a poem after the process.

岁月神偷观后感 篇4


"Time Thieves" is a film I have always wanted to see. But to be ashamed, I am not because of the actors, nor only because of the drama, but also because of a song of the same name called "Time Thieves". I thought the song was an episode of the film, but after watching the film, I found it was not at all. The song is beautiful, and the film is also beautiful.


The film tells the story of an ordinary family of four in Shamshuipo, Hong Kong, from 1967 to 1977. After experiencing the taste of life, a couple at the bottom of the society realized that only the changes of time are the real thieves. As the saying goes, in a changing life, time is the biggest thief.


The film is a work of feelings after the end of the golden age of Hong Kong film, and also a literary film full of nostalgia. The film like yellow color switch tells the audience a more delicate story. In the spring of 2010, Hong Kong civilian films made a lot of noise, bringing mainland fans into the market life of ordinary people in Hong Kong.


At the beginning, the film is very romantic and artistic. The little son of the Luo family steals a turtle and a fish tank from the fish market. The turtle is put in his pants pocket and an empty fish tank is put on his head. The camera moves in the old alley of Hong Kong from the perspective of a child. The world outside the fish tank is somewhat distorted, but it is very real and full of life. After returning home, the father, who was busy making shoes but was silent, often asked him what he had taught in school. The child answered in Chinese and English. The father then asked what they had taught in both Chinese and English. The child's answer was still in Chinese and English, which showed the child's unique naughty and cute.


Luo Jin'er, the youngest son of the Luo family, is not a pleasant child in some ways. Because he is the youngest in the family, his parents and brothers dote on him, and have developed some bad temper, such as stealing things at will, being coy and crying, being selfish and greedy, which forms a sharp contrast with his brother who has been excellent in character and learning since childhood. But I can't hate such a child. Maybe there are many reasons for the love and emotion that are described in the film around his perspective.


The life of the civilian class has never been smooth, which is also a true portrayal of the four Luojia people living in Yongli Street. A small shop with poor business but barely enough to make a living will be oppressed by both black and white. Typhoon will invade at any time and bring disaster. Life will also be threatened by disease


Hong Kong films have always done a better job in reflecting the social realities of Hong Kong. As the progress unfolded, the difficult living conditions of the four Luo family members were exposed to the audience. After a fierce typhoon, Luo Jinyi, the eldest son of the Luo family, fell ill with leukemia and was unable to go to Beijing for treatment. The business of the Luo family shoe stall was getting worse and worse.


Fortunately, the four members of the Luo family were not defeated by bad luck. They played the optimistic and confident spirit of the Hong Kong people and faced difficulties together. The younger brother has grown up a lot since his brother fell ill. The Luo family's parents and husband have a better relationship and are supporting their progress together. Although the film did not arrange a perfect ending for my brother and let him die, many healthy and positive things about my brother have been continued.


When Grandma Luo was about to die, she told her younger brother to throw his beloved things into the sea of bitterness so that he could see the loved ones he wanted to see. After her brother died, her younger brother threw all the things he stole into the sea of bitterness. This is a very real and touching little detail in the film.


In addition, there are many places in the film that attract tears. After his brother got sick and was hospitalized, his father found what he had stolen. Luo's father beat him angrily and hit him hard. Later, Luo's father often asked him what he had taught in school when he applied medicine to his younger brother. He spoke Chinese and English. Luo's father then asked him what he had taught in both Chinese and English. The younger brother recited all the contents of the class, which was totally different from the past perfunctory answers. Luo's hands on applying medicine were also different from those on shoes that were always made without external influence. After listening to his younger brother's words, he stayed where he was for a long time. I think this is a big touch for the viewers.


After his brother died, Luo Fu transplanted a small azalea tree full of flowers with his bare hands and planted it beside his brother's tombstone. He taught his mother and younger brother that they should have a top in life. It is easy for the audience to think of a sentence Rom often said: One step is hard and one step is good. These small details show that the Luo family's parents are tolerant, strong and loving their children.


On the whole, the movie "Time Thieves" is a moving film with literary and artistic feelings, which is deeply touched by the delicate warmth. There are innumerable warm details and sentimental plots, which can touch the softest string in the hearts of the audience. It is so touching that it can be seen as the chicken soup given to them by Hong Kong people.

岁月神偷观后感 篇5


"The Time Thieves" has been nominated for many awards at the Hong Kong Film Awards this year. Ren Dahua, Wu Junru, Li Zhiting and Zhong Shaotu, the family members in the drama, have all been shortlisted. Wu Junru was nominated for "Best Actress", Li Zhiting and Zhong Shaotu were nominated for "Best New Actor", while Ren Dahua competed for "Best Actor" by virtue of the film and the film "Night and Fog around Tianshui Wai".


The Thieves of Time moved Hong Kong and "saved a street" (Yongli Street, the shooting place, became a tourist attraction after its release and was retained by the government's personality). In the mainland, many audiences believed that "this is the best Hong Kong film in recent years". However, this time, "Time Thieves" only had 6 nominations, and it was not shortlisted for the best film and best director awards, which puzzled the audience. Some audiences even think that "Fortress Besieged in October" won the best film because "Thanks to" "Time Thieves" was not shortlisted.


The theme of the film is about life and life. As Wu Junru said in the film, "one side is difficult, one side is good", "people should have faith when they live". Although the years can mercilessly steal some important things in our life, they can not take away our most important, that is, faith, the belief of living, and the belief of yearning for a perfect life in the future. At the beginning of the film, he also used his brother's hand to symbolically describe the stealing behavior of time to our life. Without knowing it, we may lose something important to us. However, youth can pass away, face can grow old, family members will eventually leave, and friends will also disperse, but the perfect yearning for life that we rely on under the warm emotion will never change. As the two rainbows mentioned in the film and the English name of the film show, the rainbow is just like a perfect yearning for the future. Whether you have seen it before or not, you understand its existence, and it is beautiful, which is enough. The appearance of two rainbows at the end of the film also gave our audience a faint smile.


The performance of Wu Junru and Ren Dahua is natural. The aging of the two people's faces is marked by their charm. The natural performance has also become a key factor to impress people. And the outstanding performance of Zhong Shaotu, the actor of the little boy who is very eager to play, is even more amazing. Of course, the performance of a veteran who is willing to be a green leaf is also very wonderful, which has played an important role in the success of this film.


Some people compare this film with Sweet Honey, the peak of literary and artistic films in the 1990s. Although this film may not have reached such a high level, it should be able to be a benchmark of this type of film in the past decade. Zhang Wanting's supervision also makes the film show her style everywhere. The warm and elegant tenderness, simple and humorous dialogue, and beautiful and lovely pictures all give people a feeling of deja vu but not bored.


The post-90s said, "The film shows the cruelty of reality, people's helplessness and expectations." The post-80s generation said, "I saw my father in The Age Thieves." Compared with these exclamations, the post-70s generation is more about the realization of life: "There is a feeling called home that ripples in the film, pointing directly to the people's hearts." People born in the fifties and sixties did not stop sighing: "If life is not so difficult, it may be able to save a lot."


There are many films that are very touching, but there are not many such warm and touching films in Chinese films. After watching many films, I found that in the final analysis, it is Chinese movies that attract and impress me most. Perhaps this is also a kind of local complex.


In fact, a moving film is, in the final analysis, a success in the word "love". From the smile of father and mother, and from the red leather shoes that father made for mother, we can feel their mutual affection, which seems to be plain but deep; From the scene of parents taking their children to see the film, from the anxiety of parents running around after their son's illness and the grief after their son's death, each of us felt the truth of the poor parents' hearts; At dinner time, the neighbors came to have dinner. During the family talk, we felt that they helped each other and had a harmonious relationship. Of course, we can't forget the natural affection between the two brothers and the beauty of the first love between the brother and his girlfriend, which bring together the feelings of this film and become the source of the audience's heart.


At the end of the film, my brother said that my brother is not a liar, so who is the liar? I think every audience has already got the answer.


The Time Thief is one of the rare outstanding works in Chinese. It can only be said that Time is just a stupid thief. It can't steal the most valuable thing in the world - emotion. This is the development of Hong Kong. It is a collection of the struggles and dreams of all Hong Kong people. Although the old Hong Kong is no longer where it used to be. Suddenly, looking back on the years like a naughty child who stole relatives, lovers and memories, there are some things that should be remembered for a lifetime in order not to forget.


The Hong Kong Dream is a rainbow like dream.