
时间:2022-10-24 12:51:55 | 来源:语文通



我与公司共成长演讲稿 篇1我与公司共成长演讲稿 篇2我与公司共成长演讲稿 篇3我与公司共成长演讲稿 篇4

我与公司共成长演讲稿 篇1


Distinguished leaders, guests and colleagues


Good evening,everyone!


Through the autumn of harvest, the cold winter and the spring of hope, we finally usher in the summer of expectation. We have waited for many years for this day


In the hot summer of XXXX, I entered XX China Railway Steel Structure Co., Ltd. and became one of them. The transformation from student to worker is always a painful process, and I deeply feel it. The strangeness of the new city, the recognition of the new culture, the sense of belonging to the enterprise... I was fighting with my own thoughts every day in those days when I first came here.


Day by day, along the way, moved and grateful.


In the workshop of the Manufacturing Department of XX China Railway Steel Structure Co., Ltd., I started my career. Sweating like rain is the fruit of summer labor; After talking and laughing with the workers, I learned about another life experience. Seeing the smiling faces of the workers, I finally realized that labor can be so confident and glorious. Every silent night, when I lie in bed, the scenes that moved me in my work are repeated in my memory like thick and colorful oil paintings. The arc light reflects the simple faces, which is the color of labor; Strong hands tell stories of entrepreneurship; The flying sparks are emitting eternal enthusiasm, which I think is the proof of steel. Indeed, for most employees of the enterprise, they are unknown ordinary people. They have no amazing achievements and dazzling aura. They may not be good at talking or bragging at ordinary times. They never think they can make outstanding contributions. They go to and work on time, abide by rules and disciplines, and work hard. They are very ordinary and also very ordinary. But it is in these ordinary employees that I feel a persistent pursuit of dedication and dedication. In the final analysis, the stability, development and growth of the enterprise depend on these people, who are the real mainstay of the enterprise. When the responsibilities on the shoulders of these ordinary people come together, they will integrate the responsibilities of the entire enterprise, making the development of the enterprise smooth and stable. Moved at the bottom of the enterprise pyramid, moved in reality, moved in labor, moved in XX Zhongtie Steel Structure.


As for gratitude, I think first of all, the company has provided me with the opportunity to work and a good platform for growth. So that I can continue to learn, exercise and grow in my work. I majored in computer science. Although I had a professional background in engineering, when I went to the workshop, I found there was a gap between what I learned and what the company needed. The understanding of steel structure has become clear from obscurity with the passing day by day of probation in the workshop. The components of process cards are assembled into columns and beams. The whole process is just like building blocks in childhood. In XX, it is only one step away from the idea of steel structure to reality. The experience of the whole process is really a wonderful thing. During my internship, I would also like to thank my mentor Zhang Qingfa, the chief engineer of the Manufacturing Department, for giving me many good suggestions on work. In addition, when I was a trainee in the workshop, I learned a lot of things that I had never felt in school. Every time the workers paid attention to me, they gave me great encouragement. The enterprise is like a big family, and every employee in the enterprise is like my parents, elders, brothers and sisters. The hard work and dedication of leaders at all levels of the company and the manufacturing department set a good example for me and unconsciously cultivated my sense of responsibility.


Everyone in the enterprise is a member of this big family. We are state-owned enterprises, and we are the owners of this big family. The enterprise is our work and our cause. Although each person has different positions, posts, types of work, and abilities, I think it is the best reward for our family as long as we spare no effort to dedicate our wisdom and strength, try to help others and fulfill our responsibilities for the enterprise on the basis of doing our job well.


As far as I am concerned, since I joined this enterprise, I have regarded this big family as the basis for my survival and my job. Only when there is rice in the big pot can my bowl be full; If there is water in big rivers, small canals will not dry up; Only when the enterprise is prosperous can employees benefit. In order that we can have a lasting and good work, and a better tomorrow, we should strive to dedicate our every share of light and heat. As far as XX China Railway Steel Structure Co., Ltd. is concerned, it is also very young. Our enterprise has made great achievements, but we have some problems and also face great challenges. Our enterprise is also a child and a novice, which also needs time and the process of growth. Our personal growth is synchronized with the growth of the enterprise. We need the enterprise to provide us with a stage for growth. The enterprise also needs our wisdom and cooperation to make our enterprise an evergreen tree in the field of steel structure. In order to adapt, grow and contribute to the company as soon as possible, I consider the following aspects.


First of all, love your job. Our enterprise is composed of several different posts, which are an organic combination. If a problem or problem occurs in any link, it will affect the work in a small way and cause losses to the enterprise in a large way. Employees are an integral part of the combination. Only when each of our employees creates his or her own position into an excellent one, can our whole company be excellent and our enterprise be excellent. After getting familiar with some work stations in the workshop of the company's manufacturing department, I realized that "a single tree does not make a forest". No matter how strong his ability is, he cannot complete the platform canopy without columns at Beijing Railway Station, Shanghai South Railway Station and Yantai Dalian Ferry alone. Only when everyone cherishes his/her own position, does his/her own work well and loves his/her own position, can the company form a huge joint force and achieve sustainable and healthy development.


Secondly, I want to make the company my home. We are all members of our family. We are responsible for our work, our own livelihood and our own future. Only by taking care of the large family of enterprises can our small family be happy. Like our new employees who have just joined the work force, they strive to cultivate their sense of ownership in their work, do more work, learn more experience, constantly summarize, be diligent in thinking, and constantly innovate to connect their destiny with the enterprise. Their efforts become a cornerstone of the company's progress, and naturally increase their sense of identity with the enterprise and the company's culture.


Finally, the employees and the enterprise jointly create a harmonious working environment. A good social environment will create a new relationship between the enterprise and its employees. A good working environment and a healthy team cooperation atmosphere not only make us happy physically and mentally, but also greatly improve our work enthusiasm and efficiency. With one heart and one mind as the goal, we will build a fighting collective where unity is strength between leaders and employees, superiors and subordinates, and neighbors. At present, the company has a lot of projects under construction, and many jobs need to be done by outsiders in the company's manufacturing department. The personnel are in a mess, which puts forward new requirements for each of us. We should not only work together within the company to create a good internal environment; We should also build a good relationship with outsourcing teams from outside so that both parties can communicate well and achieve win-win results.


Although sometimes our leaders are a little strict with us, even though our enterprises are not satisfactory because we are young. But it provides us with the soil for survival, work and study. We should do our little for its peace, harmony, order and development, because we are one of them. The enterprise is our home. Only by working with one heart and one mind, striving hard and working together, can we create a bright future for our enterprise.

我与公司共成长演讲稿 篇2


Distinguished leaders, guests and colleagues


hello everyone!


My motherland and I cannot be separated for a moment; Wherever I go, a hymn flows out!


hello everyone!我是来自省新业公司的潘俊瑾,怀揣着我的中国梦与大家一同分享。


A man is mortal, or lighter than a feather, or heavier than Mount Tai. It's a joke that I talk about life and death with you when I'm young. In fact, when my relatives left me, I began to think about the philosophy of life, facing death, as if we had never existed. I was especially afraid that I would die quietly. So when I was young, the teacher asked me what your ideal was. I said that my ideal was immortal. At that time, I felt that the meaning of life was to become the most successful and influential person, Do earth shaking events.


I was very cruel to myself and forced myself to work hard. At that time, when I couldn't get up in the winter morning, I put a basin of water and a towel beside the bed. When I woke up the next day, I slapped the ice towel on my face and immediately got up to study. But I didn't stick to it until now. Why? Because of the long-term anti human intensity, I gradually feel tired, lonely and unhappy. For example, fish are cold and warm when drinking water. We don't live for others to see, but we live for ourselves. It's too sad that we use other people's praise and memory to highlight the poor sense of existence. However, time keeps running toward the end. What we need to do is not to waste life. Take my current position as an example. I have worked for nearly 10 years, and there are two words that can best express my deep feelings as an ordinary member of the company.


First word: busy. Before entering the new company, I was full of mystery about the enterprise work. Before having lunch in the canteen at noon, the deepest impression is that the staff of other units have returned from the canteen after lunch. At this time, it is always possible to see the comrades of Xinye Company coming out of the elevator to have dinner in the canteen. Three "classes" are often used to explain to friends why there is usually no time to get together, that is, "work, work and overtime". The time for work is advanced. After coming to the company, they basically arrive at the class a few minutes in advance to sort out the work content of the day, arrange the work at hand, plan the progress and improve the work efficiency. The work standard should be practical and detailed. No matter the punctuation marks, font format and paragraph spacing of materials, or the number of tables, or the time of meeting notice, there should be no mistakes in any item. The time to leave work is delayed. Sometimes I miss the days when I was a student. Things are relatively simple, mainly about learning. It is relatively easy. In the company, the time to get off work is after six o'clock. The best situation is to get off work on time. Compared with the company, it can be said that our company does not need attendance, and everyone will consciously abide by it. Overtime is normal. It is normal to work extra hours in the evening. There are many things on hand. Try to deal with one thing as much as possible so as to deal with other things. Sometimes we need to work overtime on weekends, usually between 5:30 and 6:00 on Friday afternoon. For example, we must carefully prepare for reporting materials on the morning of next Monday and for leaders to come to investigate or supervise next week. In addition, if there are urgent tasks at night, the phone can not be muted at night and must be on call at any time. I feel that I have less time to spend with the children's family, and the family members will also complain. People say "5+2" and "white+black", and they sincerely praise and agree.


Second word: write. Writing is a required course for me, and a large part of the work content is to face the materials. In the past few days, I have been in the administrative department. I feel that the writing materials have greatly improved compared with the previous ones. Although I am still a "novice" in the writing group, I have generally mastered some characteristics of official documents. Now, small materials can basically cope. General dynamic information, various summaries and research reports can be handled freely with sufficient time. Party affairs materials, titles and secondary titles are more important. There should be a hierarchy and a basic logic point in writing. It is also necessary to match them neatly. However, I feel that sometimes it is not good to be too neat, lacking the flexibility of poetry and prose. Get started with big materials. Half year work summary, annual work summary, leader's speech, implementation plan and other large materials have always been learned and written with a heart of trepidation. Personal experience can be as confident as prose, but these materials must be rigorous and upright. In the sense of big materials, we must first figure out a good framework, clear up ideas and outlines, and put the spirit of the superior and the specific requirements of the leadership into it when writing. Hard materials are indeed a worry. They have not been cultivated well in recent years, which is also a lesson that must be learned now and in the future. For me, it is an expectation that materials can be put on the provincial platform, the SASAC platform is an extravagant hope, and the company platform is an expectation. I deeply recall my green years in the enterprise. I have grown a lot and gained a lot, laying a solid foundation for my future life growth. In the future, I will continue to work hard, shoulder responsibilities, and continue to honor.


To say so is not to pour bitterness and talk about hard work to everyone, but to say that I am happy in the final analysis, because busyness proves my existence. I think happiness is not only a simple matter of having fun as soon as possible. A life of aimless and free will will only increase our sense of nihility, and will not reduce our fear of death at all. We should not give up pursuit and sit down to enjoy because of the impermanence of life, On the contrary, we need a pursuit to help us reduce our fear of this impermanence. It is just this pursuit. He is not simply a slave to his desire.


Dear friends and leaders, I don't know whether you agree with me or not. How can people exist? But I think each of us should make the most adequate preparation for death. My life will not regret for doing nothing. Because I am proud, I am proud, and I contribute to the company. That is the meaning of my existence. And you?


This is the end of my speech. Thank you!

我与公司共成长演讲稿 篇3








我与公司共成长演讲稿 篇4


Dear leaders, colleagues and judges


Good afternoon, everyone. How vast is the talk of wind and rain, and growth is not a question of return! Today, the topic of my speech is "Multiple Refinements to Prove the Square.".


Day after day, facing the rising sun, we walked into our respective lattice shops, a cup of tea, a cup of coffee, a warm good morning, and began the day's work; Day after day, we put down the pen in our hands, closed the hot computer, said "hard work, see you tomorrow", removed the tiredness of the day, packed the hope of tomorrow, and went home happily... It's a cycle in the dull, and it's a cycle in the cycle of interpretation of ordinary, whether we will say, it's good to feel someone working together! Day after day, year after year, Jinqiao has become a home, a kind of ownership and a sustenance. Standing on the three feet rostrum, looking back, we are writing a story with Jinqiao. In the story, there is a kind of growth called endless life, and there is a kind of gratitude called destiny connected


A year ago, when I lost touch with Peking University graduate students and was at the lowest point of my life, it was Jinqiao who took me in. I entered this home with hope and gratitude. With a bit of scholar spirit and a rebellious stubbornness, I tried to integrate my ideal into reality and turn my life learning into work. From the Human Resources Department to the Statistics and Information Department, from the self-made Golden Bridge magazine to the fragmented one-stop database, from the cultural thinking of the wild to the rigorous and meticulous data thinking, along the way, there have been mistakes, achievements, bitterness, and relief. Thank you for guiding me along the way of my growth, and the teachers and seniors who urged me, who are strict and loving, The meticulous and generous teaching made me think deeply and precipitate my mind; Thank you for accompanying me in the wind and rain. My friends and brothers and sisters who cheer me on are your caring companions, and the most trusted eyes in my difficult times tell me that when the mountains are heavy and the waters are flowing again, will there be a long way to go!


Perhaps I am only a small part of this big family, but every time I rise and set, I am willing to use my sincerity to exchange for a golden bridge in its prime of life. I am willing to use my little sweat to draw a concentric circle between me and Golden Bridge! How many times have we been arguing about the design of a set of systems, cheering and celebrating the growth of business data, and making suggestions for the risks we see in the data... Our work is a picture of the growth of Jinqiao, remembering every step of Jinqiao, We are happy for Jinqiao and worried about Jinqiao's worries. After six years of hard work, we have tried our best to prove our integrity. When we see that the one-stop database in our hands is constantly improving, when we see a complete set of statistical reports and data analysis reports on paper, and when we see that the guarantee business evaluation index system is ready to come out, all this brings us joy, expectation, and even a profound thought about what I can do for this family, Thinking about how I will search up and down when the road is long


One year and five months in Jinqiao, I saw how many people came and returned, bustling, but I would like to spread my sincerity here, do my best to learn, contribute to the second take-off of Jinqiao, escort Jinqiao for the second five years, and grow with Jinqiao! I love Jinqiao because the cause I love is here. I love Jinqiao because the people I love are here. I love Jinqiao because the days I love are here every day! We are lucky to meet each other in this life. Let's cherish the encounter, let's be grateful for growth, let's build a home hand in hand, let's work side by side, and achieve a bumpy but vigorous hope! thank you!