
时间:2022-11-02 12:54:42 | 来源:语文通


欢度国庆 篇1欢度国庆作文 篇2欢度国庆作文 篇3欢度国庆作文 篇4欢度国庆作文 篇5欢度国庆作文 篇6欢度国庆作文 篇7

欢度国庆 篇1


We were born under the red flag and grew up in the spring breeze. All our eyes were on China. Five stars shine, all for trust, clear love, only for China!


October 1st is a special day. It is the birthday of our motherland. In the coming grand festival, we can't help but feel happy and look forward to its early arrival.


In the beautiful campus, students happily absorbed the rich knowledge given by teachers. The catchy sound of reading came out in bursts, and the melodious singing in the classroom filled the campus. Teachers and students became friends and talked about learning together. Look, the vigorous posture on the playground is that students are exercising. We study happily on campus. There is no war, no pain, and no sadness. Who created the beautiful conditions for us? Is our lovely motherland mother.


The white clouds are lingering, and the blue sky is still there. The sun shines on the lovely earth, interwoven with joy, and shines a stronger light. Why is the sunlight so dazzling on this day? It turned out that this was a greeting to the National Day and a smile to the motherland. Although it is autumn, at this time, the ground still has the fragrance of beautiful flowers. Who has experienced hardships and created beautiful conditions for us? Is our lovely motherland mother.


On October 1st, on this special day, the past sorrow and the present laughter intertwined in our hearts, arousing our passion. I don't know what language can express the strong happiness in my heart, because I know that it is not just words, but here I want to sing our grand national anthem loudly to express my happiness for my mother's birthday. "The five-star red flag is flying in the wind, how loud the victory song is...".


As teenagers in the new era, we are the hope and backbone of the future of the Chinese nation. We are full of nostalgia for our motherland, which has a long history and a long future. It is a time of great prosperity. Young people in the new era are bathed in the spring breeze of the new era. We should move forward in the direction guided by the red flag. We should work hard to create good results and open the future with hard work.


Here, I sincerely wish our motherland will always be prosperous!

欢度国庆作文 篇2


When it comes to celebrating the National Day, how is it?


National Day is coming! National Day is coming! Get up quickly! Mom wakes us up here early in the morning. I think it's nothing special! So he went to sleep again. Mom said again, "Today is the National Day, the family will go to the amusement park to play!" As soon as I heard that, I jumped out of bed, changed my clothes, washed, and my mother was making the following note. Our family left after eating. After a while, we arrived. My sister and I rushed in cheerfully, Mom and Dad went behind and said: "Slow down! Slow down! We don't care about it at all. Soon, a step knocked my sister down. My sister sat on the ground crying, and we ran to comfort her. My parents also criticized me severely. I walked into the playground in mourning. My good mood in the early morning was destroyed. However, as soon as I walked into the playground, the amusement project completely attracted me, and that unhappy thing has been thrown out of the sky 。


The first project we played was Jumping Mouse, because it was too childish for me to play. Mom said she must play. Our father and son agreed. I think no matter how old, we should have a childlike innocence. I watched it jump up and down, and my sister said, "You want to play, hahaha! I said," No! "


Then we played the second project, the name will make you startled. This time, I played with my father, two men. I said to my sister and mother, "How about not playing?" They said, "This kind of project is for you to play, and girls don't play this thrilling project!" My father and I sat in the first row, and the car started faster and faster, faster and faster, running like a rocket. After the car stopped, we didn't get over it. My sister and my mother smiled and said, "You two have beautiful hair styles!!!"


Finally, we played a lot of projects. Lie such as: the merry go round, the roller coaster... Yes, we saw the genius in the afternoon. We knew it was very late and went home.


Now we know how our family celebrated the National Day! One by one, I went to the amusement park for a whole day.

欢度国庆作文 篇3


On the National Day holiday, I went to Yuanjia Village, Qujiang Park and my strong brother's home. I like Echo Valley in Qujiang Park best.


On October 3, my brother and I went to Qujiang Park to play. The two of us played with large toys, including slides, drums and secret bases... We had a lot of fun. We also met a new 5-year-old friend in the park, and we arranged in order. Brother boss, my second and new friend third. Before, my new friend was playing on the slide behind me. He kicked me because of the crowd. Then he said "I'm sorry" to me and I forgave him. We became good friends. We also played Echo Valley together. Standing in the center of Echo Valley, we shouted "Strong Brother", and there were many echoes of "Strong Brother". He soon found me. It was very interesting. I like the voice of Echo Valley very much. We had a wonderful National Day holiday together.

欢度国庆作文 篇4

今天是国庆节,我怀着愉快的心情来到了深圳南山最主要的一条干道:"南海大道",当 我看到一面面鲜艳的五星红旗迎风飘扬, 节日的气氛更浓了、一下爱国的情感由然而生!

Today is the National Day. I came to the most important trunk road in Nanshan, Shenzhen with a happy mood: "Nanhai Avenue". When I saw a bright five-star red flag flying in the wind, the festival atmosphere became more intense, and patriotic feelings came from it!

道路两旁花坛里的花儿更红了,小草更绿了,花坛穿上了一件件新衣服是那么好看呀! 道路两旁还有许多高楼大厦呢!

The flowers in the flower beds on both sides of the road are redder, the grass is greener, and the flower beds are so beautiful with new clothes on! There are many tall buildings on both sides of the road!


As I walked, I saw every high-rise building decorated with lanterns, which felt so auspicious!


There is a pedestrian overpass on Nanshan Avenue. People come and go on the bridge, and vehicles come and go under the bridge, There are two kinds of elevators: "One is the elevator, the other is the escalator, which is very easy to use. It is very beautiful, especially the lace. What makes this footbridge unique is that it has an elevator. So this bridge is not only the best footbridge in Shenzhen, but also the best footbridge in Asia!


How beautiful Nanhai Avenue is! I like Nanhai Avenue!

欢度国庆作文 篇5


Did you have a happy National Day this year? Do you know how I live? Then listen to me.


I remember that after I finished my homework that day, I pestered my father to accompany me to the city square to skate. My father, a computer fan, was so obsessed with me that he had to drive me.


Just as I was walking slowly like an idle person, the scheming father shouted, "Niuniu, it's good to skate. It's better to hurry up!" As soon as I heard this, I was very proud and accelerated my speed a lot. However, my balance ability decreased a lot and I fell a dog. Dad was secretly happy when he saw that the plot was successful, but he thought that I would not let him go, so he thought that I would escape this checkpoint in the name of buying drinks.


When I bought the drink, he stuck the cold drink on my face when I wasn't paying attention, which made me jump.


In the evening, my father said he would go back, but I refused to go back. I began to act coquetry, but ended up in failure.


In this way, I spent the first day of National Day

欢度国庆作文 篇6


"Motherland, motherland, we love you..." The day before yesterday was the 67th anniversary of the founding of New China. Our country likes this day very much and decides to name it National Day.


Do you know how long the last war lasted before the founding of New China? If you don't know, I will tell you that the war lasted for more than 140 days! (Day and night) You can imagine this scene. At that time, perhaps just one day later, more than 50 blood soldiers would be sacrificed. Did the soldiers who died on the battlefield complain about the unfairness of the world! But they do not, instead, they will fight with the world to the end and never shrink back! I intend to exchange my blood for China's peace!


This is our China, a great China! I love China. I want to learn from the uncles of the Eighth Route Army!

欢度国庆作文 篇7


Today is our mother's birthday. The streets and squares are full of joy. Every National Day, my family has an essential program - watching the National Day program on CCTV. Today, when I turned on the TV, it was the flag raising ceremony. When I saw the bright five-star red flag rising in Tiananmen Square against the red sun, I felt very proud.


Next, state leaders laid a wreath at the Monument to the People's Heroes. The uncle of the People's Liberation Army carried the flower basket solemnly and walked towards the monument step by step. The huge flower basket was as stable as Mount Tai in their hands. The flowers in the basket are colorful and colorful, just like the children of the mother of the motherland - 56 ethnic groups united together. All the staff were solemn and solemn. They bowed their heads to pay tribute to the people's heroes who had been sleeping underground. I also bowed my head in silence. At this time, I can't help thinking of countless revolutionary martyrs who shed their blood for the founding of New China and for the people to live a good life. Without them, there would be no happy life for us.


Seeing this, I vowed in my heart: I must study hard, build the motherland when I grow up, and make the motherland more beautiful and prosperous.